Table 28 SITE SPECIFIC CRITERIA BASIN/DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY / TOWN SITE SPECIFIC & WATERBODY OR RIVER MILE1 CRITERIA BLACKSTONE RIVER BASIN Auburn Pond Auburn Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Blackstone River 45.2 to 20.0 (state line) Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L Brierly Pond Millbury Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Curtis Pond North Worcester Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Curtis Pond South Worcester Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Dorothy Pond Millbury Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Eddy Pond Auburn Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Flint Pond Grafton, Worcester, Total Phosphorus 0.012 mg/L Shrewsbury Green Hill Pond Worcester Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Howe Reservoir Millbury Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Indian Lake Worcester Total Phosphorus 0.027 mg/L Jordan Pond Shrewsbury Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Lake Quinsigamond Worcester, Shrewsbury Total Phosphorus 0.012 mg/L Leesville Pond Auburn, Worcester Total Phosphorus 0.040 mg/L Mill Pond Shrewsbury Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Mumford River 9.0 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Blackstone River) Newton Pond Shrewsbury Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Pondville Pond Auburn Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Salisbury Pond Worcester Total Phosphorus 0.0455 mg/L Shirley Pond Shrewsbury Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Smiths Pond Leicester Total Phosphorus 0.020 mg/L Southwick Pond Leicester Total Phosphorus 0.010 mg/L Stoneville Pond Auburn Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Unnamed tributary to West River Upton Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L 0.2 to 0.0 West River 8.8. to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Blackstone River) BUZZARDS BAY DRAINAGE AREA Unnamed Brook 0.75 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Aucoot Cove) CAPE COD DRAINAGE AREA Stage Harbor System Little Mill Pond Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Mill Pond Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Mitchell River Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Oyster Pond Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Oyster River Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Stage Harbor Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L A River Mile is a linear measurement that begins at the mouth of the river (River Mile zero) and increases in an upstream direction along its path. Sulphur Springs System Bucks Creek Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Cockle Cove Creek Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Sulphur Springs Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Taylors Pond System Mill Creek Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Taylors Pond Chatham Nitrogen 0.38 mg/L Bassing Harbor System Bassing Harbor Chatham Nitrogen 0.527-0.552 mg/L* Crows Pond Chatham Nitrogen 0.527-0.552 mg/L* Frost Fish Creek Chatham Nitrogen 0.527-0.552 mg/L* Ryder Cove Chatham Nitrogen 0.527-0.552 mg/L* *The nitrogen criteria for the Bassing Harbor System are interim criteria unless, based on its assessment of Pleasant Bay, the Department determines that the nitrogen criteria for the Bassing Harbor System should remain in effect. Muddy Creek System Lower Muddy Creek Chatham Nitrogen 0.552 mg/L Upper Muddy Creek Chatham Nitrogen 0.552 mg/L CHARLES RIVER BASIN Charles River 73.4 to 9.8 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (new Charles River dam) Unamed Tributary 1.5 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L to Stop River Stop River 4.4 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Charles River) Unnamed tributary to Charles River Weston Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L 0.3 to 0.0 CHICOPEE RIVER BASIN Browning Pond Oakham Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Dunn Brook 3.7 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Quaboag River) Long Pond Springfield Total Phosphorus 0.030 mg/L Minechoag Pond Ludlow Total Phosphorus 0.030 mg/L Mona Lake Springfield Total Phosphorus 0.030 mg/L Spectacle Pond Wilbraham Total Phosphorus 0.020 mg/L Sugden Reservoir Spencer Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Wickaboag Pond West Brookfield Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN Aldrich Lake East Granby Total Phosphorus 0.030 mg/L Aldrich Lake West Granby Total Phosphorus 0.030 mg/L Bachelor Brook 12.4 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Connecticut River) Lake Warner Hadley Total Phosphorus 0.030 mg/L Lake Wyola Shutesbury Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Leverett Pond Leverett Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Loon Pond Springfield Total Phosphorus 0.030 mg/L FRENCH RIVER BASIN Buffumville Lake Charlton Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Cedar Meadow Pond Leicester Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Dresser Hill Pond Charlton Total Phosphorus 0.035 mg/L Dutton Pond Leicester Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L French River 27.3 to 7.0 (state line) Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L Gore Pond Charlton, Dudley Total Phosphorus 0.014 mg/L Granite Reservoir Charlton Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Greenville Pond Leicester Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Hudson Pond Oxford Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Jones Pond Charlton, Spencer Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Larner Pond Dudley Total Phosphorus 0.014 mg/L Lowes Pond Oxford Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L McKinstry Pond Oxford Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L New Pond Dudley Total Phosphorus 0.014 mg/L Peter Pond Dudley Total Phosphorus 0.010 mg/L Pikes Pond Charlton Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Robinson Pond Oxford Total Phosphorus 0.012 mg/L Rochdale Pond Leicester Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Shepherd Pond Dudley Total Phosphorus 0.014 mg/L Texas Pond Oxford Total Phosphorus 0.025 mg/L Tobins (Mosquito) Pond Dudley Total Phosphorus 0.014 mg/L Wallis Pond Dudley Total Phosphorus 0.014 mg/L HUDSON RIVER BASIN South Branch 15.4 to 10.3 (state line) Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with North Branch) HOUSATONIC RIVER BASIN Housatonic River 50.9 to 0.0 (state line) Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L IPSWICH RIVER BASIN Greenwood Creek 0.7 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Ipswich River) MILLERS RIVER BASIN Beaver Flowage Pond Royalston Total Phosphorus 0.0125 mg/L Bents Pond Gardner Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Bourne-Hadley Pond Templeton Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Brazell Pond Templeton Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Cowee Pond Gardner Total Phosphorus 0.0127 mg/L Davenport Pond Petersham, Athol Total Phosphorus 0.0127 mg/L Depot Pond Templeton Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Ellis Pond Athol Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Greenwood Pond Templeton Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Greenwood Pond Westminster Total Phosphorus 0.0139 mg/L Hilchey Pond Gardner Total Phosphorus 0.019 mg/L Lake Denison Winchendon Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Lake Monomonac Winchendon Total Phosphorus 0.0133 mg/L Lower Naukeag Lake Ashburnham Total Phosphorus 0.0145 mg/L Millers River 38.5 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Connecticut River) Minott Pond Westminster Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Minott Pond South Westminster Total Phosphorus 0.011 mg/L Otter River 9.5 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L Parker Pond Gardner Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Ramsdall Pond Gardner Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Reservoir No. 1 Athol Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Reservoir No. 2 Phillipston, Athol Total Phosphorus 0.0051 mg/L Riceville Pond Petersham, Athol Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L South Athol Pond Athol Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Stoddard Pond Winchendon Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Wallace Pond Ashburnham Total Phosphorus 0.0137 mg/L Ward Pond Athol Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Whites Mill Pond Winchendon Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Whitney Pond Winchendon Total Phosphorus 0.015 mg/L Wrights Reservoir Gardner, Westminster Total Phosphorus 0.0135 mg/L NASHUA RIVER BASIN Bare Hill Pond Harvard Total Phosphorus 0.030 mg/L North Branch, 36.5 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L Nashua River (confluence with Nashua River) South Branch, 3.3 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L Squannacook River 3.3 to 0.0 Zinc acute 226.40 ug/L@ hardness 72 mg/L (confluence with Nashua River) chronic 228.25 ug/L @ hardness 72 mg/L Nashua River (confluence with Nashua River) PARKER RIVER BASIN Mill River 2.54 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Parker River) Unnamed tributary To Mill River Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L Byfield (Governor’s Academy WWTF discharge to confluence with Mill River) QUINEBAUG RIVER BASIN Cady Brook 5.1 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Quinebaug River) Quinebaug River 19.7 to 7.9 (state line) Copper acute 25.7 chronic 18.1 μg/L SHAWSHEEN RIVER BASIN Unnamed tributary to Elm Brook Lincoln Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L 0.5 to 0.0 SOUTH COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA French Stream 19.0 to 15.7 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Drinkwater River) SUASCO RIVER BASIN Assabet River 30.4 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Sudbury River) Unnamed tributary to Hop Brook Sudbury Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (Marlborough East WWTF discharge to confluence with Hop Brook) Hop Brook 13.1 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Sudbury River) Spencer Brook 1.8 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Assabet River) Sudbury River 10.6 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Assabet River) Lake Boon Hudson, Stow Total Phosphorus 0.020 mg/L TAUNTON RIVER BASIN Nemasket River 5.5 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Taunton River) Salisbury Plain 2.0 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Taunton River) Sawmill Brook Bridgewater Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L 1.6 to 0.0 Three Mile River 6.0 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Mill River) Town River 2.2 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Taunton River) TEN MILE RIVER BASIN Ten Mile River 14.0 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L WESTFIELD RIVER BASIN Westfield River 10.8 to 0.0 Copper acute 25.7 μg/L chronic 18.1 μg/L (confluence with Connecticut River) The metals criteria listed above are for dissolved copper and dissolved zinc.
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