Jahresinhalt 2012 V2

Jahresinhalt 2012 V2

M! GA MES Jahresinhalt 2012 TOP-THEMA: TITEL HEFT Assassin’s Creed III 10 Attacke der Ego-Shooter 4 Borderlands 2 8 Call of Duty: Black Ops II 6 Dead Space 3 9 Die Zukunft des Spielens 8 DmC: Devil May Cry 12 Dragon’s Dogma 5 E3 2012 7 God of War: Ascension 6 Hack’n’Slay – M! auf Spurensuche 2 Kalter Stahl & warmes Fleisch – Hack’n’Slay 2012 2 Lollipop Chainsaw 3 Max Payne 3 1 PS4 & Xbox 720 – The Next Generation 8 Psychospielchen 11 Remember Me 11 Resident Evil 6 9 Voll auf die 2012!!! 1 Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Spielspaß 8 ZombiU 9 PREVIEW: SPIEL PS3 360 Wii Wii U PSP PSV DS 3DS HEFT 007 Legends x x 7 Aliens: Colonial Marines x x x 4 Animal Crossing 3DS x 10 Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel x x 9 Ascend: New Gods x 8 Assassin’s Creed III x x x 4 Assassin’s Creed III x x x 5 Assassin’s Creed III x x x 8 Assassin’s Creed III x x x 10 Assassin’s Creed III x x x 11 Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation x 7 Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation x 8 Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation x 10 Asura’s Wrath x x 2 Avatar Motocross Madness x 8 Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise x 6 Beyond: Two Souls x 7 BioShock Infinite x x 4 BioShock Infinite x x 5 BioShock Infinite x x 12 BIT.TRIP Saga x 3 Black Knight Sword x x 2 Black Knight Sword x x 8 Blades of Time x x 2 BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend x x x 2 Borderlands 2 x x 4 Borderlands 2 x x 8 Call of Duty: Black Ops II x x x 6 Call of Duty: Black Ops II x x x 9 Call of Duty: Black Ops II x x x 10 Capcom Digital Collection x 3 CastleStorm x 8 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate x 7 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate x 8 Catherine x x 1 Chasing Aurora x 11 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive x x 8 Crysis 3 x x 6 Crysis 3 x x 7 Crysis 3 x x 9 Dance Central 3 x 7 Darksiders II x x x 2 Darksiders II x x x 4 Darksiders II x x x 5 Darksiders II x x x 11 Dead Island Riptide x x 11 Dead or Alive 5 x x 7 Dead or Alive 5 x x 8 Dead Space 3 x x 7 Dead Space 3 x x 9 Deadlight x 8 Deadpool x x 10 Devil May Cry HD Collection x x 1 Devil May Cry HD Collection x x 2 Devil’s Third x x 2 DiRT Showdown x x 2 DiRT Showdown x x 5 Dishonored: Die Maske des Zorns x x 6 Dishonored: Die Maske des Zorns x x 9 DmC: Devil May Cry x x 8 DmC: Devil May Cry x x 2 DmC: Devil May Cry x x 5 DmC: Devil May Cry x x 12 Doom 3: BFG Edition x x 8 Doom 4 4 Dragon Age III: Inquisition x x 12 Dragon Ball Z x 6 Dragon’s Dogma x x 4 Dragon’s Dogma x x 5 Dust: An Elysian Tail x 8 Enemy Front x x 4 Enemy Front x x 8 F1 2012 x x 9 Fable: The Journey x 4 Far Cry 3 x x 3 Far Cry 3 x x 4 Far Cry 3 x x 6 Far Cry 3 x x 10 Far Cry 3 x x 11 FIFA 13 x x x 6 FIFA 13 x x x x x x 7 FIFA 13 x x x x x x x 9 FIFA Street x x 1 FIFA Street x x 2 Final Fantasy Type-0 x 1 Fire Emblem: Awakening x 12 Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2 x x 11 Forza Horizon x 7 Fuse x x 11 Game & Wario x 7 Game of Thrones x x 3 Gears of War: Judgment x 7 Ghost Recon: Future Soldier x x 2 Girl Fight x 8 God of War: Ascension x 6 God of War: Ascension x 7 God of War: Ascension x 12 Grand Theft Auto V x x 10 Grand Theft Auto V x x 12 Gravity Rush x 4 GRID 2 x x 10 Halo 4 x 4 Halo 4 x 6 Halo 4 x 7 Halo 4 x 9 Halo 4 x 11 Heroes of Ruin x 2 Hitman Sniper Challenge x x 6 Hitman: Absolution x x 2 Hitman: Absolution x x 8 Hitman: Absolution x x 9 Hitman: Absolution x x 10 Hitman: Absolution x x 11 Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory x 11 I Am Alive x x 1 Injustice: Götter unter uns x x x 7 Injustice: Götter unter uns x x x 11 Inversion x x 6 Joe Danger 2: The Movie x x 8 Just Dance 4 x x x x 7 Kid Icarus: Uprising x 3 Killzone x 4 Killzone Mercenary x 10 Kingdom Hearts 3D x 5 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning x x 1 Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2013 x x 11 Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes x x x x x x 5 Lego City: Undercover x x 7 Lego Der Herr der Ringe x x x x x x 8 Lego Der Herr der Ringe x x x x x x 10 Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII x x 10 LittleBigPlanet Karting x 5 LittleBigPlanet PS Vita x 9 Lollipop Chainsaw x x 2 Lollipop Chainsaw x x 3 Lollipop Chainsaw x x 4 Lost Planet 3 x x 5 Lost Planet 3 x x 6 Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon x 8 Mario Tennis Open x 4 Mario Tennis Open x 5 Mark of the Ninja x 8 Mass Effect 3 x x x 9 Max Payne 3 x x 1 Max Payne 3 x x 4 Medal of Honor: Warfighter x x 4 Medal of Honor: Warfighter x x 9 Medal of Honor: Warfighter x x 7 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance x x 1 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance x x 2 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance x x 7 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance x x 11 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance x x 12 Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes 10 Metro: Last Light x x 4 Metro: Last Light x x x 7 Micky Epic – Die Macht der 2 x x x x 5 Micky Epic: Macht der Fantasie x 7 Micky Epic: Macht der Fantasie x 11 Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate x x 11 Monster Hunter 4 x 8 Nano Assault Neo x 11 Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 x x 12 NBA 2K13 x x x x x 9 Need for Speed: Most Wanted x x x 7 Need for Speed: Most Wanted x x x 10 NeverDead x x 1 New Little King’s Story x 8 New Super Mario Bros. 2 x 6 New Super Mario Bros. 2 x 7 New Super Mario Bros. U x 7 New Super Mario Bros. U x 11 Ni No Kuni: Der Fluch der weißen Königin x 9 Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch x 2 Nike+ Kinect Training x 7 Ninja Gaiden 3 x x 2 Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge x 11 Nintendo Land x 7 Nintendo Land x 11 Okami HD x 8 Omerta – City of Gangsters x 12 Painkiller: Hell & Damnation x x 12 Paper Mario: Sticker Star x 7 Papo & Yo x 8 Persona 4 Arena x x 9 Persona 4: Golden x 11 Pid x x 8 Pikmin 3 x 7 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale x x 6 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale x x 8 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale x x 11 Pokémon Schwarze & Weiße Edition 2 x 5 Prey 2 x x 4 Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 x x x x x 6 Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 x x x x x 7 Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 x x x x x 9 Project Adventurer x 9 Project P-100 x 7 Project Zero 2: Wii Edition x 6 Prototype 2 x x 3 Puppeteer x 11 Rainbow 6 Patriots x x 4 Rambo x x 9 Raven’s Cry x x 8 Rayman Legends x 6 Rayman Legends x 7 Rayman Legends x 11 Remember Me x x 11 Resident Evil 6 x x 3 Resident Evil 6 x x 5 Resident Evil 6 x x 7 Resident Evil 6 x x 8 Resident Evil 6 x x 9 Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City x x 2 Resistance: Burning Skies x 4 Retro City Rampage x x x x 8 Rhythm Thief & der Schatz des Kaisers x 1 Ridge Racer Unbounded x x 1 Risen 2: Dark Waters x x 1 Risen 2: Dark Waters x x 3 Risen 2: Dark Waters x x 5 Rock Band Blitz x x 8 Sacrilegium x x 8 Scribblenauts Unlimited x x 7 Silent Hill: Book of Memories x 10 Skullgirls x x 1 Sleeping Dogs x x 3 Sleeping Dogs x x 8 Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 x x 1 Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 x x 4 Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 x x 6 Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed x x x x x 6 Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed x x x x x 9 Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed x x x x x 11 Sorcery x 5 Soul Sacrifice x 7 Soul Sacrifice x 10 SoulCalibur V x x 1 Sound Shapes x x 8 South Park: Der Stab der Wahrheit x x 1 South Park: Der Stab der Wahrheit x x 7 Spec Ops: The Line x x 1 Spec Ops: The Line x x 3 Spirit Camera: Das verfluchte Tagebuch x 6 Splinter Cell: Blacklist x x 7 Sports Champions 2 x 10 Spy Hunter x x 7 Star Trek x x 6 Star Trek x x 8 Star Wars 1313 7 Starhawk x 2 Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor x 5 Street Fighter X Tekken x x x 1 Street Fighter X Tekken x x x 10 Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz x 4 Tales of Xillia x 2 Tank! Tank! Tank! x 7 Tearaway x 10 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 x x x 1 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 x x x 6 Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends x x 4 The Amazing Spider-Man x x x x x 4 The Cave x x 8 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Premium Edition x x 12 The Last of Us x 1 The Last of Us x 4 The Last of Us x 7 The Last Story x 1 The Unfinished Swan x 8 The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings x 3 The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings x 4 Toki Tori 2 x 11 Tomb Raider x x 7 Transformers: Untergang von Cybertron x x 2 Transformers: Untergang von Cybertron x x 4 Trine 2: Director’s Cut x 11 Until Dawn x 10 Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown x x 5 Wächter von Mittelerde x x 8 Wächter von Mittelerde x x 12 Watch Dogs x x 7 Wii Fit U x 7 Wonderbook: Buch der Zaubersprüche x 8 Xbox 360 Triple Pack x 8 XCOM: Enemy Unknown x x 3 XCOM: Enemy Unknown x x 7 Yakuza 5 x 10 Your Shape 2013 x 7 Zeno Clash 2 x x 8 ZombiU x 7 ZombiU x 9 Zone of the Enders HD Collection x x 11 SPIELE-TEST: SPIEL PS3 360 Wii Wii U PSP PSV DS 3DS 007 Legends 45% (12) Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers 51% (11) Akai Katana 81% (8) Angry Birds Trilogy 75% (11) 75% (11) 73% (11) Armored Core V 66% (5) 66% (5) Army Corps of Hell 72% (3) Asphalt: Injection 64% (3) Assassin’s Creed III 83% (12) 83% (12) Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation 73% (12) Asura’s Wrath 85% (3) 85% (3) Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland 80% (6) Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise 78% (8) Binary Domain 80% (3) 80% (3) Blackwater 36% (1) Blades of Time 63% (4) 63% (4) BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend 89% (3) 89% (3) 86% (4) Borderlands 2 87% (10) Call of Duty: Black Ops II 84% (12) 84% (12) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 77% (1) 46% (1) Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle 57% (6) Carrier Command: Gaea Mission Catherine 83% (2) 83% (2) Cooking Mama 4 65% (1) CRUSH3D 80% (2) Damage Inc.

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