July 21, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H6027 work to ensure that taxpayers receive their Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance wise interfere with any intellectual property refunds in the year 2000. of my time. law or policy of any country in Africa or The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Asia (including Israel) that is designed to the rule, the gentleman from Massa- back the balance of my time. make pharmaceuticals more affordable if such law or policy, as the case may be, com- chusetts (Mr. OLVER) will be recognized The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without plies with the Agreement on Trade-Related for 30 minutes, and the gentleman from objection, the previous question is or- Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights re- Arizona (Mr. KOLBE) will be recognized dered on the motion to instruct. ferred to in section 101(d)(15) of the Uruguay for 30 minutes. There was no objection. Round Agreements Act (19 U.S.C. 3511(d)(15)). Mr. OLVER. Mr. Speaker, as my col- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to House leagues can see, I have been filling in question is on the motion to instruct. resolution 247, the gentleman from here. So I ask unanimous consent to The motion was agreed to. Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) and the gen- hand the time over to the gentleman A motion to reconsider was laid on tleman from Connecticut (Mr. GEJDEN- from Maryland (Mr. HOYER), my distin- the table. SON) each will control 5 minutes. guished ranking member. GENERAL LEAVE The Chair recognizes the gentleman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. KOLBE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS). objection to the request of the gen- imous consent that all Members may Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Chairman, I yield tleman from Massachusetts? have 5 legislative days within which to myself 11¤4 minutes. There was no objection. revise and extend their remarks and Mr. Chairman, this amendment, co- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- that I may include tabular and extra- sponsored by the gentleman from Illi- tleman from Maryland (Mr. HOYER) neous material on H.R. 2490. nois (Mr. JACKSON), the gentleman will control the 30 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there from California (Mr. STARK), the gen- The Chair recognizes the gentleman objection to the request of the gen- tleman from California (Mr. ROHR- from Maryland (Mr. HOYER). tleman from Arizona? ABACHER), the gentlewoman from Geor- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- There was no objection. gia (Ms. MCKINNEY), the gentleman self such time as I may consume. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The from Ohio (Mr. KUCINICH), the gen- Mr. Speaker, we have offered this Chair will appoint conferees later tleman from Alabama (Mr. HILLIARD), motion to instruct conferees on the today. the gentleman from California (Mr. basis that the Y2K issue has been an f MILLER), the gentlewoman from Illi- ongoing issue government-wide as well nois (Ms. SCHAKOWSKY), and the gen- AMERICAN EMBASSY SECURITY as with the Treasury Department. We tleman from Arkansas (Mr. BERRY) ACT OF 1999 are very concerned. deals with one of the great moral chal- I want to make it clear that I believe The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. lenges of this century. that we need more than this restored; BURR of North Carolina). Pursuant to Millions of people in Africa and Asia but at minimum, we need this money House Resolution 247 and rule XVIII, are suffering from the horrible AIDS restored. That is why this motion to the Chair declares the House in the epidemic decimating their countries. instruct has been offered. Committee of the Whole House on the Because of poverty, they are unable to Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of State of the Union for the further con- afford the very expensive prescription my time. sideration of the bill, H.R. 2415. drugs needed to combat this killer dis- Mr. KOLBE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- b 1050 ease. self such time as I may consume. Sadly, the major pharmaceutical Mr. Speaker, I do not oppose this mo- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE companies are using their enormous tion to instruct conferees. Obviously, Accordingly, the House resolved wealth and influence to fight legisla- at this moment we do not have an allo- itself into the Committee of the Whole tion passed in South Africa, Israel, and cation that is sufficient to permit us to House on the State of the Union for the Thailand which allows those countries easily restore these Y2K funds without further consideration of the bill (H.R. to purchase and manufacture anti- having to take it from some other 2415) to enhance security of United AIDS drugs at far lower prices than place that might be even more detri- States missions and personnel over- those charged by the major drug com- mental. But I am certainly hopeful seas, to authorize appropriations for panies. that it will be possible for us to restore the Department of State for fiscal year These laws are consistent with inter- at least this amount of the Y2K fund- 2000, and for other purposes, with Mr. national trade and copyright law. Once ing to the Internal Revenue Service KOLBE in the chair. again, these laws are consistent with and other Federal agencies. The Clerk read the title of the bill. international trade and copyright laws. So, I have no objection to this mo- The CHAIRMAN. When the Com- Tragically, the U.S. State Depart- tion to instruct. But I say that with mittee of the Whole rose on Tuesday, ment is currently working with the the understanding that I can give no July 20, 1999, amendment No. 8 printed drug companies to punish South Africa absolute assurances to my colleagues in House Report 106±235 offered by the because their government has com- in this body that we can accomplish gentleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL) had mitted the terrible crime of trying to this in the conference, although I am been disposed of. get affordable drugs to treat their hopeful that we would be able to. It is now in order to consider amend- AIDS patients. Mr. SANDERS. Madam Chairman, I ment No. 15 printed in Part B of House What South Africa is doing is legal yield myself the balance of my time. report 106±235. under international law. And it is mor- I would urge the Members to have AMENDMENT NO. 15 OFFERED BY MR. SANDERS ally right. the courage to stand up to the pharma- Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Chairman, I offer Please support this amendment. Get ceutical industry and support this an amendment. the U.S. Government on the right side amendment cosponsored by the gen- The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will des- of this issue and help save millions of tleman from Illinois (Mr. JACKSON), the ignate the amendment. lives. gentleman from California (Mr. The text of the amendment is as fol- Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance STARK), the gentleman from California lows: of my time. (Mr. ROHRABACHER), the gentlewoman Part B Amendment No. 15 offered by Mr. Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Chairman, I from Georgia (Ms. MCKINNEY), the gen- SANDERS: yield myself such time as I may con- tleman from Ohio (Mr. KUCINICH), the Page 35, after line 9, insert the following sume. gentleman from Alabama (Mr. HILL- (and conform the table of contents accord- Mr. Chairman, the case of the gen- IARD), the gentleman from California ingly): tleman from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) (Mr. GEORGE MILLER), the gentle- SEC. 211. PROHIBITION ON INTERFERENCE WITH frankly is completely flawed. And INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW RE- CHAKOWSKY though while his motives may be noble, woman from Illinois (Ms. S ) LATING TO PHARMACEUTICALS OF and the gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. CERTAIN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. the final result of his action will be re- BERRY). No employee of the Department of State duction in new drugs that will save Let us win this fight. shall take any action to deter or to other- lives. H6028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 21, 1999 We have tested the theory here in been one of the most productive sectors to meet this growing health crisis. I this Chamber and elsewhere to see if in the American economy in creating will note the Republicans have ensured governments will come up with the re- new drugs for all our citizens. funding for this for some time. I have search dollars to invent new medicines. Madam Chairman, I reserve the bal- also held the only hearings on this sub- Frankly, we cannot get our Govern- ance of my time. ject last year. I intend to work to en- ment to provide medicine for its own Mr. SANDERS. Madam Chairman, I sure that this program continues to re- citizens let alone citizens of other yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman ceive strong support. countries. from Georgia (Ms. MCKINNEY). The White House AIDS policy direc- Fully 45 percent of all new drugs are Ms. MCKINNEY. Madam Chairman, tor, Sandra Thurman, has reported developed in the United States; and the have my colleagues ever seen a bully that the disease is turning millions of next closest country, the U.K., devel- on the playground and they knew it children into orphans, reducing life ex- ops but 14 percent. American tax- was not right? Well, that is exactly pectancy by more than 20 years and un- payers, through its Congress, will not what our own State Department is dermining economic development in provide the research dollars to find the doing right now to South Africa. large parts of Africa.
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