• • . Hockey Extra, pages 7 10 VOL. XIV, NO. 36 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's 1UESDAY ,OCTOBER 16,1979 Health Service reports Dx:ument rise in ,,iral infections spurs Pinto by Sal Granata At least 15 students reported to the infirmary over the past controversy two days complaining of stomach ailments. Dr. Robert Thompson of the Student Health Services (SHS) sai~ CHICAGO ~AP)- The Ford in a telephone interview last night he thought the probl~m was Motor Co. fo.lowed a practiceof gastroenteritis--a viral infection of the stomach and tntesnnes. not issuing reports on random­ Gastroenteritis is contagious. Although at least 15 students were ly tested Pmto automobiles reported SJ?en~ing last nig~t. at the i~ftr~ary, many returned to from the assemblf 'line that their dormltones after recetvtng medtcanon. failed to meet federal safety "We are seeing an awful lot of viral infections these days. standards, a Ford document Students fatigued from exams and feeling very tired and run down shows. are prone to catch the infection,'' Thompson said. This practice, a federal official Symptoms of the illness include, an abrupt onse~. fo~lowed by said yesterday, "sounds like a nausea, vomitting, stomach cramps, fever, and dtarrhea, cover-up." - Thom_pson reported. The Chicago Tribune reported ''Thts type of thing we see sporadically throughout the school that a Nov. 27, 1972, memo year, sometimes it peaks," he_ said. Commenting on the number written by F.]. Finkenauer Jr., of students admitted to the mftrmary, Thompson observed that then manager of Ford's body­ "the number is high but not extr~mely ~igh." . testing department, said the At present the SHS believes the tllness m gastroennenttes, but a procedure was ''somewhat rouune check of the dining halls has been undertaken. Edward questionable." Riley from the Office of Safety and Health Administration initiated Frank Armstong, director of the check under the direction of Thompson. the National Highway, Traffic Riley contacted Bob Robinson, director of Food Services at 7:30 Safety Administration's office a.m. yesterday morning and began running analfses of ~unday'_s of vehicle safety com(>lia,qce in menu. No results have been announced, but Robmson satd that tt Washington D.C. satd m an is up to Thompson to decide whether the dining halls have This Trojan dummy will be seen around campus at various interview yesterday he has not anything to do with _the recen~ outbreak. places this week, accompanied her be Pat Brown, Mike seen the document cited by the Luis Alverez, aJ uruor from Ftsher Hall, descnbed his expenence [rah-rah] Von's and Hugo Van Mispin[photo by Tom newspap.er. But he said he told [continued on page 4] jackmanJ. - the Tn"bune, ''This sounds like a cover-up to me." Armstong added, "We cer­ tainly will look at these things Northern A1exico affected and investigate. It sounded Sl,lspicious, but you can't evalu­ ate this stuff over· a telephone." Earthquake jolts Southern California He said thenewspaper proba­ bly would provide him a copy of CALEXICO CAIJF. (AP)- A Calexico, El Centro Community serious, said Miguel Suarez A small landslide was report­ , the document. After checking powerful earthguake struck and Pioneer Memorial hospitals Orozco, editor of the newspaper ed in Balboa Park 10 San Dtego, ' it he said, he might recommend Southern Calfornta and part of in nearby Brawley. La Voz de Ia Frontera. said Otto Boss, an aide to San that the agency's lawyers sub­ Mexico yesterday, buckling ''There were no serious injur­ Electric !?ower was knocked Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. :, poena Ford ftles. buildings, wrecking water sys­ ies," said Alex Smith, admini­ out in Mextcali, the editor said, The Richter scale is a measure : Charles Gumushian, a Ford tems and swaying skyscrapers strator at El Centro Community but there were no reports of of ground motion as recorded' · spokesman in Detroit, said the as far away as Las Vegas and Hospital. "We have light cas­ widespread damage to build­ on seismographs. Every in­ Tribune report had "absolutely Los Angeles. At least 76 ualties, buml?s and bruises, ings. crease of one number means a nothing new. The information persons were injured, authori­ minor lacerations ... The most The most recent strong earth­ tenfold increase: in magnitude. ' is material that has been in the ties said. serious injury was a laceration quake in California was the 5. 9 A reading of 7. 5 reflects an public record for some time - in One death was reported in that did not take stitches. Most Richter tremor that caused earthquake 10 times stronger court flies, in government ftles, Mexicali, Mexico, but there have been treated and released, some damage and sent about a than one of 6.5. National Higliway. Safety Ad­ were no immediate reports of but some are still here.'' dozen persons to hospitals in An earthquake of 3. 5 on the ministration files. As far as I'm deaths in California, The The Imperial County Fire De­ Hollister in the northern part of Richter scale can cause slight concerned it's in the public ftve-second eathquake was the partment declared a county­ the state Aug. 6. damage in the local area, · 4 record." strongest in the Imperial Valley wide state of emergency. At On May 13, 1949, the U.S. moderate damage, 5 consider­ Gumushian said, "I can't com­ since 1940, the U.S. Geological least 20 rural bridges were Geological Survey said, an able damage, 6 severe damage. ment on the substance of the Survey said. reported wreqced in the valley, earthquake in the Imperial Val­ A 7 reading is a "major" memo itself because I haven't ''There was window glass all and the roofs ~f many houses ley killed nine persons and earthquake, capable of v.:ide­ seen it yet.'' over the streets. Manequins collapsed. disrupted the water supply to spread heavy damage; 8 ts a The newspaper obtained the were piled up in the (store) Everett Blizzard, deputy direc­ the valley's crops, causing con­ · "great" quake, capable of tre- [continued on page ll.J windows and chimneys were tor of the state Office of siderable losses. 1 mendous damage. down, "said Dorothy Shook, 55 Emergency Services in Sacra­ a store owner in El Centro, one mento, satd there was "major of the hardest hit communities. damage" to the All-American Seismologists at California In­ Canal. The canal is a major SM C Governance Board deals with stitute of Technology in Pasa­ supplier of water for the re­ dena said the 4:16 p.m. tem­ gion's crops. blor, measuring 6.4 on the In Brawley, a water tower internal communications problems Richter scale and centered 10 tumbled to the ground and miles east of here on the several trailers were knocked by Margie Basszl due to mid-term examination bers," said Ryan. Mexican border, was followed from their foundation. and with pressure from their work Publid Reltion Commisioner by a series of aftershcoks meas­ About 200 people were evacut­ Pam Degnan on the Board of Governance. Mary Amgela Shannon agreed uring more than 3. 0 on the ed from the Imperial County ' ' I ,tl,ink the lack of communi- that there was no a lack of Richter scale. The National Services Building in El Centr() - During Sunday's Saint Mary's communication, yet she stres­ Earthquake Center in Golden, an 8-year-old structure that Board of Governance meeting, sed the importance of feed back Colo., measured 1:he major was supposedly earthquake Student Body President Pia Tri­ ' ' .. l feel the board is form each individual board quake at 6.5. proof- after the building drop­ giani said that a ''lack of member. The earthquake was felt as far p~d 1112 feet and listed 3 feet to communication between indiv­ doing an excellent job "I feel the board is doi11~ an north as Los Angeles, 150 miles one side. Nearly all the idual board member is causing excellent job workin~ as a from the epicenter - jostling the windows on one side of the ftve internal problems with the working as a cohesive cohesive unite," Electton Com­ 62-story United California Bank story structure were broken. board." This statement was missionser Mary Mullaney Building downtown- and in the Across the border in Mexicali, meant with mixed reaction by said. "However, it has come to high-rise hotels on the Las Lionel Rios, a Red Cross offici­ the board last night. unit ..... '' my attention that a few board Vegas Strip. al said one person was killed The majority of the board member have complaints about El Centro Police Sgt. Max a~d 16 others were injured by agrees that no internal com­ cation could be a potential their job and repsonsibilities." Richardson and Imerial County the earthquake. munications problem exists problem but it is not an actual int to Augusta Hall PresidC'nt sheriff's deputies said at least Several persons were injured According to Spiritual Commis­ problem right now. It is Sue Turcotte, a main problerr, is 60 injured person were being by falling glass fr~)f!l ~indows, sioner Mary D. iRyan, the important that it was brought to treated at three hospitals - but none of the tn)unes were board faces academic pressure the attentin f the board mem- [continued on page 4.} . ,. News in brief Tuesday, October 16, 1979- page 2 Tuba players blow their Porter, Vogl brass at 'Octubafest ' STATEMENT OF OWNEf~~b~::rt::~~~T AND CIRCULATION ,_, -- • t ::.t~~.-:- .. ~-·-·r ~:.~~--·"~•·m- URBANA • Ill... (AP) - 1 uba players might be considered a exhibit ...~l'fiKic .
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