E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1996 No. 43 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was RECOGNIZING HISTORICAL done, and have not done anything ex- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF WOMEN cept waiting for people to win the bat- pore [Mr. UPTON]. Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, I tles for them. f am continuing to talk a bit about Some of the exciting things that DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO women in history since this is Women's have happened while I am in office that TEMPORE History Month. have gone on to try to correct that image has been the Women in the Mili- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- One of the things I have been doing this month as I talked to people is I tary Memorial that many, many fore the House the following commu- women have come forward to put out nication from the Speaker: carry around a little shoe. It is no big- ger than that, and it is a shoe that there, and whether you look at the WASHINGTON, DC, someone gave to me that they bought Revolutionary War, which had women March 26, 1996. serving in it, Molly Corbit being one I hereby designate the Honorable FRED in an antique store in China that was that is buried at West Point and was UPTON to act as Speaker pro tempore on this used to go on a woman's foot. When day. you think about it, China was one of the first woman to ever have gotten a NEWT GINGRICH, the few countries where you were not full pension just like men did because Speaker of the House of Representatives. even better off being rich if you were George Washington insisted that was f female, and maybe many of you re- the only fair thing, and there were other women who were in the Revolu- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE member the story of the three swans written about the three Chinese women tionary Army, too, that got the same A message from the Senate by Mr. who kept praying that when they came thing, or whether you go right on Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- back they would not come back as a fe- through all the wars until the current nounced that the Senate had passed male. Bosnian crisis, where we have women without amendment a bill of the House But when you think about the bind- in the field in Bosnia; you see pictures of the following title: ing of the foot, and I have not seen of them coming across the screen today H.R. 2969. An act to eliminate the Board of anyone that could look at that shoe as the First Lady is over there talking Tea Experts by repealing the Tea Importa- to them with the troops. tion Act of 1897. and not shudder to think of the pain of what it felt like to have that foot You know, women have been like the The message also announced that the bound, and then when you think about lioness, I guess, in nature. They are Senate had passed a bill of the follow- the fact that that practice did not stop perfectly willing to protect their coun- ing title, in which the concurrence of until halfway through the century and try, to do whatever it takes, and any the House is requested. there are still women who are older time, whether it was in winning the S. 1459. An act to provide for uniform man- hobbling around that had had this done West, whether it was World War II, agement of livestock grazing on Federal whether it is today in Bosnia, or land, and for other purposes. to them, you realize how far the world whether it was way, way back in the f is behind on dealing with women and women's issues. Revolutionary War, they did that. MORNING BUSINESS Mr. Speaker, when I talk about the Mr. Speaker, how sad that we do not The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- binding of the foot, I think we bind know their names and we do not know ant to the order of the House of May 12, something in this society, too. We have so many of the stories of their bravery. 1995, the Chair will now recognize bound women's minds. Women's minds I cannot wait until the Women's Mili- Members from lists submitted by the have been bound by our not knowing tary Memorial is done because the sto- majority and minority leaders for our real history, not knowing what ries they are collecting are unbeliev- morning hour debates. The Chair will really we contributed to this country, able. They kind of fell off the table alternate recognition between the par- and therefore I think we have made when the history books were written, ties, with each party limited to not to women feel that they have no right to stories of nurses that were downed in exceed 30 minutes, and each Member ask for anything or to ask to be treat- World War II in Albania and how long except the majority and minority lead- ed equally in this country because the it took them to walk to the coast in ers limited to not to exceed 5 minutes. image is they did not do anything, why the middle of winter to finally get out, The Chair recognizes the gentle- should they get anything? They came I mean, very brave things that would woman from Colorado [Mrs. SCHROE- over here on cruise ships, sat around make great movies, and let us hope DER] for 5 minutes. eating bonbons, getting their hair some day we do make movies about b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2843 H2844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 26, 1996 women in some role other than what SON, H.R. 580, which is a bill to allow DOD's managed health care program, we usually see them in. the reimbursement to the Department TRICARE, is implemented throughout But we are not going to see movies of Defense by the Department of the country, many military retirees about women in history in those roles Health and Human Services for care within many of my colleagues' dis- until we recognize that women played rendered to Medicare eligible retirees tricts will be affected, so I urge my col- those roles in history, and I think that and their families in military treat- leagues to support this bill and to be- is why this month is so critical. ment facilities. This is better known as come cosponsors. So I hope more and more school- Medicare subvention. f children and more people everywhere Over the course of the past year, H.R. dig into history, find the real story and 580 has received broad, bipartisan sup- GENETIC DISCOVERIES AND OUR let us get it out. That is never to di- port and currently has 248 cosponsors. HEALTH PRIVACY minish what men did. Of course, men But despite the overwhelming support The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under did wonderful, wonderful things in help for this bill it does not look likely to the Speaker's announced policy of May building this Republic, but to tell only be able to move it out of the Ways and 12, 1995, the gentleman from Florida half the story is really not fair. Means Committee or the Commerce [Mr. STEARNS] is recognized during So we have had his story, and this is Committee. If this bill did not make it morning business for 5 minutes. the month to do her story, and I hope to the floor, the cost of $1±2 billion Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, should we get more people actively involved in that CBO has attached to this bill will an insurance company be able to deny looking at that and realizing the value hurt its chances of passage in the children medical coverage because of it. House and the Senate. their mother died of an inherited heart When we tried too hard to get this As many of my colleagues who have defect that her children may or may front and center in 1976 during the Bi- cosponsored this bill realize, H.R. 580 not carry? That is the dilemma facing centennial, even one of my own news- shouldn't increase cost to the Federal a California father who cannot get fam- papers would attack me for wasting the Government at all. In fact, it may even ily medical coverage under his group House's time for talking about brave save money. It would allow the same plan as a result of his wife's death. And American foremothers and what they military retirees with the same health that is a dilemma crying out for con- have contributed. In fact, they even at- problems to use the same doctors, so it gressional intervention. tacked me on the very front page. I should cost no more to the Federal Scientific knowledge of the secrets hope we now have much more sense Treasury regardless of whether DOD or hidden deep inside our genes is advanc- about that and that we could move for- Medicare pays the bill.
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