Students' VOLUME 12, NUMBER 4 caucus accepts bloc Quebec law voting by DIANNE TRA.VELL y Last Wednesday the caucus When that item of business strike voted 10-3-1 to accept the was disposed of, the caucus __________T.O.R.O.N.T.O.,_.. principle of bloc voting on proceeded ta a discussion of MONTREAL (CUP ) -Que­ 'issues relating to the trans­ a number of motions proposed bec law students may have fer of power from faculty for consideration by Mr. Mi­ gained some l:lupport in their to students. chieo The motions concerned fight with the provincial" Bar The student caucus of fa­ council committees, and stu­ Association. culty council last night con­ dents' relationships to them. Provincial justice minister tinued its debate on the They proposed that any Jerome Choquette appeared question of bloc voting in fa­ member of the student body sympathetic in a meeting with culty council. of Glendon College should be students Sept. 2S. He told the Helen Sinclairwas the spon­ eligible for student positions students to go through the sor of a motion which proposed on faculty council committees normal channels in their ne­ that the issue of bloc voting and that student members on gotiations, but to return to on key issues be put before committees would be elected him if they faHed. the student body in the form solely by the members of the The students are protes­ of a referendum at the time caucus, while 'the faculty ting bar admittance exams of the upcoming fa culty coun­ members of the committees which 58 per cent of the stu­ cil elections. would be elected by the fa­ dents writing earlierthis year The motion stated that the culty. Finally, the student failed. They say. the exams term "key issue" would be members of faculty council are an attempt by the Bar applied upon a two-thirds ma­ should have the power to no­ Association ta maintain its jority vote to that effect by minate and elect students to privileged position as a se­ the members of the student committees for two year lect professional group. Stu­ caucus. terms, sa that there will al­ dents must regurgitate their A student refusing to con­ ways be one experienced stu­ entire law school studies du­ form to the bloc vote prin­ dent on each committee who ring three intensive days of ciple would be expelled from is weU acquainted with the tests. the student caucus. An ab­ procedure and the problems Fearful their years of study stention, however, would not of that committee. The mo­ may be in vain, Quebec un­ be considered as non-confor­ tions were discussed but no dergraduate law students and mity. decision was made. graduates who have not been The outcome of the refer­ The next discussion was accepted to the bar sent an endum, according to the mo­ over aproposed amendment ulti"matum to the Bar Asso­ tion, will be binding on the to a rule concerning the bi­ ciation two weeks ago calling caucus. lingual programme at Glen- ­ for the abolition of barexams. Daphne Read, who supports don. Students are not nor­ Jean Moisan, batonnier of the principle of bloc voting, maUy aUowed to transfer ta the Bar Association, refused felt that it is unfortunate that the unilingual stream in their to consider the demande the members of the caucus first year. It was suggested "law rules and resolutioos-­ . have become antagonistic over that a student may, under pe­ of the Bar oblige us to hold a question of caucus structure tition, request transfer on the exams," he stated, "and you and policy when in practice, grounds of misunderstanding.' must understand that our an­ conflicts may never arise, The purpose of this amend­ swer to your request must ànd the time spent debating ment is to aUow students who be negative." the issue could have been have made an honest mistake In response, the students more effectively spent in other in applying to Glendon's bi­ passed a resolution Sept. 21 ways. lingual programme, to recti- asking the National Assembly Gilles du Çhantal opposed fy that error without the pe­ to pass a private bill doing the motion on the grounds nalty of taking a French course Premier William Davis met with students while at York last away with the law. that a referendum would be which they do not want. Friday and promised not to raise tuition fees again this year. Moisan's decree was han­ representative of the opinion A straw vote was taken, and ded down one day before the of only a small percentage most of the councillor's op­ latest set of bar exams were of student who bother voting posed the move. The motion to begino in faculty council elections. cornes before faculty council McGill graduate students Mso Sinclair's .motion was tomorrow. Facu Ity layoffs responded by boycotting the approved, however, and a As a final item of business. mid-term tesls and setting committee of three ~ople, Bruce Maltby was unani­ up pickets outside the Quebec Ms. Sinclair, Mr. ° Brien, mously elected chairperson by STEPHEN GODFREY Glendon had any accurate idea Bar School and the Palais and Bill Michie was esta­ of the general faculty council Total enroUment at Glen­ how great the drop in students de Justice in Montreal. They blished ta word the referen­ meeting which will be held don is down considerably this had been at other Ontario werè joined bt undergraduate dum, October 12. year, but the drop is being universities, how successful laW" students from the Uni­ felt not so much m first year, the recruiting programme versity of Montreal and McGill as was expected, but in the would be, and before the num­ making a group of over 1000 • number of students returning ber of Grade 13 applications demonstrators. for second year. The revised for Glendon was known. The day before. 700 of the spring estimate for second Therefore, this year's budget 1000 University of Montreal' Left Caucus • law students voted almost u­ year enroUment was 480, but is based on the November out of the more than 600 first estimation that in the coming nanimously to abolish the bar year students of last year, year Glendon would enroll13S0 exams and join the picketing. only 339 have returnedo This students, and not on the more The McGill Law Undergra­ translates' into an economic realistic spring projection of duate Society also voted una­ low profile loss that may mean some 1283. Since we are presently nimously to boycott aIl clas­ teachers will not have their 2S0 students short of the bud­ ses Sept. 22 "to show support contracts renewed this faU. getary pred-iction, there will for the action of the Bar Approximately ISO dele­ a top priority, the Caucus C.A. Pilley, the college Re­ clearly be a deficit. says Mr. students". gates of the Left Caucus met intends to push for a strong gistrar. says that"every rea­ d'Oliviera. of more than Three students represen­ on the weekend of September NDP campaign against strike son under the sun" is cited $SOO,OOO. He saidthat because ting Quebec's 4S00 law stu­ 22-24 at the Don Yale Com­ breaking, a problem the cau­ by students who have decided of this and alsobecause it dents then met Ch0q,uette and munity Centre and decided cus feels the party is"ignoring. not to come back, but the main seems that the education boom came away saying 'the mi­ to maintain a low profile In addition, the Caucus will one seems to be disillusion­ North American experience nister was extremely sym­ within the New Democratic propose policy in support of ment with their courses and in the 1960' s is over indefi­ pathetic to our cause." Party. greater public ownership of with the chances of getting nitely, it is "unavoidable" Following the meeting. the law students formed a common In maintaining a low profile, resources, increasedinvolve­ a better job after university. that some teachers wiU have ment by government in eco­ Total enrollmen t at Glen­ to be laid off, come Novem­ front; including three mem­ the Caucus will neither make bers from each law school press releases or send litera­ nomic management, and a don is down· more than ISO ber lst, when their contracts stronger drive for women's from the spring projections come up for renewal. Mr. in the province - University ture- to the general public. of Montreal, McGill. Sher­ However, it does intend to be liberation. with only about 1100 out of d'Oliviera noted that the par­ The Left Caucus also adop­ a hoped-for 1283 having been ticipation rate (i.e. the rate brooke, Ottawa and Laval highly active at the local (whose students have boycot­ provincial riding level. ted a policy paper supporting registered thus far. However, at which aU those in the 18, universal accessibility to the budgetary loss will be even 19 year old bracket eligible ted aU classes indefinitely). Further Left Caucus con­ higher education and the dis­ more than that. says J. A. to attend university do so) At the first meeting. the ventions will establish a stra­ carding of tuition feeso Papers d'Oliviera, Director of Aca­ reached its peak of 20% in Front members passed a re­ tegy for contesting party po­ supporting anti-war and pro­ demic Services. Glendon's 1969, stayed the same in 1970 solution criticizing the "ex­ licy at the next provincial abortion groups were also proposed budget was submit­ and 1971, and is now definitely orbitant powers and privileges convention this December.
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