Correspondence – R Folder Citation: Collection: Records of the 1976 Campaign Committee to Elect Jimmy Carter ; Series: Noel Sterrett Subject File; Folder: Correspondence – R; Container 71 To See Complete Finding Aid: http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/library/findingaids/Carter-Mondale%20Campaign_1976.pdf �,�} Ji1n1ny (C11·te1• . · Presiclenticll Ccllfti)Ciigl1· For A1nerica's third ce11tury, why 110\ OL11· l,est! July 1, 1976 Mr. Richard Robinson 506 Greenwood Drive Dublin, Georgia Dear Mr. Robinson: I have received a copy of your resume. I would appreciate the opportunity to receive any ideas you might have in the area ·Of education policy. Thank you for your interest. Sincerely, 1/�-- 11�L fJ� {j; ln amer National Task Force Director OK:dan 'G' · IAI 404/897-7100 P. 0. Box 1976 Atlanta, Georgia 30301 · \'l.! 17 A I mm n o 0 copv of our repo�t is filed with the Federal Election Commis5i�n and is ovoiloble for .pur(hose from the Feder� Election Co issio . W !>hi,..t;�ton. C. INTERNATIONAL PUBLI ., LTD. (NEW YORK) 230 PARK AVENUE • NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 • MU 6-0510 • CABLE: PUBRELAS 30' 1976 Mr. Steve Stark Carter for President P.O. Box 1976 Atlanta, Ga. 30301 Dear Mr. Starka May I have a copy of Mr. Carter's comprehensive statement on economic policy which was released last week. It is referred to in David Broder's column on April 29th. Thank you for your help. �g� //{J{J .r�gg(Z4< gg� /cf/S £../t-ee, J/( J1: .!». � YY�. PctJtJo July 16, 1976 Honorable Jimmy E. Carter Plains, Georgia 31780 Dear Mr. Carter: In not responding to Mrs. King last evening, you have given me a reason to doubt I "can depend on [any of] it." Ruth P. Roland .. 1!btl\"ewMork (!time.e WASHINGTON BUREAU 1920 L STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 (202} 293-3100 JAMES RESTON July 20, 1976 Dear Dun, Thanks for your letter. The response to that column \'las rather negative i,· and I think it was probably my fault, I '', for actually I don't disagree with I • anything you say. �1hat I \•:as attempting to say was that there is a whole new generation of ,academics who understand the disil­ lusionment with "the best and the brightest," but who are still willing and able to perform a useful service in Washington. i. �I hope to see you on the Vineyard. st personal regards, ...._ e�"'l James Reston. Mr. K. Dun Gifford Vice President - Urban Affairs Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Co. 28 State Street Boston, Massachusetts 02109 I·, , I ' � i '. mm m CA 8 OT, CABOT 8c FOR 8 ES CO. 28 STATE STREET, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02109 ���-: 617 742-7600 K. DUN GIFFORD VICE: PRESIDENT-URBAN AF"f"AIRS July 27, 1976 Mr. James Reston THE NEW YORK TIMES 1920 L Street N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 Dear Scotty: I don•t like to beat dead horses -- or quick ones, for that matter -- but here is an article from Sunday•s Globe which reveals that the Carter - Mondale campaign has taken that "academics" column of yours directly to heart. There are a lot of representatives of the new generation now involved and working, and their representation has been made formal. The composition of the task forces with less visibility that the foreign affairs/national security/economics ones are. really amazingly non-ideological, and do draw from numerous groups. The experience of serving of them (I am on the energy task force, in addition to the Housing, Land Use & Environment one) is very much different from the experience of similar ef­ forts in the past, and makes me begin to believe that it is possible not only to talk about unifying different Democratic Party groups, but actually to do it. Of course, the proof will be in the pudding, but we;re ofi to a good start. I think it essential to note as well that the Charles River effort we are mounting up here is matched by efforts at other centers of alleged excellence -- e.g. through Bill Friday at the U. of North Carolina (for education) and through Bill Simon of the Institute of Urban Studies at the U. of Houston. Let me renew my earlier suggestion that some time on the way to the Vineyard you might want to sit in for an hour or so with one or the other of the groups here in Boston. My best, K. Dun Gifford KDG/ra SUBSID:ARIES !N, PHILADELPHI,\. LANI-1•\M. MD .. RICHMOND. WINTERGREEN. VA. BATON ROUGE. PHOENIX. TUCSON. LOS ANGELES. COMPTON. !flVINF.. SA�HA ANA. SAN DIEGO. SAN FRANCISCO AND SEATTLE :"'" • � ' • ·, o • '• L • - ,l\J(SH ·• .1. iUNIT OF ALLIED :3TOPES -' Ey R.:>i:>(:rtL. Turner proved of the change in tcne from • de· · ·'""Y·.':'l Globe Staff _cade ago. "Theoy �ren't going to rerun the Ken­ "It.'.• tiki! 11 b�:,.,l:>:UI team," Ch::trles nedy and Johnson administraticn�. and I Ilaar �aid, talking about Jimmy Carter's hope !;,'hayes sa1d. The Pf'O• 11dvi�ers. thoy don't,"' ple Carter feels comfonable with "aren't "You v.·ant seasoned people. and you necessarily the same peuple Jack Kenne• want youn;;rr people w1th 11 fire. You dy felt comfortable with." want idea.:;, and you want experience," he YarmoEm:ky, one of KennP.dy's "whiz said. kids," ,,.,.as not committed to Carter until Haar used the team analo� last he was invited to travel v•ith him for c week, but Caner - wit!1 sam'! 19 task day of campaigning in Tcnne3see. Arkan­ forceg containing scores or adv�ers in �as. Kentucky a:1d 2>lichigan in ::VIay. variow states or a.rray and dioarray - i:oJ "I was tremendously impressed and :R II beginnin;: to look more like the head of & asked if I could help," Yarmolinsky said. whole league than a team captain. i. PICTURE Now he is providing infonr. at ion for task Carter was Clilicized during: the pri­ forces on: health, urban policy and foreign mary campaign for a lack of s�cifics on po_licy and defense. a number of i:;suc:;, and the crit:cism One or the newer ad\'isers is Graham came as much in l\1a.;;sachwetts as any- · T. Allison. 36, of the Kennedy School of where. Government at Harvard. who was sought J;;lo.t now in tle�hing out his cam­ out by Carter aides for help en govern­ paign rhetoric. Carter is drav.in;; heavily ment reorganization, a subject on v.·hich on Cambrid;;t!·Boston academic �ources. he is co-author of a book. "I think this is an area where Camr i. Some of the figures are veteran! of has got way out front of the t:'aditional licture tube, solid-state pa't Democratic administrations. naar, wi�dom. I think he'll ha\'e a lot of spec-d­ 1\tilton Katz, Abram Chayes and Stanley 'and 100% solid-�tate ie things to say;• .'\Jlison .-aid. Surrey of Har\'ard, Jerome \Vei::ner of :mbine to give you one Among the local figures participatin;: MIT. ond Adam Yarmolinsky or the Uni­ in the tas k forces are: xtures yet. Handsome versity of �la:;sacilUsetts are examples. Katz, on foreign poli�y and de- 'td grained walnut. A number or others are newer to this :ense. kind or work, and Carter's i;;;ues stafC, in Surrey, on tax reform. an area in fact. appear,; e;I>:Cr to reacil as many ot which he is one of the nauon·s acknowl­ the new generation or whiz kids as po;si· edged exper.ts. ble. - Weisner, president of MIT, on sci­ Haar. chairman ot Carter's task force . ence policy. ·on housing and bnd use, said that al­ - Lester Thurow, of MIT, on eco­ though some ad ,·isors may want to :;o to nomic policy. Wa;;hin;ton, "ti;ere is no 11uid pro quo,'' - Ruth Mor;:enthau: of Brandeis, on and the advice is offered !or its own fC\reign >policy,_ parti.:ularly _African poll• • value. cy. to try to rut ideas to­ · ) "It's ex..:itin;: � Alan DC'rshowitz, of Harvard, on gether." Haar �aid. "!low do you real ly· criminal justice. address the prob'cm 7 Where dll l'OU cut -·Lance Liebman, ct Harva1·d, on into the C"-'cie Y0u le�rn a �:•c:�t d.-al." housing and urban poii-:;•. 1 gold lini�h hardware Also. he 5aid. wo>rkin� fur· a c-andidate - .JeromP. CJilFn, or Har·:ard, on for• 'II. who may take ofCil:c, "you hope it will ei;n policy, particularly .-\�ia. ha\'<' an outlet.'' Al;m Fc\d, Boston Uni\·ersity, The �·.1\·i,;c,·s don·t c-.pc<"t j"b<, he h<JUsing. �nid. "Ti1al':; like �-:·•.>;,i,,� fo1· a r,.wn!·d - Ann Friedlander, MIT, transporta­ frun; th� :1cx� wur\u. You. may .�ct it, but tion. that":i n{Jt \\.'haL llie ,,,·ork :s for." - Carolyn Shaw BeoU, Wellesley, eco­ Ch.1v�� i" :-.�..:11edu!ir�� �onu� •D�;.u'­ nomic ;J:::I:cy. arwc=- l.n ::-::r)Ca.4k for Carter a ..; ._._._.n . a.1 -- K. Dun Gi!fnrd. a vice president or \\.'01"�\i!lf:' on ;:i ..:: furC:£:'1� poit.:"'Y t�::� fore.-. C::o•.>t. C�IJt:>t & Forur-� in BIJ.<ton, o:icf' T:1r. pr:-1'�,-��·:na::c� ot tiJr." t�uk fun.:r!', t·i;:n:·r.'.ion of the ta;<k to.-ce r.n housinl: Ch.1yr� :<«i<l. ::-:•� be<'n hl't'-�r ti:�n �na1 •nd !;..
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