r •• .. .• GOOD MORN lNG, IOWA CITYI No gloomy prediction for today. The weatherman. OWQI1 says it will be fair and cooler. But look out for to­ morrow- warmer with scattered thundershowers. r.tabllahed 1868 Vol. 78. No. 236-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday, June 26-five Cents , . ". • Okays Army Passes , -.....ompromlse Gripe Report Secretary Patterson Orders Curb Pla_ " l.J.S~ '. ·Mediterranean Sea Force P!esiden! ~els Reiects Effort to Lift On Off.BaH Saluting WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre­ tary of War Patll!'rson lut nlJht ,' ..At";ho 'rs;:: O'£f Troubled Trieste Bill Providing Meat, Butter Controls ordl!'!"l!'d that ulhrted men aet lie· cumulated leave credits loo~ }. 19 10 44 Draft VIA HINGT N (AP)-'rhe hOll tamp~d final approval, tow.rd terminal leave p.y, th.t " 265 to 105, late y terday on tb omproml P A bIll 1ft r &alutlng be eurbl!'d and that other bt'ating down a last·ditch t'rrort to lift all price c ilings on meat recomml!'ndations of the Doolittle fire Sweeps Stafen Island Ferry Terminal Congress Approves and dtUry produc . "iI'lpe board" be adopted. To Aid Army ' The bill, extending the wa1'lilll price control agtncy for an· Two or the board's I.~­ Measure Extending otber year bllt pruning dOWJl many of i pow rs, n It wen to IDI!'nd.UOIll, how",er, were ...- Act for Nine Months the senate for a las t "ote there before being ent to Pre ident approved. Th were: 1. Thai Truman. the tel'llll "officers" aDd "eJl­ 01 Occupalion IIste. men" be .bol...... : aDd WASHINGTON (AP)-Congress DE'LUOcl'atic Leader Barkley (Ky.) told the • nate he i~ pre· 2. Thal In$pecior Ieneral'. re­ continued the draft law and voted plll'ed to bring it up for action today. pOrt be IeJl' direct to lIIe war Although hester BowlE'~ ha~ denounced fcatur r tb legi I • Diplomatic Authoritie. pay boosts for sl!'!"vicemen yester­ 'epartmenl. b1P111Rnc tie I • day after noUlicaUon · from the tion 8. "booby trap, ," Rp aker Rayburn (D ., 'rex.) predictE'd commanders. Recognize Possib~ army that It will draft nobody in Presidt'nt 'fr'uman will sign it. P.tterson approved the board'. International ExpICt_ie»n July and August. The votillg carne aft r Rayburn took th floor to t II hi col. recommudation that enlisted men The house and then the senate lcagu s that unle they ael! pted the compromi II tit re will be and WACs be (iven termln.l speedily passl!'d compromise bills no OP A Ilt all." leave pay Ilke olIicefll .nd to this WASHlNGTON (At') - The for these purposes after months of hairman Spence (D., Ky.) or tbe banking ('ommitt , I ad r end he directed that they be per­ United States moved yesterd!lY to bickering and sent them to Presi­ of Ule administration '., battl for PA, d rhrrE'd that if pri!! mitll!'d to accumulate credit lor dent Truman, who Is expected to place Its present entire Medlter­ ontrol w re kill d outrigh at unu ed furlough time starUtI, r~nean naval strength-a crlliser sign them before the present draft July 1. ' extension expires Sunday mid­ * * * this time II a disaster thllt i ill' IJ1d two destrpyers-otf troubled describable would come upon the Before actual payment lor this night. time ('QuId be made, howevl!'r, the Trieste, focal ' point of sh~rp dlf­ The dran bill continues 'be Packer Blames OPA American peopl ." "Save OPA" approval of congress Is necessary. fer~nces with R·ussia. act In force untU March 31, ban The house already hIlS JllIssl!'d the the induction of 18-year-olds For Meat Shortage A gale of excitement swept the ,The navy- disclosed th~t Vice house at the beglnniln, of it> necessary bill. It provides, hoW· Aamiral Bernhard' H. Bieri', com­ while 'stlll requlrlDJ' them to ever, that terminal leave plly­ re~ster, permJts tbe induction critical OPA debate, 8S two men fuaooer of theSe ' forces, is •prq­ Head of Morrell Co. In the gallery spread a huge sign ml!'nts also be made for unUsed ceedlllg to' aboard his of men 19 throurh U and re­ ril~ste ' saying: "Detroit auto work en furlough time prior to July 1, In­ qrill'tl thll 'dlsCh&rre of draftees Provides Explanation cluding that ot men already dis_ ~ship, the new . 10,000-ton pll!'!\d to save OPA." cruiser Fargo. Tpi! two destroy­ after 18' mOnths" service at their charged. Iiecause of this feature request. • . , For Worker Layoff Shouts of "Throw them out" e~ .ot his cdmmifnd, the Small the senate military committee Yf!8- and the Powers, ' .]re.dy are there. The' pay increase bi! is estima­ came from many lealslaton and terday held up con ideratlon of ted' to cost{$632,OOO,OOO a year, IL OTTUMWA (AP) - Declaring Speaker Rayb4Tn ordered the the measure at the request of ~e . The function*' *of ' *the Medltef-'. provides ral~es , ranging' from 50 that hi · mcat packing firm was sergean aU arms to ,et the ban­ navy, which Indicated that the ner out or the a llery. lie aid the raaun naval foree, •• 'etlCrlbdt percent· for: Buck privates"and ap- "unable to buy livestock under' administration opposes it. display vlolat.ed house rul and &erael, b)' a nav)' .eparlmen. mE BOATS' THROW hundreds of tons of wa.ter on the names whioh raged through Staten Island's prentice seamen to 10 percent tor present restrictions of the otrlcc a'uUIlI" •.,klllman, .. to "slIpPOri the high ' officers. of price admlnistraUon," G, M. declared "It OPA is saved It wJl1 SaluUn, wlIl be abolished ex­ St. Georle ferry termine.1 yesterday. Smoke rises from four ferry s\lps and railroad Ind bus ter­ not be in the ,allery but on the THe liouse agre8(i to the pay Foster, president of John MorrelI cept on military passt, In o~r­ ~T .1 00II.,.,.0"," TIle Medl­ m'lnals at . left. The ferryhouse and all lour slips ":'vere destroyed. Two persons were burned 'to floor of this house." .erraneaJl torce .. a PI" of deatb' ir.nd 38 others were overcome or Injured In the ble.ze. n was two hours before the fire wall b~ ' on a vOi<;e, spen~ an hour ar· and company, said in 0 statement leas occupied ar •• , and on cere­ Admiral Renr,.'J[. Hew1Wa.1Zlh brouJht under control. (AP WIREPHOTO) gurng a.b?ut . the . ~raft 01 teen- last night that there will be a monial occasions. Patterson lAid ,. , agers, Whrch , It onglOally oppos~, . shortage of livestock [or slaughter Tbe comJ)roml e lerlslaUon. instructiON tor this purpose are fleet with headqllartera In Lon­ would allow* pric* e *IncreUH on ~on. The lZtb Meet; compris­ and, then' IIPproved tbe draft bill, "until the Cate of OPA Is deter- now binI i ued. 259 'to llQ. I. mined." many Ilems. But It preserves Patterson also announced he has Inr all III!! naval stre~b In controls over ma.lor market IUoPC.ll waters . at present. S~nat~ actlo~ . came ~ate In the Three MorrelI plants have laid orderl!'d trlcken from army re,­ ~I '~~d Gives Support Man (Held in Arizona Prison day and on 'vOlce votes within ten oU 3450 workers since Saturday. baskel commodlUes, IncJudlnr ulatlons an ord rUl.t "officers ~~ ..... of ~~ · ~tfht cruisers meat, lkluJtry and dalry prod­ IIld IIx deMro)'ers, minutes. '. ' t: lt 'I not surprising that there are required to w ar distinctive No Call. In Jul" AUJUst Is a shortage of hogs. There will uola. 11 keeps rent cODU'ol In­ uniforms, to live apart from theIr To .SOviet Atom Plan (I' t B D SI tact, Disclo'sure that the army wlll continue to be untIl the fate of men In ,arrlson .nd to ()()nll ne The navy- let news* of the Far- make no selective service calls OPA Is determined. Once that de­ ,o's assignment* *become known as Oscar lange Asks alms 0 e egnan ayer theIr social contacts to other QUi­ during ,July and August came clsion is reached there will be The last-minute eHort to remove American and forelcn diplomatic * * * cers." Discard of A-80mb from Representative Thomason more hogs available for purchase," livestock, meat and dairy prod­ Patterson announced his actltln ~uthorities here contlJ\ued jittery PHOENIX, Aril~. (AP)-Sher~ ;ng he formerly was a male nurse (D., Tex.) during the one hour Foster said, adding, now, however, ucts from price control was made in a stat men! (ollowlng a monUl'. over the possibility of an inter­ As Political Weapon iff Ernest Roach said last night and had In his possession some by Representative Rlziey (D., I of debate. , no one can blame livestock owners study by the war department of Il8tional explosion .t Trieste­ a man convicted here in a sex surgical instruments he stole The Texan, member of the lor holding their Ilvesto¢k in tbe Okla.) and was deleated 221 to ,ven while Secretary Byrnes and NEW YORK (AP) - Poland case claimed he was the kidnap­ while working in a St. Loui hos­ the findin,s 01 the board, headed military committee, read a let- hope of a price rise." 150. by former Lt. 0 n. Jame. H. foreign Minister \' Molotov ne,o- gllVe iu fuJI support yesterday killer of six-yea r-old SUf:anne pital. He used these to cut up ter from Secretary of War Pat- Foster issued his statement after Promises Fleht U.te at Paris. ' to Russia's atomic control plan Degnan last Jan.
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