ews Vol. LXIV, No. 9 Thursday, November 12, 1970 Council Defeats Motion to Extend Vote to Students By ANN LENTS '71 choosing the student members. an Academic Council. and. if so. professional. the students arc the ed legislation on ~he grounds that On Thurs., Nov. 5, Academic Question of Real Issue what are its functions and nature? best judges of the quality of the students voting on Council would Council considered the question of Students objected to this method Is it to be a faculty meeting or education offered: each com­ be making legislation to affect voting student members of Coun­ of presenting the issue, saying that a representative community meet­ munity has something to offer in later students. while they them­ cil. Debate on the issue filled the it implied that all of the methods ing? Academic Council. Mr. Tohn selves would have no part of im­ entire meeting and resulted in of choosing student members were Purposes of Council Graham. instructor in mathe­ plementing their decisions. Mr. the defeat of the motion. equivalent. Sue Irving '71 and Faculty members answered the matics. stated that although facul­ Donald Polk. Director of J!duca­ The motion was represented in Joan Lister '71 stated that the questions in different ways. Mrs. ty should listen to the opinions of tional Services, answered that two parts by Miss Ann Congleton, phrasing of the motion could pre­ Mary Lefkowitz. associate profes­ the students. decisions should be faculty and administrators also assistant professor philosophy, for vent Council from considering sor of Greek and Latin. answered left to the faculty. leave Wellesley, having affected the Nominating Committee. The what they felt was the real issue, it by referring to the main busi­ Mr. Fred Denbeaux, professor of legislation which would be imple­ first part consisted of the motion the principle that committee mem­ ness of Council. the setting of re­ religion and Biblical Studies. re­ mented by others. in principle (Moved: that Aca­ bers who work on legislation quirements for admission and for ferring again to th..: questions ask­ Debate was closed at the sug­ demic Council recommend to the should be able to vote on that the degree and the choosing of ed by Miss Evans. reminded Coun­ gest ion of Mr. Philip Phibbs; in Board of Trustees that a number of legislation in the actual Council curriculum. and by stating that cil that it had historically chosen a written ballot Council decisively students should be granted the meeting. these decisions should be made by to invite those of "wisdom and defeated the motion by a vote of vote in Academic Council, the Council's slant on the motion professional educators. Mr. Peter judgment" to join it, rather thnn 48 to 81. procedures, conditions and limita­ was a different one. The debate Sederberg. assistant professor of remaining an exclusively-faculty Academic Council will meet tions of this vote to be established centered on questions asked by political science. spoke in favor meeting. again on Thurs., Nov. 12; its first by a subsequent motion) ; the Miss Alona Evans, professor of of the motion. saying that although Miss Cnroline Bell. professor of topic of discussion will be self­ second of various methods of political science: Should there be the faculty has the skills of the economics, objected to the propos- schcduled exams. Council Vote Prompts Senate to Call Joint Meeting By MOLLIE DAVISON '73 dorm rep, emphasized the need for Sue Irving referred to SRC's re­ ship" and "continuity from one Vil Juniors, then outlined plans Senate, in an unprecedented articulating "a definition of what commendation as "a workable pro­ meeting to the next." for a new program for freshman move at its meeting Monday night, we mean by student representa­ posal" and looked forward to the Decisio11 up to Dorm Reps orientation to replace the old voted to invite Academic Council tion" to clarify the proposals put opportunity to "discuss in a joint Jane Shute '71. Munger dorm "gray book meetings" when stu­ to a joint meeting of the two forth by SRC and Senate to en­ forum the role of Council." Some rcp. suggested thnt this question be dents arrive Sunday night of that groups to discuss the role of Coun­ franchise student members of Aca­ more discussion followed, and the settled among each group of dorm first week. The substitution of "dif­ cil in light of its recent rejection demic Council committees, pres­ motion to extend an invitation at rcps. In response. Miss Harriet B. fcrent kinds of seminars and acti­ of the proposal to allow student ently the only such non-voting the meeting of Academic Council Creighton, Senate faculty member, vitics" would hopefully make the members of Council committees to members of Council itself. Seeing today for a joint meeting at some voiced her preference for "contin- program for the following week vote in Council itself. (See article these committee members as Sen­ unspecified time in the future fi­ uous attendance insofar as pos- "more integrated." she said. p. 1.) ate's "link into Council," Joan Lis­ nally carried with only slight op­ siblc by the same person." While The meeting ended with a call The motion to call for a joint ter viewed the extension of voting position. recommending ''some consistency" for a sophomore or junior to vol­ meeting arose out of a lengthy privileges as "really fundamental. .. Other Business. .. of attendance by one person, Sue untccr to fill the position of Sec- discussion focusing on Council's to many other issues we will be Other items on the agenda, such 1rving left the final decision with ond Vice President for Off-Cam­ decision and its implications in dealing with." as the allocation of money to the lhc reps of the individual dorms. pus Affairs. recently vacated by terms of possible courses of action Little Student Interest pottery class, also received atten­ Clare Mankowski '72, Head of Edith Georgi '7 I. (See box p. 4.) open to Senate. Following a pre­ The question of the importance tion at this Senate meeting. Joan liminary summary of the debate in of the vote in Academic Council Lister explained that the pottery ET to Offer 'Mister, Mister' Council, Sue Irving '71, C. G. provoked comments on "how little class needed to raise $345, the President, explained that Senate is interest this issue is raising," as wholesale price of a kiln which able to ask for a joint meeting Janet Smith '71, Shafer dorm rep, may be bought back by the art In a New ~~ ngland Premiere with Academic Council on issues indicated. Page Talbott '72, ex­ department next year, and $189 Jn her own inimitable style di­ Most recently he apeared as Horner of concern to both bodies. pressed the opinion that this parti· for a potter's wheel. rector. Evangeline Morphos '7 I fol­ in Wellesley College Theater's pro­ Students' Su/frage cular issue involves "much more Anne Shere '73, Treasurer, re­ iows last year's successful produc­ duction of The Country Wife. Pat Noting that Academic Council far-reaching consequences" than ported, "We're budgeting fairly tion of Bcrtolt Brecht's A Man's a Green and Michael Benioff, Babson has considered the more general the problem of self-scheduled close to last year" and indicated Man with another brash German '72, play Sprat and Slick, the two question of the enfranchisement of exams, which by its very nature that Senate could afford to spare tragi-comedy, - Gunther Grass' children. Miss Green has just re­ students rather than Senate's spe­ has aroused more interest among about $300 to contribute to the Mister, Mister. The Experimental turned from a summer at the Prov­ cific proposals singling out the vot­ students as a whole. p0ttery class, on the assumption Theatre production, to be present­ incetown Playhouse and has ap­ ing student members of Council Next Joan Lister brought up the that at least SI 00-$150 of that ed Nov. I 3 and 14 at 8 p.m·. in the peared in such plays as The Base­ committees, Sue suggested, "We idea of inviting SRC, responsible amount would be turned back at Jewett Arts Center, will be the ment by Harold Pinter, The Bal­ should present our own motion" for the original motion regarding the end of the year. The motion to New England premiere of the play. cony by Jean Genet and A Mid­ if such a joint meeting material­ the student vote, to explain its make this loan of $300 subsequent­ Mister, Mister concerns a statistic­ summer Night's Dream by Shake­ izes. At this point Mr. Philip M. arguments before Senate. Discus­ ly passed. ian named Bollin who bungles his speare. Mr. BeniofI has done exten­ Phibbs, Executive Vice President sion quickly shifted back to the Holiday Senate Buses Cut way through a series of attempted sive work with the Babson Theatre of the College, stated that "the proceedings at the Academic Coun­ Senate next considered whether murders. Interspersed with these Guild includind roles in Every­ idea of a student voting on the cil meeting last week and the the Senate buses should run on a episodes are Bollin's encounters thing in the Garden and The requirements for her own degree" necessity of preparing a more regular or modified schedule over with two young children - Sprat K11ack. raised "a very serious question" favorable presentation for any joint the weekend of Thanksgiving vaca­ and Slick, who serve as a taunting Bollin's victims include Jim But­ and represented "one of the key meeting wth Council in the future tion.
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