Jamea Madison University Monday, October 31,1983 Vol.61 No. 17 Blasting budget cuts Carrier Quality of JMU education In danger By Tammy Scarton we are facing a crisis," Carrier said. members the travel money they need Therefore, about $50,000 will be news editor JMU has been forced to cut its to go to professional meetings." cut from JMU's library budget; budget $1.3 million the last two The quality of education here is Carrier also said JMU can't af- $50,000 from faculty travel and years, Carrier said. ford needed scientific equipment $100,000 from utilities and threatened because of inadequate "We have our computer equip- funding from the state, President because of a 1.5 percent budget cut maintenance. ment crowded into small rooms. We Gov. Charles Robb made earlier this Computer science and business Ronald Carrier said in a news con- are not able to expand as much as we ference Thursday. fall. courses are overcrowded because ad- should in our computer science and "We believe it's time we've said to Robb on Tuesday barred state ditional faculty members cannot be businesses. universities from raising tuition to hired. the public that there's only so far we "We're not giving the faculty can go — that all is not well and that offset the cut. See CARRIER, page 2 ► 1 Half-Staff — The United States and Virginia flags at Wilson Hall were lowered last week to mourn the deaths of Marines In Lebanon. (Photo by Greg Fletcher) Assembly's January session, construction on the By Tammy Scarton news editor complex will start by fall 1984. It will take about 18 months to complete. Board off Visitors The JMU Board of Visitors Friday granted Under the plans, the complex would contain 22 President Ronald Carrier permission to continue units. Each unit would hold 30 students and cost plans to build a Greek housing complex across In- an estimated $300,000. approves plan terstate 81. The Greek complex would not raise students' Carrier will present a written proposal re- for Greek housing questing General Assembly approval for a $9 See BOARD, page 2 ► million revenue bond at the Dec. 2 board meeting. If the bond revenue is approved in the General ► RELATED STORY ON PAGE 3 Mind Many students complained of anxiety Athletic Football player Marshall Barnes is and confusion after hypnotist James also the Virginia Director for the games Mapes' performance last week. Page 3 angel Guardian Angels. Page 8 Page 2, The Breeze, Monday, October 31,1983 M SheOtherglace 'V> MARRISONBURG.VA. many, many qualified Virginians Carrier who have not been able to proudly presents matriculate at James Madison *- (Continued from page 1) Nov. 2 & 3 - FORCE OF HABIT New Rock University because of our funding Nov. 4 & 5 - DIAMONDS The Hardest Rock And about 10 vacant faculty posi- levels," Carrier said. Nov. 9 & 10 - THE DADS Rockin New Wave tions won't be filled, Carrier said. The presidents of state-supported This will save between $150,000 and colleges and universities released a Nov. 11 & 12 - LEJAND Hard Driving Rock & Roll $200,000. document Thursday stating, Nov. 18 - J.S. ft THE CASUALS Rock & Boogie The September state-imposed "Virginia's colleges and universities Nov. 19 - SKIP CASTRO Rock & Boogie budget cuts "Have put a severe are faced with a crisis — a crisis pro- Wednesdays, College Night Happy Hour 3 p.m. Till Close. strain on the quality of education we voked by a continuing decline in an $2 Cover With Student I.D. can deliver," Carrier said. already inadequate level of fiscal Thursdays, Ladles Night Ladies Admitted Freet "The (Virginia) colleges and support. universities have had to meet in- "The current lack of fiscal sup- creasing demands for enrollments port is doing irreparable damage to Happy Hour 3 P.M. - 7 P.M. Daily and increasing demands for pro- our public colleges and For Additional Information Call 434-9233 grams while operating with budgets universities." that are not adequate to fund those The colleges were required in 1982 29 South Liberty St. One Block From Court Square at a quality level." to cut their budgets by 5 percent, At JMU, "We have 12,000 ap- followed by a 4.6 percent cut in July plications. We are accepting only 38 and the 1.5 percent cut in LUIGI'S PIZZERIA percent of that 12,000. There are September. Proudly Presents McGraw-Long Hall, which is ALL THE PIZZA YOU CAN EAT Board under construction next to Bell Hall, only $3.50 *■ (Continued from page 1) is expected to be completed by fall 1984. It is expected to house 210 MON - THURS 5-8 p.m. fees higher than if a students. Both Locations dormitory was built, he said. Other action at the meeting: The Board of Visitors is the gover- ► The board approved 1984 sum- 9" Cheese Pizza $1.50 ning body of JMU. The 11-member mer school prices, which increased Each Extra Topping 50* board has the final word on all about 10 percent. university policy. Summer school prices per credit Mon. ■ Frl. 11 a.m. ■ 2 p.m. Each fraternity or sorority would hour will be $30 for Virginia Both Locations be asked to raise $50,000 to furnish a undergraduates; $61 for out-of-state Happy Hour recreation room, chapter room and undergraduates; $52 for Virginia lounge in its house, Carrier said. graduates and $84 for out-of-state Lulgl's # 1 Lulgl's # 2 The proposed complex is needed graduate students. Mon. • Fri. 5-8 p.m. to alleviate housing overcrowding. Mon. - Thurs. 5-8 p.m. The cost of housing, food and stu- 433-1101 433-0077 JMU needs about 400 additional dent fees for May term will be $198; beds on campus. Carrier said. for the four-week term, $264; the The number of freshmen accepted six-week term, $3%; and the eight- will increase next year, and a week term, $528. backlog of students requesting on- »*■ Dr. William Jackameit, direc- campus space already exists, he said. tor of planning, budget and analysis, After this year, students won't be said JMU will reach its maximum SCHOOL living in Howard Johnson's, he said. enrollment of 9,998 by 1994. corrections SOCKS The Breeze publishes corrections and next semester. Incorrect information $4.00 per pair clarifications as soon as It can. If you see something you think warrants a correc- was given on page 1 of the Oct. 27 .School colors and letters are tion or clarification, please phone Ian issue of The Breeze. This was an Katz, editor, at 6127, or write to him at editing error. woven into the sock. Full The Breeze, JMU, Harrlsonburg, VA .cushioned,stretch tube 22807. socks. Excellent for your- ► Student Francine McDonald self or as a gift for friends ► JMU is considering increasing was not arrested as listed in policefile and relatives. One size tuition 10 percent next year. Gov. on page 5 of the Oct. 27 issue of The fits all. Price includes Charles Robb on Tuesday barred Breeze. This was due to an error in postage and ship- state universities from raising tuition police records. ping. Order by check or money order. We will mail anywhere in t|ie cBieeze the U.S.A. Editor Ian Kali Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Managing editor Dantal Flnnagan Bualnoaa managar Italy Jonea Nawaadltor Tammy Searton Aaalatant bualneaa managar Marlon MoOubrton | Holly Sales Co. Aaalatant nawi adltor Qwan Farias Ada daalgn managar larja.ii lab.ri Faaturaa adltor CfwntM Taytof |PO. Boxll67 Aaalatanl faaturaa adltor Conatanoa Wafcer Spona adltor MaaaLockaid | Virginia Beach. VA 23451 Aaalatant aporta adltor JohnC.it.ldl Tht Bnaaie la publlaned Monday and Thud I Editorial adltor Roaa fttchardaon day morning, and dlatrlbutad throughout JMU. Aaalatant adltortal adltor CyFiHtz Malting addraaa la Ttm aVaaxa, Anthony I Photo adltor YoNasaya Oaagar Hall, JMU, Harrlaonburg, VA 22807 | NAME Wlra adltor DaoMTraa* For advertising, call 43340W. For editorial of Copy adltor Sandy Stone ftoaa, call 4JW127. Production managar fcm.Ah.rt Comment, and complaints should bs SCHCKX JenaChaeea Editorial aaalatant directed to Ian Katz, adltor. M.00 Advisers Ft*s De Luce. Alan Neckowtti Total Price The Breeze, Monday, October 31,1983, page 3 Anxiety and confusion Counseling center busy after Mapes visit By Karen Brown ing, Emmerling said. although these images seem harmless, they can be staff writer To help the students, Emmerling said the frightening to some people, Emmerling said. counselors assist in "facilitating attitude readjust- "Even with the most benign images you could Many students suffering from confusion and ment," and sometimes must re-introduce hyp- easily find people who will respond negatively," he anxiety following a performance here by hypnotist nosis. said. James Mapes sought help at the counseling center. To ensure confidentiality of the students involv- Emmerling said he thinks that "using hypnosis Dr. David Emmerling, associate director of the ed, Emmerling said he can not release details of for entertainment is an inappropriate use. As a Counseling and Student Development Center, said their problems generated by Mapes' show. professional I object" to Mapes' show, he said. he could not estimate how many students called the But he said the problems generally are caused Emmerling has worked with clinical hypnosis for center following the hypnosis program, but "the when "associations and memories are stirred up eight years. list is growing." that are uncomfortable." Age regression, which Emmerling defines as Each year since Mapes has been performing During the show Mapes hypnotizes members of "asking somebody to take a step backwards in here, "a minimum of 20" students who attended the audience and then suggests images to them, time," is the practice he finds most unacceptable in the program have gone to the center for counsel- such as "you are on a strange planet." But Mapes' program, he said.
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