Te Shutle September 2014 The Next NASFA Meeting is Saturday 20 September 2014 at the Regular Location Please check the deadline below the Table of Contents each d Oyez, Oyez d! month to submit news, reviews, LoCs, or other material. We ! will generally need to enforce that deadline strictly.! The next NASFA Meeting will be 6P Saturday 20 Sep- FUTURE PROGRAMS AND ATMMs! tember 2014, at the regular meeting location—the Madison Future programs for 2014 are TBD at press time.! campus of Willowbrook Baptist Church (old Wilson Lumber We need ATMM volunteers for October and December 2014 Company building) at 7105 Highway 72W (aka University and all months in 2015. November 2014 is spoken for.! Drive). Please see the map at right if you need help finding it.! In a similar vein, we could use a host for a New Year’s Eve SEPTEMBER PROGRAM! party.! The program for the September meeting will be a talk by FUTURE CLUB MEETING DATES! Mitch Hunt on using the Raspberry All further NASFA meeting dates for 2014 are scheduled on Pi <www.raspberrypi.org> (a “low the normal 3rd Saturday.! cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV”) in hobby applications. Mitch sends a “warning” that he will try to recruit Road Jeff Kroger interested NASFAns to come to the Huntsville Python Users Group meetings he organizes.! US 72W SEPTEMBER ATMM! (aka University Drive) The After-The-Meeting Meeting will be hosted by Adam and Maria Grim at the church. The usual rules will apply—that is, please bring food to share and your favorite drink. Also, please stay to help clean up. We need to be good guests and leave Road Slaughter things at least as clean as we found them.! Map To CHANGING SHUTTLE DEADLINES! Meeting Parking The latest tweak to the NASFA Shuttle schedule shifted the usual repro date somewhat to the right (roughly the weekend Location Willowbrook Madison before each meeting) but much of each issue will need to be put 7105 Highway 72W to bed as much as two weeks before the monthly meeting.! Huntsville AL 35806 Continuing Our 34th Year of Publication Inside this issue…! ! News & Info!...............................................................................2! ! Hugo, Campbell, and Retro-Hugo Awards!...........................4! Minutes of the August Meeting!.................................................2! ! Other Awards at Worldcon!.....................................................5! NASFA Calendar!........................................................................2! ! Worldcon Business Meeting!..................................................6! Special Worldcon Section! Awards Roundup!........................................................................7! ! Loncon 3 Wrapup!...................................................................3! Letters of Comment!....................................................................8 Deadline for the October 2014 issue of The NASFA Shuttle is Monday 29 September 2014 JOINING THE NASFA EMAIL LIST! tion 34 <www.vcon.ca>. That con will be held 3–5 October All NASFANs who have email are urged to join the NASFA 2014 at the Sheraton Vancouver Guildford in Sheraton Van- email list, which you can do online at <tinyurl.com/ couver Guildford (Vancouver area) BC.! NASFAEmail>. The list is usually low traffic, though the rate is For the initial class, all past recipients of the Aurora Award rather variable. Generally the list is limited to announcements for Lifetime Achievement will be inducted, to wit: A.E. van about club activities plus the occasional message of general Vogt (1980), Susan Wood (1981), Phyllis Gotlieb (1982), Ju- interest to north-Alabama sf/f/h/etc. fans. Non NASFAns are dith Merril (1983 and 1986), Dennis Mullin (2008), and Robert both encouraged and welcomed to join the list, but please only J. Sawyer (2013). Additionally, a jury do so if you’re interested in the above restricted topics.! added honors for: William Gibson, Jeanne NASFA CALENDAR ONLINE! Robinson, and Spider Robinson.! NASFA has an online calendar on Google. Interested parties COMICS AUCTION ACTION! can check the calendar online, but you can also subscribe to it A copy of Action Comics No. 1 recently and have your Outlook, iCal, BlackBerry, or other calendar set a new record price in an auction when automatically updated as events (Club Meetings, Concom it went for a little over $3.2 million. On Meetings, local sf/f/h/etc. events) are added or changed. You eBay, nonetheless. That blew the $2.16 can view the calendar online at <tinyurl.com/NASFACal>.! million by a similarly graded copy sold by ! Nicolas! Cage in 2011.! News & Info! ! ! August Minutes! 2015 WORLDCON HOTELS—16 SEPTEMBER 2014! An Account of Certain Events That Took Roughly 9 Min- Sasquan, the 2015 Worldcon, is throwing open the hotel utes and 40 Seconds, Yet for Some Reason the Account Is doors earlier than usual for a Worldcon. Booking (through a Called the Minutes As If the Seconds Didn’t Count at All! housing bureau only) will be open from 8A (PDT) 16 Sep- by Doug Lampert! tember 2014. You’ll need to follow the link on their website, ! starting at the <sasquan.org/hotels> page. The Shuttle is not 18:00:03 by Sue’s watch: Mary, at her husband’s urging, aware if a phone number will be available to contact the hous- gavels the meeting to order as part of an insidious plot to have a ing bureau.! quick meeting before anyone shows up.! For fans needing special rooms (party rooms, suites, accessi- OLD BUSINESS! ble rooms), contact forms are linked from the main hotel page, NerdCon discussion. We still haven’t actually done much above, to put in your request after reserving a room.! about it.! KC WINS WORLDCON BID! Geekfest discussion. Some sort of internet security thingie in Fandom in Kansas City MO has persevered with bidding, September.! even after a couple of loses in the last decade plus—and won Something called Geek Gathering in Sheffield Alabama is the right to host the 2016 Worldcon. MidAmeriCon II also happening sometime soon.! <midamericon2.org> will be held 17–21 August 2016 at the NEW BUSINESS! Kansas City Convention Center and Bartle Hall and several How come they redecorate between every meeting?! nearby hotels.! Delay while we wait for people to show up prior to con busi- The Guests of Honor will be Kinuko Y. Craft, Patrick ness starting. This is defeating the purpose people. We started at Nielsen Hayden, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Tamora Pierce, and 6 so as to take sadistic glee at others missing the meeting and Michael Swanwick. Pat Cadigan will serve as Toastmaster.! encourage people to show up in a timelier manner.! TAFF CANDIDATE DECLARES! CON BUSINESS! Wolf von Witting has thrown is hat in the ring for the next Some of us will be going to the hotel tomorrow to look over TransAtlantic Fan Fund <taff.org.uk> race. von Witting is the facilities and contract for 2015.! standing for an east-to-west year and so would be attending the Much discussion of waffles.! Spokane Worldcon <sasquan.org> if he’s successful.! 18:09:43: Adjourned.! TAFFworld #1 PUBLISHED! ! Jim Mowatt, winner of the 2013 TransAtlantic Fan Fund ! (east-to-west) has published TAFFworld #1 <efanzines.com/ TAFF/TAFFWorld-01US.pdf> with all the TAF-related news NASFA Calendar! from Loncon 3, this year’s Worldcon. Notably, he reports that ! TAFF raised £1164.98 (with some more expected from another SEPTEMBER! source) during the con.! 01! Labor Day.! FANED AWARDS; CH-CH-CH-CHANGES! 03! BD: David K. Robinson.! The Faned Awards—for Canadian fanzine activities—were 04! Bailey Cove Library Book Discussion: Sleeping in invented a while back by R. Graeme Cameron, Due to the Flame, Jonathan Carroll; 6P. Per the library website rather meager participation (only 19 people voted last year) <hmcpl.org/bookclubs/bailey_cove_scifi>, this book Cameron is opening up voting to “anyone who reads Canadian club is currently inactive.! zines,” though apparently folks outside of Canada still won’t be 05–07! OutsideCon 27—Burns TN.! eligible for the awards themselves.! 06! Nashville Anime Day—Murfreesboro TN.! CANADIAN SF&F HALL OF FAME ESTABLISHED! 07! National Grandparents Day.! A new Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame 09! BD: Mike Cothran.! has been announced; with the debut public ceremony to be hod 11! BD: Ray Pietruszka.! in conjunction with the Aurora Awards at VCON 39/Canven- 12! BD: Pat Butler.! "2 19–20! DayCon—Clarksville TN.! 15*! NASFA Meeting—6P Business, 7P Program, at Wil- 11! Patriot Day.! lowbrook Madison. Program: TBD. ATMM: Mike 16! Día de la Independencia.! Kennedy, at his house (tentative).! 17! Constitution Day.! 15! Hamacon Minicon—Huntsville AL.! 17! Citizenship Day.! 17! Aniversario de la Revolución Mexicana.! 19! National POW/MIA Recognition Day.! 21–23! Comic Convention—Memphis TN.! 20*! NASFA Meeting—6P Business, 7P Program, at Wil- 22! BD: Nancy Renee Peters.! lowbrook Madison. Program: Mitch Hunt on using the 23! BD: Mike Kennedy.! Raspberry Pi in hobby applications. ATMM: Maria and 24! Atlanta Anime Day—Atlanta GA.! Adam Grim, at the church.! 27! Thanksgiving Day.! 23! Autumnal equinox.! 29! BD: Howard Camp.! 25! Rosh Hashanah.! 30! BD: Joshua Kennedy.! 26! BD: Jenna Victoria Stone.! 30! BD: Richard Gilliam.! 26–28! Anime Weekend Atlanta—Atlanta GA.! DECEMBER! 26–28! Wizard World—Nashville TN.! 04! Bailey Cove Library Book Discussion: Roadside Picnic, 28! Gold Star Mother’s Day.! Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky; 6P. Per the OCTOBER! library website <hmcpl.org/bookclubs/bailey_cove_ 02–05! Game Fest 24—Atlanta GA.! scifi>,
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