This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail: [email protected] 1 ! NYCV90-A30 Cornellr Alonzo B+, 1832-1904. Z Papers, 1830-1904. +3 6~,&, o Guve!,:lor of New York., rrl Summary: Corresrondencer journal, accountsr clirpinss? notes, leaflets, hlotters~and scrarhooks relatins largely to Cornell's political activities a:-:=5 reflectins his interest in sovernmental rrohlemsr his attachment for Roscoe 5 Conklinzi~and his hatred for Thomas Collier Platt. There is genealodrr o currespondencer various obituaries includins Ezra and Alonzo Cornellr items v about Cornell Universitrr and items pertaining to Cornell's uork uith the Neu * York, Alhanr and Buffalo Telegraph Co. including a journal with coarerlts on t!,p telegrarh line and an account hook recordins personal expenses and stork m purchased of the Erie 8 Hichisan Telesrarh Co. Also includes corres~ondence C 2 relatins to the Neu York State Committee and State Convention of the Reruhlica~ Partr (1871) and letters (1880-1882) written durins Cornell's administration a$ Governor, concerned uith avvointments, the vetor various reform or political measurea7 rolitical treachery, elevated comvaniesr railroad commissionsr and cther matters. Correspondents include Francis C. Barlour L.E. Chittendenr z Roscoe Conklinsr Austin Corhinr Houard Croshrr Georse William Curtis, The0drrrr.P L. Curler: Noah Davis? William C. UeWittr Dorman B. Eatonr Francis H. Finch, oD Charles J. Falser, Jar Gouldr Horace Greelerr Benjamin Harrison, Frank Hiscoc:=,-H H.B. Hrde, Seth Lour J.N. Hatthewsr Levi P. Hortonr Alhert 11. Northr Georse W,$ Parsons, Jackson L. Schultzr Elliott F. She~ardrCharles E. Smith, William .V) Hhinelander Stewart, Simon Stevensr~andAndrew Dickson White. Findins aids: Descriptive suide. o Uescrihed- - - ~ in REPORT OF THE CURATOR AND ARCHIVISTv- 1948-1950, 1954-1958. Cite as: Alonzo B. Cornell. Papersr 1773. Department of Hanuscripts and F University Archives, Cor,nell Urriversitr Lihrarr. F C 1. Conklinsr Roscoe, 1829-1888. 2. Plattr Thomas Collierr 1833-1910. 3. 2 Greeler, Horace, 1811-1872. 4. Curtis, George Willian~r 1824-1892. 5. Acton. 3 Thomas Coxton. 6. Harlour Francis C. (Francis Channins), 1834-1896. 7. E Chittenden, L. E, (Lucius Eusene) r 1824-1900. 8. Corhinr Austin, 1827-1896. ?.u r3 C-osbr? Houard, 1826-1891. 10. Curler, Theodore L+ (Theodore Ledyard)?, 1812- u: 1909. 11. Uavisr Noahr 1818-1902, 12. DeWittr William C+ 13. Eatonr Dorman Re !I~oi~mar~Hridgsan), 1823-1899. 14. Finch, Francis M. (Francis Miles!, 1827-19C"'u 15. Fol3err Charles Jamear 1818-1884. 16.,Gouldr Jarr 1836-1892. 17. Hiscockr ; Frank, 1834-19.14. 18. Hrder H. H. (Henry Baldwin), 1834-1899. 19. Lou, Seth? TI 1950-1916. 20. Matthewar J. N+ 21. Hortonr Levi P. (Levi par sons)^ 1824-1926, m 32. North, Albert U, 23. Parsonsr George W. 24. Schultzr Jackson L+ 35. Shela?? Elliott F, !Elliott Finch), 1833-1893. 26. Smith, Charles En~orrr 1842-1908. Steuartr Milliam Rhinelanderr 1852-1929. 28. Stevens, Simon. 29. Whiter Andre-* krok..-03, 1833-1918. 30. Neu York. (State). Governor, 31. ti'er'~bl.:can Parts ;N,.<.$ ,. -3~. Ke~~blicar! Parts (N.Y.). State Committee. 33, Neu Yorkr Alhanr and E!uff?:..$ Tele3?ar.h Comrarcr. 34. Erie 8 Michigan Telesraph Cosranr. 35. Cornell. Llriiversit~,36. Tejesravh lines. 37. Telegraph--Neu York (State! 38. ti'ailrsad..-z-m Neu York !State) 39. New York (State)--Politics and sovcrnm~nt Z CORA'ELL, ALONZO B. 1889-1902. 5 pieces. Lc~tcrs,n~isccll;rneous. (77) -- - - - -- - - -.. .. mPEEs 7. - *4cu. ft.. 11 . vols. CORNELL (ALONZO B.) 1866-1896.7-. A collection of letters, clippings, notes, and leaflets which relate largely to Cornell's political activities and throw light on his interest in gov- .. .. - ernmental problems, his attachment for Roscoe Conkling, and his hatred for Thomas Collier Platt. Included are letters (1871) relating to the state committee-and state.convention of the Republican Party from Conkling, Horace Greeley, George William Curtis, and othen. There are letten (1880-1882) for the period of his administration as governor concerned with appointments, the veto, various reform or political measures, political treachery, elevated companies, railroad commissions, and other matten from T. C. Actin, Cornelius R. Agnew, Francis C. Barlow, L. E. Chittenden, Austin Grbin, Howard Crosby, Theodore L. Cuyler, Noah Davis, William C. DeWin, Doman B. Eaton, Francis M. Finch, ChaiTG J. Fo1ger;Jay Gould, Frank Hiscock, ' H. B. Hyde, Seth Low, J. N. Matthews, Albert D. North, George W. Parsons. Jackson L. Schultz, Elliot F. Shepard. Charlu E. Smith. ~illiam~hinelander ~le\ra;, Simon. steven;, &drew D. White, and Y. others: from Plan (March 3. 1880) cornplainima- that Conklina- had sneered and snubbed him "till I made up my mindl-was an idiot or he was crazy"; from Platt (February, 1881) asring whether to conceal or reveal a deficiency in the Quarantine appropriation; and from J. A. Nichols (1882) protesilng Plait's friendship for Cornell. Miscellaneous political items iridude a letter (1880) from Levi P. Morton concerning possible candidacy for the vice-presidency; a letter (1889) from Cor- nell to President Harrison on Stephen B. French, and another (1892) warning him of Platt's treachery; a draft of a long letter (1891) by Cornell on the need and \ray of reorganizing the state committee of the Republican Party; and another draft (1891) exposing the fraud and corruption within the Party and attacking the "e\d genius" of Platt as being responsible for every Republican disaster since 1881. ~~ .- . -. (773)- - -~ ~~~ ~ ~. COR~ELL(ALOXZO B.), 1832-1 904. Papen, 1856-1 857; 2 vols., 6 pa. Politician, New York State Governor. Pertain to Cornell's work with the New-York, Albany and BufTilo Telegraph Company; include a journal with comments on the ccadition of the telegraph line, an account book recording personal expewes and stock pur- ch?sed of the Erie Michigan Telegraph Company; one letter stating that the tcltgraph lines \\.ill be kcpt in operation all night lollowine the election of 1856. and iracmentarv loose accounts. Cornell, Alonw B, 1832-1904. Pnpers, 1856-1902. ZX! Item11 and 2 v. In Cornell Unlverslty Llbrary. Collection of Reglonal Elstom and Unlverslty Archlves W, 778. m) Governor of New York. Correepmdence, journal, accounts, clip plugs. not- and leaflets relating largely to Cornell's polltlcal actlVl- tlea and reflectlug hls Interest In governmental problems. hls attsch- ment for Roscoe Conklln& and hla hatred for Thomas Colller Platt The early papers (1858-57). pertaining to Cornell's work dththe New York. Albany and Buffnlo Telegraph Co., luclude a journal wlth mm- ments on the telegraph llne and an account book recording peInona1 expenses and stock purchased of the Erle & lllchlgan Telegraph Co. ,. Includes correspondence relating to the New York State Commlttee (Continued on next card) MS 62-2343 14 Cornell, Alonm B, 1833-1904. Papers, 1856-1902. 1 (Card 2) and State Cuurention of the' Republlcan Parts (1851) and letters (188(t82) written during Cornell's admlnlstratlon as GoTeITWt, con- cerned wlth appointments, the veto, various reform or polltlcal meas- ures, polltlcal treachery, elevated eompanles, rallroad commlsslonq and other matters. Correspondents Include T. C bctln. Cornellus Fl. Agnew. Frauds C. Barlow, L E. Cblttenden. Roscoe ConLllW. Aastln Corbin, Howard Crosby, George WIUlam Curtis. Theodore L C1191~r. Koah Darls. Willlam C. DeWltt Dorman B. Eaton. Fmncls M Flneh. Charles J. Folger, Jax Gould. Horace Greeley. Benjamln Harrison. Frank Hlscock, H. B. H~de.Seth LOW, J. K. hlattherrs. Lev1 P. MOP ton, J. A. Nlchols. Albert D. North. George W. Parsons, Thomas Colller Plntt. Jackson L Schult7. Elllot F. Shepard, Charles E. Smith, Wllllam Rhlnelander Stewart. Sllnoo Stereas. and Andrew - . -..- ~ .. -. - . , Cmrnell, Alonm B, 163.2-1904. ~ . .~ Papers, 165G-1902. (Card 3) .. Described in Dart ill the Fifth and sixth anuual rrlxtrts of the 1 1. New Iork (State)-Pol. & govt-18Bj-lW. 2. Republican Parts. New Tork (State) 3. Telegrnph-Xew Turk (State) 4. Rallroads-New York (State) 11s 62-2343 Coroell Unlv. Llbrary for Librars of Con,"lpss 121 . ~. - List of writers of letters and/or manuscripts contajned In the bundle addressed to Alonzo B. Cornell L, letter, M, manuscript date Adams, Charles Kendall L second president of. Cornell, 1.P85-92 12-2-87 Al1en;L. F. L editor American Herdbook 12-22-87 Boardman, Douglass L judge on 1S.Y. State Supreme Court, Ithaca Lawyer, C .U. trustee, Dean of Law School 12-3-87 Bogart, William H. L the Honerable, of Aurora, who spoke at C. Library dedication 12-20-66 12-15-87 Bok, Edward W. L from literary bureau,a successful publjsher, refprs to Henry W.Beecher 12-20-87 Bostwick, L'illiam L. L Businessman Ithaca and San Diego 12-13-F7 M/L refers to E.C's disapproval of billboards and disfigurement of the natural landscape ic pr;, 1-16-88 L business letter 1-23-88 Brewer, William H. L Ithacan, Pale prof. on early Ovld Agricultural Col-lege staff 12-13-87 Caldwell, George C . L C .IT. prof. saw little of E.C. 1-9-88 Curtis, George William L , writer, speaker, lecturer at C.U. 12~13-8'7 Rev. Cqyler,,Theodore L. L nephew of J.J.Speed, long associated with E.C. in Ithaca and elsewhere 1-948 Doane, William Croswell L Episcopal bishop, later Chancellor.of the Univ.
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