SATURDA 'S TIDES WATER CONDITION HIGI LOW _71 dadfyait #aper wr tI- de CHINFO t &Fard Charlie II 12:47 a.m. 7:16 a.m. U.S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA STORAGE ASHORE 12:11 p.m. 6:16 p.m. 12.7 Million Gallons Phone 9-5247 Date FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1969 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) US. Toll In Vietnam Nears Korean War Mark SAIGON (AP/AFNB)--The U.S. death toll from the enemy's of- Campus Violence Stdkes fensive last week reached 351 and at that rate the total kill- Eastern ed in action in Vietnam will exceed that of the Korean War by Universities the end of March. During Anti-War Protests U.S. Command figures yesterday brought the total American NEW YORK (AP/AFNB)--On col- battle deaths in eight years of war to 33,063. Korean War lege campuses in Massachusetts, dead totaled 33,629. It lasted three years and was the blood- and New York, students have iest foreign war, being sur- Laird turned to anti-military demon- passed only by World Wars I Defends ABM strations. and II. As 'Safeguard' Measure More than 200 students at The U.S. toll last week was WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB)-- De- the University of New York's 15 more than the previous week fense Secretary Melvin Laird Buffalo campus are occupying and raised the number of Amer- has opened the Nixon Admini- the administration building. icans killed since the enemy stration's fight for public Yesterday they tore down two offensive began Feb. 23 to and congressional approval of shacks at a United States Navy 1,140. The U.S. Command said an anti-ballastic missile de- research project and burned the enemy total for the same fense system. blueprints for the project. three weeks was 15,099 dead Laird said the so-called They were protesting the with 4,137 killed last week. "Safeguard" ABM system will imposition of a three-year South Vietnamese headquart- protect the United States by sentence on a fellow student ers said 325 ARVN soldiers protecting its strategic de- convicted of resisting the were killed last week, up from torrent. draft. 259 the week before. He also told to the Senate At the same time the Buffalo The latest figures showed Armed Services Committee that students at Holy Cross College 10,112 Americans have been the best technical evidence is in Worcester, Mass., gathered killed in combat since the that this system will work. to protest Marine recruitment United States and North Viet- The Pentagon's research en campus. nam began exploratory peace chief, Dr. John Foster, tes- talks 10 months ago. tified: "This system will Sen. Richard RusseR Ailing Most of yesterday's battle work for the purposes we have WASHINGTON (AP/AFEB) -- Dem- centered around a huge rubber in mind." ocratic Senator Richard Rus- plantation 40 miles northwest Laird said: "We cannot stop sell of Georgia has announced of Saigon where 10,000 U.S. a massive Soviet attack on our he will undergo cobalt treat- troops are trying to block an Cities." But, he added, the ments for a lung tumor. enemy thrust toward the cap- ABM system would protect peo- In a tape recording played ital. ple by making sure a nuclear for newsmen, Russell said he The enemy offensive has not attack does not start in the thinks it is fair to assume seemed to slow down consider- first place because our do- that the tumor is malignant. ably since last week. The 71-year-old Russell is torrent is ready. one of the most powerful men in the Senate and heads the Egyptian, Airliner Crashes Near Aswan-Claims 92 Lives Appropriations Committee. CAIRO (AP/AFNB)--A Soviet- in upper Egypt yesterday. Of- He said his doctors advised built Egyptian airliner re- officials said 92 persons were him strongly to continue his turning from a Moslem pilgrim- killed. work and await the outcome of age to Saudi Arabia with 101 The passengers had won the the treatment, and said he persons aboard crashed in trip to Mecca in a national would take that advice. flames at the airport in Aswan lottery. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, March 21, 1969 WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB)--Fighter planes were LOS ANGELES (AP/AFNB)--A psychologist con- sent to the aid of the Pueblo when she was at- ceded yesterday that Sirhan B. Sirhan had to tacked in the Sea of Japan last year but dark- do a considerable amount of planning and pre- ness engulfed the area before the aircraft meditation to carry out the slaying of Sen. could arrive, an Air Force general said yes- Robert F. Kennedy. terday. Dr. 0. Roderick Richardson told the murder Lt. Gen. Seth J. McKee, former commander of trial jury in Los Angeles that in a psychotic the U.S. Fifth Air Force, said he dispatched state Sirhan was capable of deciding upon the F105's armed with 20 mm. cannon when he learn- person he was going to kill, getting a weapon, ed of the Pueblo's plight but the planes were practicing at a range, going to the Ambassador too far away to arrive before the intelligence Hotel and firing the gun at Kennedy's head. ship was captured. Richardson insisted, however, that it was McKee,,now Vice Chief of Staff for the Air not the same type of deliberation, premedita- Force, emphasized he acted as quickly as he tion and calculation that would have marked could to get fighter planes to the scene. the act of a so-called normal person who might "I personally made the decision to send the attempt an assassination. aircraft, issued appropriate orders to effect "It is similar to the type of thinking that such action and Fifth Air Force fighters were a mental patient might use when he steals a launched" the General told a special House key from a nurse on her rounds so he can make Armed Services Subcommittee probing the cap- an escape later on," Richardson said. ture of the Pueblo. Under cross-examination by Dep. Dist. Atty. McKee said his command began launching David Fitts, Richardson agreed that there were fighter aircraft as rapidly as possible out of many persons on both sides of the Arab-Israeli Okinawa, where the only operationally ready conflict who hated each other and that there combat units were located. were terrorist groups whose goal was to as- "Unfortunately, they could not get to the sassinate leaders., scene prior to darkness or prior to the time "Do you think all the members of those that the Pueblo entered the three-mile limit," groups are paranoid?" Fitts asked. he said. "Therefore after they landed in Kor- "I haven't had an opportunity to examine ea, it was too late to refuel and relaunch in them. However, people who become terrorists support of the Pueblo." often have shown a need to express their per- McKee said the planes were sent from Okinawa sonal hostility." to Osan, South Korea, to refuel because they did not carry sufficient fuel to go directly to the ship and engage in possible combat. Rep. Otis G. Pike (D-N.Y.), subcommittee chairman, and several other members praised Guantanamo Gazette McKee for the actions he took even though the planes could not reach the Pueblo in time to ComNavBase RAdm J.B. Hildreth be of help. Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach Editorial Adviser J02 Jerry Marshall GIBRALTAR (AP/AFNB)--Beatle John Lennon and Editor J03 Larry Long Japanese sculptress Yoko Ono, both dressed in Associate Editor JOSN Phil Jordan Layout Supervisor wearing tennis shoes, were married J03 Mike Nash white and Staff Writer, JOSN John Bell on the Rock of Gibraltar yesterday. The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is published according to the Then they flew off to Paris in the jet Len- rules and regulations for ship and station newspapers non chartered for $2,400 in hopes of getting as outlined in*NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed lost for a quiet honeymoon. The couple have four days a week at government expense on government been living together for .months. equipment. The opinions or statements in news items The 28-year-old Beatle carried a coat made that appear herein are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Depart- of human hair but wore a white jacket, white ment of the Navy. sweater and baggy pants for the ceremony in Ads and notices will be accepted between the hours Gibraltar's white stone Register Office. The of 8 aim. and 3 p.m. MON through FRI only and will be bride, 34, wore a white minidress and a white published in Monday's, Tuesday's or Thursday's GAZETTE. No ads or notices except command notices will be pub- floppy hat. lished more than once a week nor will they be run in Both wore the canvas tennis shoes because Friday's paper. they oppose the slaughter of animals for their The GAZETTE welcomes contributions of a newsworthy hides. nature. All contributions should be forwarded to Box 22, in care of the GUANTANAMO GAZETTE. The GAZETTE re- By flying to the Rock, Lennon and Miss Ono serves the right to modify the content of'any story to avoided the riotous crowd scenes that attend make it conform to typographical and format standards most Beatle events. for publication. Pages Missing or Unavailable Friday, March 21, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette Page 7 British Invasion of Anguilla Termed 'Blunder' ANGUILLA (AP/AFNB)--Anguillans looked on in sullen silence yesterday as British forces set SPORTS up roadblocks on their sunny island and an- nounced that the occupation- might last for several years.
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