TheNorth-South Carriér Water Project in Botswana reviewof environ entalimpact assessments The North-South Carrier Water Project in Botswana A review of environmental impact assessments Kjetil Bevanger NORSK INSTITUTT FOR NATURFORSKNG nina oppdragsmetding 320 NINA publications Bevanger, K. 1994. The North-South Carrier Water Project in Botswana. A review of environmental impact assessments. - NINA issues five regular publications: NINA Oppdragsmelding320: 1-25. NINA Research Report Trondheim, December, 1994 This series publishes the results of NINA's own research work, aiming at disseminating research results from the ISSN 0802-4103 institution to a wider public. The reports are issued as an alternative to international pu+blication when such aspects ISBN 82-426-0531-9 as timing, the nature of the material and the sector targeted, call for it. Managementfield: Land use management NINA Report This series presents overviews of problems, results of map- Copyright (C): ping the level of existing knowledge within a topic, literature NorwegianInstitute for Nature Research (NINA•NIKU) reviews, material gathered together from outside sources, and other matter that does not primarily result from NINA's The report may be quoted when the source is mentioned by own research effort. name. NINA Assignment Report This is the minimum report supplied by NINA when external Editors: research or investigative assignments have been complet- Eli Fremstad,Synnøve Vanvik ed. A limited number of copies are printed. NINA, Trondheim NINA Topic Stock: 200 This series handles special topics, separate pamphlets being prepared when the need arises to inform the Contact address: public about problems that are important for society. NINA The series is targeted at the general public or specific groups in the community, e.g. the agricultural sector, envi- Tungasletta2 ronmental departments in the county authorities, tourism N-7005 Trondheim, Norway and outdoor recreation circles, and the like. It is therefore Tel: + 47 73 58 05 00 more popular in its presentation form, with more illustrations Fax: + 47 73 91 54 33 than the previously-mentioned series. NINA Fact Sheet The intention here is to make the most important results of NINA's externally published scientific work available to the general public (the media, societies and organisations, vari- ous levels of nature management, politicians and interested individuals). NINA staff also publish their research results in international scientific journals, popular scientific periodicals and news- papers. Availability: Open Assignment for: Nordic Development Fund Project no. 2557 - Botswana Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Swedish Board for Investment and Technical Support Signature of personal responsible: 2 © Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) 2010 http://www.nina.no Please contact NINA, NO-7485 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY for reproduction of tables, figures and other illustrations in this report. nina oppdragsmelding 320 Abstract Referat Bevanger, K. 1994. The North-South Carrier Water Project in Bevanger, K. 1994. Vannrørledningsprosjektet i Botswana Botswana. A review of environmental impact assessments. - (NSCWP). En kritisk gjennomgang av prosjektets miljøkonse- NINA Oppdragsmelding 320: 1-25. kvensanalyser. - NINA Oppdragsmelding 320: 1-25. Existing information on environmental impact assessments Miljøkonsekvensanalyser utført i tilknytning til et vannrør- relating to the North-South Carrier Water Project (NSCWP) in ledningsprosjekt i Botswana (The North-South Carrier Water Botswana has been reviewed. There are two major envi- Project, NSCWP er evaluert. De to største naturinngrepene ronmental encroachments and artificial constructions con- knyttet til prosjektet består i bygging av et 18 krri2 stort vann- nected with the NSCWP: (i) the buliding of an 18 km2 reservoar (Letsibogodammen, med en magasineringskapa- reservoir (Letsibogo Dam, with an active storage of 100 Mm3) sitet på 100 Mm3) i Motloutseelva, ca 70 km sør for Francis- on the Motloutse River, about 70 km south of Francistown, town og bygging av en 361 km lang vannrørledning fra and (ii) the building of a 361 km long water transfer pipeline reservoaret til en inntaks- og balanseringsdam ca 15 km nord from the reservoir to 15 km north of Gaborone. In general, the for Gaborone. Miljøkonsekvensanalysene som er utført i til- environmental studies carried out in connection with the knytning til rørledningen og reservoaret er generelt i tråd med pipeline and reservoir seem to comply with the standards -de standarder som bl.a. er indikert av NORAD, og de fore- called for by, for instance, NORAD, and the proposed miti- slåtte avhjelpende tiltak er i tråd med eksisterende økologisk gating measures as well as the recommendations for mana- forståelse og kunnskap i forhold til denne type naturinngrep. gement action are in agreement with current ecological Selv om tiltakene ikke representerer noen garanti for frem- knowledge. Although they do not guarantee that future pro- tidige miljøproblemer, antas de, hvis de blir fulgt opp nøye, å blems will be avoided, if they are followed carefully it is kunne redusere negative miljøkonsekvenser til et tolererbart thought that the negative environmental effects of the project nivå. Negative effekter av røredningen (som blir gravd ned) will be held at a tolerable level. The impacts of pipeline på jordoverflaten vil reduseres gjennom en nøye kontroll av construction (buried in the ground) on the land surface will be hvordan jordsmonn og vegetasjon blir fjernet over grøfta. Det mitigated by carefully removing the vegetation across the øverste jordlaget og vegetasjonen fjernes og lagres separat width of the future trench, stripping and separately stockpiling og vil bli lagt tilbake til slutt når anleggsarbeidene er avsluttet. the topsoil, subsequently° replacing the soil layers in the Frøbanken i det øverste jordsmonnet, sammen med den opp- correct order immediately after laying the pipe. Together with rinnelige vegetasjonen, antas å være tilstrekkelig for å oppnå the cleared scrub preserved on top of the stockpiled soil, the adekvat revegetering slik at erosjonsproblemer unngås i seed bank in the topsoil is expected to be adequate for ettertid. Letsibogodammen er planlagt som en 28 m høy ensuring regrowth. The Letsibogo Dam is planned as a 28 m jord- og steinfyllingsdam i ei såkalt sandelv (Motloutse), det vil high rock-filled dam across the Motloutse River, an ephemeral si at elveleiet er tørt unntatt enkelte perioder i regntiden. En sand river, i.e. surface flow occurs only during the rainy omfattende miljøkonsekvensanalyse er utført i tilknytning til season. A comprehensive EIA has been carried out in con- damprosjektet, og det er spesielt tilfredsstillende å konstatere nection with this dam project, and itis particularly satisfying to at en rekke overvåkningstudier for å følge fremtidig utvikling i note that the need is pointed out for a broad range of moni- forhold til miljøet, er foreslått, både for selve reservoaret og toring and follow-up studies in connection with the project, nedstrøms dammen. Det er avgjørende at disse tiltakene both in the reservoir area and downstream from the dam. It is følges opp og settes ut i livet. De utførte konsekvensana- crucial that these studies are put into practice. However, the lysene viser imidlertid at det er behov for internasjonale project is a typical example of the need for international standarder som kan definere faglige kvalitative og kvantitative standards for EIA studies to determine the qualitative and kriterier for hvilke miljøundersøkelser slike prosjekter krever. quantitative criteria that need to be upheld in such scientific investigations. Emneord: EIA - naturinngrep - konflikter. Key words: EIA - encroachment - conflicts. Kjetil Bevanger, Norsk institutt for naturforskning, Tungasletta 2, 7005 Trondheim. Kjetil Bevanger, Norwegian institute for Nature Research, Tungasletta 2, N-7005, Trondheim, Norway. 3 © Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) 2010 http://www.nina.no Please contact NINA, NO-7485 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY for reproduction of tables, figures and other illustrations in this report. nina oppdragsmelding 320 Preface Content The Government of Botswana is currently planning to develop Abstract 3 its water resources to meet domestic and industrial needs as Referat 3 part of a National Water Masterplan. To cover future needs in Preface 4 the southern area, including the capital Gaborone, it is pro- 1 Introduction 5 posed that the North-South Carrier Water Project (NSCWP) 1.1 Background 5 will bring water from a planned reservoir about 360 km north- 1.2 The North-South Carrier Water east of Gaborone. From 20 November to 2 December 1994, Project (NSCWP) 5 NORAD, together with the Nordic Development Fund (NDF), the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) and the Swedish Board for 2 Project plan summary and environmental Investment and Technical Support (BITS), participated in an documentation 6 Appraisal Mission to Gaborone to consider financial support 2.1 The pipeline 8 for the project. However, these organisations were concemed 2.1.1 Vegetation 9 2.1.2 Fauna about the possible environmental consequences of the 9 2.1.3 Other aspects 9 proposed project and therefore wanted an environmental spe- 2.2 Evaluation of the study and the degree of cialist to participate in the mission to review existing informa- documentation 10 tion on the environmental impact assessments of the project. 2.3 The Letsibogo Dam 10 At the request of NORAD, the Norwegian Institute
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