INSIDE Commentary A-2 Hawaii 9/11 Remembrances A-3 AAVs A-4 Ugly Angels A-5 Haleiwa Surfing B-1 MCCS & SM&SP B-2 Borrowing Money B-3 Menu & Ads B-6 Ads B-8 Tackle Football C-1 Sports Briefs C-2 MMARINEARINE 2/3 Beach Cleanup C-5 Volume 31, Number 35 www.mcbh.usmc.mil September 13, 2002 ‘Go to war’ units rotate from K-Bay, Japan America’s Bn., The Unit Deployment continued its tradition of Island Warriors, 1/12’s Spear.” They will fall in on the gear, Program, which takes tirelessly training for bat- weapons and quarters recently vacated 1/12’s Bravo Marines and Sailors away tle. Charlie Battery depart by 3/3 and Bravo Battery, 1/12. Battery return from their homes for During the seven for ‘Tip of the Spear’ “These Marines and Sailors are going longer than any other months 3/3 was deployed to be separated from their families for scheduled deployment in away from Hawaii, the Sgt. Robert Carlson just about every major holiday this Sgt. Robert Carlson the Department of Marines and Sailors were Media Chief year, and we appreciate the support the Media Chief Defense, takes infantry formed as a Battalion families give while we go on deploy- battalions and artillery Landing Team three times, Families and friends said farewell to ment,” said Capt. Keith E. Burkepile, After more than seven batteries to Okinawa to and participated in six the Marines and Sailors of 2nd Bn., 3rd battery commander for Charlie, 1/12. months deployed to areas serve on the “Tip of the major exercises including Marine Regiment, and Charlie Battery, “We’ve got a great communication plan throughout the Pacific, the Spear” for seven months, Millennium Edge in 1st Bn., 12th Marine Regiment, this in place, and the Key Volunteers have Marines and Sailors of 3rd and fill the billet of the “go Tinian and Guam, week as they departed for a seven- been wonderful in preparing to make Bn., 3rd Marine Regiment, to war” units in the Balikatan in the month Unit Deployment Program trip this deployment a success.” and Bravo Battery, 1st Bn., Pacific. Philippines, the Korean to Okinawa and around the Pacific. While missing Halloween, the 12th Marine Regiment, re- “America’s Battalion,” Incremental Training The “Island Warriors” of 2/3, and Marine Corps birthday, Thanksgiving, turned to Hawaii this the most deployed battal- the Marines and Sailors of Charlie 1/12, week. ion in the Marine Corps, See 3/3, A-6 take over the reigns at the “Tip of the See 2/3, A-6 MCB Hawaii DoD Guests from all names remembers branches of the mili- tary, and guests from the community new attended a ceremony at the MCB Hawaii Pacific War Memorial Wednesday to honor CMC those who lost their lives in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist Department of 9/11 attacks. Defense Press Release Sgt. Robert Carlson Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld an- nounced today that the president has nominated Lt. Gen. Mi- chael W. Hagee for appoint- ment to the rank of gen- eral with subsequent assignment LT. GEN. as the com- HAGEE mandant of the Marine Corps. He is currently serving as the commanding general, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif. He graduated with dis- tinction from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1968 with a B.S. degree in Engineering. He also holds a M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and an M.A. degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College. He is Sgt. Richard W. Holtgraver Jr. a graduate of the Com- Acolor guard stands poised during a remembrance ceremony aboard MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, to honor those who lost their mand and Staff College lives one year ago in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. See page A-3 for coverage of the MCB Hawaii remembrance ceremony. and the U.S. Naval War College. Kaneohe Marines zero in at III MEF sniper contest Sgt. Robert Carlson competition in Quantico, Va., in October. tance shooting with the M-16A2 and M- Media Chief A physical training test and a timed 40 rifles, to live-fire stalking exercises. run made up the physical training “This is a good chance for us to step Two snipers representing 1st Bn., 3rd events, and each of the five teams also up to the next level,” said Bendinger. Marine Regiment, took out their com- competed in 14 other field and firing “We just kept a relaxed attitude and en- petitors and brought back first place hon- events. joyed ourselves. I think that contributed ors in the recent III Marine Expeditionary A written examination rounded out to our success.” Force Scout Sniper competition in the challenges, and after five days of Both Marines are fresh out of the Okinawa, Japan. showing what they knew, the Hawaii sniper course, but were still able to pre- Corporal David A. Bendinger and Cpl. Marines came out in front. vail over teams much more experienced Wayne G. Altheuser, both with 1/3’s “We were a little surprised because all during the competition. Scout Sniper Platoon, were on the top of of the scores were kept secret throughout ALTHEUSER BENDINGER “The 1/3 Marines came out on top be- the heap when scores were tallied for the the competition,” said Altheuser, who cause they were consistent,” said 17 events in the competition. just recently graduated from the 3rd re-evaluate our scores and performance Gunnery Sgt. Richard Tisdale, staff non- Five 2-man teams competed for the Marine Division Scout Sniper School. to break the tie.” commissioned officer in charge at the 3rd chance to become the best in III MEF and “We were actually tied at the end of the The two Lava Dogs shined in events move on to the All-Marine scout sniper competition, and the evaluators had to ranging from known and unknown dis- See SNIPERS, A-4 A-2 • September 13, 2002 HAWAII MARINE MCBH NEWS Music to my ears BRIEFS PARENTS NEED TO RETURN FEDERAL CENSUS SURVEYS Military and other federally connected students in Hawaii’s public schools began bringing home a federal census survey card, to be filled out by parents and re- turned to schools. These survey cards are very important as they are used to determine the number of federally connected students in the public school system for which the Hawaii Department of Education receives Federal Impact Aid funds under Public Law 103- 382. Impact aid provides funding for a por- tion of the educational costs of federally connected students. Basically, it is the av- Cpl. Jason E. Miller enue the federal government uses to pay its Corporal Daniel Cadra, formerly a hazardous materials technician for HMH- 463, recently took advantage of his trum- “tax bill” to school districts, as a result of pet playing skills by auditioning for the Marine Forces Pacific Band. After proving himself, Cadra received a lateral the presence of federal installations — to move into the military occupational specialty. Leathernecks wanting to accomplish a similar “lat-move” into a band include military installations in Hawaii MOS should contact Master Sgt. Teresa A. Browndorf, the enlisted band leader, at 257-7350. (which are not assessed property taxes by applicable states). It is critical that all military and Department of Defense civil service par- ents with kids in Hawaii’s public schools to Pentagon shows off video e-mail complete the survey cards and return them to their child’s teacher. This will ensure The hi-tech exhibit features messages sent to deployed service members Hawaii receives its proper amount of Impact Aid. Gerry J. Gilmore Hewlett-Packard offi- American Forces Press cials note that messages Service have been uploaded to RRIVES UESDAY MMOA A , T www.givethanksameri- The Manpower Management Officer WASHINGTON — At ca.com or have been sent Assignments Team will be visiting Hawaii the Pentagon on Sept. 6, a directly to military men to conduct briefings and to provide coun- computer maker unveiled a and women around the seling as follows. special kiosk that features world. At MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay: hundreds of video e-mail Most of the 12,000 mes- •Wed. at 8 - 9 a.m., Officers Brief at the- messages sent to service sages recorded to date went ater. members deployed world- to service members. •Wed., 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 5 p.m., wide in the war against Quigley thanked the counseling at the BOQ Conference Rm. global terrorism. company for the program At Marine Forces Pacific, Camp Smith: The high-tech device and the kiosk. He also ex- •Thurs., 9 - 10 a.m., Officers Brief at highlights Hewlett-Pack- pressed amazement in the Pollack Theater ard’s “Give Thanks Ameri- advances in communica- •Thurs., 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., counseling at ca” program, launched in tion made possible by tech- Pollack Theater December 2001. nology. The program honors the Gerry J. Gilmore. He called e-mail an in- AESC REOPENS, TODAY victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, credible improvement in Capellas (left) and Navy Rear Adm. Quigley shake hands at The All Enlisted Spouses Club will hold terrorist attacks on America the dedication of the company’s “Give Thanks America” communications, especial- a grand re-opening festival at the all-new and thanks military mem- kiosk at the Pentagon Sept. 6. ly for deployed service MCB Hawaii Thrift Shop today. New bers for their service in the members. Thrift Shop hours are 10 a.m.
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