Lebanon Logansport Loogootee Madison Martinsville Michigan City

Lebanon Logansport Loogootee Madison Martinsville Michigan City

& top -40. Donna Harris, pres; David Smith, gen mgr Indiana Radio & sports dir; Steve Messmer. gen sls mgr: Ken Bussell, Mitchell prog & mus dir; Donna Rayhill. prom mgr: Barry WOTS(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 102.5 Tedrow, news dir: Jack Inman. chief engr. Rates: mhz; 2 kw. Ant 400 ft. RR 13, Box 650, Bedford $7.50; 6.50; 5; 4. Duchossois Communications Inc. Net: NBC. NBC/ (47421). Daniel L. Goens. Talknet, AP, US1, Westwood One, Tribune. Rep: Republic, Rgnl Reps. Format: Adult contemp. News Lowell Monticello staff 6; news progmg 15 hrs wkly. Target audience. WZVN(FM 24. 1972: 107.1 mhz: 1.29 kw. 35 plus; affluent, well- educated adults. Spec prog: )-Nov Ant WKJM(FM) -April 16, 1967: 95.3 mhz: 1 kw. Ant 520 Farm 2 hrs wkly. Rolland Johnson, pres; Hal M. 499 ft. 6405 Olcott. Hammond (46320): 8105 Georgia, ft. (CP: 1.15 kw). Stereo. 2655 Yeager Rd.. Lafayette Youart, VP & gen mgr; John Trent, gen sls mgr; Keith Merrillville (46410). Gracol Broadcasting Corp. (acq (47906). (317) 497 -9530. Nu View Associates Inc. 4 -87). Net: Format: Harris, prog, mus dir & prom mgr; Max Showalter, SMN. Adult contemp. News staff (acq 7- 1 -86). Format: Adult contemp. Kent Nuss- news dir; George Williamson. chief engr. Rates: $36; 2: news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target audience: 25 -45. baum, pres: Doug Fairbanks, prog dir: Chris Fullerton, 24; 29; 21. Judith Grambo. pres: Tricia Roberts. gen & gen sls chief engr. Rates: $30; 30: 30: 25. mgr: Paul Wireman. prog, mus dir & prom mgr; Ron WASK -FM-Sep 28, 1964: 105.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 375 Perzo, news dir; Gordon Boss. chief engr Rates: WMRS(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 107.7 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: ABC /E, AP Format: $28: 26: 28: 21. mhz: 2.5 kw. Ant 131 ft. 3678 Noe Bixby Rd., Modern country. News progmg 12 hrs wkly. Target Columbus. Ohio (43232). Kevin Robert Page. audience: 25-54. Spec prog: Farm 3 hrs wkly. Don Riley, prog dir. Rates: $36; 21; 27; 19. Madison Mt. Vernon WAZY-FM -March 1965: 96.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. WIKI(FM)-See Carrollton, Ky. Stereo. Box 1410 (47902). (317) 474-1410. Radiovi- WPCO(AM) -Aug 21, 1955: 1590 khz; 500 w -D, 35 sion Partners Ltd. (acq 10 -86). Net: ABC /C. Rep: WORX(AM) -March 1956: 1270 khz: 1 kw -D, 58 w -N, w -N. 601 Upton Rd. (47620). (812) 838 -4484. Posey Christal. Format: Top -40. Target audience: 18 -35. DA-2. Box 95, Telegraph Hill (47250). (812) 265 -3322. County Broadcasting Corp. (acq 7- 6 -83). Net: ABC/D, Arthur Angotti, pres; Thomas Brown. gen mgr; Kathy Dubois County Broadcasting Inc. Net: AP. Rep: Rgnl UPI. Sun, Network Indiana. Format: MOR. News staff Roudebush, gen sls mgr; Kevin Morton, prog dir; Bob Reps. Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: Farm 3 hrs one; news progmg 21 hrs wkly. Target audience: 25 Miller, mus dir; Chip Ramsey, prom mgr; David Walrod, wkly. Paul Knies. pres: Bill Potter. gen mgr: Scott plus; local county. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Ann chief engr. Davidson, mus dir: Marilyn Kreutzjans, news dir; Nussel. pres: Dick Grogg, stn mgr; John Perry. news James Gray. chief engr. Rates: $9.60: 9.60: 9.60: 8. dir: Jerry Kissinger, chief engr. Rates: $10; 8.50; WCFY(AM) -Nov 28. 1959: 1410 khz; 1 kw -D. 65 8.50; 4.25. w -N, DA-2. 108 Beck Lane (47905). (317) 474 -4436. WORX-FM -March 1950: 96.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 320 ft. First Assembly of God. Lafayette Indiana Inc. (acq Stereo. Dups AM 100 %. Rates: Same as AM. 7- 4 -84). Format: Relg. Charles E. Hackett, pres; Muncie Stevan W. Speheger, gen mgr & chief engr; Michael WBST(FM )-Sep 12, 1960: 92.1 mhz: 3 kw. Ant 300 Miller, gen sls mgr & prog dir; Gary Gaskin, mus dir. Marion ft. Stereo. Ball State Univ. (47306- 0550). (317) 285- Rates: $11.50; 8.50; 10; 8.50. 5888. Net: Am Pub, WBAT(AM) -June 7, 1947: 1400 khz: 1 kw -U. Box Ball State University. NPR. Format: WJEF(FM)-Feb 7, 1972: 91.9 mhz; 250 w. Ant 100 839. 120 N. Miller Ave. (46952). (317) 664 -6239. Class, jazz. news & information. News progmg 2 hrs ft. 1801 18th South St. (47905). (317) 474 -3434. Mid -America Radio Group (acq 12 -88). Group Owner: wkly. M. John Eiden. stn mgr: Stewart Vanderwilt. Lafayette School Corp. Format: Adult contemp. David Keister Stns (acq 12- 19 -88). Net: CBS. Format: mkg dir; Daniel Skinner. prog dir; Steven Turpin, mus Randall J. Brist, dir: Tina Overley. opns asst. Adult contemp. News staff 3. Target audience: 25 -54. dir; Nancy VAbod, audience svcs: John Althardt, news dir: Cindy McCable. underwriting & sls dir; Robert WKHY(FM) 1, 1970: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 215 ft. David Keister. pres; David G. Poehler. gen mgr; -Jan Mittendorf, chief engr. Stereo. Box 7093 (47903). (317) 448 -1566. U.S. Bruce Mughmaw. gen sls mgr; Bill Jones. prog & mus Tim Broadcasting Inc. (acq 5- 19 -80). Net: AP Format: dir: Rush, news dir; Warren Arnett. chief engr. WERK(AM) -Feb 14. 1965: 990 khz; 250 w -D, DA. Rates. Classic hits. Eric McCart, gen & gen sls mgr; Mark $20 50: 20.50: 20.50: 19.25. 1100 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite 2 (47304). Menser, loc sls mgr; Mike Morgan, prog. mus dir & (317) 288 -1303. WERK Inc. (acq 7- 11 -86). Net: AP WGOM(AM)--May 11, 1955: 860 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 prom mgr: Sharon Bowker. news dir: Don Caddy, chief Format: Contemp Christian. James Beatty, pres; w -N. DA-2 800 S. Pennsylvania St. (46952). (317) engr. Teresa Luttrell. gen & sls mgr: Jeff Brown. prog dir; 664 -7396. WMRI Inc. (acq 1- 1 -66). Net: ABC /E. Helen Graves. news dir. Rates: $8.20; Format: Adult contemp. Frank Bove, pres; Michael 8.20: 8.20: 8.20 Lebanon Day, VP & gen mgr: Rich Coolman, opns mgr; Norm Wolf. news dir: Gene Miller, chief engr. Rates: $12; WOKZ(FM) -Jan 16, 1986: 104.9 mhz: 3 kw. Ant 328 1967: 100.9 mhz: kw. Ant 300 WBCI(FM) -May 28. 3 10: 12; 8. ft. Stereo. L &B Broadcasting. Net: AP. Format: Adult ft Box 227, 722 West Pearl St. (46052). (317) contemp, oldies. Rates: $16.80: 16.80: 16.80; 16.80. 482 -4427. Boone County Broadcasters Inc. (acq WMRI(FM) -Co -owned with WGOM(AM) Dec 19, 9- 1 -85). Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 12 hrs wkly. 1948: 106.9 mhz; 50 kw Ant 499 ft. Stereo. Prog sep WLBC(AM)- November 1926: 1340 khz: 1 kw -U. 820 David Keister, pres; John Dotas, gen & gen sis mgr; from AM. Format: Easy Istng. Rates: $30.50; 35.50: E. 29th St. (47302). (317) 288 -4403. DRMS Commu- Paul Raymonds, mus dir; Helen J. Dotas. prom mgr; 30.50; 21. nications Inc. (acq 5- 29 -87). Net: CBS. Format: Adult David Copp, chief engr. Rates: $12; 10; 12; 7. contemp. David L. Smith, gen mgr: Barbara Szymanski, gen sls mgr: Mike Roberts. prog dir: Al Martinsville Rent. prom mgr: Joan Todd, news dir; Burl Dixon. chief Linton engr. Rates: $37: 16: 14; 12. WMCB(AM) -April 18, 1967: 1540 khz: 500 w -D. Box WBTO(AM)-Oct 10, 1953: 1600 khz: 500 w -D. Box 1577. 1639 Burton Lane (46151). (317) 342 -3394 WLBC -FM- October 1947: 104.1 mhz: 50 kw. Ant 420 (47441). (812) 231 847 -4474. Greene Country Broad- Rodgers Broadcasting Corp. (acq 12 -88). Net: UPI. ft. Stereo. Prog dups AM 30 %. Format: Rock. Rates: (acq 12- 12 /D, casting Corp. -79). Net: ABC Network Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm one hr wkly. David $37; 21; 19; 17. Ind, Ind. Agri -Bus. Rep: Rgnl Reps. Format: Big band, A. Rogers. pres & gen mgr: Lora Holdman, stn & gen MOR, talk. Mike pres & mgr: WMDH(FM) -See New Castle. McDaniel, gen Jerry sls mgr; John Taylor. opns mgr & chief engr: Debbie Lee, gen sls mgr; Kevin Long, prog dir: Scoop Gentry. Rader, news dir. *WWDS(FM) -90.5 mhz: 10 w. Ant 169 ft. Stereo. news dir; Dan Watson, chief engr. Rates: $25: 15: 7821 State Road 3 North (47303). Delaware Com- 18; 15. WCBK -FM-Co -owned with WMCB(AM). Oct 15, munity School Corp. 1968: 102.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Dups AM 50 %. WQTY(FM) -Co -owned with WBTO(AM). Sep 14, 'WWHI(FM) -1950: 91.5 mhz; 310 w. Ant 79 ft. 1601 1970: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 230 ft. Prog sep from AM. E. 26th St. (47302). (317) 747 -5339. South Side High Stereo. Net: ABC/D. Rep: Rgnl Reps. Format: C &W School. Muncie Community Schools. Format: Ed. Trivers, mus Rates: AM. Michigan City Stephen dir. Same as James F. Bailey, gen mgr. WEFM(FM)-Sep 15. 1966: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 230 Logansport ft. Stereo. 1903 Springland Ave. (46360). (219) 879.8201. Mich. City FM Broadcasters (acq 8 -68). New Albany WLHM(FM)- Listing follows WSAL(AM). Net: Net Indiana. Rep: Katz. Format: Adult pop. WDGS(AM)-Feb 14, 1966: 1290 khz; 500 w -D, 1 Thomas Burns, pres & gen mgr: John Carpenter. mktg kw -N, DA-2. R. WSAL(AM) 24. 1949: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. Box C/o Ted Todd, trustee, 426 E. Main St., -Feb consultant; Rex Tumbleson, prog dir: Howard Dybedock, 719 (46947). (219) 722 -4000. Logansport Radio Corp.

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