Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict in Africa David R. Smock UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF PEACE CONTENTS Summary v Foreword vii 1 Introduction 1 2 The Problem: Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict 2 3 The Complicating and Compromising Context 4 4 What Should Be Done? 6 5 Discussion of Three Cases 11 6 Critical Issues Requiring Attention 13 Symposium Participants 16 About the Author 17 About the Institute 18 v emergency situations usually do not permit time for the requisite planning to avoid all negative con- sequences. In any case, the positive outcomes from providing humanitarian assistance almost always outweigh the negative outcomes. Symposium participants identified eight major steps NGOs can take to minimize or eliminate the negative impact of humanitarian aid: (1) improve SUMMARY planning; (2) assess need more accurately; (3) ana- lyze the consequences of agreements negotiated to gain access to needy populations and obtain secu- rity for NGO personnel; (4) provide aid that will have the longest term benefit to particular targeted groups; (5) contract for independent monitoring and evaluation of assistance programs to reduce mismanagement and the diversion of supplies; (6) make the empowerment of local institutions a high priority; (7) coordinate closely with other assis- tance organizations operating in a particular crisis situation; and (8) deploy human rights monitors to help protect local populations from exploitation and repression by the fighting factions. umanitarian assistance provided in recent While political neutrality is a time-honored years by nongovernmental organizations principle, most faithfully observed by the Interna- H(NGOs) in Africa has saved hundreds of tional Committee of the Red Cross, several sympo- thousands of lives. While the value of these efforts sium participants asserted that some conflicts in is increasingly recognized and appreciated, some Africa require political involvement by NGOs. analysts have begun to assert that this kind of as- Some also argued that NGOs should provide hu- sistance on occasion exacerbates conflict rather manitarian assistance only when local populations than contributing to peace. The urgency of this is- and factions agree to conditions that will ensure sue led the United States Institute of Peace to orga- the most effective use of relief supplies. nize a day-long symposium in October 1995. Many agreed that the provision of humanitarian The most direct negative impact occurs when assistance could be an endless and futile process warring forces gain control of supplies intended unless accompanied by efforts, probably spear- for civilians, either through imposing levies or headed by other bodies, to build peace. The sym- through theft. More indirectly, when international posium ended with a shared conviction that de- NGOs meet the needs of civilian populations, the spite the travail that Africans have recently government and rebels are freed to use their re- suffered, African people are generally resilient and sources for war-making. Humanitarian assistance hopeful. Africans will continue to grapple with may also unintentionally convey negative ethical their issues and make progress in promoting messages. peace. International NGOs should remain en- NGO representatives at the symposium pointed gaged with Africans on this journey. out the complicated and sometimes compromis- ing context in which their organizations must op- erate. NGOs largely function as implementing agents for donor governments and the United Na- tions. Since these donors are often not well in- formed about field conditions, they may impose unrealistic restrictions and inappropriate mandates on NGOs with whom they contract. Moreover, vii FOREWORD he good work of nongovernmental organiza- on NGOs, coordinate activities among programs tions (NGOs) in recent conflicts in such and initiatives, and identify projects in which the Tcountries as Somalia, Haiti, and Bosnia is Institute can make a unique contribution to NGO well known—providing food, shelter, medicine, activities in conflict management. Much of this and a host of other materials and services under work is done through an interprogram working extremely difficult conditions. But does humani- group on NGOs, chaired by Aall, that brings to- tarian assistance in some cases actually exacerbate gether Institute staff having significant experience conflict? And if so, what can NGOs and the inter- with NGOs to share information and plan further national community do to eliminate or mitigate efforts. such effects? Through informal consultations with NGO rep- At the request of several concerned NGOs, the resentatives and meetings such as the symposium United States Institute of Peace organized a sym- reported here, we are identifying new ways to re- posium on this issue, “Humanitarian Assistance spond to the needs of these organizations as their and Conflict in Africa,” in October 1995. This re- pivotal role in international conflict resolution port summarizes the discussions and conclusions evolves. For example, the Education and Training of the symposium. Program is developing conflict resolution training That meeting in fact represents the intersection seminars geared specifically to the needs of the of two program streams for the Institute. The first NGO community, in addition to its current prac- is the Institute’s growing involvement with non- tice of including representatives from major inter- governmental organizations. We focused on the national NGOs in the International Conflict Reso- burgeoning role of NGOs in international conflict lution Training (ICREST) programs. at the “Managing Chaos” conference, which was Throughout the history of the Institute’s Grant part of our tenth anniversary celebration in De- Program we have made a number of grants to cember 1995. Since then, we have formally NGOs. Among these, grants to the Catholic Relief launched an initiative that I have been pleased to Services and the World Peace Foundation seek to direct with the assistance of Pamela Aall, program clarify the roles NGOs are playing, and might play, officer in the Institute’s Education and Training in early warning of emerging international con- Program. This effort aims to provide a clearing- flicts. A grant to CARE-Canada will help that orga- house for Institute programs involving or impacting nization, along with some academic partners, viii think through more systematically the role of entitled African Conflict Resolution: The U.S. NGOs in situations of international conflict. Role in Peacemaking, published recently by the The second major program stream comprises United States Institute of Peace Press. the set of activities the Institute initiated relating to In deciding to organize the symposium on “Hu- Africa. David R. Smock, coordinator of our African manitarian Aid and Conflict in Africa,” we carefully activities and director of our Grant Program, orga- considered the advice of Julia Taft and her col- nizes these efforts. Under his leadership, the Insti- leagues at InterAction—a coalition of 150 American tute engaged in Track II diplomacy involving So- humanitarian relief, development, and refugee or- mali leaders and, more recently, Sudanese. ganizations working internationally—and other Institute conferences have also focused on conflict NGO representatives. We thank them for their resolution in South Africa and ways to promote im- help and encouragement. plementation of the peace accords in Mozam- bique. A conference a year ago on the U.S. role in peacemaking in Africa generated a book co-edited HARRIET HENTGES by Smock and Africa specialist Chester A. Crocker EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT 1 The urgency of this issue led the United States Institute of Peace to organize a daylong sympo- sium in October 1995 attended by forty experts from NGOs, the State Department/U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the UN, uni- versities, and think-tanks. Participants discussed and debated assistance issues, with the principal INTRODUCTION dialogue occurring among representatives of sev- enteen NGOs. In some respects the conversation was painful, because no one likes to concede that 1 the highly acclaimed humanitarian assistance to Africa has some negative externalities. Neverthe- less, the importance of maintaining the integrity of such endeavors led everyone to engage in an open dialogue. Symposium organizers confined the dis- cussion to Africa both because Africa has featured so prominently in recent humanitarian assistance operations and to focus the conversation. The format of the discussion consisted of three presentations followed by several hours of discus- sion. The first presenter, Mary Anderson, president n recent years humanitarian assistance pro- of The Collaborative for Development Action, has vided in situations of war and disaster by donor been the leading analyst of this issue. She explored Igovernments, international organizations like particular ways in which humanitarian assistance the United Nations (UN), and, particularly, non- provided by NGOs in Africa at times contributes to governmental organizations (NGOs) in situations conflict rather than peace. Next, Julia Taft, presi- of war and disaster has saved hundreds of thou- dent of InterAction, the umbrella organization for sands, perhaps even millions, of lives. The provi- American NGOs engaged in international relief sion of food and medical supplies to refugees, dis- and development, discussed the kinds of prob- placed persons, and those near the battlefields in lems
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