PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. RICE BURROUGHS APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. TARZAN AND THE FIRE GODS. —By EDGAR Under _(Continued.)_ Operating Uniform STUDIO HOUSE. 3 R K. AND B.. 3 Ex- Du- Small Loan Lawt posures. furnished, with garage; near pont Circle: *80. Phone North 7732- LOANS UP TO $300 ROOM. KITCHEN AND SHMI-PRI- ON AUTOS. PURNITURE. INDORSERS. ONE S-5 vate bath: employed adults preferred. _KRAPT LOANS. INC.. 14th 3303 R, I. Aye month, gas and. elec. Included. -41 Greenwood 1404. REAL ESTATE LOANS. “““downtown; MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. shower lavatory and REAL ESTATE A large room, at lowest rates. Prompt service. white neighborhood, l-lo JESSE strictly L REIS KELL. 1115 Eye St. n.w. jloset: SI 00 TO $500,000. “1448 PARK RD.“ N.W. ONLY REPAY 50c PER WEEK and 8 rooms, reception hall, kitchen On each $100 borrowed one of electricity free. our plans bath: gas. Frigtdatre and Loans procured on first, second end third Nicely furnished: $89.50._ trusts; fixtures. Inheritance, estate*, stock*, Hotel autos, bonds. Francis Scott Key, Apt. DR. A HENRY. INC 1016 EYE 8T. N.W. 20th and F Sts n.w.—1 room. Ut buth: (Where Eye Meets N. Y Ave.) furn. linens silver. Frlgldulru. Phone National 4675. completely 64-5. cay. week, month. National TOLOAN.' ^ A UNFUR. _MONET APARTMENTS—FUR. THE FIDELITY PLAN CORP.. 1400 L 8T". AVE N.W.—3 AND 4 ROOMS, n.w.—Credit service; courteous, reasonable. 4801 WIS prompt. Phone National bath. oont. hot water, heat, light, gas. 6160. elec, refrigeration_ __ LOANR No„PERSONAL ONE LARGE ROOM. EQUIPPED FOR Indorsers Necessary. H. B. housekeeping: *20 per month. 1808 Riggs BYRD Jr.. 15th 8t. N.W. National 7579. pi. n.w._____ _1013 MILE KEY BRIDGE—4 NEARBY VA.. 1 AUCTION rms.. pvt. ent.. porch and bath: garage: SALES—TOMORROW!* elec, refrlt- fireplace: $0(1. Walnut 927B.* 304 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N W.—LARGE Adam A. Weschler Si Son. Auctioneers. outside rooms, furnished or unfurnished: arranged as small apts._2* Ladies—Men’s—-Children’s witness at every At last Niarchua became a convert ts the cult or DOWNTOWN APT. In the majestic train of Alexander the Great ihe He saw the Persian Darius hurl his scythe-bristling But while the priest was an eager of the that dark who was worshipped by the 1 TO 4 ROOMS—$25 TO $05. Nlarchus crossed the Into war chariots against the solid Macedonian phalanxes, trial of arms, he did not neglect his studies Baal, god FURNISHINGS central loca- pagan priest Hellespont an- Modern elevator apt. bldg., turned tn retreat to- of the cities. He was to be Canaanltes and other tribes against which the NOTIONS—TOYS—GAMES tion: neatly furnished: closets, tiled bath. Asia. With gloating, blood-lustry eyes he beheld the and he saw the Persian army strange religions enemy often in the over ancient cient Israelites had battled under the banner of By Auction 14‘J4 K st. n.w. Phone National 54.17. capture of Sardis, Ephesus and Halicarnassus. He ward Arbela. With each crushing victory the youth- found temples, poring ^ of Jehovah. And the conversion of Niarchua was the witnessed the siege and destruction of the ancient ful Alexander gained new luster tn the eyes of chronicles and investigating the secret writings At Weachler’a APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. cause of his final undoing! cities of Tyre and Gaza. Niarchus. the priests. 915 E ST. N.W. *55 MO.. YEAR'S LEASE—FRONT APT.. llv. rm.. bed rm.. k. and b.: available soon. SALE—HOUSES. SALE—SUBURBAN. RENT—HALLS. Inquire lanltor, 4520 Ga. 188.1. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. SALE—HOUSES. THURSDAY ave._Oeo. 1502 14th ST. N.W —LARGE, SPACIOUS 8 ROOMS. KITCHEN AND BATH. A M I.; _(Continued. > _(Continued.)_ (Continued.)__ _ _(Continued.)_ May 2nd, 10 A.M. 16th ST. HEIGHTS. LARGE. MOD.. a-R. SEMI-BUNGALOW— hall. 2nd and 3rd floors. 70x30 ft.: suit- newly decorated. Phone Georgia 42Qji_ CHEVY CHASE—NORTHWEST SUBURBS. OPEN DAILY 3 TO » P M. Underwear. Hosiery. Dresses. Bathing DOWNTOWN—REAL VALUE! N.W. #10.500—Substantially constructed de- Garage; paved at.; lawns, flowers; most able shop or office. Phone North 8025. 4 LARGE. OUT- Complete Rental List. Auto SerYlc*. 2434 TUNLAW RD. Suits. Caps and Shoes. Boys’ Pants 4420 nth N.W.—OWNER; (4) tached home ot x rooms, tiled bath, oil $400 cash. *25 monthly. awn- Think of it—Foyer. FOOR SOW H. JONES * CO.. INC. Glover Park, I block west of Wis. uve. refined; $5,900; and Suits. Garters. Sweaters. Caps. •ide bath, porch, sink. Frigid., — rms., large rooms, kitchen (REFRIGER- at st. Attractive Gruver brick burner, h.-w.h.. elec.. Frlildalre. screens, Large, mod. bungalow; fertile lot. 103x250; SALE INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Gloves. Shoes. House screens; 5620 Conn. Ave. Calvert Slipper*. Dresses, Ings. adults.___ ATION) and bath—all for ONLY like new; ft rooms, tile bath. 3 Urge weather strips, garage: newly painted and 3 blocks Balto. blvd.. Hyattsvllle; $3,900; Cotton. Cler. 2300 Evenln«s. Wise. 2872._ home 1803 B ST. 8.E.—6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. Silk, Etc. 4927 9th ST. N.W.—ENTIRE SECOND $57.50! Through ventilation and porches, nice yard, garage: near bus, cars, In excellent condition. $300 cash. *25 monthly. GEO. C. ap.'io.myl Reasonable BED ROOMS. 2 BATHS, Inclosed rear for two floor. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath. high ceilings combine to assure real FOXALL—6 schools. A real buy, on easy terms. WALKER. Greenwood porches, equipped 814.. double rear porches, maid's room, built-in L. T. 1999._1* families, now rented to two Are depart- rent; gas, elec, included._Columbia hot-weather comfort. BRODIE A COLBERT. INC. GRAVATTE, BUNGALOW. NEW. FIVE garage, gas heat fireplace elec, refriger- Natl._88,5. 729 15th St. Realtor. Natl. 0753. BY OWNER. ment employes, exceptionally good tenants. RD N.W —DESIRABLE DET. bath, hardwood floors, trim; fire- 2010 KALORAMA 1133 24th St. N.W. ator etc. Phone Emerson 7/BK after SACRIFICE. REPOSSESSED. SEMI Phone Georgia rooms, Price. $0,450; $300 cash and $50 month- Adam A. 4-room. kitchen and bath apt., beautiful brick home; nice _Evening. 2000,_ Weschler Sc Son. Auctioneers. »::iO a m. or call for key at 1417 44th 4 bed rooms. 2 baths: place. textone walls, elec., kitchen, h.-w.h.. ly Phone Mr. CLARK. National 3007. location: immediate occupancy._ THE yard, garage: near ears and schools. elec., gas; built-in garage; porches. $4,950. TIVERTON, 8t' n W- $10,500. STORE AND APARTMENT. GEORGIA 4928 4th ST. N.W. SECOND FLOOR— WAVERLY TAYLOR. a OPEN DAILY 1 TO » P.M. Semi-bungalow, new, 5 rooms, bath, 1121 24th ST. N.W. INC._ DETACHED BRICK—BARGAIN! fire- ave.: practically new; rent. $1,080 per Liv, rm.. bed rm.. kit., pvt. bath, elec re- 31108 ORDWAY ST. N.W_NALT. 887S. hardwood floors, h.-w.h.. elec., gas. MEN’S SI Refrigeration and Gas on House Meter. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! year. Price. $10,500. frigeration. heat and light: $50. Employed AN OPPORTUNITY' TO PURCHASE AT Pretentious detached brick home In con- place, porches; will consider ’35 auto on 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN AND BATH—$50.50. venient northwest section. Recently sold F. ELIOT MIDDLETON. Phone Met, 2827. couple only. See_tt_today._ $79.50—MT. PLEASANT. the right Drice. a detached corner brick house: $4,750. for Sl.'i.600. 7 rooms. 2 baths, lavatory Beautiful 10 r.. bath, sun room, A GOOD INCOME WITH SAFETY! LADIES’ DRESSES MT. PLEASANT. 1713 LAMONT. FIRST L. W. ROCK CREEK PARK residence of the center-hall type, in that home. GROOMES, OVERLOOKING on first floor, finished attic, oil burner, h.-w.h.. electricity, gas, and bath brick near All new merchandise removed from floor—C rooms, kitchen, bath, breakfast Brand-new tapestry brick home with convenient and desirable neighborhood spacious porches, $3.500—Six-room _1719 EYE ST. N W. huse lot. 2-car detached garage; excellent shade, shrub- 25th and K sts. n w. Hot-water heat nook: large, cool and airy: private home: library, ultra-modern kitchen. 2 tiled west of 1 nth st.. lust north of Lamont 3-car built-in garage, lawns, Bieber-Kaufman Co. and Robert's condition. Will sell lo the first person to fruits, chicken house, lily pool, per- and elec. Rented to same tenant Gowns. use of porch; light, heat, gas and elec, re- baths, bricked-in. screened sleeping porch. st. Contains 10 large rooms. 2 baths, bery. THE Inspect. Call Adams 2404 after 5 p.m. for 10 at $35 month. A BY AUCTION frigeration. Emc couple preferred; ref. ARGONNE, Owner requires 3 months' rent in ad- large sleeping porch and exceptionally gola. lot 120x150. fenced; $9,000. years per 162P Columbia rd. n.w.—Ant. consisting large front, side and rear porches: 2-story. To inspect all three drive out Baltimore good Investment. requested. *B7.50. vance. Unusual bargain—inspect today. BUILDER’S HOME, REDUCED brick, two-family flat, of living room, dining room, bed room, re- For information, phone NAtional Kf»4!» 2-cer garage with 2 rooms and bath over boulevard to traffic light. Riverdale. Md., $6.000—Two-story At 840—1321 KENYON ST. N.W.—1 LARGE n.w. rooms bath WESCHLER’S ception hall. kit. and bath: 3 exposures, the same, heated from the matn house, FOR SALE, IN right on Madison eve. to Columbia ave.. on Park rd. Five room, nice dinette, kitchen, tiled bath, QUICK on each fl. Separate elec, refrigeration, UNITS making an apariment suitable for a studio. left one block. Open 9 to fl and two porches 915 E Street N.W.
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