EAA'S AIRSPACE ACTION PLAN EAA'S AIRSPACE ACTION .PLAN EAA'S AIRSPACE ACTION PLAN EAA'S AIRSPACE en » <t o c( :::! w o z AN URGENT MESSAGE FROM THE EXPERIMENTAL Z "0 c( r­ ..Ja.. AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION » Z z o A CRISIS EXISTS m ~ » o SPORT AND GENERAL AVIATION NEEDS YOUR » c( ­ en w HELP o ». : While invoking safety as a cause and citing the San The basic ingredients of EM's plan include: how it will affect you and offer your own sugges- ~ en Diego mid-air collision as a stimulus, the Federal Avia­ 1. Restructuring TCA's to a climb-descent corridor tions for improvement. Or if you like, simply state "0 a: tion Administration has issued a proposal calling for concept; that you agree with EM's objections to the FAA » c( radical extensions of Positive Control of U.S. airs pace. 2. Creation of reliever airports in major cities with plan , that you endorse the EAA's concepts and 0 Basically their plan calls for: full electronic faci lities; hope FAA will listen to a complete explanation. m ~ 1. 80 new Terminal Radar Service Areas; 3. Development of alternate facilities for General The important thing is: do it now! We only have » c( 2. 44 new Terminal Control Areas; Aviation at hub airports; until March 5 to respond to t he NPRM. 0 ~ 3. a lowering of positive controlled airspace from 4. Preservation of the see and be seen concept; 3. Then write a personal letter to your Congressional :::! 18,000 to 10,000 feet. 5. Revision of FAA Certification standards to sig­ representatives. Ask them for an explanation of 0 If the FM is successful , you will either have to in­ nificantly increase airliner cockpit visibility. the FAA proposal and evidence of how it could Z :i stall expensive new equipment that will have to be re­ have prevented the San Diego crash. If it's agree- "0 ..J placed in a few years or plan to go around large col­ able, stress the fact that EM has a better plan , one ~ a.. umns of space in 230 cities, and eventually, a number that truly will enhance safety and provide more Z of airways that will undoubtedly increase as time goes sensible air traffic control. Insist that the EM be Z o by. At the moment, use of TRSA's, or Stage Ill's is vol­ WHAT CAN YOU heard out. Enclose a copy of your NPRM response. i= untary, but that will almost certainly change and be­ Use this address: ~ o come mandatory. In effect the plan would also give Honorable (Representative) » c( FM all the power they need to achieve what now clearly DO ABOUT IT? House Office Building en w appears to be their goal: total positive control of all Washington, D.C. 20515 o U. S. airspace. WRITE! If you are opposed, send in a personal » c( EM firmly believes the FM's proposal would not response to the FM's Notice of Proposed Rule Mak­ Honorable (Senator) :a a.. eliminate San Diego type tragedies , nor the chance of ing that calls for the 44 new TCA's and lowering of Senate Office Building en en human error, nor the fundamental need to see and positive controlled airspace to 10,000 feet. Washington, D.C. 20510 ~ a: be seen. Without a doubt the plan will expand the Begin the letter this way: Please be advised that petitions and vulgarity have 0 c( government bureaucracy, escalate inflation and un­ 1. Federal Aviation Administration no value. m ~ fairly discriminate against the majority of airspace Office of the Chief Counsel Attention Rules Docket ATC-24 » c( users. NEED MORE INFORMATION? o c( The EAA has a m ore constructive plan, one that 800 Independence Avenue, S.W . -4 Contact: Experimental Aircraft Association W wo uld eliminate San Diego type crashes, that wo uld Washington, D.C. 20591 Airspace Action Plan go m uch further to enhance safety not o nly for air­ o Regarding : NPRM Docket Number 18605 P. O . Box 229 Z line passengers, but for general and sport aviators :i Notice Number 78-19 ' Hales Corners, WI 53130 "0 ..J as w ell. It would allow for growth within the ATC sys­ r­ a.. tem and at the same time preserve our airspace free­ 2. Express your opposition to the plan by explaining 414-425-4860 » Z dom. Z o m i= » . ~Y 3~YdSI::IIV S .YY3 NVld NOll.~V 3~VdSI::IIY S.YV.3 NYld NOll.~Y 3~YdSI::IIY S .YY3 NYld NOll.~V 3~YdSI::IIY S.Y 2 The VINTAGEAI!1PLANE Editorial OFFICIAL MAGAZINE Staff EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC. Publisher of THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION (Pho to by Chris Sorensen) Paul H. Poberezny P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 The 1935 Kinner Sportwing of Glenn Pray, Tulsa, Okla­ CopyrightCl 1979 EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., All Rights Reserved . homa, at th e Tri City Airport Fl y-/n near Parsons, Kan sas. The aircraft is the only one left of the eight that were built. Editor FEBRUARY 1979 VOLUME 7 NUMBER 2 This exa mple was restored by M yron Rupprecht. David Gustafson (On The Cover . .. Steve Wittman stands beside Bonzo after winning still another ra ce at Oshk0sh 78. Associate Editors: H . Glenn Buffington, Robert G . Elliott, AI Kelch , Photo by David Gustafson.) Edward D . Williams, Byron (Fred) Frederic kse n Readers are encouraged to su bmit stories and photograph s. Associate Editorships are assig ned to those writers who submit five or more articles which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR­ TABLE OF CONTENTS PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR ­ PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Division for their efforts. POLICY-O pinions EM's Airspace Action Plan . .. 2 expressed in articles are solely those of the au thors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting A Pictorial History of the First Goodyear Trophy Race rests en tirely with the contributor. Directors by Byron (Fred) Fredericksen. .. 4 Vintage Album . ... .... .... .......... .. ............ ... ...... 14 ANTIQUE/CLASSIC William J. Ehlen AI Kel ch DIVISION Ro ute 8 Box 506 7018 W. Bonniwe ll Road The Long (And Unfinished) Story of Stinson SR-5A NC 13848 OFFICERS Tampa, Florida 33618 Mequon , Wisconsin 53092 by C. R. Near . .... ... .. ..... ........ .......... .... ........... .. 16 Claude L. Gray, Jr. Morton W. Lester Aeroplane Posters From The 1930's ..... ........... .... .......... ... 20 PRESIDENT 9635 Sylvia Aven ue Box 3747 The Re storer's Corner by J. R. Nielander, Jr. .. ....... ........ .... .. 23 J. R. NIELANDER, JR . Northridge, Cali fornia 91324 Martinsv ille, Virginia 2411 2 Dr. Goodlad's Swift by Jim Monfague ................ .................. 25 P.O. BOX 2464 Dale A. Gustafson Arthur R. Morgan Letters To The Editor ...... ............ .. .... ........... ....... ....... 26 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33303 7724 Shady Hill Drive 3744 N. 51st Bourevard Calendar Of Events . .... .. ; ......... .... ........ ..... .......... .... 26 Indianapolis, Indiana 46274 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP VICE· PRESIDENT Richard Wagner M . C. " Kelly" Vi ets JACK WINTHROP P.O. Box 181 RR 1 Box 151 o NON-EAA MEMBER - $20.00. Includes o ne year m embership in the EAA Antique/ RT. 1, BOX 111 Lyons, Wisconsin 53 148 Stil lwel l, Kan sas 66085 Class ic Division, 12 monthly iss u es of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE ; one year mem­ ALLEN, TX 75002 bership in the Experimental Aircraft Association and sepa rate membership ca rds. Advisors SPORT AVIATION magazine not included. SECRETARY John 5. Copeland Eugene Morris 9' loanne Drive 24 Chandele Drive o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year m embership in the EAA Antique/Class ic W. BRAD THOMAS, JR . Westborough, Massachusells 01581 Hampshire, Illinois 60140 301 DODSON MILL ROAD Division, 12 monthly iss ues of THE VINTAGE A IRPLANE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. Ronald Fritz Daniel F. Neuman (Applicant must be current EAA member and must give EAA membership number.) PILOT MOUNTAIN, NC 27041 1989·Wilson. NW 1521 Berne Circle W Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 TREASURER Stan Gomoll John R. Turgyan E. E. " BUCK" HILBERT 1042 90th Lane, NE 1530 Ku ser Road Minneapolis, Minnesota 55434 Trenton, New Jersey 08619 · 8102 LEECH RD . Robert E. Kessel Robert A. White UN ION , IL 60180 445 Oakridge Drive Box 704 Rochester, New York 14617 Zellwood, Florida 32798 THE VINTAGE AIRP LANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division. Inc., and is published monthly at Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. Second class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130, and additional mail ing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc., are $14.00 per 12 month period of which $10.00 is for the publication of THE VI NTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are Interested in aviation. Page 4 Page 16 Page 20 3 APICTORIAL History of the First GOODrEAR Trophy Race By Byron (Fred) Fredericksen 3240 W. Breezewood Lane Neenah, Wisconsin 54956 (Photo Provided by th e Author) Th e spirit of th e golden age of ra cing wa s caught by Charles Hubbell in this painting owned by Thompson To some readers the following pages will offer lit­ Products, In c. tle in terms of news concerning aviation history. Most of the photographs contained herein were published over three decades ago by the magazines and news­ papers of the day. All photos are courtesy of William Some of the others are gone along with their pilots body is going to get hurt. F. Brennand and Kenneth D. Wilson. while seeking the fastest time to the finish line. It is Some of the critics' comments did need answers, It was my thought that many of the newspaper all past history now, there is not much one can add, especially right after WWII.
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