SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH A Forbes Newspaper F T Vol. 97 NO. 49 Published Every Thursday "USPS 136 800 Second Class '• "" " Thursday, December 6,1990 Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 50 CENTS Force to serve third term as Cranford ijiayor In brief By Cheryl Moulton Ed Force will serve as mayor in 1991 for the nouncement, did not agree with the manner in ;i surprise alter the events of December 1089. third consecutive year. The Republican ma- which commissioner posts were selected, ll'cnaud's appointment last year vyas the result Town and gown jority last week determined leadership, posts maintaining all five governing body members of an alliance formed between Democrats for next year. The last Cranford mayor to should confer and reach a decision jointly. Vollcro: and Aschenbach . and Republican Township Committee and serve three, consecutive terms'was. another The assignment of posts by the political ma- Vince Brinkerhoff who is retiring from the school board have nine items Republican, Edward Gill, during the 1960s. jority, however, is not a new practice. ' ;. Committee this year. Brinkerhoff, bristling on their agenda at 8 tonight in Newly elected, fellow Republican Ed Robin- The Republicans have maintained a strong- over his party's decision to oust longtime the Municipal Building. These son will be deputy mayor as well as commis- hold on the Township Committee for the past township attorney Ralph Taylor (a Republi- include. Memorial Field light- sioner of public works and incumbent Barbara 11 years, although the re-entry of Robinson can), threw his vote to the Democrats in order ing and track improviments, Bilger, the"1" other Republican on the five- could pave the way for a more harmonious, to save Taylor's position, and in the process possible use of Lincoln School member Township Committee; will head pub- apolitical governing body. Robinson, mayor in, consented to the appointment of Renaud to for town offices, neighborhobd lie safety. Democrats Dan Aschenbach ana re- 1983, brings with him the reputation of being the one-year term. watch program, joint purchas- elected Carolyn Volloro will cover finance and non-partisan and "beating to his own drum." ing and services discussed at public,affairs including recreation. The GOP Each of the five governing body members Republicans, initially taken back by the po- the first meeting, and em- caucus also determined to reappoint James seives as commissioner of finance, public litical move, vowed to put Stender back in the ployee assistance program. Bell as municipal judge and to return Albert safety (police and fire), public works (DPW . position in 1991! Art attorney with Stender & State legislators are expected Stendcr as prosecutor after a one-year hiatus; and engineering) or public affairs (recreation). Hernandez in Cranford, Stender had held the to discuss the Quality Educa- Force announced the decisions to the Demo- The mayor, as chairman of the Township post for five years prior to the upset. Bell, tion Act if their sessions in cratic members of the governing body at a Committee, monitors all four... :" \ •'.-'• appointed 10 years ago by a Democratic ma- Trenton end early enough. closed session .following its Nov. 27 meeting. The replacement of township prosecutor jority, has continued to be appointed every Vollenv although not surprised at the an- . Robert Renajjd with Stender did not come as three years by GOP dominated Committees Public servants . Three- state legislators have - <5o^ come to;;the~aid' of Crahford~ which, is seeking* the DOT blessings ~6"n 'NorthT' AvenucF work Page A-& •.:••••' ;- New staffers eitra $ 9 0 next year Township schools have By Rosalie Gross year arid to $27,855 in 1991-92, gained a social worker and a The average Cranford home- The new highest salary for a first grade teacher to replace owner may pay an extra $90 in teacher here this year will be personnel who left in recent property taxes for teacher, raises $53,215 for a person who.has a weeks. Page A-12. next year. master's degree plus 30 credits Cranford Education Association and is in his 26th year of teaching. and Board of Education this past It was $50,180 last ••year and will week ratified, a two-year contract move to $56,490 next year.1 Garwood that will provide an average 8 . According to preliminary fig- The borough mourns the percent salary increase each year ures, the 8 percent increase,. death of a murder vic- and a new optical plan to some which includes an annual incre- tim-Prestige Auto Body's ap- 350 teachers, secretaries and cus- ment, is expected to cost the dis- plication for expansion was todians. ..•'•• trict $818,000 this year. This is the approved by the zoning board, The CEA voted 269-36 Nov. 28 equivalent of 4.3 tax points or $90 but Cranford will have the while the board ratified the con- for the owner of a house assessed final say. Page A-8, tract Monday by a 7-2 vote. The' at $210,000. '•••-.' •'•• .salary increases, which range Each board member spoke from 6 to 10 percent depending ort.: briefly at Monday's meeting about Best design individual steps on the new salary the settlement President Ellen guide, are retroactive to July 1. Heller, commenting on the antici- Cranford downtown has been Of the Union County school dis- pated negative financial impact cited for, excellence in design tricts that have negotiated con- over the next few years resulting by Downtown New Jersey. tracts this year, Rahway teachers.. from revised state funding laws, PageA-5.: will receive 8 percent increases said it is important for all parties for.three years and Union County "to work'together hahd-irt-hand to Vocational Center teachers will do what is best for the district" get 9 percent raises for three' She expressed fear that "some of House tour years. Union Township recently our finer programs" will have to Cranford Junior Woman's negotiated a three-year contract be cut "These will appear in big Club will host its "Home for with increases of 7, 8 and 8.5.per- cities, but not Cranford," she said. the Holidays" , house tour cent- Garwood negotiators had Board' negotiating committee Sunday. One of the four agreed on 9 percent raises, but chairman Edna SilVey expressed houses will feature a porcelain the board would not go along with relief at reaching an agreement doll collection while Bates a third year, and have returned to following a breakdown in negotia- Hall at First Presbyterian the bargaining table. tions in the spring and the in- Church offers a boutique. Pro- The new. contract will raise a tervention, of a state-appointed ceeds will go to Project Home. starting teacher's salary' from mediator and fact finder, "Collec- PageA:12. $25,000 last, year to $26,465 this (Please turn to page A-7) Athletic preview Open house downtown Athletic directors preview "Home for the Holidays" seasonal festivities will continue this the winter sports season at week with an open house tonight downtown. Cranford and Brearley high Area stores will remain open until 9 p.m. as Santa Claus roams schools and announce sched- the shopping district and the Cranford High School Brass Quartet ules. Pages B-l and B-2. performs from 7 to 8 p.m.,Participating stores will serve refresh- ments to shoppers who will be able to enter the Stocking Stuffer Giveaway drawing for a giant stocking filled with gifts. Elected Today and tomorrow from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. buses will run from the Birchwood Avenue business area to bring workers Cranford Chamber of Com- downtown during their lunch hour. merce has elected board mem- Cranford Jaycees will host a children's Christmas party with bers, and officers for its retail Santa Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon. Later in the afternoon, from division. Page A-5. 1 to 3, Santa will return to the railroad station to.pose for photo- . \ '•'... •'•'.'•• Photo by Daiyl Stone graphs with children, sponsored by the retajl division of the FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS: Highlighted by the menQrah at Temple Beth-El. David Azarya anticipates Honor roll ; Chamber of Commerce, Tuesday's start bf Hanukkah, the eight-day Jewish; Festival of Lights. Story on Page A-14. One hundred ninty-eight stu- Hpnts hnvp hften named to the Township mandates licenses first marking period honor roll at Cranford High School. Page for all cats to combat rabies A-10. By Cheryl IVIoultdn initially was hesitant six months Hanson Park Township cats will have, to wear ago to mandate the licensing, licenses beginning July 1 when three members bucked opposing Hanson Park, adjacent to the Cranford joins other municipali- members at the Nov. 27 Township Rahway River on Springfield ties throughout the state who have Committee meeting, stressing the Avenue, was the subject of instituted licensing as a means of licensing will provide the only controversy at the last three protection from the rabies epi- measure of control for the pet that Township Committee meet- demic moving eastward from generated 60 percent of Cfan- ings. Page A-15. Pennsylvania. fprd's animal calls in 1990. Although the township has de- In an effort to allow residents to layed the deadline date for licens- utilize the township's free rabies ing until July, the new law will be clinic in May, the deadline for Recycling adopted before the end of the 1991 licensing was set at July 1. year. According to township From 1992 on, licensing will take Glass, aluminum and news- place in January. The yearly fee papers will be collected at health officer Warren Hehl, the ordinance not only mandates li- for tho licensing was set at $8 for curbside next Wednesday for cats not neutered and $5 for those recycling.
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