j, •SOME PAPERS are just taken. Others are READ." It is papers that are READ that profit the adver- tisers. Ask the STAR'S read- crs how closely they read it. 55th YEAR— NUMBER 29 WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1922 Conuly Contributes For Koad Worl( At n meeting; of the- board of fri Beat High Bridge THE LAST STRAW. Big Celebration to holders yesterday, the sum of $l,G0i Getting Ready For JOHN* I. IHJAIK'S TURTLE. Collapse of The STAR'S : correspondent wa« voted to Washington borough tc On the farm of Albert J. De2n from the village of Townsbury help defray the cost of repairing liroad at Mt. Hormon a few <la>'3 ago a sends In this plaint I vn missive Ktrout ami Belvidore avenue, which was in Twilight Game Open New Road done sometime ago at a cost of $4,000. the Chautauqua land turtle* was picked up by Fatal to Worl "It'Is rumored that a petition tho owner. TIIIH liiHcrlption was It has been tlic cu«tom of the count plainly seen on it« sholl: ia being signed calling lor tho to aid In thn repair or ronds whMi enn ; vUchovft' Hati\{> be- New P»e«u]pnt Cho«en and J.- iJ. isLALU, ioau. -:»,;,th, u; Junt-n Cnui^i. L.-I U» nect trunk roads, ' the sum of $1,000 Agcu, Josepli Beam - JM$£& tween Tallcott and bopo tberu will not he many .to having been .voted ..the town of Eelvl- Advertising Fund Although this turtle has been sign it. Mark Acceptance of duro «orne time ago for a, similar pui "fiutoii at different times on thu Lifer "at Port Murray'^ Martin. "Our little town 'has already pose. The request for the money wan Authorized. Dean farm, seven years have 5 beui depnvud uC iltt HLIIUUI, Ua State Highway. made by ftlayoi' Itobertson on Tuesday. elap3ed since its last appear- Brick Kant. ~'- '- postoflico and Its railroad station. Thu.nounty will tilao go the townshi]: ance. Th*»rAfiir*», wp'nwil mil1 church of Mansfield flfty-flfty on the cost of This turtle was onco shown Locals *Win From Nazaretli so that our townspeople can have Edwards and Wasser Asked Improving the ltockport road under tli Opening Date is. August 24 to Harrison Blair,.a mar. over SC )*es on Way to a <HospitslJ a place to gather Tor Just a few towtiHhlp road act. Tho work will cosi years old, and a nephew of the shurt irioriiuntH of pruyur. That A big (Hdmition, to fittingly com |i|»ioximatfly $ii,O0u, In a genera late millionaire, John I. Blair. Thiough thu Buddeii collapse of There was another mid-week game seems, at any riite, . the only memoratc tho ofllclal opening of the /ay/thu HOCtlun to be improved will ex The Washington Chautauqua Asso- He stated that when John I. of tho large brick walled kilns of the played In last evening's gloimlng urn thing left for us to do now." new state highway butwetn Wash luncl from the bridge at Rockport t( jlatltm it organized Tuesday night in Ulair was about 18 years old, he National Fire Proofing Company near the, bjg^ crowd, almost twice what 1 If Junes' Chapel is closed, ington and J'hillipsburg, 1KM boon ile- the Rockport church. iropamlion for the Chautioiqua which used to travel from his Heaver Port Murray, aged Joseph A jBeom, £ v/afi lfts.t. V^ednesday evening, wen thnro will be nothing left for (•Idetl upon by the Borougii iiuthorllic Tomorrow tho freeholders will hole jpons hero on August 24 for one week. Urook farm to Blalrstown by well-known local carpenter, lost his nwj&iVhappyi., Even those who cumi Townsbury except tho county and the business men's association. Till so.ssioii at 1 o'clock .standard time foi J*\ A. Hoberlson, who WOH president way of tho Dean farm. life last Thursday afternoon His lnjur - from High^Btttt^fe'to see the game wen is In lini; with a HUggoHllon mado bj the purpose of awarding the coiltilic last year, and who was re-elected for les were of sut-h a character that ho * poor farm, and that Is a mile or, tho STAR several weeka ago. for the now road between Barker'.' this year, tendered his resignation He IK finite sure that the In- away happy, too, because It was a more away. scription was cut In the turtle's died while on the way to a hospital food game. Anyway, they-didn'L expect The dato for the celebration has no Corner and Oi'wit Meadows. This will IK with tho request that it bo granted. the last big contract of tiie year, witl He said that since last year ho hail back by John I. Blair In 1820, Beam who was 77 years old, hud- to win. That they were 'defeated only yt-t been ilxed owing to the uncertain more than a century ago. for a gr»at manj >ears been employed by a score of 3 to 1 was honor enough ty as to when the entire highway wil tin' exception of the railroad bridge al become burdened with the duties of at a carpenter at the br ck works One ' Sharkey Martin Is; tho High Bndg.' be ruliy completed and ready for at: Irent Meadows. Mayor, involving a great deal of time ind requiring much attention, Hu of his duties was to keep tHe kilns In rr, team. This1 young pitcher, a native o: ceptance by the State Highway Depart- rtpair This was the task he was about -y that town, i« a whirlwind. If he would ment. It will not be sooner than Aug- wild, too, that the Washington band, to undertake when the accident go-to Sunday school he would make tfi, however, and perhaps some- )f which he in thu director, hud en- cur red _ \ faster" company 'on the diamond. He Lake Bathers Must what later.- ' . , IVift'JP! gagements that will require three t - has • kpnt-'tjio: High .Bridge.:tcam..far Numerous Mishaps I'L'MS »»'»ek for tho-next five '.vcc!:.1:, The crown of one of the kilns was ' ahead in the pennant race of the Hun While it i« "true 'that', the work of tud that he felt he had enough to do HighwayGetting in need of repairs ana it naa Dcen ; laying concrete will lie finished- lout, terdon ' cocHy league. .vlthout carrying this year's Chautau- planned to do the work after the tires 1 Wa|h Their Step before this time, the olllclul accept qua on his shouidcr.s. h id been extinguished and the baked '/ .He1 hail.^he Was h ington la ns buffa- anco-of the road will prBbably be ;k- Over the Week End bricks remov ed The o\ en was stijl loed. They-'got only thre.r hits ofT him, Alert Village Constable Is layed Uy soma uncom])letud bridge* Mrs. Emma/ Johnston .agreed that Finishing Touch ((uito hot when Beam went inside at ' but strange to say, the hits came all particularly two just woat of Broad ono man shouldn't bo expected to do 4 o clock Thursday afternoon to ex In one Inning and, mixed in with a hit On the Jiookout For Im- way. The use of temporary structures State Trooper In Serious t all, HO Mr. UobertKon'H resignation amint the roof and see what repairs batsman, produced three runs. The such JIH now ueu in use at those points .vas accepted. Ii, B. Groat was elected Contractor Completes Last were necesaarj His companion at the three hits which produced three runn proprieties. would Kt.'i'IoiiHly iiiterfere with the big Accident Near LO succeed him. Stretch West of Wash- time uai Hairy Callahan came In the third inning, making three automobile pinado which Is to be made The new president appointed the Tho t vo men had barely stepped In a' winning cpmbjmuloii. one of. tho fixtures of the celebration. Hackettstown. following a.« a ticket • committeo: ington Borough. side the kiln when the roof collapsed They were scored In this manner: Woman Arrested Sunday A general committee of 3lx men ha« Chairman, W. Ii. GrlMlh; Mrs. Emma with a crash Callahan was at one Opilyke cracked /out ti single, Rollng been appointed to handle tho celebra- lohnston, John AV. Zanelli, Mrs. Ar- s lit and escaped serious injury Beam, . wriH.vhltV'bjf-ta/p'ltchod hull, Tatcott tion, and ihey will appoint several sup- First Spill on the Concrete .hur Sandys, Mrs. Cella Wandllug, however was in a position where he : liudd Lake was tho Mecca of motor plfint'iitnry committees. The gen< Marvin W. Vnnovur, Kuirime L. Llna- Now Tackles Culvert Job lined' a/two-bagger. to center and K|s sts'from far and near last Sunday got the full force of the avalanche of selbnch poked out a line single. Witli committee Is composed of two men Slate Trnoper Matthew, McManus jerry. Frank Shiimpanore, John P, bricks H!J body was burled in the" 1 joing drawn to that popular resort pointed by the Mayor to rcpi-osent tlie was seriously injured Hun day after- :ooke, S. M. TrosHler. To-day marks tho completion of dobrlb onl> his head and shouldci s these hits was a misplay by 15, Wal- principally by the good roads. The concrete road building between Wash- ton at second base. * borough and three appointed by -Jam-js noon when his motorcycle became un Tlie entertainment committee will being \lslbc He was wedged so tight crowds at the lake on Sundays have K.
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