ILLINOIS WATCHES ARE BETTER THAN THEY HAVE TO BE RIGHT! the second You'll get a kick out of it every day Superior Motor Barrel we are able to use a when you check up your Bunn Special longer,thinner mainspringwhichwill keep with the official time-clock. And you'll the Bunn Special accurate for 48 hours have the satisfaction of knowing the same and run for 60 hours on one winding. unfailing accuracy will guard you safely Railroad executives and railroad men through each twenty-four hours. all know how steadfastly reliable the The 23-jewel Bunn Special is the crack Bunn Special is. Ask any jeweler who railroad timepiece. Adjusted to six posi- knows railroad watches. He will support tions, it has one degree keener accuracy. all we say about the Bunn Special and And by perfecting the exclusive Illinois show you how easy it is to own one. Bunn Special. 21 jcwcln, 10k yrllow cold-lillral caw .................................... $60 Bunn Special. 21 lcwclo, Ilkwhite ar gmgold-611cd ........................................ 65 Ilunn Spceiol, 23 jewcb, jrrrlcd hlator Uarrcl, IOk jellow (lold-lilletl viur.................. 70 Uurm Sp~cid.23 'ewcl. 'rwcld Motor Uarrrl, I4h whiteor grwn gold-lillcrl cnrs.... 75 Sawgarno, 23 jcwrl*, jc&led Xlotar Uarrcl, 1Ik white. yra~orneturolfold-lillrdcaw.. 90 Any of rhme uvttrher urirh engrol:ed-back cose. $2.00 oddiriorrol Thr aamc high quality rmarkx nll Illinnis Wntrhr.-nlrn's porkrt and strap and ladim' rihboo rstehex in many ottrautisc at,ylc*. Ilnequalvd dollar-lor-rlollur vol~tc. Write for - imcrwtin I illul\trntrd brraklrt. "Thr rhrilling Drnuty 1b.1 Lira Within," drwrihing thc complrte~int-.Addrran Tha lllinaia Watch 125.1 North Ninth Stwrt. Springfield, Illinois. TI1E JIEDALIST (lefi) TIIE ,\VALON (ri~lhr) 17 jrxrl~.rcrtonguler ntovrrnwrt. 14k 17 jrwrlx, l~lknolidwhilc guld-6lll.d ......................................55.00 gnld ...........................$65.00 Established 1870 SPRIKGFIELD.ILLINOIS PIct New Life inYourRug INTRODUCTORY OFFER Extremely Low Prices Good until Feb. 20th only Cushions ,, at the following St. Louis stores Famous-Barr Co. Stix, Baer & Fuller D. G.Co. B. Nugent & Bro. D. G. Co. 4'6"x 7'6"...$ 2.75 6'xg'...$ 3.75 8'3"x 10'6"...$ 5.75 9'x 12'...$ 5.95 9'x 15'...$ 6.50 OTHER SIZES AT REGULAR PRICES SPECIAL SIZES TO ORDER ..<->.. SAMPLES SENT BY REQUEST New Rug Lini-Is Stores listed will ship by express, charges Moth-Proof, ~at&-poof,and-Jhono&al prepaid, at prices named, to points in Mis- souri and Illinois. A fine, inexpensive rug cuehion filled with new, Send check or money order with orders. live, clean cotton. Covered top and bottom with Other states write direct to heavy Krinkie Kraft that is dust-proof, water- praof and moth-proof. Easy to keep clean and THOS.. M. BRADY & CO. (Dist.) d give years of eervice. 108 S. 1st St., St. Louis, Mo. W. HORACE WILLIAMS CO., INC. ANY CLASS-CONSTRUCTION-ANY SIZE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Specializing in Design and/or C o n s t r u c ti o n o f D o c k Wharves, Piers, Breakwaters, Dams, and Jetties, Bridges, Railways, Highways, Industrial Plants. All classes of Building Construction, Building Foundations. Maintaining an Engineering Department for Consultation, Investigation, Reports, Surveys, Designs. HOME OFFICE BRANCHES FRISCO TERMINALS at PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, WARRIOR RIVER BRIDGE and Other Important Works for Frinco Lmes RUILT BY THIS COMPLVY General American Tank Car Corp. General American Car Co. T BUILDERS LESS Tank Cars Tank Cars i Milk Cars Cars Railroad Cars , Refrigerator Cars OFFICES : Illinois Merchants Bank Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Whitehall Bldg., New York City Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. Cosden Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Magnolia Bldg., Dallas, Texas Bartlett Bldg., Los Anneles. Calif. Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS l:rOrutrry, 1930 Pnge 3 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOMS 73 7- 738 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCCINS. Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. A~~ociolcEditor WM. McMlLLAN. Adwrliaing Manager Vol. VII FEBRUARY, 1930 No. 5 Permission is given to reprint with or without credit. in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages C'has. Scllal~ka11 1lngi11rc.r Forty-~hc\'cars ............... .... ...... .................................................4 Meclia~iical Department Rcports Good Year .............................................. ....................................................... 5 I929 \\:as St~ccessfulAgricultural year.: ............................................................................................. 6 Sews of thc Frisco Clubs.................................................................................................................... -1.5 Eighty-thrcc Jhployes Retired in 1929................................................................................................ 16 Frisco Florist Announces 1930 Garden Campaign .......... ............................................................. 17 Car Handling Decreases 14.9 Pcr Cent in 1929............................................................................... 18 Frisco Trains 94.8 Pcr Cent on Tim During Year ............................................................................ 21 Pnrthcr Reduction Madc in Frcight Claim Pay~nents........................................................................ 21 Loconiotive Fucl Performance Rccords ................. ....... ......... ...........................................................24-25 For h,Icritorious Service............... .. ........... .........................................................................................26 Quarterly Statement of Frisco E~nploycs' Hospital Association ................................................ 27-28 Page of Praisc from Frisco Friends ...................................................................................................... 29 The Pcnsion Roll................................................................................................................................... 3-31 The Twilight Hour............................................................................................................................. 32-3%3 IIon~ernaltrrs' Pagc ........................ .. ................................................................................................. -34 Flashes of Mcrrimcnt ............................................................................................................................... 35 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Frisco Emplogss' Magazine is a monthly publlcalion devoted prlmarily to the Interests of the more th;~n5,000 acllve and retlred employes of the Frisco Lines. It contains stories, items of CUIT~III news, personal notes itbout elnplo).es and their famllies, articles deallng . with various phasas of railroad work. poems, cartoons and nollces regarding the service. Good : clear photobraphs suitable for reproducrlon are es~>eclallydesired, and wlll be returned only when reauesled. All cartoons nrrd drnwin~smust be in black Indla draw'ing ink. Emploses are lnrlted to write articles for the mlcazine. Contributions should be type- written, on one side of the sheet only, md should be addressed lo the Editor, Frlsco Building, st. Louis. ZIO. Dlstributed free among Frisco Employes. To others. price 15 cents a bpy; subscription rate % S1.50 a year. AdvertPsinc rates wlll be made knnwn upon a~plication. ELLOGG ~~OUP Pnge 4 RIDES ENGINES FORTY-NINE YEARS NOIXEER C HARLES 1%'. men and engineers performed for SCHANK 1'ooka back with " Cha ley'' Schank of Sf, themselves. They were required - L' B.--~t '. deat of rmusement to clean the engine and scour . nowadays to long am, when Louis First Pulled Throttle the brass, fill the grease cups and as a boy of seventeen years of pack the cellars. About all the age he wa!3 asked by the fore- When 17-Still doing it at 66 roundhouse forces did to the en- rnnn....... nf,. thr,.., Frisco shops at New- gine was to fire rod brasses, but burg to go out on his flrst run the old-time engineer had to set as a Iireman. up wedges, clean the headlight and 111 tlact, he ffatly reCused and told even put i11 new water glasses. the to reman he couldn't do it. How- "When I started to work there were ,,,,,-.,a,. after a little thought, he told silly four passenger engines on the the.-. - .foreman- . - he would go out wlth Frlsco from Paciflc to Springfield and the engin eer, but he wasn't sure he today I go out on all the trains from could shovel twelve or fourteen tons 1 to 12 with the flnest type of motive , of coal wrhich was required for the power at my command that there is trf p. in the country," he said. But he (did, and the hardships which In all of his forty-nine years of rail- he endu~red and the lessons he roading on Frisco Lilies he has never learned il 11 railroading at the young received a suspensioll and has never age of 17I are perhaps the cause of suxered an injury. Perhaps the re- his being termed one of the Frisco's sponsibility which was placed on hi111 best engi~leers today. while he was so young proved his Born at Pacific, Yo., on December best trafnlng, and engii~eere who 5, 1863, h a began his eventful career know him say that while yet a fire- as engine wiper and call boy in the nian In his early teens he assumed roundhouc$e at the age of 16. At that the responsibility for the engineer's time the' little roundhouse was a job as well as his own. They tell seven stt111 affair and the Risco's the story about him when he checked mileage Inumbered
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