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22_779636 bindex.qxp 5/11/06 11:05 AM Page 219 Index A B Addision’s disease, 105, 115 baby teeth, health problems, 150 adoptions, rescue groups/shelters, 32 barriers, sensory development tool, 20 adult dogs, feeding schedules, 100–102 baths, grooming element, 25 Affenpinscher, 165–167 bedding, 16 aggression, 8, 26, 58–59, 64–73 bed pads, 16 Agility trials, AKC/UKC activity, 85–87 beef bones, guidelines, 57 airline carriers, 77–78, 201 Bichon Frise, 47–48, 167 air travel, 77 biting behavior, 22, 27–28 allergies, 143–145 bitter-tasting liquids, teething control, 56 alopecia, 138 blankets, 10–11, 38 American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), blood sugar levels, critical care, 155–156 11, 33 blow dryers, grooming aid, 24–25 American Kennel Club (AKC), 72–73, 82–87, body temperature, critical care situation, 155 90, 165 Bolognese, housetraining issues, 47–48 American Veterinary Medical Association, 11 bonding, 14–15, 23–26, 41–42 anesthesia, health concerns, 159–162 booster shots, vaccine concerns, 14 animal behaviorist, aggression consultant, 69 Border Terrier, 168 antrophloric mucosal hypertrophy, 111 Boston Terrier, 168–169 apartment dwellers, 48, 53 bottled water, travel guidelines, 201 aspiration pneumonia, 9, 93 bottles, supplemental feeding, 8–9 Association of American Feed Control Officials breed clubs, purebred dogs, 42 (AAFCO), 95 breeders, 10–11, 30–32, 37–38, 40–41, 97 Association of Pet Dog Trainers,COPYRIGHTED 81 breed MATERIAL traits, housetraining, 47–48 attitude, 58–61 Britain, 78–79, 95 automobiles, 36, 77, 201–202 broken bones, 145–146 AX (Agility Excellent) title, 86 Brussels Griffon, 169–170 buckle collars, obedience training, 81 219 22_779636 bindex.qxp 5/11/06 11:05 AM Page 220 designated digging area (DDA), 80 C diabetes, 116–117 Cairn Terrier, 170 digging behavior, 80 canine atopic dermatitis, 144 dog parks, avoiding conflicts, 21 Canine Freestyle, owner/dog activity, 87–88 dogs, other, 21, 42–43, 69–73 Canine Genome Project, 165 dog shows, 71–73, 84–85 Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program, 82–83 dominance aggression, 65–66 cataracts, 125 drop it game, release training, 25 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, 171–172 dry eye, 126–127 CD (Companion Dog), Obedience title, 84 dry foods, nutrition, 94–95 chelated minerals, nutritional issues, 96 dry skin, 140 chew toys, 57–58 dystrophy of the cornea, 127 Chihuahua, 172–173 children, 21–23, 77 Chinese Crested, 173–174 E choke (training) collar, 81 ears, cleaning techniques, 25 chronic valvular heart disease, 108–109 electrical cords, puppy-proofing, 54–55 classes, 59–60, 80–85 encephalitis, 119 cleft palate, nursing problem, 8 English Toy Spaniel, 175 clicker training, 51, 61–64 entropion, 127 Click Stick, clicker training, 64 epilepsy, 120 coats/sweaters, 36, 106, 203–206 Europe, wet/dry food mixes, 95 collapsing trachea, 131–133 exercise, 21, 46–47 collars, 60–61, 81 eye contact, clicker training, 64 communications, puppy introduction, 27–28 eyedroppers, supplemental feeding, 8–9 congenital heart disease, 109–110 congenital hypotrichosis (hairlessness), 138–139 conjunctivitis, 125–126 F corneal ulcers, 126 fading puppy syndrome, 7 Coton de Tulear, housetraining issues, 47–48 failure to thrive, 6–7 crates, 34–36, 52, 77–78, 201–202 fearful attitude, reasons, 73–74 critical care unit (CCU) health, 154–157 feeding tubes, supplemental feeding, 8–9 Cushing’s disease, 105, 115–116 feet, 24–25, 141–142 females, outdoor elimination, 47 finicky eaters, 99–100 D first-aid kits, 36 dandruff, 139 fleas, 23–24, 143–144 Delta Society, school visitations, 90 fluids, critical care situation, 155 dermatosis, 139 Flyball, owner/dog activity, 87 220 Index 22_779636 bindex.qxp 5/11/06 11:05 AM Page 221 follicular dysfunction, 140 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 96 I foods, 95–105, 144–145 ice cubes, 28–29 formulas, goat’s milk, 9 ID tags, travel, 36, 200 France, wet/dry food mixes, 95 incontinence, 134–135 fun matches, obedience trials, 84 Indefinite Listing Privilege (ILP), AKC, 84 inflammatory bowel disease, 111–112 information packets, breeder, 38 international travel, 201 G Italian Greyhound, 178–180 games, 25–26, 41–42 gastritis, 111 gelatin, teething uses, 55 genetics, 66, 113–114, 128 J glaucoma, 127 Japanese Chin, 180–181 goat’s milk, puppy formula, 9 granulomatous meningoencephalitis, 120 grooming, 23–25, 36, 65 K K9 Dressage, owner/dog activity, 88 H kennels, 31–32, 37–38 halters, 81 hand-raised newborn puppies, 8 L harnesses, 60, 81 leashes, 42, 60–61, 70–71 Havanese, 47–48, 176–178 Legacy Canine, Click Stick, 64 heartworm disease, 110 Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, 146 heartworm preventative, 41 lens luxation, 128 health problems. See individual problem leptospirosis, vaccine concerns, 12–14 heating pads, whelping box, 10 Lhasa Apso, 182–183 hemangiopericytoma, 124 litterbox, apartment dwellers, 48, 53 hepatic encephalopathy, 120 liver juice, mother’s milk supplement, 9 herniated disc, 151–152 long-coated dogs, 65 holding areas, dog show safety uses, 71 low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), 10 homemade diets, nutrition, 97, 99 Lowchen, 183–184 hotels/motels, crate uses, 36 luxating patella, 146–148 housetraining, 15–16, 45–53 lymph disease, 112 hydrocephalus, 121 lymphosarcoma, 124 hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), 10 hypothyroidism, 117 Index 221 22_779636 bindex.qxp 5/11/06 11:05 AM Page 222 obedience trials, 72, 83–87 M obesity, 157, 102–103 macroocular fissure, 128 occipital dysplasia, 122 males, dominance aggression, 66 Open class, Obedience trial, 84 Maltese, 47–48, 184–185 open fontanel, 148 mammary tumors, 124 operant conditioning, clicker training, 61–64 mast cell tumors, 124 optic nerve hypoplasia, 129 matting, 141 oral cleansing gel, teething toys, 55 medications, fractional doses by weight, 106 oral nasal fistula, 133 metabolic efficiency, feeding schedule, 101 OTCh (Obedience Trial Champion) title, 84 metabolism, housetraining, 49 otitis externa, 141 microchips, ID method, 36, 200 overgrown nails, 141–142 minerals, nutritional issues, 96, 98 Miniature Dachshund, 174–175 Miniature Pinscher, 186–187 multiple ocular defects, 128–129 P pack theory, aggressive behavior, 67–69 MX (Master Agility Excellent), Agility title, 86 pancreatitis, 117–119 Papillon, 188–189 parks, socialization, 75, 77 N Parson Russell Terrier, 189 NA (Novice Agility), Agility title, 86 Pat-a-Cake game, sensitive feet, 26 nail clippers, 25 Pekingese, 190–191 nail trimming, 24–25 periodontal disease, 150–151 names, puppy introduction, 19 persistent pupillary membranes, 129 narcolepsy, 121 physical defects, nursing problem, 8 newborn puppies. See puppies physical punishment, 52, 66 noises, household introduction, 17–18, 42 pictures, travel guidelines, 200 non-breathing puppy, resuscitation, 11 pig’s ears, guidelines, 57 Novice class, Obedience trial, 84 plants, puppy-proofing, 55 nursing problems, 8–9 play areas, sensory development, 20–21 nutraceuticals, 98 play groups, socialization, 81–82 nutrition, 93–105, 155–156 playpens, household socialization, 16–18 playtime, bonding opportunity, 41–42 pneumonia, supplemental feeding, 9, 93 O Pomeranian, 191–192 OA (Open Agility), Agility title, 86 portosystemic shunt, 112–113 obedience training, 59–60, 80–85. See also postures, domination, 19 training praise, housetraining reward, 51 222 Index 22_779636 bindex.qxp 5/11/06 11:05 AM Page 223 progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), 129–130 Pug, 193–194 S puppies salmonella poisoning, raw food concerns, 99 bonding opportunities, 41–42 schedules, 49–51, 100–102 breeder as matchmaker, 31–32 school visitations, dog/owner activity, 90 children, 21–23 senior dogs, 104–105, 113–114 communication, 27–28 sensory development, 20–21 crate, 35 separation anxiety, 46 dominant gesture/posture, 19 shampoo, 25 feeding schedules, 100–102 shelters, adoption guidelines, 32 health guarantees, 40–41 Shih Tzu, 194 initial check-up, 40–41 Sighthounds, dog show aggression, 71 layette, 34–36 Silky Terrier, 195–196 leash introduction, 42, 60 sleep areas, 16, 39, 52 nail trimming, 24–25 socialization, 15–18, 21–23, 30–31, 75–78, name introduction, 19 81–82, 89 new home, 38–40 soft palate, 133–134 other household dog, 42–43 sounds, household introduction, 17–18, 42 return policy, 32 stand-for-examination, 24 sensory development, 20–21 stones, health problems, 135–136 transition visitations, 37–38 storage diseases, 122 vaccination trauma, 41 strangers, 18, 66–67 weaning, 30, 93–94 stress, 73–74, 155 puppy kindergarten, 81–82 string chews, 58 purebred dogs, 42, 84 sun damage, 142 pyloric hypertrophy, 113 supplements, nutrition, 98 supplies, online resources, 206–210 surgery, health concerns, 157–159 R sweaters/coats, 36, 106, 203–206 Rally-O, AKC-sanctioned sport, 85 raw foods, nutritional issues, 98–99 rawhide chews, guidelines, 57–58 T reproduction system, 130–131 table scraps, avoiding, 28 rescue groups, adoption guidelines, 32 target sticks, clicker training, 64 retinal dysplasia, 130 tattoos, ID method, 36, 200 rewards, clicker training, 62–63 teeth, cleaning introduction, 24 rheumatoid arthritis, 149 teething behavior, 54–58 Index 223 22_779636 bindex.qxp 5/11/06 11:05 AM Page 224 temperatures, 10, 47, 103–107, 155 territorial aggressions, 66–67 U testicular tumors, 125 UDX (Utility Dog Excellent) title, 84 therapy dogs, dog/owner activity, 89 ulcers, 111 This Little Piggy game, sensitive feet, 26 United Kennel Club (UKC), 83–87 ticks, grooming check, 23–24 United States, wet/dry food mixes, 95 toothbrush/toothpaste, teeth cleaning, 24 urinary tract infections, 136 Toy Fox Terrier, 176 Utility class, Obedience trial, 84 Toy Manchester Terrier, 185–186 Toy Poodle, 192–193 toys V chew toys, 57–58 vacations, 36, 78. See also travel DDA (designated digging area) training, 80 vaccinations, 11–14, 41, 114 safety considerations, 34 vertebra abnormalities, 152–153 sensory development tool, 20 veterinarians, 14, 32–33, 40–41, 55, 78, 97 teething, 55 visitations, socialization, 75, 77 territorial aggression, 67 vitamins, nutrition, 96, 98 transition visitations, 38 vocalizations (owners), 27–28 trachea, collapsing, 60–61, 81 Tracking events, AKC, 84 tractin alopecia, 142–143 W trade you game, retrieving/release training, 25 walks, 46–47, 75, 77 training.

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