",1 i Section rosse' Pointe ews A ----._._---------------- --- ---------._----------. -- ~----------- - - - -_. --_._-~---_._---------------------------- VOL 43-NO, 25 PubU.hed •• Second CI... M.lter .t the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1982 30(> Per Copy 38 Pages - Three Sections ------------ Po.t Office It Detroit, Michigan $13 Per Vear Ford proposes first Lakeshore condos By Tom Greenwood The prolJerty has a frontage of 395 feet and a depth Clauser confirmed that the horne presently located HE' proposed building 36 units contained in 18 two- If the Farm" COllll('11 gives ils approval, the of l.079 feet covering 7,85 acres. In his site plan, on the property would be razed, but that the land- story brick veneer buildings priced between $200,000 l,ro"sl' 1'0111tl" could 'il'(, lhl' first condominium Ford shows the 18 units (10 two bedroom and eight scaping of the acreage would largely remain un- and $400,000. Scott anticipated selling the units comph'x ~ot'idetl 1111 !.akl's!lur(' Hoad gOlll~ up In the three bedroom homes. all with two car attached touched Prices for the units were unavailable. primarily to senior citizens who he said would ~p- J1l'<.lr futllrl' garages) interspersed along a meandering road run. preciate the low maintenance, privacy and security ning between Kercheval Avenue and Lakeshore Reliable sources have reported that parts of the of such a development. III a lettl'r (0 tllt' coulll'll dated June 2 of this veal', Hoad. mansion have already been stripped and that Henry Ford II Pl'tillOlIt"{l th(' council to 01110\';' lhe numerous trees and shrubs have been removed from However neighbors in the area, including Bishop COTlstrUl'tloll 01 Il:l tllO and three bedroom con. The complex would have at least one gate house. the property. The home has been empty for about Lane and Ellair Place, responded angrily to the pre>. t/Ol11llliulnUilits on hi" propl'rt~. located at 457 Lake- The only building currently located on the property two years. posal, charging it would increase traffic in the area :.~~;:-~\. ::~..'~::. ~~;~\~~;!~'~~~.~1~.!~11~nf PrnVf.i.n('~~1 Hoad that would remain would be the pool house. and lower property values. The proposal was consid. According to local sounces, the home was con. ered by the Park council in July, 1981, and sent back Architect for the subdivision is Ronald E. May- Ford a,'ikl'd the ('Ullll('lI to rezonl' the properly from structed in 1928by Roy D, Chapm. chlel executive oi to its plannmg commiSSIOn ior iunlll:r It:~it: ..... It ;;,,,.; ltS pl'l.'sl'nl Ht.A:\ one falml\' residl'ntial district de- otle and Associates, Landscape architects are An- the Hudson ~lotor Car Co. not been discussed since, although Scott said recent- signatIOn to Hc' OIl(' faITlll\' allached residential derson Lesnick and Associates. ly he is still considering the proposal. c!usll'r district . In actuality, this is not the fIrst time a con- According to Curt Clauser, application coordinator dominium project has been suggested for prime lake The Farms council took no action on the petition Ford al"u i1~kl'd 111(' cuuncil to approl'E' the site 'for Ford, the subdivision has yet to be named and no shore property in the Pointes. Developer James other than to send it to its Mayor's Planning Advis- plan fill'd at Illl' Farms t'lty hall and to grant a construction date has been set. Clauser did say that Scott last year proposed a similar development on ory Committee and to set a public hearing on the \'arialll'p uf Ihp Sl).[oot side yard requiretlll'nt for the hp didn't think construction on the project v"ould the site of the \lorrison Estate on Jefferson Avenue proposal for its regular council meeting Monday l'XIst1l1g pool buildlng 10 34,6 fl'l'/. begin this year, if given the go-ahead by the council in the Park. evening, Aug. 23. at 8 p.m. Churclles Councils raIse• threaten water rates In• to block lllaratholl Park and Shores By Mike Andrzejczyk a 120 percent rate increase. The B)' Tom Greenwood department recently passed July may be the month for L'nless a compromise is reached another increase to the Shores, parades and picnics, but for res- soon, Farms residents may have raising the rate to $4.67 per 1,000 idents of the Park and Shores, seen tht> last of the Intern'ational it cubic feet of water. will also be the month thev reo Free Press ~tarathon that has run for the past four years through ceive increases in their water The trustees have asked for a their community, bills. review of that latest increase, Vil. lage President Gerald Schroeder A delegation of Farms clergy. ~1eeting Monday, June 14, the said, because some conditions men. headed bl' the Rev. Rav H. Park City Council voted 5-1 to in- have changed since the depart- Kieh'. of Gross.e Pointe ~1emorial crease the combined water-sew- ment calculated the rate. Church, appeared before the age rate the city charges res- Farms Council ~londay e\'ening. idents from $13 to $14.50 for 1,000 Foremost is the Edsel & June 21. to protest the timing of cubic feet. The monthly storm Eleanor Ford House's decision to the fifth annual race scheduled drainage charge of $5.50 for met- use lake water to sprinkle its lawn this year for Sunday morning. ers one inch in diameter or less instead of water from the village Oct, :l. and 57.50 for meters larger than system, Schroeder said. one inch remained unchanged. In hiS communication to the citv "That was an awful lot of water • • PnOIO by To"", G'eenwcod THE INCREASES in the rates father .., Rev. Kiely complained they were using," he said, and in thaI the event curtailed his Behrve your eyes, tbose ARE Wayne County Road Com'mlSsion t~c~s' and workers smootb1ng- dl'arged' the -Park -by Detroit for light of their switch, the Shores church's Sunday morning servicl's out the potholes on Lakeshore Road. The work was ordered by CirCUIt Court Judge James A. water and sewage treatment will has asked the city to review the and "land locked" parishioners on Hathaway late last month after a two-year fight in the courts. The Farms, which steadfastly result in about S75,000 in added rate. church property while runners rrfused to pay for repairs to the county road, is not financing a penny of the current work. The costs to the City Clerk-Comp- (Continued 011 Page 2A) stride down Lakeshore Road. road won't be resurfaced entirely, but the "hea,'). maintenance" begun last week ought to make trolle.r !'l'unzio Ortisi told the Grosse Pointe's most irritating obstacle course easier to drive' on. councll. Re\', K1('l~' saId hE' \\ as "pleas- antly surpnsE'd" at the attitude In addition, the rate increase expressed by thE' council that if was necessary to make up a Inside the church didn't consent to the S56.000 deficit in the Park's water Business _. 7A race. the councll would not grant Wayburn border war not over yet and sewer enterprise fund. The Cable TV, Local SA permission 10 the Free Press, account is supposed to be self-sup- Classified 3C sponsors of (he race. to run Charging the slate Court of Ap- fident we'll convince them." James Walsh said he.s confident porting, Ortisi said, and the in- Editorials 12A peals incoITE'ctly applied the law. Feature l'ii3 through thE'ir city along Lake. A court of appeals panel ruled his city will win. crease will balance the books. Of shore Road a cit v of Detroit atlornev has once the Sl.5Q increase, 50 cents will go Letters to Editor , 12A again asked the State' Surreme in September, 1981that the border "I think the courts are sym- Obituaries 9A should be pushed 33 feet west, put- to retire the deficit and $1 will go "This bn't the first time \\'e'\'(~ Court to hear his appeal 0 a 12- pathetic to the fact the case 'has School News _ 1lA ting the Wayburn homes squareh' to cover the rate increases charg- appeared before you protesting year border dispute between De- dragged on for more than a de- Society 1-8B in Grosse Pointe Park and adding ed bv Detroit's 'Vater and Sewer- Sports ' 1-2C the race." said Rev. Kielv. "We troit and Grosse Pointe Park. cade," Walsh said. "Detroit had 160 homes and almost $500,000 to age Department. he said. wert> here two years ag-o. The its chance to bring up the acquies- deadline change Free Press has chosen World The attornev, Robert Rhoades. the Park's tax base. Proper tv on cence issue earlier." Shores trustees voted Tuesday. said the appeals court was wrong Communion Sunda\'. one of our Barrington Road is also affeCted. June 15, to increase the combined Because o~ the July 4 holiday, whE'n it ignored both cities' YE'ars Three judges signed the Appeals water-sewage rate charged to res- some deadhnes for submitting busiest and fl10st important Sun- acquiescence to the unusual Late last month the State Sup- day's of the year. to run its mara- Court ruling, visiting Judge K, N. idents from S15 to $16.75 per 1,000 press releases and purchasing ad. boundary line which ran through reme Court refused to hear De- vertisements in the July 6 issue of thon \\'t>'\'E' tried to be cooper a- troit"s appeal of the lower court Sanborn, John Gillis and George cubic feet.
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