Parasite 2013, 20,13 Ó Y. L. Konan et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2013 DOI: 10.1051/parasite/2013013 Available online at: www.parasite-journal.org RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS Species composition and population dynamics of Aedes mosquitoes, potential vectors of arboviruses, at the container terminal of the autonomous port of Abidjan, Coˆ te d’Ivoire Yao Lucien Konan1,*, Zanakoungo Ibrahim Coulibaly2,5, Atiuomounan Blaise Kone´1, Kouadio Daniel Ekra3, Julien Marie-Christian Doannio4, Mirielle Dosso6, and Paul Ode´houri-Koudou3 1 Vector Control Department, National Institute of Public Hygiene, PO Box V 14, Abidjan, Coˆte d’Ivoire 2 Laboratory of Environmental Sciences, UTR of Science and Environmental Management, University of Abobo-Adjame´, PO Box 801, Abidjan 02, Coˆte d’Ivoire 3 National Institute of Public Hygiene, PO Box V 14, Abidjan, Coˆte d’Ivoire 4 Research Unit ‘‘Vector-Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases Research Unit,’’ National Institute of Public Health, PO Box V 47, Abidjan, Coˆte d’Ivoire 5 Entomology and Herpetology Research Unit, Pasteur Institute of Coˆte d’Ivoire, Abidjan PO Box 490, Abidjan 01, Coˆte d’Ivoire 6 Pasteur Institute of Coˆte d’Ivoire, PO Box 490, Abidjan 01, Coˆte d’Ivoire Received 6 November 2012, Accepted 21 March 2013, Published online 9 April 2013 Abstract – An entomological survey of Aedes mosquitoes was initiated at the container terminal of the Autonomous Port of Abidjan in 2009 following the occurrence of two outbreaks of yellow fever in less than 10 years and dengue cases reported in 2008 among expatriates returning from Coˆte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). It was based on regular moni- toring of ovitraps from July 2009 to June 2010. A total of 4,739 adult mosquitoes represented by four species of Aedes (97% of total) and one unexpected species of Culex (3%) were obtained. Aedes aegypti was dominant with 98% of total Aedes (n = 4,594). Its density variation was closely related to the amount of rainfall. The other species of Aedes were collected in the second half of the major rainy season including Ae. albopictus (1.17% of Aedes) and Ae. angustus (0.13%) whose presence was discovered for the first time in Coˆte d’Ivoire. Key words: Entomological survey, Aedes species, Container terminal, Coˆte d’Ivoire, Ivory Coast. Re´sume´ – Composition spe´cifique et dynamique des populations des moustiques Aedes, vecteurs potentiels d’arbovirus, au terminal des containers du port autonome d’Abidjan, Coˆte d’Ivoire. Une enqueˆte entomologique portant sur les moustiques du genre Aedes ae´te´ initie´e au terminal a` conteneurs du Port Autonome d’Abidjan en 2009 suite a` la survenue de deux e´pide´mies de fie`vre jaune en moins de 10 ans et des nombreux cas de dengue rapporte´s en 2008 chez des expatrie´s de retour d’un se´jour en Coˆte d’Ivoire. Elle a e´te´ base´e sur le suivi re´gulier des pondoirs pie`ges de juillet 2009 a` juin 2010. Un total de 4,739 moustiques adultes re´partis entre 4 espe`ces d’Aedes (97 % du total) et une espe`ce de Culex (3 %) inattendue a e´te´ obtenu. Aedes aegypti e´tait pre´dominant avec 98 % du total des Aedes (n = 4,594). La variation de sa densite´ est e´troitement lie´e a` la quantite´ de pluie. Les autres espe`ces d’Aedes ont e´te´ re´colte´es dans la seconde moitie´ de la grande saison des pluies, dont Ae. albopictus (1.17 % des Aedes)etAe. angustus (0.13 %) re´colte´s pour la premie`re fois en Coˆte d’Ivoire. Introduction an effective vaccine for many years, yellow fever continues to be an endemic disease and an important threat in Africa and Diseaseswhichhavebeenknownforalongtimesuchas South America. The inadequate vaccine coverage and popula- yellow fever and dengue are currently reappearing in many parts tion movements explain the continual occurrence of epidemics. of the world due to economic and social deterioration and public The WHO estimates that 200,000 cases of yellow fever occur health systems in these countries [16]. Despite the existence of each year worldwide claiming 30,000 deaths [19]. More than 90% of all cases are in Africa, where more than 500 million peo- *Corresponding author: [email protected] ple live in the risk zone situated between latitudes 15° Nand This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 2 Y.L. Konan et al.: Parasite 2013, 20,13 15° S. Yellow fever is also a significant risk for more than 3 mil- 4°010 W). The city comprises 10 municipalities and a national lion travelers who enter the affected areas each year [20]. Den- park (called Banco National Park) which spreads over 3,750 gue fever is one of the most important emerging infectious hectares located in the northern part of the municipality of Atte- diseases worldwide with at least 20 million cases per year claim- coube´. The climate is tropical with two rainy seasons separated ing 25,000 lives [7]. Approximately three billion people are from each other by a dry season. The major rainy season is under the risk of infection. The annual incidence of dengue from April to July and the shorter from October to November. has been multiplied by 30 during the last 50 years with increas- The major dry season starts from December to March and a ing number of cases which has become exponential in the last short one occurs from August to September [4, 12]. The annual 15 years [27]. This pathology is now part of the diseases of trav- average rainfall is between 1,300 and 1,600 mm. According to eler’s returning from the tropics [9]. There are four different ser- SODEXAM (Ivorian firm for the Development and Exploita- otypes of dengue virus. Infection with one serotype confers tion of Meteorological Parameters), the mean annual tempera- protective immunity against this serotype but not against others. ture is around 26.5 °C. The annual relative humidity is A second infection by another serotype causes a higher risk of between 78% and 88%. dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is a more severe form of the The container terminal of the autonomous Port of Abidjan, disease [7]. Unlike yellow fever, there is no vaccine for dengue, located in the municipality of Port Bouet, was one of the sites but early detection and access to appropriate medical care help to chosen to conduct this pilot surveillance of potential vectors of reduce mortality rates below 1% [22]. Yellow fever and dengue arboviruses in Abidjan. Covering an area of 30 hectares, it is are viral infectious diseases transmitted by mosquitoes of the located at the edge of the lagoon Ebrie´ which communicates genus Aedes. These mosquitoes have the particularity of eggs with the Atlantic Ocean through the Vridi canal built in 1935. that resist drought, a condition that allows them to survive pro- The principal activities that are undertaken at the container ter- longed journey by sea, air, and land. This factor has enabled minal are: reception and delivery of arriving containers, prepa- them to spread worldwide [5]. ration of outgoing containers; checking storage and monitoring Coˆte d’Ivoire is an endemic yellow fever country which of containers at the container park; loading and unloading of recently experienced a resurgence of this disease after nearly container ships, including shifting and transhipment of two decades of relative calm following the introduction of containers. yellow fever vaccine in the nationwide vaccination program in 1983. Between 2001 and 2008, three outbreaks occurred in Abidjan, the economic capital of the country. In the 2001 Mosquito collection yellow fever outbreak, 16 out of the 73 suspected cases were laboratory-confirmed with one fatal case [1]. Seven years later, Ovitraps method [8] was used to collect Aedes eggs. Thirty- another yellow fever outbreak occurred with 15 cases con- nine standard WHO ovitraps were placed in six different points, firmed by the Pasteur Institute of Coˆte d’Ivoire; the first five spread over the container terminal installation, according to the of these were counter-confirmed by the regional reference lab- field plan and the agreement of the operating company. These oratory of the Pasteur Institute of Dakar [17, 21]. Almost at the are: staff parking here referred to as ‘‘Parking’’ (6 ovitraps), same period, an epidemic of Middle Eastern type 3 dengue was the customs here called as ‘‘Customs’’ (5 ovitraps), storage site detected following an international alert launched after a posi- of petroleum products here designated as ‘‘Dangerous site’’ (9 tive diagnosis of dengue among two tourists returning from ovitraps), empty containers parking here nominated ‘‘Empty Coˆte d’Ivoire [21]. These two epidemics of yellow fever occur- park’’ (10 ovitraps), maintenance workshop here referred to ring in less than 10 years and dengue cases reported in 2008 as ‘‘Workshop’’ (5 ovitraps), and cold containers park or ‘‘Cold among expatriates returning from Coˆte d’Ivoire obliged the park’’ (4 ovitraps). These ovitraps are black empty cans in Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene at the time to strengthen which small wooden paddles are immersed. These were its warning system. It is in this context that surveillance of installed at 1.5 m above the ground. Paddles were collected Aedes mosquitoes which are potential arbovirus vectors was ini- every 10 days. At each harvest, water contained in cans was tiated at strategic points in the capital city including the con- transferred and renewed. These different harvests were col- tainer terminal of the Autonomous Port of Abidjan.
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