f AUGUST I2,ldl6 PRICE 10 CENTS E IT KEEPS THE SHOW Lillian ^nd Frank AUGUST It, ItH George Reynolds* Greater Shows ^ TIM« SHOW NCVKR OLOSCS Gan plact Ferris Whsel and one or two more Shows. All Wheels«open. Gan place a few more Concessions. WantM—Bass Player for Band. Week of August 7th, Keyset, W. Va.; week of August 14th, Martlnsburg, W. Va. set: Floral Decorations i;HNr>t SA. eaapMa: m PMiRag ChdUa. aD Me. tmdiOm. WIU aeU tagtthtr at anataialy. roa svsav ooeASiea oa aav aiao or svcmt— . largMs. ' W. r. COOT, Ltiaarea. Slahhm. CARNIVALS, HOME COMINGS. FESTIVALS, FLOATS DAOAIhVC W>4>CNIADfyAtTltl rai lEcoiATivi MATuui ‘ ELABORATE BOTANICAL ETTEOTS FOR THEATRES AND PBOTOPLAT BOUSES TENT THEATRE FOR SALE HMIIS OnunaUc Xnd. It Ingtha W BSmb. Rtatma, WRITE FOR OUR LARGE COI^RED CATA< Staga UaSS. la tact, thia Mow la rmalwa and LOOUE. AND ’‘BOTANfCAL FLORAL PARADE ra^ to aat np, and ao nkar ootSt aaar MH. Uhad eoiy thraa waaka and built to a nal ahownaa. Mmi BOOK." This book contains SO.pacss of dsalsns atU at neoL BEATBICB URNVT. Shawwaa, not. and description, also tolls you how to organlso a Floral Parade. FOR SALE—roltn Park, a part or all. IM acm Dandng ParUlon and Swnchbark on tto pmriaaa SItuataa on Iht Southani Ry., Pair Oaka Station; Sc nMOUS VnmUL FlOUl SUEniNU, Hip color, Por Yirl, 7 Sc fart n tha claetitea fran RtehaMBd, Vligliila. Oreat dianoe la purahaae tbte pitparty ebaop for aabdi- CHRYSANTHEMUMS, otny color. Per sroea.SS.751 Tlaloa Addraaa C A. WUtaELEB. it ranat Sl. SNOWBALLS, any color. Per ..t.TS Woreaatar. ICaaiacbuittU. CARNATIONS, any color. Per . 1 js FOR SALE—lOaUtura B. B.. brand new, oparailng JAPANESE WISTERIA. Per 100. S.50 In Scbcnactady a only park, on a Tl pn ent tad FLOWERS, any color deeta^ M per cent bade; long leaao; engino and four can; HeaTy Paper Feetoonlng, SO ft. to a roll, $1.50 por doa rolla Any color doelrod. capacity, tS adulta: I.IM foet track. IS-ln. gaugo: PICTURE oeciytl^ eonplato for |l.t7S.M caab. OotSt coat SS.8M.OO aeee^ nonlba ago. Write rRKO D. BOTMIGIL DEGORITING GO., Sti;"Sr«": “"MSS. BROWRB. IS* Rim BL. Trap. New Tortb SHOW PROPERTY FOR RALE—Ona SS-fL Round MACHINES Tbp Tent, with a SO middle place, •-». waM, all la WILLIA.a« TODD WANTS good ihape; • lengtba of Bluet, T tier; M folding can- Itow MMl •ligiiUr MNd Pwvtr. Sbaptas. tJarful TaodafUla, Bap. or Oieui Peepla, who doobla band; Sinsla er Doobla Nonitr Ttaok OM to eerk Is Ms Tta Bcncbca; Stage ISzlt. three dropa. and all other tko^ UKI KdlwQ at Snaln pflem 0pm Aartal Aet—Iroa Jaw and lUht Wlra. IfuMclaaa. Plaidat, to doabla tnba or other Inatniinent la baad; outSt eonplcta. all brand new; Snt rraaonable offer ■M rMdlna Chain. Opantlnc BooUw that atroos TieaUxaia, Oomat to double dnuaa In orcbaatra. In wrltlns auta comet as«. laat •hoara you have takca IL J. C. WADUNQTON. SIS South 6th St. paaa tn laapartloo. PlcUm Ourtalaa and ban with, areisbt. bcUbt and eatlnaUty. low aalaiy—It’a aura each and eaanr areafc. Bcaaon laata until Paducah, Kntucky. aanTthlna for tha M. J*. Thcatn at loMf January. All weak atanda. Two-car tent ahow. Alao place a few good Worktosiiica, AaMatant Boaa Canras- prten than onarad hr ear aeamtUen* nun. Prep. Man, real Secnle AiUat WANT Boat Oanratinan and good Car Cook. Only aober, rallaMt pat^ pla with appaaraneo, youth and anblUoo nead apply* Addrata weak Auguat T, ADLANDiaL N. C. LUIS TNEATK SUPPLY CO., AT LIBERTY ST. LOUIS, MO. SMITH GREATER SHOWS wad^t.. Ma.to^. WaconSnf** *-***’*0. !**• r>rh««fb A ffbtl A BthO f«/kn C A ff U I WAHTTO—Ona good BaUy-hoo Show, Fat Woman or Fat Man, MldgM. Alao can place good atrong Platform OPERA CHAIRS FOR SAI.E I RAow. Oood opomng toe three Um Ifanagen and Talkm: mnat be capable to take full charge of Showa. vnsn^nn* yrOPERA lULfk CHAVnAin^ r ona nan to taka charsa of Oolorad Mlnatral lOld Kentucky Rbow); alao good opening for a fow Uee SSbS?' l2to B^F' Ong Uioutand Mahoggny “****‘*' <«««• (BaM.Back) Holl-Down, Bowling Alley. comeSi’n.^ ralST^ ^e^oS; In excellent condition.ilSIh wo ^ aSl’ have FOB SALB-Ona un-tecUoo Pullman Car. Mat out of the Pullman aecrlce. ucm been uaed for ahow thing but oM ebanJrten. Wa work all ^ tSn oVm niTM | puipow. atileUy op to data and dactrlc lighted, funy aqnlpped with all Airtains and boddiiw. Mnaagcta baat ahort caat dramaUe acilpu In tha bualiMaa. OUB BXJK, Bptiagaaia, imio. j ^ lalkam wire, Addima Work cheap. Huat bare tlrketa. Oettlng atuag la ^ SMITH' iN^auao^o^hl^d^^^fcVlNEOT^altoTUl^^LJt NEW DROPS, S .Q 10 0 _ . * . _ _ ... on e < eM-i LIBERTV—A-1 Oomady Sketch Team: change PMMad to Ordm. Aap glao kp to IBiM feet, la eitkgr Wsek of August 6, Warren, Ohio: WeckTlf Angust 14, Lorain, Ohio, for weak or longer; gem. alngleo and up in acta: Dlamoad Dya, Oil or Watar Oalen. dapoalt lady, planlat. the beat in tha bnalnma; good dreaaera. with tacb order. RakatPa tmnia Rtodh, Oalaaikoa, 0. aober and reliable; ran Join at ooca. Addrma COM* EOT SKBTCH ABTISTS, Oencnl DcUeHy, AwMIn. WMTEB—Slows, ATTUCTIONS GOOD COINETIST AT LIBERTY For Bis Fall FettiwI WANTED - QUCK - WANTED After Saptembar 1. Three yaara with NcU O'BfIen'a SALT LAKE CITY, UTAN. MPT. M. II. IS. Fat Girl; must be good looking and good entertainer.' Also Midget, *“* Ob tha atracta In Uia heart at tha dtp. TIM Wssart man or lady, not a dwarf or hunchback, or any good Freak that I can tbraa-day aaant In tha Waat thia year. Addrem 8BO- BBTABT FALL FBSTITAL, Xto ITSS. feature. Above wanted for a long list of Fairs, and all winter’s work WANTED GOOD ALL-ROUNO MED. PEOPLE WANTED A-1 PIANIST }" ^ j big Snake, 18 to 25 feet ^Tell ^Mat ,mmwhat y«.*d,yon do and im.*^lowcat antoiy f.T'a^for allwta- -m- WhrdoSi S’TioUn. H?«i!. pUyiiig feeder. \ViU advance car.-fare,to those I know. ^SSSS. mtiRlcBi Ubs. and ont-night attrsetio^ Answer quick. ben. F. KARR, 203 SIXTH ST.,' PfORIA, ILL UiaiilTcn A-> Trap Drunamar. Balia, alc. Sal- Tmt round job. Stats lowsst salary. M. BfnniKU ^ $lt.te. pay own. Wlra or wrtto 8. T. DOWNS, cara Elwln Strang Oa., Slim Ckwrt. F. SOHMER, Manager Majestic Theatre. Nab., wack Aug. S; Peodar. Nab., week IS. Danville, Va. P. S.—^Wowl like to hear WANTED for MODEL AMUSEMENT CO. from Bili Kerst. SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS to enlarge Company for iiouthern tonr. Showi wAM’fpr) oirls fmi *«t show. Twenty stays ont all winter. All Wheels open. 'J* WANTW^rwo Ooocha Dancera and two sood SMg- ADVANCE MAN WiUlng tO pot Up paper. Ohio. ' S. %%.mi.5?ton*rtV iSraSSk.*^ MUSICIANS for Band-Cornet, Baritone, SUde and Bass. 'lir.mTcn rnn ....... r TAaa.« -.mm wiitA Salary aura. HABB? koia3, Kcnrtngton HIGH DIVER (Net). I havs good outfit. Dare Devll Mytrs, write. WANTED FOG UNCLE TOM S C4GIII Btoha. Cone, tolmul, Nm, Tort. qj ,43 p Carnival People write. pL5i" “aS^Un^T^'a^r^^ 'Z Address LORENZO D. DALEY, Iowa City Fair, this week: Wilton, Iowa, Fair, for winter aeaaoo. State loareat aalaiy quick. 1 pay Medicine Performer Waoted Ang. 15.18; Washington, Iowa, to foUow._ ^Ur^ooSSic'IT nent addreaa, Hooatek Falla. N. Y. One who playa organ or Mano. np In acta and apedal- Oaa. Long araaen. J. F. KAQAN. Antler Hotrt. m AIITril CONCESSIONS AND GOOD FREE FEATURE ACTS ta/AMTEnBSTCp AU-rourd Oomcdlana and Silent Dayton. O. Plaara Co. No. S. ■■BHS ■ E.1I •toiAC* wpsrvWFSIV 1a Performera.Performera, for Mcdlclno Show; WW WwBW ■ MHV - r \/ n I rf b- muat change for week atand. J. F. SPANOLEB. WANTED—Drummer, at once; muat bg Snt-dam MUlcrMown, Pa. man, arith good outSt and aa A-1 Bell and Xylo- Oet. 10-14, pbona Player; young man of neat appearance, be¬ 12th iiiial Tri-Cognt| Stock Show, Moistaia trava, Mb., i9ia tween M and SO yean of age, pteferred. I pay aU WANTED—GOOD CAKE MAN expenaea after Joining; atate all and your beat In ROBT. L. HIGGINS, Secretary, Mountain Grove, Mo. Snt letter; all correapondence onawered. Win or for Ticket Bos. OEO. PAIU., Waterford. New York. WANTED FON BUlOK BIOTON COMPANY BAND— J0IIII O «A| HRITFn SHOWS ?r?,Ls:'.£;i:Lr'>rA-1 Clarineta. Saxopbonea, two French Hotna, Trom- bona. BBb Baaa and String Raaaaa Want to en¬ WIITED-ICTORS THAT OOOILE II IRASt ■WUII M OVN Ulll I kU AIIVilD I large to 50 men. BxeepUonal opportniilUea for Ma- IliMldana for B. and O., for the original ChapUn CAN USB foe Ore Indiana Boma Oomlnga, then Tennnaea Falra. two Ban Oamaa. Soma Wheela open. AU cbai.'ca and Mgh-grade Clerical IM. Thia la an A. Sbow. "CHARIJE ON TUB STAOE." Kanama. No- | lagUlmata Omceaalona write or wire. Will furnldi outSt for lUuaton or Junglclond Show, flood opening for | F. of IL Band. Addreaa OEO. DUNlDUNBAB, Band- braaka and South Dakota. Seaaon open. In Septeu- | Spider Olrl or Pit Show. TODD A SON SHOWS, weak Auguat 7. Alkaay; awak Augaal 14. RMfavUia; Angurt I maatcr, 422 W. 2d SL, Flint. Michigan, her. Addreaa BERT a OAONON. Lake Mlnnaqua | 21. FarMIto: Auflort 2t, Oraanabarg; Saplaaibar 4, Madlaan: all Indhuiu and Haam Camhiga. Part, Pueblo, Colorado. WANTED—Tto Srit-elaaa Adeanca Men: wlU pay either aalaty or commlaaton; muat be abla to WANTED—Oood, all-nnind Oomedy Sketch Team, aent propoalUon at Lodge meetlnga.
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