www.MetroAirportNews.com Serving the Airport Workforce and Local Communities February 2017 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Meet the New Port Authority of NYNJ Director of Aviation Page 2 JFK International Airport a Scene of Protest In Response to Refugee Executive Order As promised while running for President, the effected the normal busy operations of an air- secretary of state and secretary of homeland Executive Order that President Trump com- port during the weekend; compounding an al- security must submit a report to completely re- mitted to enforce was signed on 2/27/17. Also, ready complex situation with the refugees vamp. Dual citizenship is not a reason for as expected, thousands of demonstrators de- arriving on incoming flights. exclusion. scended upon our nation’s airports to protest What rules does the Executive Order con- In addition, the entire refugee resettlement the Executive Order. The affected airports in- tain? The Order can be summarized as follows; program is suspended for four months pending cluded Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washing- It shuts off the issuance of all new immigrant a complete investigation of the program and a ton, Dallas, New York’s JFK, Raleigh, Houston, and non-immigrant visas for 90 days from the plan to restructure it and prioritize those who Seattle, Portland, and Atlanta. following seven volatile countries: Syria, Iraq, are truly in danger of religious persecution. Af- The protests caused major flight delays; and Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. Any ter 120 days, the program may resume, but only The Voice of Port Author- in many cities, law enforcement had to set up non-citizen from those seven countries (not for those countries Secretaries Kelly and Tiller- special areas separating travelers and protes- “all” Muslim countries) is excluded from enter- son determine do not pose a threat. The pro- ity Transportation Speaks tors. The crowds were generally peaceful but ing the country during this time-period (which gram from Syria is completely suspended until Page 10 their presence had a congestive effect on road- usually means they won’t be able to board a di- the president personally gives the green light. ways in and around the airports. They also rect flight to America). After 30 days, the Continued On Page 3 “back to basics” training for TSA officers, more Neffenger Announces Departure from TSA manual screening at airports, and new proce- Left the Agency On Inauguration Day dures for selecting passengers for PreCheck ex- pedited screening. While the agency has TSA Administrator Peter Neffenger Several Congressional leaders continued to struggle in the 18 months since his will step down from his post in Janu- from both parties had expressed appointment, lawmakers continued to support ary 20th, according to an agency hope that the retired Coast Neffenger. Senate Homeland Security and Gov- spokesman. Guard admiral would stay on ernmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson (R- The move has been reported by into the Trump administration. WI) said he has “done a really good job” under JAL to Launch JFK-Tokyo The Hill and Politico. Neffenger, who “He’s really been making some the circumstances, and that he would support has led the agency since 2015, has not good changes, and they’re long- Neffenger staying in the role past the Haneda Service In April been interviewed by the transition term,” said Congresswoman inauguration. Page 20 team of President-elect Donald Kathleen Rice (D-NY). No replacement for Neffenger has been an- Trump, according to Politico. Among those changes are nounced. ■ 2 Metropolitan Airport News | February 2017 www.MetroAirportNews.com JFK International Airport a Scene of Protest security checkpoint and sent passengers to an- In Response to Refugee Executive Order other boarding area to let protests go forward. Continued from Page 1 At the Philadelphia airport, police closed PUBLISHER The Immigration and Nationality Act (§ Standing at this point is not tantamount to be- lanes of traffic to vehicles to make room for Kathryn Bliss 212(f)) gives the president plenary power to “by ing on American soil. The situation quickly demonstrators singing the classic Woody Guth- [email protected] proclamation, and for such period as he shall transformed into a political free-for-all as Dem- rie protest song, “This Land Is Your Land.” EDITOR-IN-CHIEF deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens ocrat and Republican political figures pitched Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani who chaired Joseph Alba or any class of aliens as immigrants or in with strong statements. a Task Force on the refugee problem said he put [email protected] non-immigrants.” New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered the together a commission that included lawmak- To summarize further, it’s a moratorium on Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to ers and expert lawyers. “And what we did was CREATIVE DIRECTOR Raymond F. Ringston immigration or re-entries from seven individ- reverse an earlier decision to restrict passage we focused on, instead of religion, danger,” Gi- [email protected] ual countries and a temporary moratorium on aboard the JFK Airport Air-Train to ticketed uliani said. “The areas of the world that create refugees from all countries, subject to case-by- passengers and airport employees only. danger for us, which is a factual basis, not a reli- LIFESTYLE EDITOR case exceptions From this point on, CBP agents He also instructed state police and the Met- gious basis. Perfectly legal, perfectly sensible.” Roberta Dunn [email protected] will not allow individual aliens from those ropolitan Transportation Authority to assist Giuliani reiterated that the ban is “not based seven countries to board a flight to the U.S. So with security and transportation for on religion.” EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTOR eventually, the chaos will end. protesters. “It’s based on places where there is substan- Michael Baldini [email protected] The problem arose from the 100 or so indi- “The people of New York will have their tial evidence that people are sending terrorists viduals that were already in transit when the or- voices heard,” Cuomo said. into our country,” he said. ADVERTISING der took effect. When they arrived at American San Francisco International Airport tempo- As this story evolves, Metropolitan Airport Edward J. Garcia ■ [email protected] airports, they were detained at customs. rarily closed the international terminal News will provide significant updates. Jo Anne Farrell [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER Meet the New Port Authority JoAnn O’Keefe [email protected] AIRPORT NEWS, LLC of NYNJ Director of Aviation 3073 New Street BY ALANA CALMI Airport on Long Island. Students were able to Oceanside, NY 11572 Media Relations Staff fly and become familiar with smaller, private Tel: (347) 396-0904 When Huntley Lawrence moved with his planes during flying lessons. Fax: (347) 474-7331 family from London to Queens in 1969, he lived During Lawrence’s time at August Martin [email protected] a stone’s throw from LaGuardia Airport and at- High School he attended core classes such as www.metroairportnews.com tended the aviation program offered at P.S. 127. science but it varied from the traditional aca- Here he learned first-hand about flight at LGA demic curriculum. Science classes focused on Editorial contributions and John F. Kennedy, the major international the different types of weather a pilot may face should be addressed to: airport located a short distance from his East and how it affects travel. Students were also Metropolitan Airport News, 3073 New St., Elmhurst home. able to experience the weathers impact on Oceanside, NY 11572, and must be ac- Little did he know that those early lessons flights by flying in different conditions. Shortly companied by return postage. Publisher would lead him to one of the most prestigious before graduating high school, Lawrence had assumes no responsibility for safety of art- Huntley Lawrence work, photographs, or manuscripts. aviation jobs in the United States — Director of passed his written pilot’s test. Permissions: Material in this publication Aviation for the Port Authority, a post that Upon graduation, Lawrence landed an in- So Lawrence went to the Port Authority’s may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval oversees the regional airport system – John F. ternship at the Port Authority. “We had a pro- personnel office and waited outside until he system, or transmitted in any form or by any Kennedy International, LaGuardia Airport, gram called ‘Training with Industry’ when I caught Massiah in the hallway, and arranged means (electronic, mechanical, photocopy- Newark Liberty International, Stewart Inter- was in high school and was able to do an intern- an interview. Long story short – he was hired in ing, recording, or otherwise) without the national, Teterboro Airport, and Atlantic City ship in the Aviation Department at the Port Au- July 1985 and a long and distinguished Port Au- prior written permission of the publisher. International Airport with whom the Port Au- thority in 1980,” he said. “It was a really great thority career began. In his 31 years at the Port The views and opinions expressed in Met- thority has a management agreement. experience. I also learned a lot about aviation Authority he has also held supervisory and ropolitan Airport News are those of the authors and advertisers, and do not neces- From Lawrence’s perch, he commands one planning during the internship.” management roles at Teterboro Airport, New- sarily reflect the policy or position of Airport of the world’s busiest airport systems that han- Lawrence attended Florida Institute of ark Liberty International Airport’s Terminal News. Articles presented in this publication dled a record 124.2 million passengers in 2015, Technology in Melbourne, Fla., which had an B, and International Arrivals at JFK.
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