V FRIDAY, JUNE 8. i m ' ^OStfelGHTfifiN Manrir^sti^r lEtt^tting ISentlli ATtMitfi Dall.v Ngt PrcM Ran The Weathor \ ' For the Week Ended , rofseaal of t). B. WeaUiof Wihww May ttrd . 1986 UoneldeshMe ehindtnees. Mailer* Th» Senior Olrl Scout L«*deri i Mrs. Joseph Martin, pretf dent of j A b m t T o ^ Club will meet Tuesday night kt* t S• | the Manrheeter Council of Church ; Sit Hrid^et^s C e m ^ ry Assn. | 12,925 ed thnadershJwfrs endhif tanight,. o’clock St the home of Mlae Louise I Women, la altending the June COn-, Come, see our Umely new styles ih Member of tha Audit fk»w ahont '99. ’ Monday fair sod' Boyd. «7 Lancaster Rd. ferenre of the Service Bureau for j Bnrean ef OIresdatlen • • -1 ^ ■ eooler. High hi 79a.\ )ltm on CroMon. ’ 187 N. - - I Women's Orfcanlaatlons which; To Disband After i d Years Mtmehmstmr— A City of Villago Chnrm - - U cheirmiui of the food The Ladles of St. James w’illjopened yesterday at-the Hartford; ‘ .......... - --- u^'W M eh the memberi of Man- j-ciriebrate thMr annual corporate | Seminary Fo^indatlon. She is being » V . __ _ SUMMER W ATES win hold tomor­ communionr'Sunday at^.the 8 a.m. sent by the council, After nearly 18 years of exla-«Moria'rty said. The asaerjiatlon has VOL. LX X ynt, NO. 210 (OhMlflei ADvenWng «8i Page !•) row' durlnf the forenoon only »t Maas. Members are to meet ia the i • . tence, the 8t. Bridget's Cemetery. set up a fun<L for this purpose. Easy to clean all white plastic ; also Ijew floral trim (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, JUNE «. 1959 PRICE FIVE CBFiTI nale’nitore. low'sr. church at ■’; « and proceed i Mrs. Charles K nim ^tier and Assn, will be discontinued. When th . adjoining land,. w’As and washable styles with removable cocovers. to the nurtn church. A Holy- Hour ; two children of Sealtle^W’aeh., ar- A meeting will be held at SJ; bought, It was bought In the name Each Mm. Charlotte R. Gray, 71 Foa- j i ^ l be held at 7:80 p.m. Ltred by plane laat night to attend |Bridget's Church hall tomorrow ^ the Church corporation. Mori-] Nine la st Seen in 1943 croft t)r., local aoinono, will pre- the reunion of tjie class of 1^898 evening at which the association Arty-said, thereby doing aw'sy with ^ n.00T.*2.98 Trooper Kills ■ent her pupils in both voice hnd The Rotarv-Klwanla challenge She is the fornhef Ruth Mef'ollum. i win be'brought officlslly to an end deed and title . transfer procs- HAN'DRAOS—Main Floor A t Entranee Butler Says ‘ piano this evening at 7:48*1n the in golf and t e n ^ will be held They are sta^’lng with her parents. snd all records and assets-of the dureir. (knith Methodist Church. The re- Tuesday at ti e llahchester Coun­ Mr and Mrs. John McGoIltim, 58 association, will be turned over to l»n e Preoident I ettal is open to the public. try Club. A combined dinner Of Lockwood St. / the Rev. John, Delaney, pastor.- Since th e' cemeter.v association FITTED TR A Va CASES jtke Ignored World War II _._,z both cliibe will _■ held at 6:30 in Association President Thomas was founded. Morjart.y has been its , Meal for ebs'metics, sun glaaaea. waah cloths, ete. Ueo J. B a n ^ . son of Mr. and the evei.ing. A round table for Robert B. Sepfioffsky. 11* Cham- F.. Morlarty saldsthe assmiation's president and Miss Madeline Smith ■ r i 1 • 1 A n Strike Area .y' Mm. F . Oeo Bairett, SA Deepwood rjembers o' the Kiwania Chib de- hers St . guidance' counaelor at mission, to mSke possible the con­ its secretary. Until her death a few 79c to $S.OO •och j t>r., haa been elected 'president airing make-up attendance w’tll be .' oiaatonburv'HIgh School, la'one of tinued use of the celnetery,. has .years ago, Mlaa Helen Maloney ! Killian Unit held a t noon. i 25 high school gpldance counaetora been accomplished. was financial secretary. Her post , round in Sahara Hazard. Ky;, June R — ; of the aeator claas for the term A coal miner wa* killed and! iea#4*> at the Vniveratty o' Oon- ' from acroaa the Slate selected to Organised In 1941' haa been filled by Mrs. Cain Ma- Hartford, June 6 (iip)--i*«ul neeUout School of Law. Hartford. Local Cireie of Kings Ilaugh- attend a U.S. Office, of Rdiicatlon honey. ' a non-union truck driver > The association w’as organised St. Bridget's Cemetery was M. Butler said today that By GEO FFREY GGTTL.D * Did the crew all ball out some As peesndent, he will take wcer the ter* -vill hold election of ofBcera in ; financed Institute at the University In November 1941 When parishion­ wounded yegtarday - in two 1 of Connecticut this summer. ^ opened In 1860. Land was original­ Pr^ident Eisenhower ig­ where elee. ae the Pentagon think* poBlUon of presidenl of the Stu­ the Fello^vehlp moR of Center ers gave thought to closing the SPEIilAL from MALI’S MILUNERY DEPL Washington. June 6 (>P)— la likely? Then how did the plan* | separate ahooting incident* in OH dent OouneO. He w'as president of Oongregati ma I Church Monday] cemetery. located at 1*6 Oakland ly purchased from Thomas Hick­ nored thd recommendations The Sahara Desert has cast night The meeting will be pre- '■s I ey. whoa« descendants still live on j By on for hundred* of miles to let | eastern Kentucky’s strike-1 the jimior class this >'ear. s St. At that time moat of the ceme­ of a comniittee headed by Dr. up a mystery as deep and dow'n in a eoft landing In the ! jQ^n COal fields. r^eded. hy a dinner at 6:30 at tery land had been used and very Oakland St., and from a landown- ’ FINAL CLEARANCE OF AU Officers lnstallcrl\ #r who lived In Providence, R. I. James M. Killian, and that baffling as any recorded in Jeaert? Ami why apparently did Th# miner, Bobby Jenkins Jr., 1 Xdvertlmmeiit- t^avey'a Realattrant. few burial lota were available. this mai* have prompted Kil­ j none of the crew’ lurvive 7 SPRING the annals of the .<!ea. Ruford L. Moore of PoVtamoul h .! Dplve out tp Ashford Lake this Objection to the -cloatng of the Mr. and Me*.',Paul Wiilhide. ** ' By Barnard PTSO lian's resignation. A World War n B24 « bomber Ohio, father of one of the crew -‘ ^ ^ . **'|*®*‘ weekend. cemetery prompted the organisa­ VALUES t6 Th* Democratic Nalional Chair­ which had a crew Of nine has been men, said he received a letter in non-union trucker W est Sees Porter S't., will be host and host--; tion of the aasociallon which nego­ Oiilinjg Planned $0.00 Margery Plummer, 105 man, in remarks prepared - for fouqd In the waterless waste of The killing was the third In'the ess Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. at the ^ Mrs. tiated for ami. after several years I14.9S 1946 from the War Department, Luts Museum. 126 Cedar St. ' Seamnn Circle, wan Inetalled as ^delivery to the Democratic Party’s LibtV, 380 miles south of Bengaais saying the plane was returning bitter strike over, United Mine purchased adjoining land to en­ Bv Garden Club Eaaterh SUt«a Regional Con­ It was last seen 16 years ago when a 1959 con-1 ■ J . , , president of the Barnard Parent All Sales Final from the bombing mission when i t : Reds Final Policeman Gordon Neddow of ' . ■ ^ . able expan.slon of the cemetery. •! ference for-"Women, noted that th* It took off from a Libyan base for lost radio contact with its base tract. O noe-over w ay the Manchester Police Depart-;. «''><<*” ' Organisation at The additional lartd, about four The annual meeting and outing , HATS report by the President’s science a bombing raid on Naples. Italy. and was presumed dow'n in the Earlier Friday aeveral hundred menf lectured to the .Manchester the annual meetng laat night. and a half arre.s. was bought from of the Manchester Garden Cluh will advisor called for an immediate' The bortiber lies there on the Mediterranean. Did the crew ball sniper bullet* whittled from the- to w ood & feed Squadron of Civil Air P atrol! Mr*. P.oe« La Polt, former aec- William Frsziep, It adjoins the be held at the home of Mrs, Doug­ doubling of the Nation'a annual In­ sand, preserved almost perfectly out over the sea for some reason hills at nearby .Sassafras into a Hours Offer original cenjet'ery ground on the las .1. Roberts, Vernon Rd., Vernon, vestment In education. .. , in the hot. arrid desert sir: Al- while........ the.... plane flew on safely to group of about 15 tnteker* unload­ Wedhesday night at the American matalling officer, south a i ^ ' ■ j Legion Home. He spoke about thejpy^ ; installed were Mrs. Tuesday, The Democratic Congress mhst |J*’®"**’ '*.* ** i the south?h? ^ ing at tha non-union Joe Romeo By JOHM M. HIGHTOWEIl 'use of the h.sndling of small arms. I ... ^ Another pleck of land, - about ,Misa Millicent Jones, president, esiect "A detiperately. needed fe d -,'" '* ! ' P’* " * *P‘ j The PynlPyn'lagon -identified the coal ramp. (teneva, ,Iune fi (/P)—An­ Neddow Is on fhe faculty of the ®'*****’**^*’ Dobm-. vice prbaidenl, five acres north of the original lot. wishes to announce a change In The Pretty eral ald to education**prbgram •« I'*:plane from its serial numbers.
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