Knights of Columbus, Council 7450, Concord, NC Charity * Unity * Fraternity * Patriotism March 2020 2019-20 Officers Council 7450 Meeting Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Worthy Grand Knight Charlie Anzalone Worthy Chaplain Knights Blood Please con- Nominations for Fr. Jerome Chavarria, C.Ss.R. Drive 2020-2021 Council tact Joe Amodeo Worthy Deputy Grand Knight Next drive is Officers will be (980)781- Joseph Amodeo this Sunday, accepted during the 4428 to vol- Worthy Chancellor March 22nd. Come give April meeting. Please unteer for one of our stand- the gift of life! Tell your prayerfully consider ing committees for service Jeff Mathews friends and neighbors, what role you could fill programs. See the commit- Worthy Recorder all are welcome! that would best utilize tee names to the right. Al Servicky your talents and skills YOUR HELP IS NEEDED if Worthy Financial Secretary Eat at El we are to help in our parish for the Knights. Bob Wheeler Amigo on and community!. “In service . Worthy Treasurer Monday, to one, In service to all” March K of C 7450 will Joe Andruzzi 16th for LAMB. Be sure again sponsor Next Knights Breakfast Worthy Advocate the CCM 2nd to tell them Knights or Harvest Food Rick Manning LAMB. Remember to Truck at St. Worthy Warden mention LAMB or James on Tues- Matthew Telera Knights of Columbus. day, March 31st. Help will Worthy Inside Guard We will col- be needed to bag food and Bobby Klimas Jr lect LAMB assist loading food. Worthy Outside Guard donations for State Raffle tootsie rolls ticket will be Vic Haugen at Harris Teeter on on sale after Sunday, March 15 Worthy Trustees April 3&4 from 9-7; the Masses Please come and help us John Green, Gerard Mc Elroy, WalMart in Kannapolis or contact serve the parish. Bring the Andy Olszewski on April 17& 18 from 9- Bob Wheeler family and friends and enjoy 7. Please contact Jeff (732)241-7994 or the best breakfast in town for the price! Mathews, malteselou- [email protected] Service Programs [email protected] or 704- $5 each or 5 for $20. Program Director 890-4237 to help. Joe Amodeo 980-781– 4428 Council Director Knights of Faith Dennis DeVito Faith Director Gustavo Gallo 704-491-0876 Community Director Do you know a Knights have Adoration of Blas Esparza 980-621-8454 good Catholic always been the Blessed Health Services Director gentleman that dedicated to Sacrament Joe Amodeo 980-781– 4428 is not yet a Our Lady. Pray occurs EVERY Family Director Knight? the Rosary dai- Monday between 9:00 Tim Chase (608)695-6678 Talk to them about all that ly….. Select AM and 6:45 PM in the Life Director the Knights of Columbus do your intention . Church. What a won- Joe Andruzzi 704-796-0075 for the parish, community Membership Pray as a family or by derful gift you can give and our families. Let them Jeff Mathews 704-890-4237 know what being a Knight yourself. to yourself to spend Retention means to you! time with Jesus! Ted Cormier 704-608-4357 Page 2 Knights of Columbus News, Council 7450, Concord, NC Lent— Lessons from the Stations of the Cross MICHAEL R. HEINLEIN ful enter into the experience of Stations of the Cross make real eve- Christians know the life of a disci- Christ and others — such as Pilate, ry imaginable aspect of human ple will not be easy. Christ did not Mary, Simon, Veronica, the women suffering that was on full display at mince words about this — telling of Jerusalem or those who crucified Christ’s passion. And they teach us his disciples they must take on the Lord. In this way, devotions like to see the fruit of suffering. life’s sufferings as in the form of the Stations of the Cross assist the Suffering with Christ capital punishment that would faithful in appropriating the fruits of On his way to Calvary, Christ experi- later be used to take his life: “If Christian suffering. enced the sufferings ordinary men anyone wishes to come after me, he Suffering’s Purpose Catholics must deny himself and take up his and women experience every day between cross daily and follow me” (Lk 9:23). It makes sense, then, that those throughout the world. He showed the ages Making Sense of Suffering who have “put on Christ,” becoming not only how to deal with them, but members of his body through baptism — a through the power of love how to of 18 and How do Christians make sense of the bond renewed and strengthened in each transform suffering’s destructive 59 are crosses they bear? The question of why reception of holy Communion — power into something life-giving. In suffering exists finds its answer in obliged to should expect nothing less than a Christ’s passion and death, St. John Christ’s transformation of suffering fast on share in Christ’s own passion and Paul II wrote that Jesus “has taken through love. Christ’s cross makes sense cross. In light of Christ’s passion, it Ash of our own, hence the universal appeal upon himself the physical and moral likewise makes sense to understand Wednes- of popular devotions like the Stations of sufferings of the people of all times, day and the Cross. suffering’s purpose as rooted in so that in love they may find the Good Fri- The Stations of the Cross finds its roots love. “If you really want to love Je- salvific meaning of their sorrow and day. n ad- with the Franciscans who helped rebuild sus,” St. Gemma Galgani said, “first valid answers to all of their ques- dition, all the Christian sites of the Holy Land fol- learn to suffer, because suffering tions” (Salvifici Doloris, No. 31). lowing the medieval Crusades. Given the teaches you to love.” Meditating on the Stations of the Catholics prominence of Christ’s passion within “For God so loved the world that he Cross exposes Christ’s suffering 14 years Franciscan spirituality, the order encour- gave his only Son, so that everyone heart — “sorrowful even to old and aged pilgrims in Jerusalem to journey who believes in him might not per- older along Christ’s way to Calvary. While it death” (Mk 14:34). In his condem- ish but might have eternal life” (Jn nation to death, Christ teaches that must ab- began as a pious devotion, its enduring relevance in the Christian life, however, 3:16). God is love, and love is the we have the freedom to accept life’s stain from caused the devotion to spread. Over source of all that is. “Love is also,” sorrows. He does not let condemna- meat on time, the pope gave Franciscans the Pope St. John Paul II wrote in his tion be levied upon him, but rather Ash prerogative to erect “stations” of the encyclical on suffering, Salvifici he chooses it out of love. Taking up Wednes- cross for popular devotion in parishes Doloris, “the fullest source of the his cross, Christ models how to ac- the world over. Eventually, the role day, Good answer to the question of the mean- cept suffering as an act of love in of the Franciscans was eliminated, Friday ing of suffering. This answer has obedience to God’s will. and all and yet it is hard to find a parish been given by God to man in the Christ falls three times on the way building or complex that does not the Fri- Cross of Jesus Christ” (No. 13). Out to Calvary. The sufferings due to sin have the Stations of the Cross. of love, Christ gave of himself com- in our lives continually cause failure. days of The universal reality of suffering pletely, even unto death — handing In falling himself, Christ shows that, Lent. makes devotions inspiring medita- over his spirit out of obedience to despite suffering’s tendency to bring tion on the passion and death of the Father’s will (see Lk 23:46). us down, discouragement can be Jesus particularly relevant in Chris- Christ’s own suffering and death has overcome by dependence on God’s tian life. Such prayer forms like the untold value and immense purpose grace. Christ teaches us how to per- Stations of the Cross are popular- — whereby God bought us back severe through the failure and ex- ized particularly in the season of from the slavery of sin and death. haustion through which our suffer- Lent. They should not necessarily be So, too, does ours, because, as St. ing inevitably leads and be of one restricted there alone, however, John Paul II described it, “each man, heart and mind in pursuit of the since the Stations of the Cross have in his suffering, can also become a Father’s will. Such is redemptive become a primary opportunity for sharer in the redemptive suffering suffering — as the old saying goes, the faithful to learn the purpose of of Christ” (Salvifici Doloris, No. 19). “no pain, no gain.” their crosses. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen wrote: (continued—next page) Through fostering communal cele- “The great tragedy of the world is bration of the Stations of the Cross, not what people suffer, but how priests have the privilege of accom- much they miss when they suffer. panying their flocks in this under- Nothing is quite as depressing as standing. Assisted by praying with wasted pain, agony without an ulti- the Stations of the Cross, the faith- mate meaning or purpose.” The Knights of Columbus News, Council 7450, Concord, NC Page 3 March 2020 Christ’s way to Calvary illustrates, too, how God graces us with models of love in the midst of our suffering.
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