H4606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 21, 2004 I want to take a moment to talk about these cisive battleground for America. Nowhere in the Worcester Brown Stockings, Cy Young of three young men as individuals. I hope that the world is the idea of white supremacy more the Boston Pilgrims, Addie Joss of the Cleve- through the retelling of their lives we will be firmly entrenched, or more cancerous, than in land Indians, Charlie Robertson of the Chi- able to understand that these three men were cago White Sox, Don Larsen of the New York Mississippi.’’ Michael Schwerner was only Yankees, Jim Bunning of the Philadelphia normal individuals with families who loved twenty-four when he was killed in Meridian. Phillies, Sandy Koufax of the Los Angeles them and hopes for the future, but instead of Mr. Speaker, we must work to ensure that Dodgers, Catfish Hunter of the Oakland Ath- living a safe life they took an extraordinary Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and letics, Len Barker of the Cleveland Indians, chance to fulfill justice and now today they James Chaney did not die in vain. The Civil Mike Witt of the California Angels, Tom have rightfully assumed the mantle of great- Rights movement exists only as much as we Browning of the Cincinnati Reds, Dennis ness. act and these three young men are the epit- Martinez of the Montreal Expos, Kenny Rog- James Chaney was born May 30, 1943 in ome of that idea. I support this legislation and ers of the Texas Rangers, David Wells of the New York Yankees, and David Cone of the Meridian, Mississippi to Ben and Fannie Lee hope that my colleagues will do the same to Chaney. In 1963, he joined the Congress of New York Yankees; send the message that the great sacrifices of Whereas during his perfect game Randy Racial Equality (CORE). In 1964, CORE led a these heroic individuals will never be forgot- Johnson threw only 117 pitches, 87 of which massive voter registration and desegregation ten. were strikes, struck out 13 of the 27 hitters campaign in Mississippi called Freedom Sum- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. he faced, and had his last pitch clocked at 98 mer. Chaney had begun volunteer work at the Speaker, I yield back the balance of miles per hour; and new CORE office in Meridian in October, my time. Whereas Randy Johnson is considered one 1963, his work ranged from constructing book- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. of the best pitchers in baseball today, and his perfect game only adds to his impressive shelves at the community center to traveling to TERRY). The question is on the motion list of accomplishments and his reputation rural counties to set up meetings. Chaney, offered by the gentlewoman from being black, was able to go places while as one of the dominant pitchers in baseball Michigan (Mrs. MILLER) that the House history: Now, therefore, be it CORE members were afraid to go. Chaney suspend the rules and agree to the con- Resolved, That the House of Representa- was only twenty-one when he died on Rock current resolution, H. Con. Res. 450. tives— Cut Road. The question was taken; and (two- (1) congratulates Randy Johnson of the Ar- Andrew Goodman was only 20 when he thirds having voted in favor thereof) izona Diamondbacks on pitching a perfect died on Rock Cut Road on June 21, 1964, the rules were suspended and the con- game on May 18, 2004; and near the end of his first full day in Mississippi. (2) recognizes Randy Johnson for a bril- current resolution was agreed to. liant career. Goodman had arrived in the state early the A motion to reconsider was laid on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- previous morning after attending a tree-day the table. training session in Ohio for volunteer for the ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from Mississippi Summer Project. Goodman arrived f Michigan (Mrs. MILLER) and the gen- in Mississippi excited and anxious to get to REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) each work. Goodman was intelligent, unassuming, AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 163 will control 20 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentle- happy, and outgoing. While a high school Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask sophomore, Goodman traveled to Washington, woman from Michigan (Mrs. MILLER). unanimous consent that my name be Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. DC to participate in the ‘‘Youth March for Inte- removed as cosponsor of H.R. 163. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I grated Schools.’’ Although not seeing himself The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there may consume. as a professional reformer, Goodman knew objection to the request of the gentle- May 18, 2004, will go down in history that his life had been somewhat sheltered and woman from the District of Columbia? for all fans of the Arizona thought that the experience would be edu- There was no objection. Diamondbacks and all fans of Major cational and useful. League Baseball because on that night, Michael Schwerner was the most despised f 40-year-old Randy Johnson became the civil rights worker in Mississippi. Klan Imperial CONGRATULATING RANDY JOHN- oldest pitcher in major league history Wizard Sam Bowers ordered Schwerner’s SON OF THE ARIZONA to throw a perfect game. He retired all ‘‘elimination’’ in May, 1964. The Klan finally DIAMONDBACKS ON PITCHING A 27 Atlanta Braves he faced to lead his got their chance to carry out the elimination PERFECT GAME team, the Arizona Diamondbacks, to a order on June 21. Because they were with Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. 2–0 victory. It took him 117 pitches to Schwerner, and would know too much if they Speaker, I move to suspend the rules throw the first perfect game, and first were not killed, James Chaney and Andy and agree to the resolution (H. Res. 660) no-hitter, in Diamondbacks’ history. Goodman also had to die. Schwerner had congratulating Randy Johnson of the Johnson became only the 17th pitcher come to Mississippi in January of 1964 with Arizona Diamondbacks on pitching a in major league history to pitch a per- his wife Rita after having been hired as a perfect game on May 18, 2004. fect game. On this day in May, Randy CORE field worker. In his application for the The Clerk read as follows: Johnson was, indeed, perfect. He re- CORE position, Schwerner, a native of New H. RES. 660 corded 13 strikeouts, and he put out the York City, wrote ‘‘I have an emotional need to other 14 Atlanta hitters during his daz- offer my services in the South.’’ Schwerner Whereas on May 18, 2004, Randy Johnson of the Arizona Diamondbacks became only the zling display of pitching dominance. added that he hoped to spend ‘‘the rest of his 17th pitcher in Major League Baseball his- Perhaps the neatest thing about life’’ working for an integrated society. On Jan- tory to throw a perfect game; Johnson’s perfect night was the sup- uary 15, 1964, Michael and Rita left New York Whereas at age 40 Randy Johnson is the port he enjoyed from the Atlanta fans. in their VW Beetle for Mississippi. After talking oldest pitcher in Major League Baseball his- As Johnson neared his momentous ac- with civil rights leader Bob Moses in Jackson, tory to throw a perfect game; complishment toward the end of the Schwerner was sent to Meridian to organize Whereas Randy Johnson is only the 5th game, the 20,000-plus fans in Atlanta, the community center and other programs in pitcher in Major League Baseball history to keep in mind these are the fans of the the largest city in eastern Mississippi. throw no-hitters in both the American and National Leagues; opposing team, encouraged him with Schwerner became the first white civil rights Whereas throughout his 17 years in Major standing ovations and chanted his worker to be permanently based outside of the League Baseball, Randy Johnson has won a name. It was a terrific night for Amer- capital of Jackson. Once in Meridian, World Series, been named World Series co- ica’s favorite pastime and a terrific Schwerner quickly earned the hatred of local MVP, thrown 2 no-hitters, won Cy Young night for Randy Johnson and the Ari- KKK by organizing a boycott of a variety store Awards in both the American and National zona Diamondbacks. until the store, which sold mostly to blacks, Leagues, and set multiple strikeout records, Mr. Speaker, the House salutes hired its first African American. He also came trailing only Nolan Ryan, Roger Clemens, Randy Johnson for pitching a perfect under heavy attack for his determined efforts and Steve Carlton on the all-time strikeout game. The gentleman from Arizona leaders list; (Mr. SHADEGG) is the sponsor of this to register blacks to vote. After a few months Whereas by pitching a perfect game Randy in Meridian, despite hate mail and threatening Johnson joins an elite class of pitchers that resolution and certainly he should be phone calls and police harassment, Schwerner spans the ages and includes some of the all- applauded for his eagerness to honor believed he made the right decision in coming time baseball greats, including John Ward of Randy Johnson’s historic feat. I cer- to Mississippi. Mississippi, he said, ‘‘is the de- the Providence Giants, John Richmond of tainly encourage all Members, even VerDate May 21 2004 03:45 Jun 22, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21JN7.046 H21PT1.
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