1 The soul of terrorism is now dying in Pakistan the far off erstwhile Fed- stan’s problems were not erally Administered Tribal only internal but also ex- Areas (FATA). Tariq Khosa, ternal as well at this front. a former police officer, ad- Tariq Parvez, former direc- dressing the session said tor general Federal Inves- that they must identify tigation Agency (FIA), said that where they had done that they needed “civilian- wrong in this war on ter- ized security” to fight this ror. He said that the war on war as military has done terror was an ill-conceived its part of work. Dr. Jochen term and an ideological is- Hippler, Country Director sue. “It is battle of hearts Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and minds,” he said add- (FES) and mediator of the ing that the state policy session, concluded that ormer National Securi- of the past yet they were was flawed on elimination there is a habit of finger ty Advisor Lt Gen (retd) moving in the right direc- F of terrorism and violence. pointing on one another Nasir Khan Janjua said that tion.“Taliban ideology is Our focus is on counter- for creating the mess of they are winning the war diminishing, receding and ing terror not countering terrorism but the fact is on terror but Pakistan still there is no more recruit- violent extremism, Khosa that all including “US, Eu- has to go a long way to ment (of militants) and en- said adding that the Mul- rope, Saudi Arabia and Pa- end this menace.Speaking emy is on the run and non- lah mindset has not been kistan shared responsibility at a session titled “Have state actors are receding,” addressed fully yet. “It is of the mess.” He said that We Won the War against said Janjua the, the former a long-drawn battle and violence is receding in Pa- Terrorism?” of the “Dia- commander of Pakistan Ar- we have not achieved our kistan but they need to be logue Pakistan 2020”, the my’s Southern Command objectives fully and we careful in future not to lose former NSA said that the in once insurgency-hit Ba- have a long way to go,” he this success. war on terror was a com- lochistan. “The soul of ter- concluded. Zahid Hussain, sthat dialogue is promoand plicated issue but they had rorism is now dying in Paki- a senior political analyst, that the latter needs to be done extremely well at this stan.” The former NSA said said that Pakistan could made possible both at the front.“We are doing well if that the real attack of the reclaim that some of its national and international this war has not conclud- enemy was on Balochistan areas have been cleared levels. ed. We are winning this and Karachi in this war de- of militancy but it is still The Nation war and we will win it,” he spite the fact that the army there. He said that Paki- said while addressing the was busy in operations in participants of the one- day national level dialogue organized by Pakistan In- stitute for Peace Studies (PIPS), an Islamabad-based think tank.He added that that there was a long way to go to end this menace because the Afghan con- flict has yet to be conclud- ed and has direct effects on Pakistan besides inter- nal reasons the country was facing. He also said that though there were many blunders and follies 2 UK eases travel advisory amid ‘improving security situation in Pakistan. section of the Karakoram Highway where the FCO advises against all travel to the area between Manseh- ra and Chilas alone (previ- ous travel advice covered the full route from Islam- abad to Gilgit). Travellers may bypass this section by taking the alternative route through the Kaghan Valley and Babusar Pass,” it added. “The FCO no longer advises against all but es- sential travel to the Kalesh and Bamboret Valleys. “The FCO advises against he United Kingdom has now “travel by road to the more of what Pakistan has all travel to most of Ba- Teased its travel advi- North of Pakistan as well to offer,” Dr Turner added. sory for British nationals as the Kalesh and Bambo- The statement also cited owing to the “improving ret Valleys”. In this regard, the long-awaited return security situation in Pa- the British High Com- of British Airways’ flights kistan” after almost five missioner to Pakistan, Dr to Pakistan back in June years, the UK Foreign and Christian Turner, said: “It 2019, as well as the visit Commonwealth Office is great credit to the hard of UK Royals — Prince Wil- (FCO) announced on Fri- work of the Government liam and Catherine, Duch- day. In a statement fol- of Pakistan in delivering ess of Cambridge — to var- lowing a “wide-ranging improved security over ious towns and cities in the assessment” of Pakistan’s the past five years. “I am country in October 2019. security situation, the FCO delighted that British na- The new travel advice said British nationals could tionals will be able to see “for Pakistan reduces the lochistan including the city of Quetta. This is except for the southern coast of Balochistan, including the city of Gwadar, where the FCO advises against all but essential travel,” it noted. Two years ago, in 2018, British nationals visited Pakistan some 484,000 times, while, as of now, 22 flights directly go to the UK every week. The News 3 Lahore among the ‘safest cities’ in the world and Karachi 6. In mid-2019, In 2016, Lahore observed Lahore’s position improved a slight decrease on WCI to to 202 and Karachi’s to 71. 86th while Karachi improved Crime rate in Karachi below to 26th. In mid-2016, La- that of many first world cit- hore was ranked 81st with ies: DG ISPR a decrease of four positions The survey further revealed and Karachi witnessed fur- that Karachi has improved ther improvement and fell its ranking almost 11 times on 31st. In 2017, Lahore was more since 2014, while La- ranked 119th and Karachi ith an improvement of 28 places in mid-2019. An hore’s improvement tripled. 47th. In mid-2017, Lahore Wof 56 ranking plac- increase in a city’s ranking It also showed that the rat- was graded 114th and Kara- es, Lahore, the seat of gov- means a drop in its crime ing on the World Crime In- chi on 50th.In 2018, Lahore ernment in Punjab, is even rate. Karachi, the largest city dex by Numbeo has been was ranked 138th and Kara- safer than Paris, New York, of Pakistan, also improved persistently in the ascend- chi stood in 50th position. Berlin and Chicago on the by 22 places on the list and ing order.The index showed In mid-2018, Lahore was World Crime Index (WCI), moved from 66th position that in 2014, Lahore was on declared 173rd and Karachi according to a survey con- to 88th. 74 and Karachi on sixth. In 62nd in the list. Senior po- ducted by Numbeo.Lahore An analysis of the last five mid-2014, Lahore’s position lice officials however have was ranked 230th out of a years of ratings of the two slipped four places to 70th cast doubts over credibility total 374 cities of the world major Pakistani cities re- and Karachi’s improved to of the index, questioning in the Numbeo’s survey for vealed that there has been eighth. In 2015, Lahore im- how a survey could be trust- Jan 2020. It was placed at a gradual improvement with proved to 89th and Karachi ed with only 146 contribu- 174 in Jan 2019 and moved each passing year. In 2014, to 10th. In mid-2015, La- tors. Dawn to 202 with an improvement Lahore was placed on 74 hore’s position improved to 96th and Karachi’s to 21th. ing booth to coordinate tion,was organised this year Karachi Eat Food Festival 2020 with some friends,I noticed anticipated as one of the jury for the food-tasting that each person, from the largest food festivals in Pa- submissions, I wanted to be ushers to the grounds and kistan, with a well-laid out there every day to see the eateries staff,knew their map for the attendees foran culmination of the event. drill well They would have easy walk through. Keeping And it did not disappoint. to be standing for several in mind the number of peo- CKO Event Architecture hours on end for three days ple that would want to have Foodies in Karachi were de- is the brainchild of Aslam termined to get to one of Khan and Omar Omari. Earli- the largest events of the er, at the food tastings I also social calendar: the Kara- met Cyra Anklesaria, the chi Eat Food Festival 2020. event producer.A very en- One of the most happen- terprising group of people, ing events, the crazy gusts CKO Event Architecture has of wind and cold could not successfully managed and keep the food lovers away. established this event, being The annual three-day food the pioneers of food festival festival was again a success culture in Pakistan sever- this year, and most people al years ago. The event has multiplied in the number of whom I spoke to said it was straight as the event would their food seated, the area much more organised and a eateries and the audience successfully over the many be hosting approximately was filled with more bench- well set-up event this time over 200,000 people.
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