— — Entered as second-class matter June 26, 1885, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, tinder Act of March 3rd, 1879. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ELEVATOR AND GRAIN INTERESTS. PUBLISHED BY ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. Vol XXVIII. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 15, 1909. No. 6-. MITCHELL BROS. & CO. f j SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. THERE ARE MORE ^^S-A" BELT CONVEYORS Cartons Control the Oat Crop With their REGENERATED stocks of PEDIGREE oats. IN USE in this country than any other make. We are the largest manu- Would You Like To Know? facturers of this class of machinery. We have the most complete How we do this and produce maximum yields and up-to-date line of patterns. If you want Belt Conveyors see us. each season Something new about oats The reason for poor yields year after year— Stephens-Adamsoit Mfg. Co. HOW WE BREED' OATS Manufacturers of Conveying and We Can Tell You How Transmission Machinery Mr. Elevator Man, drop us a card saying, "Tell me how?" ThisTOll cost you a postage stamp, The information is worth dollars to you. MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS, AURORA, ILL. HEW YORK OFFICE— 50 Church St. CHICAGO OFFICE—First National Bank Bldg. Garton-Gooper Seed Co., 64w.iiihoisst„ Chicago, III, To those interested in Oats Bleaching—Let us tell you about our I We have the most successful and practical system in use. Those contemplating installing a bleaching or purifying system should write us. SKILLIN & RICHARDS MFG. CO., CHICAGO The Engine for the Grain Elevalor' CARGILL ELEVATOR Don't Experiment COMPANY Get a Certainty, Gas Engine Superiority IS PROVEN BY A RECORD OF TWENTY-ONE YEARS WE ARE THE LARGEST GASOUNE ENGINE BUILDERS IN THE WORLD Send for FOGS CATALOGUE No. 39 and READ IT. Minjieapolis, Minnesota FOOS GAS ENGINE COMPANY SPRINOriELD. OHIO AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE December 15, 1909. The Right Combination !hi:"y%Trwo'r;"^^^^^ Poorly shelled and cleaned corn means NO GRADE every time. We are located in the center of the com belt of one of the largest corn producing states in the Union and have made the shelling and cleaning of com a life study. Our machines meet every demand and do perfect work. For this reason you will find more "Western" Shellers and Cleaners in elevators than all others; a high testi- monial to their worth. The "Western Pitless Corn Sheller is durable; shelling surfaces are chilled; has large capacity; is a self-feeder; fan discharge, over or under, right or left; instantly adjusted with special lever to suit the dif- ferent conditions of corn. It is the sheller with which all others are compared. The "Western" Gyrating Cleaner will not only clean your corn perfectly, but can be used to clean all kinds of grain; built in eight sizes; capacities from 200 to 2,500 bushels per hour. All machines are thoroughly tested before leaving the factory. Get our Catalogue No. 26, illustrating and describing our complete line of "Western" Shellers, Cleaners and elevator equipment; complete stock carried at 1221=23 Union Ave., Kansas City, Mo. UNION IRON WORKS : Decatur. Illinois Elevator Machinery and Supplies Reliable and Cheap FLOUR AND FEED MILL MACHINERY Power is what you get when you use a STEAM AND GAS ENGINES Hagan Gas or Gasoline Engine Pulleys, Shafting, General Power Transmission Machinery. Roll Sold under a positive guarantee Grinding and Corrugating to give perfect satisfaction. Sizes 2-h. p. to 100-h. p. No Largest Factory and Stock in Western Country packing; no delicate parts. Send for Catalogue "C." SEND FOR 450-PAGE CATALOG HAGAN GAS ENGINE & MFG. CO.,(wporated) Winchester, Ky. GREAT WESTERN MFG. CO. Warehouse and Salesrooms Grain, Clover and Grass Seeds, 1221-1223 Union Ave. Qeneral Office and Factory CHAS. E. PRUNTY, LEAVENWORTH, KAN. KANSAS CITY, MO. 7, 9 aadll South Main St. SAINT LOUIS NEW MARSEILLES DUSTLES5 CYLINDER CORN SHELLERS YOU'LL BE HAPPY and WB M A K B Hand POSITIVELY GUARANTEED to shell either shucked or unshucked corn faster, Shellers, \\ ITH A Power Corn with less power in proportion to capacity; take the corn ofl the cobs cleaner; clean Feed Grind- Horse Power*, both cobs and corn more perfectly; do less crushing or grinding of corn or cobs and Elevalors ers, Portable save a larger per cent of the corn than any other cylinder sheller on the market. "NEW ERA" and Wagon Dumps, Pump- Send for Catalogue. Jacks, Qraln hievator Passenger Elevator Macbbiery and Supplies. SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Gainesville, Texas, 12, 1908. May It is the EASIEST RUNNING Marseilles Mfg. Co., Marseilles, 111.—Gentlemen:—We purchased the first Shuck Corn Sheller you ever made, some eighteen or SAFEST twenty years ago. Since then we have bought 12 or 15 of them, representing every improvement, and expect to buy several BEST more this season. have bought one or more of We It has many exclusive features about every other make and think we are com- petent judges of such machinery. Your Shell- er Write for ers husk and shell the corn off the cob more information and prices. thoroughly; save it more completely; clean both the shelled corn and the cobs more Sidney Elevator Mfg. Co. perfectly; require less power in proportion to capacity, are more durably constructed ;2 >. SIDNEY. OHIO. and cost less, loss of time and cost of re- pairs considered, than any sheller we •cS.2 have ever used. We have thrown out every other kind of Corn Sheller we ever bought and have replaced them with Want ads. In this paper bring results. yours. KEEL & SON. By J. Z. Keel. MARSEILLES MANUFACTURING COMPANYT Marseilles, III Branch Houses and General Agenclee at Principal Distributing CItlea. Rates on application. December 15, 1909. AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE 305 Fairbanks Automatic Scale Corn Sheller and Cleaner Combined Put your mill or elevator on a modern business basis. No more losses through carelessness or inaccurate weighing. Faster, more convenient, and, above all, more accurate than any other automatic scale ever invented. Write to-day for automatic scale catalog No. 544 A W Fairbanks, Morse & Go. CHICAGO, ILL. Made to shell and clean corn perfectly and will do so at rated capacity. Made in all sizes, has adjustable cylinder so that the cylinder of sheller can be adjusted to the condition of the corn while machine is in motion. Fan made to discharge in either direction. When in the market for Shellers, Cleaners, Drags, Dumps, Man -lifts, etc., write us for catalog, and prices. THE PHILIP SMITH MFG. CO., Sidney, Ohio The American Cyclone Aspirator in Pneumatically of all foreign materials, such as chaff, dust and other impurities of a lighter specific gravity than the grain to be cleaned. It is easily and quickly regulated to take out only the lightest dust, or to also take out oats and shrunken kernels from the heavier grain. It does the work thoroughly, has a very large ca- pacity and requires very little power. It is inexpensive to install, operate and maintain, and on account of the great improvement it makes in the grain it is a machine of the greatest value to every^grain dealer, miller and maltster. These machines are built in two styles: All steel Construction and in Combination Wood and Steel. ^ For further particulars, prices, etc., write the makers: American Machinery & Construction Co. 103 West Water Street* Milwaukee* Wisconsin 306 AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE December 15, 1909. CLEAN YOUR CORN This Separator takes out cobs, silks and all foreign matter and gives a iiigh grade of corn. It is the most popular corn and cob separator on the market, the result EUREKA of its extremely nice work. Order now. Grain Dryers remove any desired percentage of moisture from the grain, conditioning it for shipping or storage with perfect safety. ^ Every kernel is uniformly condi- tioned without checking. ^ Drying process automatic and continuous. Can be used as conditioner ^ INVINCIBLE GRAIN GLEANER GOMPANY with cold air only. SILVER CREEK, N. Y., U S. A. REPRESENTED BY J. H. Pank, 512 Traders' Bldg., Chicago, 111. F. J. Murphy, 225 Exchange Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ^ Absolute satisfaction guar- The Strong-Scott Alfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. C. L. Hogle, 526 Board of Trade, Indianapolis, Ind. Chas. Beatley, Terminal Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. anteed. J. J. Ross Mill Furnishing Co., Portland, Ore. ^ Built in capacities from 10 bushels to 1000 bushels The NATIONAL per hour. is the Automatic Scale you have been looking for. A scale that will cause you no worry and one that you can swear by; A scale PATENTED that will accurately weigh your grain while you do something else. q TO OPERATE: Turn on the grain and "let 'er go." It is a SOLE MANUFACTURERS scale and should be balanced occasionally. Your grain may not be in No. 1 condition and you may elevate very irregular, but you can't fool the NATIONAL. THE S. HOWES COMPANY ^ The simpHcity of the NATIONAL, together with our long ex- to offer Originators of the Highest Grade Grain Cleaning Machinery perience in the manufacture of automatic scales, enables us this high-class machine at a surprisingly low figure. It is sold on "EUREKA WORKS" = SILVER CREEK, N. Y. approval. -ADDRESS = REPRESENTATIVES E. A. Pynch, 412 S, Third St., Minneapolis, Minn. THE NATIONAL J. Q. Smytlie, Hotel Savoy, Kansas City, Mo. E. R. Watson, 223 E. Kentucky St., Louisville, Ky. AUTOMATIC SCALE COMPANY Wm. Watson, Box 740, Chicago, III. W. M. Mentz, Green's Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. 215 E. Douglas St., BLOOMINGTON, ILL. December 15, 1909. AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE 307 Worry is Eliminated i! you use PRINZ AUTOMATIC SEPARATORS ^ They require no attention to produce perfect separations—they are automatic in every sense of the word.
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