
GalCal 102O The Cal 20 is the idealideal firstf irst boatboat for any family.family. She'sShe 's loaded withw ith features and she's fast, stiff, and with herher .built-in,built-in, self-righting characteristics, she'sshe 's very safe.safe . The high ballast-to-displacementballast-to-displacement ratio means easy handling in any blow . FOurFbur bunks and marine head give four people llotsots of elbowroom during a sail. Main-Main ­ tenanceten~nce is reducedreduced to an occasional hosingho si ng downdown. ActiveActIve cclass lass over 20OO2000 boats.boats . L.O.A.L.O.A. 20' DDraftratl 33'4"'4" Call·UGal2-2f L.W.L.L.W.L. 18'18' S.A.S.A. 196 SQsq. fift Beam l'7' Displ.Displ. 1950 lblb. The Cal 2-27 is a lot more boat for no more money.money. BallaslBallast 900 lblb.. With the best use of space of any 27 footertooter.. Roomy and comfortablecomfortable, , yet sturdy and fast. She will rarace ce exceptionally well under MORC and ,r I CalGal 25 ~~e-=>- .*.^-<)A rulesrules.. Her underbody profile with a short keel SpaciousSpacious,, private, and comfortable,comfortable, the Cal 25 is the reflectreflectss Bill LapworthLapworth's 's current design thinking and idealfamilyideal family cruising boat. She'sShe 's also fast and has col- explains why sheshe's 's such a good perfoperformer. rm er. Jeclectedted lots of sisilverlver to prove her ability as a racer. A Below, every iinchnch countscounts.Two .Two lalargerg e windows and 20-100t2O-foot waterline ggives ives sprightly performance and a fourfo.ur ports let in lots of light. And for comfort in hotter spaspadede ruddrudder er gives susure re and positive cocontrol ntrol under all climatesclimates,, four opening ports are optionaloptional.. WitWith h full co~.ditionsconditions of wind and seasea.. The huge cockpit is setf-self- headroom throughoutth~oughout ~ndand !f6'4" 4" bunks, s~e'sshe's iidealdeal for bailingbailing,, fufully lly scscuppered. uppered. A full galleygalley, , dinettedinette, , and four the tallest sailorssailors. A twmtwin pilot berth option replaces full-length!uIHe~ gth foam berths mamake ke her seem larger than she theth.e quart quartere! t>:ert~sberths iinn the main cabin. She can sleep six Iis.S. Active class over 18001800. withoutWithout ellmmatlngeliminating valuable under-cockpit sstowage.t owage. 25' Both head and aft galley are unusually spacious. She L.O.A. 20'25' Drafi 4' sq. ft hahass lots of deck and cockcockpit pit roomroom, , with a bbridgeridge deck tt;;L.W.L..t 20' S.A.~~:.tt i~286 sq. ft. Beam 88',' ODispl.lspl. 4000 lblb. normally found on large boatsboats. BaliaslBallast 1700 lblb. Plus she has as standastandardrd featuresfeatures, , expensive itemsitems that other manufacturers cchargeh arge extra forfor.. HHalyard~lyard anand .d sh~etsheet wincheswinches, , complete electrical system Withwith runninrunningg lights,lights, ccustom ustom bunk pads, ccarpeting arpeting thrthroughout.oughout. L.OAL.O.A. 2fl1"26',7" L.w.L.L.W.L. 22'122',1"" Beam 9g',3"'3" BallaslBallast 3100 lbrb. CCAccA 2424.1.1 DlaftDraft 44',3"'3" SS.A..A. 371 sqsq. ft Disp!Displ.. 61006700 lbtb. MOACMORC 2121.6.6 IDAtoR ~%TT AuleRule l Gal 3-3O This Lapworth ,%'. tonIon design combines the best of everything -full- full headroomheadroom,, good speed, easy handling in all weather, more sailplan,sailplan , and other features youUyou'd see~ee on much larger boatsboats. SheShe's 's really a 34 footer built inIn 30 feet. , SheShe's 's fast.fast. CombinedComb ined with her fine entry, she does particularly well to weather and downwind. SheShe's's comfortable.co mfortable. Her main and forward cabins sfeepsleep six with standing headroom andand 6'6'4" 4" bunks for the tallesttaliest sailorssailors. GalCa11·J4 2-34 LL.o.A.O.A. 3Oso'1'/,"' 1 ~M DraftOrah 5'0"5'" The Cal 2-34 is a boat that delivers both performance LW.L 213,1:/:'26''' \I~ S.A. 474 sq ft. Cal is a boatthat delivers both bg*Beam 10'2" B,!;,Di· .... fJ:133,$l10,500 lb. ~nand d comfortable,c,o, ,m f ort8 b' e, luxuriouslu~u~ious cruising weekends.weekends She ltdR"'OR 224.s45 u:lL.o.A..... MORCMoRc 2929'11,,''",,· hasas 8all theh e ccharacteristics haractenstlcs of a8 great performerperformer.. Long BalInBallastt 5000~50oolb. waterline,lishtwaterline. IJght displacement hullhull, goodeood beambeamlor:1" for s··.. 1929 and crulslng Cal2-29 ness in 8a blowblow, counterbalanc~dcounterbalanced spade rudder ~vr---li_l_-,. _Jat al and cruIsIng Ca. 2·29 the famousLapworth.winner that's been so suc- popoiitive.sitive trair<ingtracking andinJpe*eii perfect controlConirot-rinoli under all pointsioi,itr 6iof Here!1'I:;:'s the famous Lapworth winner that's been so suc- sari,iaii, and an easy-to-handleeaiy-1s-h.ndte mastheadmastheaa rig with*itfrl'laigl"rr a large cessful around the co.untry.country. HerH.er underbody features a foretrfor6triangleiangle torfor a6 widewioe choIcechoice of headsailsheadsails.. fine en~~entry for closer windwardwindw_ard sailing, a shortened keel BelowBeldw deck she's roomy and comfortable. Two for ~a mrnrmumminimum wetted surface and a unique ventral fin separatedseparateo cabinscaoinl give privacyprivacy.. With headroomt eiiiooii for ImprovedimProved off-the-wind control. Active ctassclass of over throughoulnrbughoul. The mainmaintaoiri cabin fillstils withwiitr Jigrigf hti and airaiirhei; . There 800u* boats. ., are two quarter berths aft, A complete galleygalley.. lontt;rrisingThe'11:::::':o,_"|J.::: cr~lsrn~ Calcat 2-292_29 boasts a new interior can-con_ . are two berthsaft. A complete ^^^. ;:1i::-^:"i'^:'l::"j::'^: !heThe forward cabi~cabin ~ashas a double berth, spacious cept.cepl Sleepl~gsleeping Ssix, IX, there'sthere's fullfull-standing st~nding he~droomheadroom in hanging locker and bUllt-rn dresser. The head is sepa- the two. cabins and 14 feet of .dinettedinette seatrngseating. roomroom. hanginglockerand buitt-indresser.The nedo'il-J.-o-.: pedestal rateratdtro-m from either cabin and contaInscontains a dressingoressini-ti6L table Pressurized shower,shower' diesel, and pedestal steering are andano hangingtringins locker.rociei. anoAnd there'i there's plentyprentv of stowage;i6;;s; standard. space for sails and other gear. LO:.tjXo"'o.A. 292s,' DraftDran 44.6-'6" spacefor sailsand othergear. "i L.w.L. 24, SAs.A. 4344.o sqsq. ft. She comes with many fefeatures 'atures that others list as ~~aear*' ~~s'3". ODispr.ispl. 8000eooo Irb.b , extrasextras.. AA24HP 24 HP diesel,diesel,wheel wheel withwithbrakeandcontrols, brake and controls Ballast 335033s0 lblb. 44"". foam cushi.onscushions with deluxe fabric, carpet and cur~cur- tarns,tains, pressurizedpressurized shower.shower, double life lines with gate, electrrcelectric and manual bilge pump.pump, four Barient winches,winches. emergency steering, mid-cabin hathatch, ch, etc,etc. 116dl LL.O.A.O A. 3333',3"'3" L'wL,W.L.,L 26'26', Beam 11110' Draft 5' SAS.A. 515 sqsq. , ft. DDispl.itpl. 9500 Ibtb. BaBallastllasl 33750750 lbtb. \ CalUGal 35 CalGal2-46 1-46 The Cal 35 takes her place as one of the world's finest This cruiscruising ing yacht is the ultultimateimate in a boat designed cruiserscruisers.. She was designed for just that. Not as another from scratch for luxurious worldwide cruisingcruising. She racer converted to include some frillsfrills. comparecomparess favorably with custom designs at twice SheShe's's safe.safe . SheShe's 's comfortablecomfortable. luxuriousLuxurious. her prprice. ice. And fast. The long waterline, sleek hull lines, and The long keel gives directionalstabilityd irectional stability and eac--'..ea ~ • ---ntrQe-ltafge sailareasail area see to that.You'llgetthat. You'll get where you'reyou' re going motion.motion. The shoal draft gives entry intointo some of the in a hurry.hurry. On any point of sai1.sail. world'sworld's finest cruising grounds.Thegrounds . The bbigig modern spadspade e She's easy to handle. The big modern spade rudder offers greater maneuverability and easier steer-steer ­ ruddrudderer offersoffe rs greater maneuverabilitymaneu verability and easierwheeleasier wheel ing control. And the great waterline increases her steering cocontrol. ntrol. The shoal draft lets you Iintonto the the shal-shal­ speed and expands the interior space.space . lowestlowest inlets.in lets. And the easy-to-get-at Perkins diesel With privacy forfor three couplescouples, , thethe cabin interior gives you an 8oO-mileBOO-mile cruising range on power alone design gives real meaning toto thethe words comfort,comfort , luxuryluxury, , at 7)47 ~ knots.knots . and privacy.privacy. The raised main salon has nine large win-win ' For privacy, thethe luxurious main salon is separated dows for for all-aroundaU -around visibility.v isibility. fromfrom the forwardforward cabin (containing a 7-footHoot double The owner's stateroom aft,aft , with five opening portsport s berth,berth, a hangingha!'lging locker, and a bureau).bureau). A large oil skins~in and a large hatch,hatch , isis reached by a full-headroomfull-headroom con-con ­ lockerlocker aft Isolatesisolates the quarter berth. berth. Nine large win- win­ nectingnecting walkway and is fully fully equipped.equipped . The mainma in salon dows give a port, starboard,starboa rd, aft and forward view.Theview . The includes a complete galley and complete sit-down chart table is a chart table with a fullfull navigation consoleconso le navigator'snavigator's station with chart table, table, cabinetry forfor and cabinetry for electronics and fullfull instrumentation.instrumentation. electronics.electronics, and full full instrumentation. instrumentation. The galley'sgalley 's completely equipped.equipped . And allmechanical all mechanical A Perkins diesel cruises at a steady 8.68 .6 knots. knots. And andand electricalelectrical equipment isis easy to to get to.to. Repair and thethe engine room'sr oom's walk-in.walk·in . maintenance are a cinch. L.O.A.L.O.A.. 35',1"35T L.O.A.L.O.A.. 45'6"45' 6" L.W.L.LW.L.
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