~llNENT T :t >r1 to 1 ;/' • __1 ,il DIRECTORY 1 '-'OF LOCAL CRIMI NAL JUSTICE COMPUrTER SYSTEMS . ,_J ,---,~ . l' .. J DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES 805 East Broad Street Richmond, Vi rgin ia 23219 ( 804) 786·4000 ,; '~;,: } June, 1985 j .. o 1.·':. I\r-' ________ ..: .~ ____~. _L..._~. __ ~ __ ~~ _____ ~..&.___.... __~_.!f ___ ~ __ ~~_. _____________ , ______ ~ [) TABLE OF CONTENTS [~: J Acknowledgement i Introduction Index 1: System Descriptions 4 Index 2: Applications 46 Index 3: Hardware 53 Appendix .8.-1 U.S. Department of Justice 98217 National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating iI. POints of view oropinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the oHicial position or poliCies oi the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by yirginia Cdminal Justice Services ,.. to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). FUrther reproduction outside of In'! NCJAS system requires permis­ sion of the copyright owner. • d ,~-~--~----~ ----------------------------~------------------.------------------------------------------ .... -.~,~. , '1 J! III I J! ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Ill! The successful completion of the Directory of Local Criminal Justice I ) Comptuer Systems was made possible by the cooperation of many individuals in II local criminal justice agencies and municipal data processing departments I. : I throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Compilation, validation and editing of data were the responsibilities of the Department of Criminal Justice If Services, Information Systems Division, and the Department of Information 1'1 Technology, Systems Development Division. I ] The preparation of this document was supported in part by Grant No. ·, ] 83-BJ-CX-K005, awarded to the Department of Criminal Justice Services, Information Systems Division, by the U. S. Department of Justice, Bureau of I_~n' Justice Statistics. The information contained herein was provided on a ~[ I voluntary basis and, as such, neither the U. S. Department of Justice nor the [] Department of Criminal Justice Services assumes responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of Directory data. [1 J [Jr I J .1 fJ i {1 ~, •.. " •. "O'T":;::""""''''''~'''''''''~''''fFilk1ilil<i:lii ..rr __~llIIn III II 1111[[ rll .IUDI; 1•• Vyt.~·'~'''ri'.,.~~~ift.l\t1ilf·]III.lIMf'lllrrF11llr lit I 2 illl.~~~1fil~~f>;Xi·'ii<~~:~1~m}l.q:;:;T;t~;;,ir;'5i1f1~~-::-~;;;~Z;-~:"7-'--.. - ' ,~- ----- --~ ------_.. _---------------------------------------------------------- ..-- - --,,---------"_. -.-. -- .- --. .._." .--.. -.- ".,.. ,-- ,--...• ~.~. -.-.... -... ~~-...• -~--.-•... --... -". " ~( ) ~ Itl INTRODUCTION ( J J This document is the second Directory of Local Criminal Justice Computer ( 1] Systems. The Directory contains descriptions of the automated information systems which provide support to Virginia's local criminal justice agencies. If' The principal purpose of the Directory is the provision of a reliable single 1[1 reference for criminal justice practitioners and data processing specialists to use in developing or enhancing locality-operated criminal justice computer II' systems. Use of the Directory can facilitate the transfer of local systems by 1.1 providing information that reduces duplication of effort. Th~ Directory describes criminal justice information systems, software and host hardware, II~: J operated by each locality in Virginia and identifies an appI"opriate contact person for each agency. Forty-one agencies are included in this edition of the I] ] Directory. 1'~I' J The Directory consists of three indexes - Index 1: System Descriptions, Index 2: Applications, and Index 3: Hardware. Index 1: Systen Descriptions I: ] contains listings, arranged alphabetically by criminal justice agency, , J ] describing all automated criminal justice information systems operated or being .~J developed to support a specific agency. For example, the listing for the I 1 Blacksburg Police Department identifies three systens: computerized wants/ J warrants maintenance and inquiry system, traffic accident records system, and I ] J training records system. Information on each agency includes identification of I ] systems and host hardware, listing of automated interfaces between systens, J notation of systems installed by vendors, and specification of a responsible I, ] contact person. The directory user who wishes to identify those agencies I[ ] -1- \1 ••..~.-- •.•..•••; ... -••---- ••. c_.--.c •• ~,."".J.--- _______ _ J '(,w ) I, ] having systems which perform a specific function of interest should refer to [, ') Since it was not possible to validate all the data submitted for Index 2: Applications. Index 2: Applications contains listings, by type of inclusion in the Directory, information was accepted and used as reported by function, of all agencies using computers for specific applications. For ('J the respondents. Therefore, before acting on any of the Directory's content, example, all agencies which utilize computer systems for processing of offense t') the Directory user should assure by communication with the cited contact person reports are listed under the heading "Offense Reporting." The Directory user that there is a common understanding of a system's purpose and capabilities. who \'~ishes to identify those agencies using systems which operate on a partic­ 1'1 The contact names provided are current as of June 1, 1985. ular manufacturer's equipment should refer to Index 3: Hardware. This index contains listings, by equipment manufacturer, of types of computers used by l'l specific agencies. For example, all agencies using computers manufactured by IBM Corporation are listed under the heading "IBM." I ) The indexed listings in this Directory represent the updating of a 1:1 , survey conducted in 1984 by Virginia's Department of Information Technology and Department of Criminal Justice Services. Forms requesting system descrip­ I; ) tions and names of responsible contacts were mailed to all chiefs of police, 1:, J sheriffs, and commonwealth's attorneys in Virginia (See Appendix). Follow-up contact for clarification purposes was accomplished by telephone. IJ 1 Since the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) intends to IJI maintain this Directory on a continuing basis, it is important that any omissions or errors be corrected. For this purpose, a pre-addressed survey 1;1 form is included as the Appendix. This form is to be used to notify DCJS of u an error or omission in the data contained in this second edition of the I I Directory, or to submit information on an agency not included in the Directory. Ijl The value of the Directory will be enhanced in direct relation to the complete­ ness of its information. 1\] l J -3- -2- ( I ~.~-- ) -c .. - . , [I] ( ) 1 INDEX 1 SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION [,I AGENCY: ALBEMARLE CO. SH III COUR T SQUARE BOX 203 (:1 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 22901 CONTACT: FRED KRUGER DP DIRECTOR 1~1 (804) 296-5814 , J I HARDWARE: IBM 4331 I ~ . CURRENT MEMORY 4 MG MAXIMUM MEMORY 1:1 OPERATING SYSTEM: DOS VSE SUBSYSTEMS: CICS BTAM I,: J DMS (~l LANGUAGES: COBOL l~ ] VENDOR APPLICATIONS: I] I 1]1 DEVELOPED APPLICATIONS: III [, ~ APPLICATIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT: UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS STOLEN PROPERTY CRIMINAL HISTORY ~i DISPATCHING ~~: UNIFORM TRAFFIC SUMMONS [II '" - I -4- (. " .... .A.,~---~--,- 1 '(1 ] 1.1 INDEX 1 SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION INDEX 1 SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION t I] AGENCY: ARLINGTON CO. AGENCY: ALEXANDRIA DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY ']1 OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SERVICES 400 NORTH PITT STREET 2100 14TH STREET, NORTH ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 til ARLINGTON, VA 22201 CONTACT: DEBRA PIERSON CONTACT: DON LOVE SYSTEMS MANAGER SYSTEMS ANALYST (703) 838-3834 .1) (703) 558-3070 HARDWARE: IBM 4341 ~ 1 HARDWARE: IBM 4381 CURRENT MEMORY 2 MB MAXIMUM MEMORY II J CURRENT MEMORY 8 M OPERATING SYSTEM: DOS/VSC I I OPERATING SYSTEM: DOS/OMS SUBSYSTEMS: CICS/VS IPF AFC/VTAM VTAM/SCP VSC/IPCS SUBSYSTEMS: CICS VSC POWER RGE VSC ADVANCED VSC/ICCF DLXI SORT/MERGE2 DATA DICTIONARY DMS/CICS/VS UNDER DOS til VSE/VSAM DITTO/ALIAS1 LANGUAGES: COBOL ASSEMBLER [I) LANGUAGES: COBOL APO VENDOR APPLICATIONS: CJIS/CASE MANAGEMENT VENDOR APPLICATIONS: CJIS/JAIL MANAGEMENT I~J CJIS/WARRANTS III DEVELOPED APPLICATIONS: UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS STOLEN PROPERTY (I) DEVELOPED APPLICATIONS: COURT DOCKETING VCIN/DMV COMMUNICATION CRIME ANALYSIS OFFENSE REPORTING COURT DOCKETING TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS UNIFORM TRAFFIC SUMMONS III [:. APPLICATIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT: JAIL MANAGEMEIH APPLICATIONS UNDER DEVELUPMENT: ceRE GENERATION [ 1,,1 [J [ ~1 -6- -5- C ""'" ..,,. '-'"""'.," ••• ". ·,;-.:i ,.='"... __ - > ""_".".".""~>, '-"·i._""~"""'''''''-'· .~,..~t.",,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,",,,~",-",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--,-,,,.,,,,,, ,;;'iii,.~~;; ":".,-,"";~,:' = k d' • d .. ... , I]] INDEX 1 SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION ']] INDEX 1 SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION '1] AGENCY: ARLINGTON CO. PO III AGENCY: AUGUSTA CO SH 2100 15TH STREET, NORTH SIX EAST JOHNSON STREET ARLINGTON, VA 22201 P.O. BOX 1267 CONTACT: DON LOVE IJl STAUNTON, VA 24401 SYSTEMS ANALYST , ) CONTACT: LT. R. D. FISHER BILL DULL (703) 558-3070 I-l . (703) 885-7253 (703) 885-8931 EXT. 277 HARDWARE: DEC PDP 11/70 CURRENT MEMORY MAXIMUM MEMORY I~J HARDWARE: IBM SYSTEM 34 . [~EMORY i CURRENT 296 KB MAXIMUM MEMORY 296 KB OPERATING SYSTEM: RSX I:] SUBSYSTEMS: OPERATING SYSTEM: 1:1 SUBSYSTEMS: LANGUAGES: COBOL ASSEMBLER 1;1 LANGUAGES: RPG VENDOR APPLICATIONS: l~ J I:] " VENDOR APPLICATIONS:
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