DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA,LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018-20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2020, MUMBAI, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM MEETING OF RECONSTITUTED MONETARY POLICY COMMITTEE DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST RBIkeepskeyratesunchanged,says 14 transactions of IFFCO, its GDPcouldcontract9.5%thisfiscal CEO, red-flagged Growth could be backinQ4; three-speed recovery likely, says RBI Governor ED terameeting of RBI's monetary headedbyDas, said afasterand Room PLAIN to US watchdog GEORGEMATHEW policy committee (MPC), said stronger rebound in the econ- E ● forcut MUMBAI,OCTOBER9 therewere“some encouraging RBI omywas “eminentlyfeasible” if EX BUSINESSASUSUAL signs” of abusinessturnaround, Governor the current momentum of up- IFFCOdeniestransactions, says CEO, MD THE RESERVE Bank of India (RBI) and that economic activity could Shaktikanta turn gainedground. The panel, THE RBI has said afaster BY UNNY on Fridaykeptkey policy rates return to growth in the January- Das which retained the accommoda- and stronger rebound in notdirectlyinvolvedinprocurement unchanged,signalling that the March quarter—evenasreal tive stance, said real GDPwas the economy was“emi- country, barring asecond wave GDP is projected to contract by likelytogrowby20.6 per cent in nentlyfeasible” if the of IFFCOinvolving transfers and of novelcoronavirus infections, 9.5 per cent forthe full fiscal year. “The deep contraction of the thefirstquarterof2021-22. current momentumof SHYAMLALYADAV remittancesworth $18.46mil- is poisedto“renewits trystwith The economyislikelytowit- June quarterof2020-21isbe- The central bank announced upturn gainedground. NEWDELHI,OCTOBER9 lion. The SARcited “negativein- itspre-Covidgrowth trajectory”, ness athree-speedrecovery,and hind us; silverlinings arevisible aseries of measurestoprovide The decision to keep the formation found on the MD and and that inflation is likelytoease the MPC has decidedtoaddress in theflatteningofthe active moreliquidity and keep bond policy rate unchanged at TRANSACTIONS of co-operative CEO of Indian Farmers Fertiliser closer to thetargetof4per cent the moreurgent needtorevive (Covid-19) caseload curveacross yields under control at a 4% implies thereisroom giant Indian FarmersFertiliser CooperativeLimitedfor poten- by the fourth quarterof2020-21. growth, Das said while unveiling the country,”hesaid. time when central and state forfurtherratecuts. Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) tial moneylaundering.” Governor ShaktikantaDas, af- the bi-monthlymonetary policy. The newlyrevampedMPC, CONTINUEDONPAGE2 with three companies basedin These transactions involved Dubai, Switzerland and IFFCO; itsDubai subsidiary Kisan Singapore, were red- International Trading flaggedbyDeutsche FZE and commodities Bank TrustCompany trading companies in WORLD Americas (DBTCA)to Switzerland and Sing- the US financial apore. Two months watchdog, Financial Some transaction Crimes Enforcement details indicated the after 18-yr-old’s Network, an investi- payments “werefor gation by The Indian ANEXPRESS subscription fee(but) suicide, rape Express has shown. INVESTIGATION DBTCA wasunable to The FinCEN Files, a confirm the commer- casefiled, 6held global investigation cial purpose of anyof ledbythe InternationalConsor- these transactions.” in Chhattisgarh TRUMP MAPS RETURN tium of Investigative Journalists The SARmentionedacom- TO CAMPAIGN TRAIL and BuzzFeed News,scrutinised plaint by BJP MP Nishikant Dubey CHINA:COVIDBROKE over 2000 Suspicious Activity to then Prime Minister GARGIVERMA ReportsfiledtoFinCEN by banks Manmohan Singh accusing KONDAGAON,OCTOBER9 OUT ELSEWHERE and financial institutions forsus- IFFCOMDandCEOUdayShankar LAST YEAR, WE pected moneylaundering or fi- Awasthi of “financial frauds, and- "SHE WAScrying and scared.I REPORTED IT FIRST nancial fraud. siphoning of moneyand money neverthought that would be the PAGE 12 In July2014, an SARfiledby laundering activities.” lasttime Iwas seeingher alive," DBTCA flagged 14 transactions CONTINUEDONPAGE2 said the 15-year-old, recalling the eventsofJuly18, when her 18-year-old friend wasallegedly ELGAR PARISHAD CASE gangrapedatawedding in MPSC exam KondagaondistrictofChhattis- Teltumbde, Stan garh.Aday later,the 18-year-old postponed killedherself. RamVilasPaswan’s son, Chirag Paswan, in NewDelhi on Friday. Thelastrites willbeheld in Patna on Saturday. Dipankar Ghose With the case of alleged gan- once again, grape coming to light over two Swamy,Navlakha months afterthe teenager's death, on October 6, police regis- fourth time teredanFIR under IPC sections Delhi heads to 12 Janpath as it bids among 8named in 365 (kidnapping)376D(gan- grape), 306(abetment of suicide) since April and 506(criminal intimidation), and arrested six of the sevenac- final farewell to Ram VilasPaswan NIA chargesheet cused, twoofthem minors. The EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE body,which wasexhumedand a MUMBAI,OCTOBER9 post-mortemprocedure done, the offices to the leftand right — quiet. Mourning the loss of one SADAFMODAK wasburied again on Friday. DIPANKARGHOSE THE IDEAS PAGE ticket-seekers looking foranop- of contemporaryIndia's political MUMBAI,OCTOBER9 FOLLOWINGOPPOSITION from The 18-year-old's parents, NEWDELHI,OCTOBER9 portunity,political workers look- behemoths. All politics forgotten. the Maratha community, farmers who belong to theGond INSIDERAND ing to congratulatePaswan's son The walls of the house were THE NATIONAL Investigation MaharashtraChief Minister tribe, told The Indian Express that UNTILTHURSDAY,12Janpath in CHANGEMAKER Chirag forhis political courage. an ode to Paswan's life. From Agency (NIA) filedits first UddhavThackeray on Fridayan- on July18, theyhad leftfor a the heartofNew Delhiwas alive BY MVENKAIAH NAIDU Chirag himself split time be- photographswith Lalu Prasad chargesheetinthe Elgar Parishad nouncedthat the Maharashtra wedding, 10 km from their vil- with excitement. PAGE 11 tween home and the hospital, Yadavand MulayamSingh when case on Fridayagainsteight per- Public Service Commission lage, leaving behind their five The LJP had made an auda- welcoming leaders intohis party theywereyoung socialistlead- sons,nearly tenmonths after Gautam Navlakha(left); (MPSC)exam, whichwas sched- children, including the 18-year- cious move in Bihar,deciding to by morning, and being by hisfa- ers, to those with Prime Minister takingoverthe probefromPune Stan Swamy uledtobeheld on Sundayfor old, their eldest. "She had not go it alone in the stateelections. home wasabuzz with ticket- ther'ssideatothertimes.On NarendraModi. Theytoldastory police. 200posts,has been deferred shown anyinterestincoming for As party founder and Union seekers. Friday, aday after74-year-old of alifelived in public glare. The agency claimedthat the again duetorequestsfromstu- the wedding... we didn'tknow MinisterRam Vilas Paswan lay The house at the centrewas Paswan passedaway, the house, In the middle of alarge, conspiracy related to the vio- Ranchi resident arrested late dentsofvarious communities. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 at the Fortis Escorts Hospital, his offbounds, but people thronged the offices, the people,were CONTINUEDONPAGE2 lence againstDalitsinBhima Thursday, wasflown to the city This is the fourth time the Koregaon on January1,2018, and producedbeforethe special MPSC exam has been postponed waspartofa"well chalked-out courtat1.30pmFriday. TheNIA since April due to the Covid-19 strategy", and spread across the did notseek his custody.Swamy pandemic. While twice the Nobel Peace Prize winner WFP’s As Kerala sees spike in country andbeyond. wassent to judicial custody till exam had been postponeddue Filedbeforethe special court October 23. to the lockdown, once it wasde- Covid cases, minister in Mumbai, the supplementary The agency,inits ferred as it clashedwith the Indialink: PDS reforms, rice ATMs chargesheet, whichisover10,000 chargesheet, claimedthat National Eligibility Cum pages, is againstJharkhand-based Swamywas aMaoistactively in- Entrance Test (NEET). says not reached peak yet Jesuit priestand tribalrights ac- volved in theoutfit’s activities, "After discussions, we have HARIKISHANSHARMA tivistFather Stan Swamywho and had been receivingits funds. decidedtodefer the MPSC exam NEWDELHI,OCTOBER9 wasarrestedonThursday; pro- The agencyclaimedthat docu- further forsome time. In the last AMITABHSINHA, DAILYCASESINKERALA fessor Anand Teltumbde, activist ments, including propaganda four months, schools, colleges THE UNITED Nations' World LIZMATHEW Gautam Navlakha, who were ar- material and literature, were and study centres have been Food Programme (WFP), which &SHAJUPHILIP 12,000 9,250 rested by the agency on April 14; found from his possession. A closeddue to thepandemic. has been working in India since PUNE,KOTTAYAM, 10,000 10,606 Delhi University associateprofes- statement by Swamy, twodays While the Maratha community 1963,atatimewhenthe country THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, sor HanyBabuarrestedonJuly before hisarrest, said that the had requestedthat the exam be wasbattling food shortages, has OCTOBER9 8,000 28; members of cultural group NIA had placedseveral extracts postponed, asection of students 7,445 been awardedthe 2020 Nobel Kabir Kala Manch, JyotiJagtap, before him implying his connec- from other communities also 6,000 Peace Prize. KERALA,THE firststate to getthe Sagar Gorkhe and Ramesh tion to Maoistforces, whichhe said theyneedsome time to The Norwegian Nobel The WorldFood Programme headquarters in Rome. Reuters novelcoronavirus,
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