Steeplechase Complimentary The & Eventing A Publication of ST Publishing, Inc. Times Vol. 15, No. 1 • Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Good to Go 2007 champion Good Night Shirt gets set to return INSIDE: Steeplechase Division Previews, NSA Hires Lou Raffetto, Eventing Updates Steeplechase The and Eventing Entries What’s Happening and Where To Find It Time s Here’s your newspaper. Sorry it’s late. Like a horse that wouldn’t load, this one wouldn’t get to the printer. Still, it’s packed with information as steeplechasing and eventing steam into new seasons. Jump racing seems to be at another crossroad, and hired a new traffic director. Eventing wrestles with its future as well, with injuries to riders and horses ST Publishing, Inc. chief among the concerns. This newspaper enters its 15th year in business – thanks for riding along. 364 Fair Hill Drive, Suite F, Elkton, MD 21921 PAGES 6-12 In the Heart of Fair Hill Horse Country Phone: (410) 392-5867 Fax: (410) 392-0170 NSA hires leader, works at unity E-mail: [email protected] Longtime racing executive Lou Raffetto takes over in the newly created On the Web: www.st-publishing.com position of chief executive officer. Meanwhile, work continues to bring back the two meets that left the circuit. The Staff PAGES 14-15 Editors/Publishers: Sean Clancy and Joe Clancy Jr. Copy Editor: Jamie Santo Staff Writer: Brian Nadeau Advertising Representatives: The best play high stakes game Michelle Rosenkilde (410) 557-7652 Defending champion Good Night Shirt heads the list, but could get plenty Harford/Baltimore Co. Maryland of competition from Sur La Tete and a host of others. Gliding makes Reney Stanley (540) 837-1397 Virginia plans for Japan Contributors: Barry Watson, Katy Carter, Tod Marks, PAGES 17-19 Cathy Roelke, Sam Clancy, Anne Clancy, Joe Clancy Sr., Ruth Clancy, Ryan Clancy, Jack Clancy, Nolan Clancy. Novice, timber horses get ready Second-year hurdling stars Planets Aligned, Divine Fortune headline the novice group while unbeatens Irish Prince and Miles Ahead aim for 2008 Publication Dates clash over timber. March 19 May 23 October 10 April 4 June 6 October 24 April 25 July 18 November 14 PAGES 24-25 May 9 September 19 December 12 A friendship continues Don’t Forget to Advertise! Trainer Mike Berryman helps a family (and their horses) adjust to life without trainer Bruce Haynes. Member: American Horse Publications American Horse Publications is the nation’s only asso- ciation of equine periodicals. AHP’s over 200 members are dedicated to promoting better understanding and communication within the equine publishing industry. PAGES 33-37 www.americanhorsepublications.org Eventing News On the Cover Champion steeplechaser Corinne Ashton and Dobbin shine at Pine Top. How does the Olympic Good Night Shirt takes team get selected? Other reports and updates. in some winter sunshine during his “vacation” at trainer Jack Fisher’s farm Steeplechase in Butler, Md. Th e and Eventing I PICKED UP THE TIMES AT: ________________ Ti m e s Photo: Lydia A. Williams SUBSCRIBE: Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Also by ST Publishing: _________________________________________________________________________________________ The Saratoga Special, The Special At Keeneland, Thoroughbred Rac- Telephone: _____________________________________ Email: ___________________________________ ing Calendar, Writing for Daily Racing Form, Mid-Atlantic Thorough- If gift subscription, please list your name and address. The Times will send a gift card in your name. bred, The Blood-Horse, The Racing Post, etc., Newsletters, American Steeplechasing yearbook, National Steeplechase Association public Subscription Choices (Check One) relations consulting, Specialty products from lawn jockeys to Tervis ___ First Class Mail: $35 per year. Send check to: ST Publishing, Inc., 364 Fair Hill Drive, Suite F, Elkton, Md 21921 Tumblers, Custom brochures and graphic design for your farm or ___ Canada: $45 (first class). or call (410) 392-JUMP to use your Visa or MasterCard. business. ___ Other Foreign: $65 (air-mail). Maryland residents, please add 5% sales tax. Copyright ST Publishing, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved. 2 • Steeplechase & Eventing Times www.st-publishing.com • [email protected] Wednesday, March 19, 2008 ȱ KESWICK LIFE ȱ KESWICK LIFE 1(:2))(5,1* NEW OFFERING 1(:2))(5,1* NEW OFFERING /,77/((1*/$1'& $/,1 ,'*( Greenwood - Historic Orange Co. equestrian estate dating to c. 1800. 0 5 )JTUPSJDBM (FPSHJBO TUZMF IPNF JT POF PG UIF Little England - c."XFMMCVJMUTPVUIFSODPMPOJBMTUZMFIPNFTJUVBUFE 1716 historic Georgian home is one of the country’s House sits on 111 rolling acres of productive pasture with some hardwoods. best preserved colonial plantation homes. Property is bounded by York River 7JSHJOJBTWell built CFTU9-stall QSFTFSWFE center aisle DPMPOJBMstable with QMBOUBUJPO large office/apt., full bath & board and Sarah’s Creek providingPOBQSPNPOUPSZPWFSMPPLJOH BDSFTPGSPMMJOH docking for a large yacht. Surrounding land is IPNFT1SPQFSUZJTCPVOEFECZ:PSL3JWFSBOEfencing makes this a prime horse property. Dependencies include guest mostly pasture with oneQSPEVDUJWFQBTUVSFJOUIFIFBSUPG,FTXJDL/FTUMFE acre freshwater pond. e fourteen rooms showcase 4BSBITcottage,,77/( $SFFL smokehouse QSPWJEJOH 1*/$1' and summer EPDLJOH kitchen.& GPS B 5 MBSHFmin. to Orange, 35 min. to some of the finest examplesCFMPXUIF4PVUIXFTU.PVOUBJOT UIFQSPQFSUZIBT of colonial paneling and woodwork in Virginia. Charlottesville,./ (Property on National Register. 0$/,15,'*( ZBDIU4VSSPVOEJOHMBOEJTNPTUMZQBTUVSFXJUI QBOPSBNJD WJFXT PG UIF TVSSPVOEJOH DPVOUSZTJEF )JTUPSJDBM (FPSHJBO TUZMF IPNF JT POF PG UIF ǰFMBOEJTXFMMTVJUFEGPSIPSTFT DBUUMFPSBHSJDVM"XFMMCVJMUTPVUIFSODPMPOJBMTUZMFIPNFTJUVBUFE POFBDSFGSFTIXBUFSQPOEǰFGPVSUFFOSPPNT7JSHJOJBT CFTU QSFTFSWFE DPMPOJBM QMBOUBUJPO UVSFPOBQSPNPOUPSZPWFSMPPLJOH BDSFTPGSPMMJOH BOE DSFBUFT B TFDMVEFE TFUUJOH GPS UIF NBJO TIPXDBTFTPNFPGUIFmOFTUFYBNQMFTPGDPMPIPNFT1SPQFSUZJTCPVOEFECZ:PSL3JWFSBOE IPVTFQSPEVDUJWFQBTUVSFJOUIFIFBSUPG,FTXJDL/FTUMFE BOE TUBCMF " SBSF PQQPSUVOJUZ GPS BOZPOF OJBMQBOFMJOHBOEXPPEXPSLJO7JSHJOJB1SJDF4BSBIT $SFFL QSPWJEJOH EPDLJOH GPS B MBSHF JOUFSFTUFECFMPXUIF4PVUIXFTU.PVOUBJOT UIFQSPQFSUZIBT JO B TNBMMFS ,FTXJDL FTUBUF 4IPSU VQPOSFRVFTUZBDIU4VSSPVOEJOHMBOEJTNPTUMZQBTUVSFXJUI EJTUBODFQBOPSBNJD UP WJFXT ,FTXJDL PG UIF )BMM TVSSPVOEJOH BOE $IBSMPUUFTWJMMF DPVOUSZTJEF $POWFOJFOUUP%$ǰFMBOEJTXFMMTVJUFEGPSIPSTFT DBUUMFPSBHSJDVM Price upon request. POFBDSFGSFTIXBUFSQPOEǰFGPVSUFFOSPPNT UVSF BOE DSFBUFT B TFDMVEFE TFUUJOH GPS UIF NBJO TIPXDBTFTPNFPGUIFmOFTUFYBNQMFTPGDPMP IPVTF BOE TUBCMF " SBSF PQQPSUVOJUZ GPS BOZPOF OJBMQBOFMJOHBOEXPPEXPSLJO7JSHJOJB1SJDF JOUFSFTUFE JO B TNBMMFS ,FTXJDL FTUBUF 4IPSU VQPOSFRVFTU EJTUBODF UP ,FTXJDL )BMM BOE $IBSMPUUFTWJMMF $POWFOJFOUUP%$ Price upon request. REDUCED PRICE Homestead Farm - is circa 1800 clapboard house has been com- Willowbrook - c. 1869 - Charming completely renovated horse property pletely renovated and a large wing added in 1999. e addition was master- in a desirable area of e Keswick Hunt. 35+/- acres with six-stall center isle fully constructed to match the original house. Situated in both Albemarle stable. House has 4 bedrms, new gourmet kitchen. A small gem surrounded and Louisa Counties and within the Keswick Hunt Territory. by some of the most impressiveREDUCED larger estates PRICE in the Commonwealth. ȱ ȱ IN THIS ISSUE ȱ ȱ ȱ TheIN Keswick THIS ISSUE Old Keswick - 550+ acre premier equestrian estate located 15 minutes Chestnut Hill - 300+/- ac. mostly open and actively farmed property in ȱ Horsefrom Charlottesville. Show Exceptional building location with grand views of the the Keswick Hunt area of Orange County. Located in an area strongly pro- SW mountains. Extensive horse facilities, manager’s cottage, tenant house tected by conservation easements, this tract is also protected and is allowed ȱ Theand Keswick 1736 manor home. one division. Property includes two tenant houses, numerous dependencies ęȱ Benefiting Habitat and stunning Piedmont views. ȱ Horse Show ȱ Houses ęȱ Benefiting Habitat ȱ Houses 2 ȱ KESWICK LIFE 2 ȱ KESWICK LIFE Wednesday, March 19, 2008 www.st-publishing.com • [email protected] Steeplechase & Eventing Times • 3 News and Notes from around the circuit FOR STARTERS Worth Repeating “I’d tell you who my best maidens are, but I’m always wrong anyway.” Trainer Jack Fisher, Jumping asked about his new prospects for 2008 “He’s the man. Well, he thinks he’s the man anyway.” for Dollars Trainer Neil Morris, discussing the well-liked Run The Light Want to earn extra money? “I’m not retired yet, so I guess I’m going to ride this year.” Have sales experience? Trainer (and jockey) Billy Meister, asked if he will be riding this year as well Just think you want to try? “He’s retired. It was pretty painful to see him go, but it was time. He sure went out on a high.” Trainer Kathy McKenna, ST Publishing seeks of River Bed, who won four races in 2007 advertising sales help for: “I’m related to Christopher Columbus – he was looking for India and found America and I just succeeded at getting off Steeplechase/Eventing Times the wrong exit. Luckily I know what continent I’m on.” Owner and NSA board member Frank Petramalo, The Saratoga Special after a wrong turn during a telephone interview The Special at Keeneland “One-third of the people tell me they liked it, one-third st-publishing.com think
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