DOCUMENT RE'SUME ED 1172ps . UD 015 712 . AUTHOR. Brooks, Barbara J.,. Ed. , TITLE Civil RightsTirectory 1975. Clearinghouse A Publication No. 15.(Revised) . *. INSTITUTION Commission on Civil Rights, 4ashington, D.C. PUB DATE Jan 75 ROTE - 250p; EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$12.05 plus Postage DESCRIPTORS Administrative Agencies; City GoVernment; *Civil alights; *Directories;' *Federal Government; Feminism; Govern_ment Role; Information Dissemination;_*Local Government;'Private Agencies; Public-Officials;. Social, Agencies; State Agencies; *State Government; Voluntary Agencies ABSTRACT' This "Civil Rigfits Directory", is distributed as a- pervIce of the U.S..Commission on Civil Rights under its Clearinghouse functions. The information was supplied by the agendiesY and 'organizations listed. Section 1 is a listing of key Federal officials responSible for monitoriae_administering, coordinating, and enfOrcing various aspects of.equal opportunity laws and policie02. Officials are listed under the following areas: Title VI. (Civil . Rights-Act of 1964), Federal Employment '(Title VII of the Civil Bights Act of 1964 and,Executive.Order 11478), Contract Compliance (Executive Order 11246'apended-bl Executive Order 11375), Equal , - Opportunity. in Employm-ent (Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by Equal EmOlOrment Opportunity Act of 1972), Direct Federal Assistance,-Equal OPportunity in HouPing (Executive Order 11063), and, Revenue Shaning.,Section 2 lists "National Private Civil Rights Organizations". dther sections list "Research Organizations with Civil Rights Information", "National Organizations with Civil Rights - Programs", "National Women's Organizations". Section 6 lists "State Commissions on the Status of Women", "Local Commissions on the Status of Wonien", "State Agencies with Civil Rights Responsibilities ", "Official Agencies with Civil Rights ResPons4.bilitiesApr Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands" And "Local Agencies with. Civil Rights,- Responsbilities". (Authbr/J0) v. ******?4********!4***************************************4***************, '* Documents acquired brERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. gevertleless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encduntered and this affects the quality * * of the, microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available t * via the ERIC.Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is got. * ,responsIble for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * *,pupplied by EDRS are thp best that can be: made from 'the original. * 411 ********************************************************************** Civil Rights: DIRECTORY 1975 4 U.S. Commission on Civil Right's 4 Clearinghouse Publication 1.5. (revised) -January 1975 U S NT OF HEALTH, EDUC TION A WELFARE NATI AL INSTITUTE OF tOLICATION THIS bOCUIIENT HA; SEEN REPRO (DUCE 0 EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZAJION OR4GIN , 4 ATING IT 'POT FTTStiE VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NAT !ORAL, INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY 9 6. O r U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVILRIGHTS . The United States Comfnission an Civil Rights,,is a temporary, inde- pendent, bipartisan agency established by. the Congress in 1957 to: Investigate complaints alleging denial of the right to vote by reason of race, color, religion, 'sex, or national origin, or by 4 reason of fraudulent practices; Study and collect information, concefning Jegal deversipments constituting a denial of equal protection of the laws under the Constitution because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or in the administration of justice; Appraise Federal laws and policies with respect tothe denial of equal protection of the laws because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or in theadministrationof justice; Serve as a national clearinghouse for information concerning denials of equal protection' of tile laws because of race, color, religion, se; or national origin; and Submit reports, findings, and recommendations to the President and Congress. MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION Arthur S. Flemming Chairman Stephen Horn, Vice Chairman Frankie M: Freeman Roberts. Rankin Mantle! Ruiz, Jr. MurrarSaltzman J. John A. Buggs, Staff Director 4. Preface This Civil Rights. birectory is stributed as a service of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights urid r its olearinghouselunctions. The information was supplied by the encies and organizations listed. The Commission is indebted to thfolloWing staff members .who participated in the preparAi9n of thi 'report under the direction of Barbara J. Brooks, Public info don. pecialist, Office of Informa- . tionon and Publications: Joyce Long,, Jerome Pines* Barbara A. PlaniZzica Roderlyn Pugh* Carolyn J. Reid * College students employed under the Commission's Junior Fellow-- ship Program. ) Content& Section 1 *. FEDERAL AGENCIES WITH CIVIL RIGHTS RESPONSIBILITIES , ACTION .. 2 -; Department of Agriculture 2 Appalachian Regional Commission 3 Atorpic Energy Commission (ERDA; NRC) 4 CabinetcomMitteegon 0)pyrturitities for Spanish Speak- . ing'People , , 5 .. Civil Aeronautics .Board , 5 *Civil Service Cornmission 6 Consumer Produ4t Safety Commission . 7 Departmentf Commerce . 7 U.S. Com fission on Civil Rights 9 Departm nt of Defense ,. 11 Environmental Protection Agent), , 12 'Equal .Employment Opportunity Commission 13 Export-Import Bank of the United States ., 13 _ Federal Communications Commission 13 Federal Deposit 'Insurance Corporation 14 Federal Energy Administration 14 Fed&al Home Loan Bank Board 14 Federal Maritime Commission .. 15 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 15 1 Federal.Power.Commission 15. Federal Reserve System 16 , Federal Trade Commission 16 . General, Accounting Office 17 General Services- Administration 17 . Government Printing Office . 18 Department ,of Health, Education, and Welfare 18 Department of Housing and Urban Development 19 i 20 Indian Claims Commission 1 . 20 Department of the Interior 1 interstate Commerce Commission 21 Department of Justice , 24 Department of Labor' i 24 Library of Congress 1 1 281 National Aeronautics and Sp cc Administration '26 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 27 National Labor Relations Board . 27 National Science Foundation -. 28 Office of Management and Budget 29 Securities and Exchange Commission , 29 Small Business Administration 29 Smithsonian Institutiori 30 Department of State r 31 Tennessee.Valley Authority 31. Departmentof Transportation .- 32 Department of the Treasury 34 United States Information Agency 37 United States Postal Service 37 Veterans Administration 38 'Section 2 NATIONAL PRIVATE CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS American Civil Liberties Union , 1 40 American G.I. Forum of the United States 40 , American Jewish Committee 41 American Jewish Congress 41 4. Americans for Indian Opportunity 41 'Anth-Defarhation League of B'nai B'rith , , 42 ARROW . 42 Asian -American Committee for Human Rights 43 ASPIRA of America , 43 Chinese for Affirmative Action 44 Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism :44 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)' ., 45 Crusade 'for Justice l 45 Indian Rights Association , . 45 Japanese American Citizens League . 46 - Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Linder Law 46 Leadership Conference, on Civil Rights 47 League of United Latin American Citizens 48 Mexican American Legal, Defense and Education Fund 48 NatiOnal Association for Puerto Ricap Civil Rights - 49 Nhtional Association:for the Advancement of Colored, People (NAACP) .. 49 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational FUnd, Inc. 50 Natiorial Association of Human Rights Workers...... , ., 51 .VI r .?; National Catholic Conference for,Interracial Justice 51 National Committee, Against Discrimination in Housing.. 51 National ConferenCe of Christians and Jews 52 National Congress of American Indians....,,.... ........ 52 National Council of La Raza 53 National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council.. 53 . National Office for the Rights of the Indigent 53 National Puerto Rican Forum- 54 National Sharecroppers Fund .f54 National Urban League, 55 National Welfare Rights Organization........... ..,.... ',56 Operation PUSH .(People United to Save Humanity) 56 Scholarship, Education and Defense Fund forffacial., Equality- v 56 Southern Christian Leadership Conference 57 'Southern Conference Educational Fund *., 57 Southern Regional Council .k. - 57 Spanish Speaking/Surnamed National Political Associa- tion Iltb)1 Survival 9f Americin Indians Association 58 Voter Educatiyn Project 58 i k ,-Section 3 RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS WITH CIVIL RIGHTS INFORMATION - A. PhiliPsRandolph Institute -- fi0 Tile American Indian Lore Association 60 American Sociological Association 60 Amistad Research Center 614 The Association for the Study of Afro - American Life and 1-listory . 61 Center for National Policy Review 62 Center for Resources on Institutional Oppression 62 Child Study Association of America and WEL-MET 62 Education/Instructicin , 63 yucational Policy Center . 63 - Friehds Committee on National Legislatio; 64 Hispanic American Institute 64- Institute for Behavioral Research 64 Institute for the Development of Indian Law 65 VII c. , . Institute of Race and Community Relations 65 Interstate Research Associates 65 Joint Center for Political-Studies ,. 66 Metropolitan Ap $'liecf Research Center 66- t National Indian Training and Research Center ,4 66. Potomac Institute \ 67 Universidad Boricua-Puerto Rican Research
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