gister's «AU-County Football Team SEE PAGE 16 Sunny and Cold THE DAILY Sunny, continued cold today. FINAL Clear, quite cold tonight. Sun 1 Red Bank, Freehold / ny, milder tomorrow. I Long Branch J EDITION (See Details. Page 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 9% Years VOL. 93, NO. 113 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1969 28 PAGES 10 CENTS Ilinilllllllllllli lilllilllllllllUlliillllllllllllllUT^IIIIIIIF'llll'lllillim Opposition to Income Tax Softens Among GOP Chiefs By^JAMES II. RUBIN house campaigned this year interview Wednesday that a 2 courageous" and added that "I do not rule out an in- TRENTON (AP) - Some against an income tax and per cent increase in the state he would support an income come tax," Bateman said. Republican legislative leaders would probably remain inflex- sales tax was practically a tax if it were tied to a Assemblyman Thomas softened their opposition to an ible. certainty next year and that, foundly constructed pro- Kean, R-Essex, who will be income tax yesterday and The GOP leaders reacted to despite his campaign pledge gram." assistant majority leader in the said they were keeping an a statement by Cahill and re- the contrary, he no longer Senate Majority Leader assembly next year, said he open mind on the possibility ports that New Jersey's bud- rules out the possibility of im- Raymond H. Bateman, R- considered it would be "im- of enacting one during the ad- get deficit in the next fiscal posing an income tax also , Somerset, said he hoped an possible" to get an income ministration of Gov.. - elect year may exceed $250 million during the next four years. income tax wouldn't be nec- tax through the lower house William T. Cahill. without any new or expanded Assistant Senate Majority essary but conceded that it within the next two years al- However, leaders in the as- programs. • Leader Harry L. Sears, R- may be difficult to avoid if though he personally ^as an sembly pointed out that most Cahill, a Republican, told Morris, said Cahill's state- the projection of a huge bud- open mind about the idea. Republicans in the lower The Associated Press in an ment was "realistic and get gap proves accurate. (See Opposition, Pg. 2, Col. 6) May OK 'Sex Attack' Angle By JOHN MORGENTHALER Dorothe, 38; Vincent Kearney that he might allow testimony In other testimony yester- letter to the Passaic County PATERSON (AP) - The Jr., 29, and the victim's hus- about the dishwasher, Arthur day the parents of Mrs. Kav- Prosecutor©, band, Paul, are charged with McBain, from some other wit- anaugh testified they once Mrs. Kavanaugh's body was judge in the Judith Kav- murdering Mrs. Kavanaugh anaugh murder trial says he nesses. "I'm going to play it felt Paul Kavanaugh was guil- found in March, 1966, in a Feb. 23, 1966. by ear," the judge said. ty in their daughter's murder gully not far from her home. might in the future permit Superior Court Judge Gor- The allegation that McBain and that he appeared to be the defense to attempt to don H. Brown made the com- killed Mrs. Kavanaugh was "very calm" when learning She had been strangled, shot show that the shapely Clifton ment about the dishwasher made by the defense in open- of her disappearance. and partially stripped. The housewife was slain in a "sex yesterday after rejecting a ing statements Monday. How- The motiier, Mrs. Emily state maintains the Kav- attack" by a vagabond dish- defense attempt to bring it ever, Judge Brown at that Marchione also told the court anaugh slaying was linked to washer rather than by the out during cross-examination time denied a defense motion that after her daughter and the murder seven months lat- four defendants. of a policeman who examined to bring proof that McBain, another man were slain she er of Paterson bookie Gabriel Publishing executive Har- the victim's car. who has never been charged feared for her life, and that "Johnny the Walk" DeFran- old Matzner, 32; his wife, The judge said, however, in the case, was the killer. she expressed her fears in a co, whose throat was cut. NARCOTICS ARREST MADE — Anthony Middlecoop, center, of 19 Park Avo.. Port Monmouth, is led into Middletown Township police headquarters by Detec- tive Robert Olson, left, and Sgt. Harold T. Reilly, after his arrest on possession of narcotics and six other offenses. He was apprehended yesterday after a po- Airport Procedures Ar<p HitJ !isejaWsnJttJ5!t«n*»-L^:i J - '-itUgirtir Staff Photoi By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU ditions (at the airport) at the "The blame for this indif- pletely ignored ,. .," the re- pally because the committee NEW SHREWSBURY — doors o'f the Federal Aviation ference is compounded by the port stresses. had no authority to order "Hazard factors and nui- Authority, New Jersey state fact that absolutely no effort The joint committee theft records to be made aviation control authorities, was made by these adminis- quoted from various ordl- available," and because rec- Middletown Drug Raid sance" at Red Bank Airport were last night placed-at'the and Red Bank airport trations to alleviate these con- nancees dating to 1959, to sup- ords ana* other documentary feet of "previojis- administra- management. ditions despite the fact that port this statement. evidence of accidents involv- tions" of the'borough. "While these authorities are borough ordinances were then The joint committee stated ing aircraft "were impossible The allegation was carried without question guilty of lax- in effect which, if enforced, that it has interviewed FAA to obtain due to the commit- would have brought relief,. officials, military, airline, . tee's lack of authority and Nets $10,000 in Goods in a report of the Shrewsbury- ity, it is the inescapable con- New Shrewsbury Joint In- clusion that administrations and would have halted the corporate and private pilots lack of time to thoroughly in- of the borough prior to Jan. trend of haphazard flight in, in investigating incidents "in- vestigate incidents." MIDDLETOWN - Three A babysitter in the house, . fore Municipal Court Judge vestigation Committee' ap- out of, and around the Red • The committee stated that months of investigation and Wendy M. Savage, 20, of Par- eJrry Massell late last night pointed to look into "opera- 1, 1969, are guilty of ignoring volving questionable prac- the v . nuisance and hazard Bank airport. • tices in aircraft operation both factual information collected, •surveillance ended yesterday lin, was arrested as a mate- and lodged in the Monmouth tions and practices" at the Rules Ignored on the ground and in the air." coupled with statements from as detectives arrested a Port rial witness and released in County jail in lieu of $25,000 airport. ' , . factors attendant upon the 1 "For some curious reason It stressed that information pilots, indicates that Red Monmouth couple for posses- her own recognizance, the bail each. A preliminary The report was released at airport's expanding opera- chief added. hearing.was set for Dec. 18. tions. these ordinances were com- in this area "is sparse princi- (See Airport, Pg. 2, Col. 4) sion of narcotics and six oth- last night's Council meeting er related offenses and con- The couple was charged • A team of detectives, led after public pressure follow- fiscated more than 510,000 with possession of narcotics, by Detective Sgt. William, ing a sometimes stormy de- worth of drugs and parapher- weapons violation, failing to Halliday, armed with search bate. Council was in posses- nalia. register as narcotics users, warrants, entered the house sion of the report for several Anthony Middlecoop and possession of pornographic • at 3:30 p.m. Their search un- weeks Young Democrats to Map his wife, Helen, 35, of 19 Park , material, possession of pre- covered an array-of narcot- Voting in favor of jelease Ave.,-Port Monmouth, were scription legend drugs, pos- • ics, which when returned to were Independent Council- arrested at 5:30 p.m. when session of hypodermic nee- police headquarters, covered • men Thomas I. Ruzicka, Al- they returned to their home, dles and possession of stolen a desk and several chairs. dee G. Miller and Irving Co- Police Chief Joseph M. Mc- property. , An inventory showed a kil- hen. Mayor Francis L. Coop- Carthy said. They were arraigned be- (See Drugs, Pg. 2, Col. 1) er, who originally opposed re- lease also voted in favor. Republican Councilmen By BEN VAN VLIET tyJPemocrats will meet at an Among those invited to the will be discussed at the meet- Lawrence J. Kirk and Dale A group of Monmouth undisclosed time and at an meeting are Rep. James J. ing," Mr. Tonti said, "but I H. Shick abstained. Indepen- County young Democrats will undisclosed location for a Howard, D-N.J.; D. Lou- guess we will tails: some pol- Public's Help Is Sought dent Councilman Jack N. meet tomorrow to decide if chat to determine if a chal- is Tonti, executive director of itics." Rindner, was not present. the time has finally come for lenge should be made this the New Jersey Highway Au- He added that he was look- thority; Little Silver Mayor In its conclusion, the com- a thorough shakeup of the year to the present Dem- ing forward to the meeting old-time Democratic organi- ocratic leadership if so, how Gordon N. Litwin, Richard L. so he could meet "all my mittee stated, "It may seem Bonello, a Long Branch law* Democratic friends who have "to be taking the easiest route zation. is it to be done, and who To Control Vandalism should be the standard bear- yer, and Richard O'Connor, a fine political futures.
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