. - ' , I ■ G l a iU S : I C o a <i c h : ~ K i l o» i w a t t -Sw itospfi3ruces lip th e ^ A/aboma’s*s 1BearBrifant ' . red and wlwhite for • ! 5 ^ (s college fofootball’s .. A preview; ooj / f h e n e i u 2 2 S ! state energif, h ls b u s y s<season—-CI , qfl-tffnc winitnr^ — Dl • Jft j m m i. _ ^ _ I 76th year, N<^ o . 3 3 3 . , . Twin Falls, Idcdaho Sund)day; November 229.1981 I " 5 0 ^ ■ Ss - K r^tmlin1 to sseek I radiical arms< s cutts ^ m m " - GENEVA, Switzerland;nd (UPI) — dism antleI theirtl 630 ^ 2 0 , SS-5 and thtl e arm s lalks would bc a "historic ■ I J L Soviet arms negotiatorllor Yuli A, sS-4 missilssiies already deployed dd ate,” Kvitsinksy said Saturdayly the1] Kremlin throughoutIt E astern Europe, Kvjtsinskv! 45. said Mo.loscow has .................. ------- wHl see>c-a-“ rad}cai“- oor r even com^ However,T, lhe soviets insist British adopteda “an honest and coiconstcucllve plete reduction of nucica:iear arms In and Frcnch:h nuclear missiles, as well approach”a towards the ncgollatibnsnc Europe at talks wllh Uie• UnitedUr States as Am erican:an nuclear-armed bombers anda would aim for “ radicalII reductionsi starting Monday. and submariarines stationed in Europe, inir medium-range nuclcarar arm s in W' s In Hamburg, West GenJermany, U.S. be included^ in any head-count of Ihe Europe.E a rm s negotiator Paul Nit:'Iltze em erged forces tolKfi)C reduced. They argue they “ If our p artn ers In thc talalks display ^ , - ■ from -a. m eeting with;h Chancellor would belefileft at a stragelic disadvan- willingnessw to agree on thche complete ' ' Helmut Schmidt and sal<;said he would lage If onlyily land-based missiles are renunciationn by bolh sides5 - t h e West p ress for an arm s agre<jreement "In- eliminated,1 * aai nd the E asl - of all1! types of - tcnsivcly, constructl\itively and Nitze, 74,74 m eanw hile briefed medium-rangerr nuclear arm s in speedily." Schm idt on thc U.S. negotiating EE urope, thc Soviet Union3n, . will • : But his Soviet counterpartcoi posture andnd heard the German lead- concur."c< Kvitslnskysaid. Kvltfiinksy on arrival inn GenevaG out- er’s assessnssment of his talks wllh The United Stales curren'sntly h a s no lined, a position certain; to clash with Soviet Presl(i^sldent Leonid Brezhnev in intermediate-rangeii misIlssiles in the Reagan adminislratIratlon’s pro- Bonn this week.wei EuropeE and thc deploymentnt of th e 572 posals lo r reversing the! nuclearnu arms Earlier inIn the day. West German CC ruise and Pershing II m issiles, race In Europe. F o reig n MlMinister Hans Dietrich scheduleds« to slari at thc endcr of 1983, R eagan's' ‘.'zero option'lon” proposal Genscher saidsa following a meeling wasw meant to counter lhell Soviet ||||l|||l|| j / I Vould cancel the plannedfd deploymentc w ith N itzethat th; the Geneva talks could missilesrr already In place. bf S72 medium-range nudeiclear missiles "open a nevlew chapter" In the arms , • SeeTALKSPage522 f S j ‘ A I D ^ ^ s in Western Europe ifr thc11 Soviets race and >asail1d the Monday opening of Major^casesicohfrorntcourt IP Illegd alieiens, censuss confidentiaality top issilues , '' : WASHINGTON (UPI)PI) - The have filed1 bipartisanb arguments on aa basic education Is tanlinlamount to • Supreme Court returnsilothe io bench behalf of Fils^Itzgerald. ensuringe lhat the personI rremains at Monday ready to hearir (debates on , On Tuesdjsday, the high couri mu^t theti lowest soclo^conomknic level of th ree m ajor cases that will test presi- face a politicllically sensitive case lhat is modernr society." dential immunity, thc righl^ ts of Illegal likely to resi-esult in a historic ruling on Oral arguments are <slated (or aliens and the conddentUntlality ofthe- the rightss of1 illegal aliens in thc Wednesday\ In an importatant dispute ' census. United StateItes. Involvingll last year’s populailalion count. ^ seal was brought by Texas At/ Issue Is w hether a city Shortly after getting dowi,do> lo busi- . " " L S ? Ity can gain ■' i ral of Its local school dls- a ness, the Justices wUl 1 access to census rccordsi Inli order to Ilich want the justices to c law yer for Richard Nixon check their accuracy. state law allowing districts the former president ha Thc dispute stem s (romI uwidespread i 10 provide free public educa- c tlonal 'immunity (rom challenges to the censw>us brought - — children of undocumented n stemming from actions he mainly by large urban anareas. Sincc Ihotookwhllo S n i" tl in ofdce. th e level of federal funds targetedta for lg them Is the Mexican- aa city o r county usually Is tied to its T he dispute plU Nixc-ton against I Legal Defense Fund, which population,p the (Inal census;us tally has former Pentagon whlf.hlstlebjowcr contends, "At"/ Issue here is the very criticalc importance for localI gov- .. E rnest Fitzgerald, who claimscla he was basis o l whofho we a re as a society — eme m ents. fired by Nixon and his aideIdcslnrctalla- “m o school)1 househ door is also the door The pending case c o n c e rn s M tion for public statemen■ents on .cost p„vcn'erty and into full partlclpa- challengcstyc Essex Countyity, N.J., and f l o v e r ^ on the C-5A transjinsport. tlon In thisssoclety.'" s( thetl city o( Denver. It also shapes up as a1 figfight between Low er fediederal courts have found the The Census Bureau argi-gues that it th e legislative and JudlcUIclal branches Texas lawV unconstitutlonahAfleru Its mn ust m aintain strict confidiidenlialityof of government since thele iReagan fld- review off thetl statute, the 5th U.S. itsil records o r else citizcns's will refuse minlM ratlon strongly supplupports Nixon Circuit Cou'ourt of Appeals In New toti cooperate with the once-in-a- while seven membersi oiof Congress O rleans, decJeclared, "Denying a person decaded nationwide popuiatiiitioncount, Haig phlays dow hit squuad storiies |[H VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (UPI) - ing sensitiveIve Intelligence matters" (in He} arrived at the (oundatioJon’s officcs, S ecretary of State Alexandander M. Haig public), Halflalgsaid. adjacentI lo Valley Forge-gc National Jr. SatOrday played do\down reports The remainark, m ade in response to a HistoricalI Park, in a smallail convoy of Libyan .'leader - Moamma:mar Khadafy reporter’si question,q was Haig's only limousinesl and police cars.S' has dispatched hit squadsads to kill top comment concerningc reports this U.S. government officials.lis. week the ReaganRc administration has A jury o( foundationn m em bers selected Haig for thc awar "H e. fKhadafy) may' beb( joining a stepped upup security precautions P ard prior lo STtVQ4STf CflEEtC/TVrmNm very large crowd," Haigilig said, draw- because ofif Intelligenceli warnings that his*2 appointm ent to the Cablbinet post In j Ing laughter from 250 gue!?uests on hand Libyan-backicked hit squads had orders January,i said awards; chairman M OCf(dem sled Daniel Sosa Jr., chief just for the presentation of thetbe American toassassinalnate administration officials v istice of the New Mexico Supreme Courtlrt. WWUIe Hying anwnd tbeI MagicN Valley area a P atrio ts Medal to HaiHaig by. the as well asa U.S. ambassadors at tbe UocolD Plaza Id Jeiomrome,bebadtohltcba Saturday, Santa Claus hadI a slight1 problem with ridrl e by bdlcopter. Santa mad Freedoms Foundationn at Valley overseas. Sosa callcd Haig "somenebody who made it 00 time to 0 ve tberu^oohlsslelgtL Sloe•lace Santa had a date c gbteddilldren. Forge. Security/ isurrounding Haig's visit knowsk what h e's doing, andnd we appre- ......... candy canes to all tbe ddlgbte "Ixtpn't make It a habitibit of discuss- did not appc.ipear to be unusually heavy, ciatec what he’s doing." V 1— 9 0 0 'd-nC Faiilloutshhelterarazefaides, bt interrestsUllWhere n|0 (I|in^ 3 1 BySUSANG'J GALLAGHER newr homes occasionally Incnquireabout -•situation, andam they've become more Magic Valley residentss with Ideas needs arc differentdifft now." Mrs. Katz ; . Times-Newsws writer ■ incorporatingi protectloron devices awarethatthI the communists are bulld-' aboul joining a ncight;hbor In a says. “ WhatIt waswi a need, doesn't seem ; cagainst radioactive fallout.ll. Ing up theirelr civl[-de(ense prepara- backyard shelter built durl AsriButiness .... irlag thc cra to be a needd anyman ore. I think a lot of - .. D7-12 — ---------- Gone, though, are the• days( when tlon.” o( thc Cuban missile crisiss \Apparently us have dcei(lecided that if anything - C IsM ifled............. E3-8 t w i n FAI\ALLS — Twentyyears have local* Welcome Wagoijon repre- Possibly bolsteringbo that claim Is thc! stand a good chance of beingbc dlsap- happens, It[ happens,ha and we'll deal - sentatlves distributed liters Focus ............. CC3. El-2 p assed sincenee President John F. Ken- - 5 iralure about Union bf Comoncemed Scientists’ recent pointed. with it then." “ fallout shelters. And no C l nedy sparkiirked a national wave of ’ 0 longer do symposiums,ns, collectively- entitledI Dick High,, formerly' the civil. The familyIly ofo Dr. B.J. Hawkins, a ; MatfcValley .... civil-defense directors : ...........Q 2 preparednesness (or nuclcar attack. ^ stock the “The Threatalo( ( Nuclear War." defense dilator for the citycii of Twin, Twin Falls: dentist,dei inherited an un-: O bituaries........... basements of banks, departmentd Held at morer than 150 collcge Falls, remembers that the , as tho communisls pre- c ic volume ol obtrusive falloiallout shelter upon buying - Opinion ...............
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