Robert BurnsLimited World Federation Limited www.rbwf.org.uk 1964 The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by Moira McIntyre The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. www.DDSR.com ROBERT BURNS CHRONICLE 1964 THE BURNS FEDERATION KIJ,MARNOCK Price Ss. (Paper bound), 7s. 6d. (Cloth bound) "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER . the mystery and romance of the Scottish Highlands is found in Drambuie, once the personal liqueur of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, and now enjoyed throughout the world. The secret recipe, from which Drambuie is pre­ pared to this day, has never varied for more than two centuries. Drambuie is a rare experience. Drambuie PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD'S LIQU.EUR "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER Tn11nock's fJaraDtel WaCers THE BEST BISCUIT VALUE TODAY! 4 Layers Golden Caramel 5 Layers Crisp Wafers COATED WITH FULL CREAM MILK CHOCOLATE OUR LONDON AGENTS MAKE REGULAR SHIPMENTS TO THE UNDERNOTED COUNTRIES: \ CYPRUS NBWFOUNDLAND BRITISH GUIANA JAPAN MALTA KENYA MAURITIUS FAROE ISLANDS HONG KONG CANADA BRITISH HONDURAS GIBRALTER JORDON SINGAPORE PENA NG MALAYA TRINIDAD BELGIUM EXPORT INQUIRIES INVITED-A.T. ----- ----- ----- -- ----·--- ------ Caramel Wafers emerging from one of our enrobers after being coated with the finest mi Ik chocolate, which is made under the supervision of experienced chocolateers at the NEW DAYLIGHT BAKERIES Uddingston, Scotland. a - - ~ '~ .,.,/$, .,, ~ • ''.'-" "~:" '!lq!~'i1» ,,' ,;,'f.', .,,»,\ "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER -.:~·'~ ----------------------- ' .,:~·::~~.. ;' BURNS >}i · A STUDY OF THE POEMS AND SONGS THOMAS CRAWFORD "A really great book about Burns covering every aspect of his genius." Aberdeen Press and Journal 35s. JAMES CURRIE THE ENTIRE STRANGER AND ROBERT BURNS R. D. THORNTON "Quite determined to prove Burns a drunkard who staggered his way to the grave."-77ie Tribune 63s. BURNS: AUTHENTIC LIKENESSES ' BASIL SKINNER A critical appraisal of Burns P<>rtraiture which contains a guide to the commoner engraved portraits of Burns as well as including high quality reproductions of all the authentic portraits known today. Ss. THE BURNS COUNTRY JOHN McVIE "This will make interesting reading for all Burnsians, an interest which will be enhanced by the excellent photography by Paul Shillabeer." Dumfries and Galloway Standard Ss. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ROBERT BURNS J. W.EGERER This first bibliography of the works of Robert Burns which aims at completeness. An authoritative, scholarly work of reference which will be indispensable to all who are interested in Bu~. To be published in June, 1964, at approximately 84s. OLIVER & BOYD Tweeddale Court, 14 High Street, Edinburgh, 1. ,I" " "t"f 1'-:.!lif'' 1' •'' ; ,I• ;;_ ', "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER. ·Robert Burm, the greatest of Scotland's vernacular (. poets, was at his best a supreme artist in words and d an unequalled song-writer. ·,T '· THE BURNS ' .'i FEDERATION SONG BOOK "· ,, ,-1" This book contains twenty of the finest of ,. Bums's songs, the texts of which have been taken from the best sources and scrupulously edited, with glossaries and notes on pronun­ ciation. Some of the tunes are those to which Bums wrote the words, and others are ones which have been traditionally associated with them. They are all suited to the range of a child's voice, and the accompaniments are straightforward and musically satisfying. It has been specially prepared for use in schools, but should also be of interest to all admirers of Bums. ' . Piano Edition, 7s. 6d. :~ r..' ,•1 ' Write to the Publishers for copies. McDOUGALL 30 ROYAL TERRACE, EDINBURGH "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER BURNS MADE HAGGIS FAMOUS HAGGIS MADE M'KEANS FAMOUS M'KEANS LTD • 115 PORT DUNDAS RD. GLASGOW, C.4 TDOS. W. DALGLEISH & SON Forestry Consultants & Contractors Kilmarnock, Scotland. NATURE'S MAMMOm BEAUTY WlTII A LONG TERM POUCY YE MAY BE A YE STICKING IN TREE IT WILL BE GROWING WHEN YE'ER SLEEPING ,, " BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER A u Robert Burns" Souvenir Here is a BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED TIN with PORTRAIT OF BURNS. : BURNS COITAGE and THE AULD BRIG on BANKS o' DOON. Packed with Scotch "Butter" Shortbread awarded "Gold Medal" for excellent quality. An ideal Scottish Gift to take or send to your friends at home or abroad. We pack and post to all parts of the world. Orders can be sent in now for Christ­ mas and January celebrations. lncludina Carton Per Tin & Inland Postage 40 Dainty Pieces or 18 Scotch Faris 9/6 12/~ 12 Scotch Faris 6/6 9/3 DAVID LAUDER & SONS LIMITED BAKERS & CONFECTIONERS HIGH CLASS RESTAURATEURS 22 KING STREET • KILMARNOCK · AYRSHIRE Telephone Kilmarnock 245 ... 1· "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER -l , ~· !,' ~ BURNS·' H 0 USE •. 1. DUMFRIES ,,r. * Visitors to Dumfries should no~ fail to visit the old Red Sandstone House in Burns Street, in which the Poet lived and died. The whole House is now open for inspection by visitors and contains many interesting relics of Bums and his family. The House is situate only one minute's walk from St. Michael's Churchyard, and the Mausoleum where the Poet is buried. OPEN DAILYa May to September, 10 a.m. to 12.30 - 2 to 5 - 7 to 9 October to April, 10 a.m. to 12.30' - 2 to 5 .,'• Admission to House : Adults 6d. School Children 3d. "BURNS FAMILY TREE" Compiled by the late Tom McCrorie from Parish Records and other sources. On sale at House, price 1/- or by post from Curator price 1/3d. ' { "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER THE NATIONAL BURNS MEMORIAL AND COTT AGE HOMES, MAUCHLINE, AYRSHIRE. In Memory of the Poet Burns for Deserving Old People I "that ·greatest of benevolent institutions established In honour of Robert Burns."--Glasrow Herald here are now twenty moder,n comfortable houses for T the benefit of deserving old folks. The site is an ideal one In the heart of the Burns Country. The Cottagers, after careful selection, occupy the houses free of 'rent and taxes, and, In addition, receive an annual allowance. They are chosen from all quarters· There are no irksome restrlctjons, they get bringing their own ~urniture, have their own key, and can go' in and out and have their own friends visiting them as they please. Our aim Is to give them, as near as practicable, their "ain fireside" and let them enjoy the evening of their lives in quiet comfort. ~urther ,...... ,.., r...,...•d. wm PI" please mlp 'l Subscriptions will be gratefully acknowledged by the Hon. Secretar), Mr. DAVID J. S. HARVEY, 65 Renfield Street, Glasgow. "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER LYCEUM Licencee and Manager : J. CARR ANNAND THEATRE AND CAFE PARTIES CATERED FOR Tel. DUMFRIES 262 ~he ~lobe ~nn . • • this is the old Globe Tavern frequented by Burns. The chair he usually occupied is shown to visitors, also a window pane with verses traced by his hand and many other very interesting relics of the Poet Seven day Licence Near Lyceum Cinema 56 High Street, Dumfries Manageress: Mrs. E. N. BROWN ~-. ' "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER JEAN ARMOUR BURNS HOUSES MAUCHLINE, AYRSHIRE / In 1959, to mark the Bicentenary of the Birth of Robert Bums, the Glasgow and District Bums Association, who man­ age the Jean Armour Bums Houses, completed the building of ten new houses on the historic farm of Mossgiel, near Mauch­ line and these are now occupied by ten ladies who live there, . rent and rate free and receive a small pension. Funds are urgently required to complete a further ten Houses. Earlier houses, established 1915 which comprised the Bums House (in which the poet and Jean Armour began housekeeping 1788), Dr. John McKenzie's House and "Auld Nanse Tinnock's" (the "change-house" of Bums's poem l'The Holy Fair") were purchased, repaired and gifted to the Association by the late Mr. Charles R. Cowie, J.P., Glasgow and, until the new houses at Mossgiel were built, provided accommodation for nine ladies. They are now out-dated as homes but con­ sideration is being given to their being retained by the Association and preserved as a museum. Please help this worthy cause by sending your donation now to :-A. Neil Campbell, F.C.C.S., Hon. Treasurer, 141 Craiglea Drive, Edinburgh, 10. -, .... ~' ,1•''1-· ,..._ ,: "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER ar llTIDllL llPDITAIUB Scottish The most complete record of the speech, literature, folk· Nati.onal lore, and social history of Dictianal'J Scotland ever compiled. 'i Compl.. In 10 volumes ' 5Volume1 already.lauecl £30,000 needed This great work depends entirely on p1.1bllc support. All loyal Scots at home and abroad can help by DONATION - LEGACY - SUBSCRIPTION The Dictionary costs £40, payable In. one sum or In I five Instalments FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE SECRETARY Seottish :National Dietion&rF "'·t,:t-, f ... ' 27 GEORGE SQUARE EDINBURGH, 8 '·~· , t· "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER TO PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES OF BURNS CLUBS AND CALEDONIAN SOCIETIES Your Burns Supper requirements are specially catered for by our Robert Burns Department, where you can draw on our 100 years of experience in designing and printing for Burns Clubs-the world o'er. Paper Table Napkins (sales exceed 100,000) a special printing in two colours with the Poet's head and a favourite quotation or the Selkirk Grace, packed 250 in a box, only 11/9 (inland postage 3s.), or Tartan Scottie Napkins for St. Andrew's Night -same price. BURNS DINNER MENU CARDS-A fine range with Poet's head in colour, 'appropriate quotations and tartan ribbon. Specimens on request. · Just published-Souvenir Edition of the authentic Robert Burns Family Tree, 1560-1960, by Tom McCrorie (ls. 6d., or club packet seven for 10s. post free.-See Editor's Review on page 51.) Latest Editions of the Poems and Songs-full range including Tartan bound gift edition 15s. Od. Send for our new List B.S.C.
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