The SCROLL STAFF Presents The

The SCROLL STAFF Presents The

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I ~_;-.3, :,.v_‘.,.:_‘«,'_.-...::.-.9-,, ,./. ..-.. 1-’ .- . ,-._v.:.-.~‘,v..-“-:-r:_-,..‘a‘*- .-.q-.r--,». 4. V-_»«.::.4:-.:x*~\gw.\-.5o.x.'J-'«o:v~§’$‘§i: The SCROLL STAFF Presents the 1957 SCROLL - -7 ~,—-r--v_v'---o --w<«-we 5 -r -, .9-z.vq4s~_-_~ta--...-tn;--~n.,.-....yy,,;_.y..,‘._w..=,.. W. «-4 .. Long, long by my heart with such memories fill’d! LikeThe vase, in which roses have once been distill’d— You may break, you may shatter the vase if you will, But the scent of the roses will hang round it still. Moore——FareweII!butWhenever you Welcome The Hour. 7ill l:'l\lS\l\ll\\\\\ I 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS REMEMBER WHEN ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTY SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES ACTIVITIES ATHLETICS JUNIOR HIGH FOREWORD There has always been a Scrollfor the students and teachers to remem­ ber. This is the Scroll we want the class of T957 to remember in all the years to come. DEDICATION The staff wishes to dedicate the Scroll of this present year, T957, to a fine person who has worked with Scrolls for 24 years. Many Boone citizens have been helped by her to obtain their goals. Mrs. Stevens, we thank you! --»,-mm o ....,.,‘ . ... ..u..-...~ ‘ MW ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘ “ \\““““‘[ @Inn:‘11 fifimz :— :.:%; * _: — ='T"T‘“T‘jX”TT,A!!:.ILm-mar.»-,nI1v'.f:a-w'4—..a:_!:a*r_§ E.4.. .w«..»w. .. ‘Li W... .-\4NOl' -.- -~.--\ JO SPARKS FRANK ADREON LYLA SWAIN WE LOOKED LIKE THIS JACK BRANNON KAREN FERGUSON JAY FISHER MISS LINDERBLOOD AND TEACHERS WERE MISS LINDERBLOOD MR. CUNNINGHAM YOUNG AND GAY MR. CUNNINGHAM _n _Io mmHM.meToooem00 BH_.l F. R»G|uI‘I-as««Ow19, r'O.~m<«mops _.. u 4. EVEN OUR SCROLLS CHANGED WITH THE YEARS! 4; 4,‘, .;-.16.»: BON n..HA C. LU B mo m. TIME HAS CHANGED OUR CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES .J;,,,m,3nVzx§&,2.?,,,...,i,Ib, DOLPHIN CLUB .1. 0U RNALBM 956 SOME CLASSES CARRY ON . ..e,_Zm3,n.,»?.ut.Js?,,,..?o,rkL Mtttttt-ttmttmmmw BOARD or EDUCATION \ Left to right: A. V. Doran, J. Newell, R. E. Paterson, E. Sutton, C. Jay, Mr. Seaton. Not present when picture was taken: D. Kruse. Yesterday's students are today's leaders. Ihttrt was $11 ’-mt» Jew:­ 31 MR. ABBOTT assistant principal history problems MISS BEHRENS English MR. BISSELL speech MR. BROOKHART drivers’ training physical education swimming MR. CARROLL American history geography football girls’ basketball MR. CLIFTON science basketball football MRS. CRONK shorthand typing commercial law MR. CROZIER algebra geometry MR. CUNNINGHAM radio physics visual education MRS. DALTON chemistry science MR. DEVANEY biology MISS FElRN home economics . r gt‘ ‘?"!1‘vV’.0!-<1"-.-u'Pn|Anx-m,4—\«.,,,........_......= .» i. M. ..-,» . MR. HARTLEY bookkeeping accounting salesmanship MISS HOLMQUIST American history girls’ advisor MR. HON ECK civics world history football MR. HOVE vocational agriculture MRS. ICK study hall supervisor MR. LEIN carpentry industrial arts MR. JONES Mechanical drawing machine shop MR. KNOWLTON Physical education football MISS LINDERBLOOD Latin English MR. MCINTYRE football MR. McLEAN band MR. McLERAN problems football MISS OSBORNE art MR. PAULSEN geometry algebra MISS PLUM typing shorthand business writing MR. ROLOFF drivers’ education boys’ advisor MR. SCHOLL orchestra MRS. STEVENS English MR. STOCK English journalism scroll Bumble ’B’ MR. STUTZMAN biology athletic department MRS. TAYLOR English MR. TILLSON librarian MR. THOMPSON industrial arts mechanical drawing MRS. WILLIAMS geometry MRS. CARLSON school nurse MISS VANDERBECK MR. MISCHE girls’ phys. ed. vocal music OFFICE WORKERS L MARY LIND JEAN VAN NESS U ARDATH SAYLOR LOUISE BENSON N CJ HA RN OI OT MO R WS O R Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Clausen, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. K Thompson, Benson, Carlson, Patrick, Tonsfeldf, Lind, Mrs. Stolte, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Wyler. E McA|pine, Mrs. Ades. Smiley, Kiddie, Brown. R 20 S ,-,-. .e:-;..-:-~.sia,-t»«‘~‘_-.~’.-34.«.:‘m-,Bérzmag:-aw; \\\// @f :1: G50 1121* II .mm1‘.r:-aittkik <)-‘:'.K«M*!m- -x ABRAMSON, FERN L. ADREON, FRANK ANDERSON, ENID ANDERSON, LARRY APPENZELLER, ROBERT S. ATHERTON, BARBARA ATHERTON, SANDRA BENDER, DAVID BERGLOFF, TEDDIE ‘ BLOOMQUIST, DENNIS BOHLEN, KAREN BOON, VEENY BRANNON, JACK BROWN, ROBERT FOREST BURKE, LARRY BUSHORE, MARVIN CANNON, JUDITH CARPENTER, MARGARET CARTER, SHIRLEY CHADWICK, REX CHANCE, SANDRA CLARK, NEAL CLARKE, JOYCE COLE, BETTY COMSTOCK, RONALD COOK, LEE CRAVEN, DONNA DAHLIN, LELAND DAVIS, MARLAND DEARINGER, DAVID DENNIS, KAREN DISBROWE, LARRY EASTBERG, MERVYN ELLSBURY, DARWIN ELLSWORTH, CORNELIA ELSBERRY, ROSWALD FHOYO ELSBERRY, ROSWELL Na! Avmlublo ELY, GARY ELY, LOREN EWING, JON FERGUSON, KAREN FERRY, MICHAEL PRO‘!0 No! lvuilahlo FISHER, JAY FLANNERY, MICHAEL FLOCKHART, WILLIAM ‘W:Fm ..'r FORSTER, CAROL FRAZIER, PAUL GERMER, ELAINE C. GIBSON, AUDREY GIBSON, SHARON GODFREY, DEROLD GREENE, LAVONE GREGORY, MILDRED GUENTHER, RAYMOND HAMILTON, ROBERT HASSTEDT, MARY ANN HICKS, RICHARD LEE HINES, SHIRLEY HORA, DENNIS HOUSTON, JUDY . ~ '$"9.'§@N*Iv-sun-F1e'~u~rb-§‘_ _,,n,..‘.~.-q,...;_e..-.«.- --—.‘-..-; V . HOWE, MARJORIE HULL, CLYDE JACKSON, LARRY JACKSON, SHARON JACOBI, JOANNE JENNINGS, EVANNE JOHNSON, GARY JOHNSON, PATTY JONES, BARBARA l T JONES, EDNA 1 JONES, SUSAN 1 | JOSEPHSON, KEITH JOSEPHSON, RUTH KENDALL, RONALD KIDDIE, ROSE MARIE KIRK, CAROLYN KNEZEVICH, MICHAEL KOPPENHAVER, BARBARA LAINSON, THOMAS LAND, JANET LAND, LARRY LINDAHL, JAMES MCALPINE, EDWARD McB|RN|E, JANICE MCCAMBRIDGE, NANCY MCELYEA, BETTY LOUISE MCVICKER, LARRY MENOUGH, JERRY MEYERS, LARRY MOELLER, JANET a‘-K-'.~.1w>v".Ia-at.-M‘-.~1-'3'-‘«.« MOORMAN, JANICE MORRIS, HELEN MUDGE, PATRICIA MUSSER, CHARLES NAREY, BARBARA NELSON, DAVID NEWBOLD, MICHAEL NEWCOMB, JACK OHGE, LARRY OPPEDAHL, LLOYD OTTO, BETSY PARKINSON, KEITH PARRISH, SANDRA PESEK, MARILYN PETERSON, GLORIA PETERSON, LAVERNE PETTY, BARBARA JEAN PLATTER, JANIET RAY, RICHARD REED, RONALD REEDHOLM, DOROTHY RICHMOND, SANDRA RINKER, RICHARD ROBERTS, JAMES ROBERTS, WILLIAM ROBERTSON, JOHN ROBERTSON, TOMMY ROGERS, WAYNE ROSE, ROXANNE ROSS, BETTY LOU ROSS, CAROL ANN SCHMICKLEY, DENNIS SCHOFF, EVELYN SELIM, SHERWOOD SMITH, DONALD SNYDER, LAVERNE SPARKS, JOELLEN SPURGEON, STEPHEN STEPHENSON, CAROLINE STERNQUIST, DONALD STEVENS, DONALD STEVENS, JANICE STOLTE, RONALD STUMBO, MARY JANE SWAIN, LYLA TAYLOR, JAMES TOMPKINS, MORGAN TONSFELT, SUELLEN TRULIN, DARRYL TRULIN, PAULA VITT, FREDERICK WEIR, MARLENE WESTBERG, CHARLES WILEY, MARILYN nah WILHITE, RICHARD WILLIAMS, BRUCE WILLIAMS, JON WRIGHT, KAY YOUNG, RICHARD WILCOX, DONALD »a»:=:....¢.»l-..-«z'-s-:~.«o»+;-~..‘y¢»xr~.aru-;-u‘-.­ O R MISS LINDERBLOOD NOMINEES MANAGERS “ Nominees for firs? semes­ . ‘%.‘-~-,-_~ -,i 1erStudentCouncilpresi­ CAROLYN dent and their campaign managers. M “ ‘WW. “E N m..u -m.-1 ILHIAKAppE O u*4V4 do30: ‘,.l......n$l...u3~u...I...v.......$......rx»:.1a....».3.1!...3..>...:... ... .__.....i;.4..M.3._, A(1.1...t.x3....£14.. ..:a$3.....53.wv.l!....aF»....4....f1:11..,l..3x1...!... 903$8m_m_..m_..m >..:....,,...%.a._..,.5._.».£...\..,.,iE:. When reading these lines, Please keep in mind I'm not a poet­ As you soon will find. In a rhyming sort of way A few thoughts I wish to convey.­ Talents and traits of students in our mass , .. Really rate them high class. ' May these thoughts remind you as years go by Of all your friends at dear Boone High. One that plays a very important role ls Lyla Swain, editor of this Scroll. The Bumble ”B,” our source of what goes on, is edited by none other than Sandra Atherton. Fall brings football for our pleasure. Morgan Tompkins, Dick Ray and Dave Dearinger contribute to this sport without measure. In basketball reporting without failure, Are Charlie Musser, Larry Meyers and JimATaylor. We also have our handsome lads Larry Land and Larry Jackson with all their fads Some of the fairer sex to be on hand: Barb Jones, Betty McElyea,Joyce Clarke and Janet Land. Iowa Electric Light and Power Versatility of talent and brains in our school We check with Darryl Trulin, Carolyn Kirk, Marilyn Pesek and Keith Josephson as a rule. Human nature thrives on humor and wit. What could we do without Denny Hora and Freddie Vitt? ’Tissaid music hath charms to still the aching heart. Sandra Richmond and Ruth Josephson surely do their part. Some personality flirts that we can mention.­ Mike Newbold, Gloria Peterson and Judy Houston do their part to attract attention. Do you suppose the following we can chide? Dot Reedholm, Jo Sparks, Lyla Swain and Shirley Hines as prospective June brides. Dave Nelson and Dave Bender swim for sport And believe me, we cannot cut them short. Our Pep Club always goes all out. Dot Reedholm, president, and all members really shout. Those fleet footed lads out for track in the spring, Don Stevens, Jon Ewing and Mike Ferry have their fling.

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