May 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E789 award, Mr. Falbo said he couldn’t accept it un- Erie County Legislature, Jim put his manage- and later in the New York City Opera Com- less his whole organization was also recog- ment skills to work as the Administrator for the pany singing basso. nized. Town of Amherst Justice Court. The largest After moving to the United States, Mr. Mr. Falbo also spent years coaching tee such court in New York State, Jim served sev- Gaynes became an accomplished Broadway ball, baseball, and soccer teams for the Dun- eral town justices in Amherst by administering actor, best known for his on-stage role in dalk-Eastfield Recreational Council. Further- the operations of the court with flawless qual- Wonderful Town. He also had notable roles in more, Mr. Falbo helps with the group’s annual ity and impeccable honesty and integrity. Am- the Cole Porter musical Out of This World and Dundalk Christmas Parade. herst Town Justice Mark Farrell has said that, in the U.S. on-stage tour of My Fair Lady. Mr. In addition to his volunteer efforts, Mr. Falbo ‘‘Jim transformed Amherst Town Court into the Gaynes has also enjoyed a distinguished ca- is a fixture in Dundalk’s business community, most efficient justice court in New York State, reer on-screen. He is perhaps best known for having owned and operated his auto-repair leading in the management of the largest his role in the Police Academy series as Com- shop since he took it over from his father in caseload and managing the largest such staff mandant Eric Lassard, as Henry Warnimont the 1990s. He is a graduate of Dundalk High in the state. No one gets a job done better on the NBC television series Punky Brewster, School. than Jimmy Loughran.’’ and as Arthur Feldman on The Days and Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join with me Jim was an innovator. Working closely with Nights of Molly Dodd. Gaynes is also remem- today to honor Mr. Joseph Falbo. His genuine Judge Farrell, Jim was on the ground floor in bered for his role as Frank Smith on the pop- love for his community and neighbors are an the formation of specialized courts, including ular soap opera General Hospital, and has ap- inspiration to us all, and are deserving of the service to veterans and to those in need of peared in movies such as The Way We Were, utmost gratitude. It is with great pride that I treatment for problem gambling. Jim also Tootsie, and The Crucible. congratulate Mr. Falbo on his exemplary con- worked with town justices to form the Amherst Gaynes met the love of his life, fellow danc- tributions to the Dundalk community. Drug Court and Therapeutic Foundation, er and actress Allyn Ann McLerie in 1952 in f where today he serves as President. Jim is in- New York where they were both performing on HONORING JAMES V. LOUGHRAN volved with dozens of professional and civic Broadway. The couple has been married for UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RE- associations and has a particular interest with 58 years and has two wonderful children, Iya TIREMENT fundraising efforts for the many charities, in- and Matthew. They have one grandchild, Ni- cluding the Leukemia Society, the Make-A- cole Falcone Stryjak and are expecting their Wish Foundation, the Cystic Fibrosis Founda- first great-grandchild, Portia, in June 2012. HON. BRIAN HIGGINS tion, and the St. Vincent de Paul Society. George and Allyn Ann moved to Santa Bar- OF NEW YORK Jim was faced with a health challenge not bara in 1989 and the couple immediately be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES long ago, and his many friends and family came involved in the issues important to our Tuesday, May 15, 2012 members are delighted to see that he is work- community and could always be counted upon Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ing through it. On Thursday, May 17, what is to support those causes they believed in honor James V. Loughran, a distinguished sure to be a capacity crowd will fill the deeply. In fact, George has continuously con- resident of the town of Amherst, Erie County, Sonoma Grille in the heart of Jim’s beloved tributed various ‘‘Letters to the Editor’’ on both New York, upon the occasion of his retire- hometown of Amherst to fete Jim upon the oc- local and national issues in several local ment. casion of his retirement. newspapers. The couple were also founding Coming from a large family with a longtime A long time ago, during his Marine service, members of the State Street Ballet Company dedication to public service, Jim Loughran Jim earned the nickname ‘‘Jimmy Good Guy,’’ in Santa Barbara. served with honor and distinction as a Rifle- and that is as appropriate an appellation as George Gaynes is a man who has devoted man with the United States Marine Corps. has ever been assigned to a person. Jim his life to the arts and his community. Today After multiple combat tours in Vietnam be- earned that nickname simply because of his I am pleased to recognize him as we cele- tween 1967 and 1969, Jim made the decision willingness to help someone—anyone—who brate his life as a distinguished actor and en- to dedicate his professional career to his was in need. No one who has had the good tertainer, a man dedicated to making the Cen- country with a career in the military. fortune to encounter Jim Loughran has left tral Coast and this Nation a richer, more vi- Jim spent his military career principally in that engagement without knowing that Jim brant place. areas of administrative management and re- would do anything he could to help them. f cruitment. Time and again Jim was called That is why, Mr. Speaker, I am asking that upon to manage and administer the safe de- all members of the House join with me, and IN RECOGNITION OF KATM KAT ployment of Marines, often doing so for the with Jim’s own friends and family, to wish Jim COUNTRY 103 largest active and reserve units within the Loughran—the one and only ‘‘Jimmy Good Corps. On multiple occasions, Jim received Guy’’—the very best of good luck and good HON. DENNIS A. CARDOZA commendations from his commanders who health in the months and years to come. OF CALIFORNIA knew all too well the type of dedication and f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commitment that Jim showed to his country Tuesday, May 15, 2012 and to his duties. HONORING THE 95TH BIRTHDAY OF Jim maintains a close relationship with MR. GEORGE GAYNES Mr. CARDOZA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Peter recognize KATM Kat Country 103, a country Pace, under whom Jim served when both HON. LOIS CAPPS music radio station located in the 18th Con- were stationed in Buffalo. On three different OF CALIFORNIA gressional District of California. The station re- occasions, Jim was fortunate to serve under IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cently won two national awards in the country music industry. It was honored as the 2011 Gen. Pace’s command, and their relationship Tuesday, May 15, 2012 speaks volumes about the type of soldier Jim Station of the Year at the Country Music Asso- was, and the impact that Jim’s leadership had Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to ciation Awards as well as at the 2012 Acad- on his commanding officers. honor Mr. George Gaynes on the occasion of emy of Country Music Awards. Both accolades Jim’s commitment to his brothers and sis- his 95th birthday. Mr. Gaynes is a distin- are highly prestigious and speak volumes of ters in the military did not end when soldiers guished member of the Santa Barbara com- Kat Country’s performance. removed their uniforms. Jim took a serious in- munity. He is a man who has devoted his life Debuting on the air on April 4, 1992, Kat terest in what soldiers and military personnel to the arts, a man who has delighted us all Country 103 has been providing country music would have to face after their careers ended, with his wonderful talents both on-stage and to the Valley for over fifteen years. Kat Coun- and spent several years in hands-on coun- on-screen. try 103 serves listeners from Sacramento to seling of veterans transitioning from military to George Gaynes was born in 1917 in Hel- Merced and from the Foothills to the Bay civilian life. sinki, Finland. In Europe, he served in the Area. Under the slogan ‘‘Continuous Country In the mid-1990s, Jim faced that same tran- Dutch and British Navies during World War II. Favorites and Fun,’’ it provides listeners with sition himself. Our region was fortunate to at- Mr. Gaynes served as a translator on battle- radio music, host concerts and events for tract Jim to come back home. And his commu- ships since he spoke, and still speaks, six lan- fans, and participates in many charitable nity was all the better for that decision. guages fluently. Mr. Gaynes, blessed with a events as well. Kat Country is owned by Cu- After several years of service to one of our wonderful singing voice, started his career in mulus Media and is under the direction of region’s most highly regarded members of the opera companies in Switzerland and London, Nikki Thomas, Program Manager. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 May 16, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MY8.010 E15MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E790 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 15, 2012 Kat Country 103 received the news of its the National Math and Science Initiative, Inc.
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