236 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS were remarkably small for a bird as large as the hatching. The young were completely featherless Channel-billed Toucan. The holes measures 2% X when hatched and development was slow; the eyes of 2% and 2ss x 2% inches, respectively, and the adult the chicks opened in the second to third week after birds literallv had to “wrieele” in and out with hatching and the first feather tracts emerged through a type of lateral pivoting movement, their bodies the skin approximately three weeks post-hatching. The totally filling the nest hole. Nest A was accessible characteristic blue hue of the facial skin and the by means of a short ladder, while nest B could be yellow throat feathers were apparent only 6-12 days examined from ground level; the interiors and contents prior to fledging. Both parents fed the young in the were examined by means of a small light and mirror. nest, sometimes coming simultaneously, sometimes The visibility at nest B was better than at nest A. .separately. On synchronized visits first one and then Both nest holes were approximately 1218 inches the other parent would feed the chicks, completely deep and both had a basal “lining” of seeds, mainly entering the nest hole to do so, unlike the pair cited of one type measuring 1.0 x 1.5 cm, though a few by Chenery (lot. cit.). Nest depth may be the critical other larger and smaller seeds were present. Skutch factor determining whether or not the parents actually (lot. cit.) has pointed out that a similar phenomenon enter the nest to feed the young. The approach of a is known for other species in the family, and that parent bird to the nest elicited vocalizations in the the seeds do not constitute a true nest lining fabricated young audible to the observer at a distance of 35 by the parent birds, but are merely due to regurgita- yards. The few nest watches carried out indicated tion when the parents are sitting. that there were distinct feeding bouts when both adult Clutch sizes were four and three respectively (cf. birds fed the young intensively for 36 min or so, Herklots’ value of two, lot. cit. ), the eggs being ovate gathering food near the nest site, while at other times and white with some dark fleck markings. Nest B adults visited the nest at widely spaced intervals. was located, complete with three eggs, on 26 April, Although Channel-billed Toucans generally feed high and at least two eggs hatched between 1 and 10 May. in trees, the pair at nest A often descended to the The chicks were (presumably) predated between 10 forest floor to pick up fallen fruits and nuts to carry and I5 May and the nest unused again during the to the nestlings. During the early stages of nesting remainder of the season. The interior of nest A was the same pair exhibited what appeared to be mobbing first successfully examined on 1 April, and found to behavior towards a 6ft long tree boa (Boa enydris) contain four eggs; the nesting birds had first been on the ground 20 ft from the tree in which the birds heard calling in the nest vicinity on 16 March, and were nesting. Since this species of snake readily climbs one was flushed from the nest on 20 March. Three trees, it may well be a potential predator of R. uitel- of the eggs hatched between 1 and 8 April. One chick linus eggs and young. may have died and been removed by the parents The main significance of the findings reported here between 5 and 10 Mav. and onlv two fledned. Fledn- is that they confirm the four previous records for the ing was apparently a&chrondus, one chick leaving species in Trinidad in suggesting a main March-June on 21 May and the other the following day. Thus breeding season, while indicating that clutch size and the minimal duration of the nesting period was 44-45 nest height are more variable than previously sus- days, the maximal, 59-51 days. The first value cor- pected. From the available information it seems that responds almost exactly with that given by Chenery the major breeding season for the species coincides (lot. cit.) for a nest whose interior was not examined, with that of the majority of Trinidad landbirds (Snow the nestling period being judged from the adult birds ’ and Snow, Zoologica 49:1, 1964). behavior. The observations were made while I was holding A few other aspects of nesting behavior are worth grant no. AF-AFOSR 125467 from the U.S. Air Force mentioning. At one nest the egg shell remains were Office of Scientific Research. found approximately 100 ft from the nest shortly after Accepted for publication 25 September 1968. INGESTION OF STONES BY chitinous bodies of beetles (Coleoptera) which form GOATSUCKERS (CAPRIMULGIDAE) a large part of their diets. Unless otherwise stated, the specimens mentioned MARION ANNE JENKINSON below are in the Universitv of Kansas alcoholic collec- AND tion or are ones for wh&h skins are in the U. S. National Museum and for which carcasses have been ROBERT M. MENGEL sent to the University of Kansas. In most cases the Museum of Natural History The University of Kansas stomach contents have been saved. Lawrence, Kansas 66044 Caprinmlgus carolinensis. In the springs of 1963-67, we made extensive observations of numerous Chuck- Many birds regularly ingest small stones or grit, will+widows,’ chiefly in an area of about one square apparently to help grind their food. This seems pri- mile near Lecompton, Douglas County, Kansas. As is marily to be a practice of granivorous and herbivorous well known. Chuck-wills_widows’ regularly sit on birds (Famer 1960:433; Meinertzhagen 1964). Al- gravel roads at night, and we could often easily though there are in the literature a few scattered watch them there, without disturbing them, by using reports (see below) of stone-eating by caprimulgids, 7 x 35 binoculars and the light of a nearly full moon, which are almost strictly insectivorous, most of these sometimes supplemented by the light of a sealed-beam reports state or imply that this is a novel occurrence flashlight covered with several layers of red cello- among these birds. We here present evidence to the phane. On many such occasions we saw a bird pick contrary, indicating that the practice of stone-eating up a small stone in the tip of its bill, raise its head, is widesnread in the familv Canrimulgidae and that tilting it noticeably upwards, and swallow. For ex- it occur~regularly in at least some s&ies. The birds ample, our notes for 12 May 1965 read: “Clear, still probably use these stones to help grind the heavy, night, 72” F, moon two days short of full. At 23:OO SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 237 two chucks in the road about six or eight inches apart being otherwise well advanced; in one case a beetles’ allowed approach within 25 feet with the car. Care- head was the only item present. We think that these fully studied through binoculars under excellent condi- heads may substitute for stones. According to Mei- tions with a red light. At least four times the female nertzhagen (1964), diving ducks similarly use the elegantly shoveled up a pebble, tossing her head hard outer coverings of the molluscs and crustaceans upwards and visibly gulping each time. After this they eat to serve as grit. the birds flushed and flew away.” In any event, these data suggest that a comparison Also, stones have been found in the stomachs of of the food and feeding habits of young and fully- Chuck-wills-widows. Of three adults taken in the grown Pauraques might be interesting. There is also above-mentioned area in 1963, one had one stone the question of whether our young bird obtained its (measuring 8 x 5 mm) in its stomach, and one had own stones or was given them by a parent. six stones ( 9 x 5-3 x 2 mm). Sievert A. Rohwer Chordeiles acutipennis. Of 10 stomachs of the Texas (pers. comm.) found four pebbles (11 X 8-7 x 7 Nighthawk examined, one had three stones, 5 x 4- mm) in a bird he took in Edwards County, Kansas, 4X3mm. on 10 May 1968. Rohwer also tells us that he has Chordeiles pudlus. Only one specimen of the Least noticed rather large amounts of sand in the stomachs Nighthawk was available. a bird taken 21 March 1967 of several Chuck-wills-widows he collected on an near Maripa, Bolivar, Venezuela. This bird had one island at the mouth of Tampa Bay, Pinellas County, stone (8 x 5 mm) in its otherwise empty stomach. Florida, an area where stones are in very short supply. Podager nacundu. A Venezuelan specimen of a Additionally, we have in hand a specimen taken by Nacunda Nighthawk examined had three stones (12 M. G. Vaiden (collectors’ number 2898, housed in the x 8-4 x 3 mm) in its stomach; four birds taken in University of Mississippi), the label of which reads: Brazil had no stones. “2 beetles; rock in stomach.” Other species examined, the stomach contents of We know of no published records of stone-eating which included no stones, were as follows (number by Chuck-wills_wido-vs,’ but Sprunt (in Bent 1940: of specimens in parentheses) : Caprimdgus rufus ( 1) , 154) expressed surprise that a bivalve was among C. nigrescens (2)) C. parvulus (5)) C. maculicaudus the food items found in one birds’ stomach. We ( 1 ), Lurocalis semitorquatus (2), and Chodeiles suspect that, rather than representing a food item, minor (10).
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