. .,.. - ---- ... ----- 1928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 711 Joy Street, Boston, Mass., recommending passage of the Newton the Senate, the unveiling of the Wright Brothers Monument bill, which provides for the creation of a child welfare exten­ at Kitty Hawk, N. C. sion service in the Children's Bureau ; to the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-one Senators having an­ Education. swered to their names, a quorum is present. 8011. By Mr. YATES : Petition· of Le Seure Bros., jobbers and MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSFi-ENROLLED BILL SIGNED retailers of cigars and tobaccos, Danville, Ohio, protesting Senate bill 2751; to the Committee on Ways and Means. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Halti­ 8012. Also, petition of H. M. Voorhis, of the law offices of gan, one of its clerks, announced that the Speaker had affixed to R. Maguire & Voorhis, of Orlando, Fla., urging passage of the his signature the enrolled bill (H. 13990) to authorize the Sears bill (H. R. 10Z70) ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. President to present the distinguished flying cross to Orville Wright, and to Wilbur Wright, deceased, and it was signed by 8013. Also, petition of W. T. Alden, of the law offices of Alden, the Vice President. Latham & Young, Chicago, Ill., urging passage of Senate bill 3623, amending section 204 of the transportation act of 1920 ; PETITIONS AND MEMOKIALS to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a petition of 8014. Also, petition of the legislative committee of the Rail­ sundry citizens of St. Petersburg, Fla., praying for the prompt way Mail Association, Illinois Branch, Chicago, urging passage ratification of the so-called Kellogg multilateral treaty for the of the following bills: The retirement bill (S. 1727), the renunciation of war, which was referred to the Committee on 44-hour week bill ( S. 3281), and the steel car bill ( S. 2107) ; to Foreign Relations. th'e Committee on the Civil Service. He also laid before the Senate a resolution ad(}pted by the 8015. Also, petition of office of the Quartermaster, First ·cav­ Rotary Club, of Fargo, N. Dak., favoring the prompt ratiftcation alry Division, Fort Bliss, Tex., urging support of the Black of the so-called Kellogg multilateral treaty for the renunciation bill in the Senate and the Wainwright-McSwain bill in the of war, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign House ; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Relations. Mr. FLETCHER. Mr. President, I present a communication from the manager of the Chamber of Commerce of Titusville, SENATE Fla., with some resolutions adopted by Titusville Post, No. 1, of the American Legion. I request that the resolutions may be MoNDAY, December 17, 19~8 printed in the REOoRD and lie on the table. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~.Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the There being no objection, the resolutions were ordered to lie following prayer : on the table and to be printed in the RmoRD, as follows: 0 Thou whose word, hidden in the framework of the world, Resolutions adopted by 'l.'itusville Post, No. 1, Department of Florida, is revealed in the mind of man, speak to us in loving accents as of the American Legion we keep our solemn tryst with Thee. Whereas there is pending in the United States Senate a bill providing We thank Thee for the dimmest consciousness of Thy pres­ for increase in the strength of the Navy, authorizing the construction ence ; for the trail of a seamless robe about us, the burning of of 15 cruisers and 1 aircraft carrier (H. R. 11526) ; and our hearts, the whisper in our minds ; but do Thou pour Thy Whereas the President of the United States bas declared that the glory forth, that we may see the majesty of our daily path measure should be passed in order to eliminate a deficiency in the Navy crowded with helpfulness and broadened with opportunity until and to meet our needs for defense ; and it becomes a highway through the desert; and may every heart Whereas the American Legion has repeatedly declared in favor of that watches with us see the Sun of Righteousness arise with adequate preparation in time of peace for ample protection should war healing in His ·wings for all the nations of the earth. Grant arise : Therefore be it this for the sake of Him who is our peace, Jesus Christ our Resolved by Ti.tU8'Vt1le Post, No. 1, Department of Florida ot the Lord. Amen. .A.m~rican Legion, That the speedy passage of the measure by the Senate and its enactment into law will subserve the best interest of the Nation The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the pro­ and give notice to the world that a •• Navy second to none" is America's ceedings of Saturday last, when, on request of Mr. CURTis and interpretation of the 5-5-3 ratio decided upon at the Washington Con- by unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with ference. Be it further · and the Journal was approved. Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Senators OALL OF THE BOLL and Representatives in Congress from FlOTida and to the headquarters of the Department of Florida of the Legion at Palatka. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I _suggest the absence of a R. E. L. NIEL, quorum. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. J. W. HANSON, The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators lR.A NOBLES, Committee. answered to their names: Ashurst Fletcher La Follette Simmons This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Barkley Frazier LarrazoJo Smith resolution unanimously adopted by Titusville Post, No. 1, Department Bayard George McKellar Smoot of Florida, the American Legion, at its regu1ar meeting held December Bingham Gerry McLean Steck Blaine Gillett McNary Steiwer 12, 1928. Blease Glass Moses Stephens THos. E. APPLE, Commander. Borah Glenn Neely Swanson CHAS. I. GUINN, Adjutant. Bratton Gotl' Norris Thomas, Idaho Brookhart Greene Nye Thomas, Okla. Mr. SHEPPARD presented a petition of members of the Bruce Hale Oddie Trammell Burton Harris Phipps Tydings Tyler Street Methodist Church~ of Dallas, Tex., praying for the Capper Harrison Pine Vandenberg prompt ratification of the so-called Kellogg multilateral treaty Caraway Hastings Ransdell Walsh, Mass. for the renunciation of war, which was referred to the Com­ Couzens Hawes Reed, Mo. Walsh, Mont. Curtis Hayden Reed, Pa. Warren mittee on Foreign Relations. Dale Heflin Robinson, Ind. Waterman Mr. SIMMONS presented a petition of members of the Deneen Johnson Sackett Watson Dlll Jones Schall Wbeeler Young Men's Christian Association, of Durham, N. C., praying Edge Kendrick Sheppard for the prompt ratification of the so-called Kellogg multilateral Edwards Keyes Sbipstead treaty for the renunciation of war, which was referred to the Fess King Shortridge Committee on Foreign Relations. Mr. GERRY. I desire to announce that my colleague the Mr. BARKLEY presented petitions numerously signed by junior Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. METCALF] is absent on students of Asbury College, members of the Young Women's account of illness. Christian Association Bible Classes, of Louisville, and sundry I wish also to state that the senior Senator from New York citizens, all in the State of Kentucky, praying for the prompt [Mr. CoPELAND] is absent by reason of illness in his family. passage of the so-called Kellogg multilateral treaty for the Mr. SHEPPARD. I wish to announce that my colleague [Mr. renunciation of war, which were referred to the Committee on MAYFIELD] is detained from the Senate on account of illness. Foreign Relations. Mr. NORRIS. I desire to announce that my colleague the Mr. JONES presented petitions of sundry citizens of Seattle, junior Senator from Nebraska [Mr. HoWELL] is detained from Spokane, Tacoma, Port Angeles, Leland, Dungeness, Carlsborg~ the Senate by illness. Raymond, Yakima, and Colville, all in the State of Washington, Mr. HEFLIN. I desire to announce that my colleague the praying for the prompt ratification of the so-called Kellogg junior Senator from Alabama [Mr. BLACK] is absent from the multilateral treaty for the renunciation of war, which were Senate attending, as a member of the committee on the part of referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. 712 CON GRESS! ON AL RECORD-SENATE DECEl\fBER 17 Mr. KEYES presented resolutions adopted by the Improve­ and sundry citizens of New Haven, Hartford, Roxbury, and New ment Club, of Candia; the Twentieth Century Club, of Bethle­ l\Iilford, all in the State of Connecticut, praying for the prorupt hem; the Fortnightly Club, of Chester; the Reyiew Club, of ratification af the so-called Kellogg multilateral treaty for the Manchester; the committee on international relations, League renunciation of war, which were referred to the Committee on of Women Voters, at Concord; the Business and Professional Foreign Relations. · Woman's Club, of Newport; the Parent-Teacher Association, of Mr. BLAINE presented petitions and papers in the nature of Hillsboro; the North Church Guild, of Portsmouth; the Woman's petitions from the Woman's Club, of Green Bay; the Monday Alliance of the Federated Church, of Greenland; the Dailey Cir­ Music Club, of Manitowoc; the annual conference of the Wis­ cle of King's Daughters, of New Castle; the Whitefield Study consin ~ederation of Branches of the American Association of Club, of Whitefield; the Unity Club, of Lancaster; the Woman's University Women, at 0 hkosh; of the Educational Meeting, Home Missionary Society of the Methodi t Episcopal Church, Women's Organization National Association Retail Druggists, of Manchester; the Outlook Club, of Manchester; the Ports­ of Milwaukee; the .
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