Index A Addition cure ABES. See Automated bonding evaluation allyl, 84 system catalyst free, 84 Ablatives, 271 hydrophobic, 84 carbon-phenolic composites, 279 Additive, mechanical recycling, 518 nozzles, 280 Adhesives, 160 rayon, 279 AFM. See Atomic force microscopy reusable solid rocket motors (RSRMs), Aircraft brakes 279, 280 carbon vapor deposition (CVD), 278 rocket nozzles, 279, 280 polyacrylonitrile fabric, 279 Space Shuttle, 279 pre-form, 279 Abrasive cloth, heavy duty grinding, 341 Aircraft friction, 271, 277–279 Abrasive paper carbon–carbon, 263 kraft paper, 342 Aircraft interiors, 271–273, 294 waterproof finishing, 342 core crush, 272 wood sanding, 342 crush core, 271 Abrasive products flat panels, 271 1 abrasive tools, 308 Nomex , 271 cutting tools, 308 products, 272 Abrasives requirements, 272 bonded abrasives, 307 sandwiching, 271 coated abrasives, 307 Aldehyde monomers grinding wheels, 307 acetaldehyde, 373 Abrasive tool hydroxy benzaldehyde, 372 grains, 308 Aldehydes, 26, 39 work material, 308 Aliphatic aldehydes, 26 Acceleration, 172, 174 Alkali, 52 Acetic acid, 16 Alkaline metal hydroxides, 52 Acetone, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20–22 Alkylphenols, 10, 13, 19–20 Acetophenone, 16 Alumina Acetylsalicylic acid, 11 A, 313 Acid, p-toluenesulfonic, 473 HA, 313 Acid curing, 203 PA, 313 529 530 Index WA, 313 hard composites, 275 Amine, tertiary, 476 helmets, 276 Ammonia, 465 HJ1 armor system, 275, 276 2 and 4-hydroxymethylphenol (HMP), Kevlar, 275, 276 170, 171, 173, 174 para-aramid fiber, 275 Appendage polyethylene fibers, 275 allyl, 42 requirements, 276 ethynyl, 42 S-2 glass, 275, 276 Applications spectra, 275 cement, 508 Bamboo, 169 glass melting furnaces, 508 Bench life, 470 incinerators, 508 Benzene, 9, 11, 12, 14, 22 linings for steel Benzoxazine (BZ), 71, 72, 75, 87, 267, basic oxygen furnace, 509 273, 526 blast furnace, 509 co-reactions, 4, 527 continuous casting equipment, 509 electronics, 4, 527 electric furnace, 509 excellent dimensional stability, 42 secondary refining equipment, 509 fiber reinforced composites, 4 torpedo car, 509 Gurit, 42, 72 Asbestos-free, 345, 360 Henkel, 42, 72 AsWood, 162 intermediates, 83 Atomic Absorption spectroscopy (AA), low dielectric properties, 42 118–119 low water absorption, 42 Atomic force microscopy (AFM), 62, novolaks, 83 126, 130 ring opening, 42 Attenuated total reflectance (ATR), 109 Bicarbonates, 173 Autoclave, 271, 279–282 Binder component Automated bonding evaluation system epoxy resin, 337 (ABES), 126 hide glue, 337 Automotive applications, 384, 387, phenolic resin, 337 408–419 urea resin, 337 urethane resin, 337 B Binders Bac2, 81 bonded abrasive, 322 Backing material chemical, 455 cotton cloth, 318 cold-box, 487 kraft paper, 318 components, 221 nonwoven nylon, 318 core, 451 polyester, 318 core/mold, 455 vulcanized fiber, 318 foundry, 451 Baekeland, 45 furfuryl alcohol-containing, 470 Bakelite, 1 hot-box, 469 heat and pressure patent, 1 inorganic, 454, 498 legacy, 1 alumina cement, 508 Ballistics, 275–277 bittern, 508 composite armor, 275 sodium phosphate, 508 dyneema, 275 lignite, 499 Index 531 low emission, 498 Butyl rubber bladders, 446 metal bond, 310 BZ. See Benzoxazine mold/core, 460 organic, 454, 455 furan resin, 508 C molasses, 508 California Air Resources Board (CARB), phenolic resin, 508 162 pitch, 508 formaldehyde emissions, 2, 525 polyvinyl alcohol, 508 Phase I, 525 phenolic-based, 497 Phase I, 2 phenolic resin, 474 Phase II, 2, 525 polysaccharide-based, 499 Caprolactame, 19 protein-based, 498 CARB. See California Air Resources Board resin-based, 497 Carbohydrates, 175 resinoid, 322 Carbolic oil, 19 resinoid bond, 310 Carbon, 267, 269, 271, 277–279, rubber, 322 282, 296, 302 synthetic, 460 glassy carbon, 513 vitrified bond, 310 graphitizable carbon, 513 vitrified, metal, 322 Carbonates, 172, 174, 179 warm-box, 469 Carbon fiber reinforced phenolic molding Biodiesel, 487 compounds, 425–428 Bipolar plates, 81 Carbon-phenolic composites, 277 Bismaleimide (BMI), 69, 84, 85, 87 Cargo liners Bisphenol, 9–11, 13, 19, 22, 71 impact resistance, 274 Bisphenol-A, 54, 55, 66 requirements, 274 Bisphenol F, 41, 53–55, 58, 60, 66, Casting 79, 87, 527 aluminum, 461 epoxy diluent, 528 blocks, 456 PAPS, 528 boxless, 486 polycarbonate resin, 528 die, 456 Blowing agents, 190, 195, 196, 198, differential, 456 200, 202, 203 engine, 468 BMC. See Bulk molding compound ferrous, 451 BMI. See Bismaleimide flaskless, 486 Bond, 320 heads, 456 Bonded abrasive structure iron, 457, 466 bond, 307 nonferrous, 451 grain, 307 steel, 475 pore, 307 suspension, 456 voids, 307 Catalysts, 273, 283, 287, 292, 293, BPO, 87 296, 298, 299, 301, 302 B-stage, 277, 278, 281 oxalic acid, 149 BT resin, 69 patented delayed action catalysts, 267 Bubble columns, 15, 16 sulfuric acid, 149 Bulk molding compound (BMC), 275, Caustic soda (NaOH), 16, 18–22 293–295 CBN grinding wheels, 336 532 Index CE. See Cyanate esters Continuous-flow stirred-tank reactor CERP, 465 (CSTR), 48, 86 Challenges methylolated phenols, 527 cross-link density, 266, 267 Continuous press, 163 shrinkage, 266, 267, 273, 287, 292 ContiTherm1, 163 volatiles, 265, 266, 273, 279–281, 287, Cores 292, 296, 299 boiler, 468 Charged aerosol detector, 105 CO2-hardened, 482 Chemistry, 170 cold-box, 456 Chemometrics/PLS algorithms, 112 hollow, 463 China, 160, 161 hot-box, 456 Chloroprene, 440–441 rotor, 468 Chopped strands, 271, 296, 299 solid, 463 Cleavage, 16–18, 20–22 water jacket, 468 CNE. See o-cresol formaldehyde Cresols, 9, 10, 19–21 novolak epoxy Cresylic acids, 20 Coal, 19 Cross-link, 181 Coal tar, 9–11, 19, 20 CSTR. See Continuous-flow stirred-tank Coast Guard, 290, 292 reactor Coated abrasives CTBN, 75 backing, 337 CTE, 71 backing material, 308 Cumene, 9, 11, 13–19, 22 binder, 337 Cumene hydroperoxide (CHP), 9, 13, cloth, 308 15–18 grain, 308, 337 Cumene-to phenol process, 9, 11, 13–15, non-woven, 308 19, 21 paper, 308 Cumylphenols, 17 vulcanized paper, 308 Curelastomer Coatings, 490 curing behavior, 76 Cold-setting, 176, 177 special rheometer, 76 Combustion Cure rate, 163 energy recovery, 518 Curie-point pyrolyzer, 104 thermal recycling, 518 Curing Commercial, 263 cold, 460 aircraft gas, 460 Airbus, 3 hot, 460 Boeing, 3 warm, 460 FST, 4 Curing process Commutator applications, 406–408 oven, 326 Composite, 155 program patterns, 326 Composites market, 263–266 Cut-off wheels, glass cloth insert, Compression molding, 266, 271, 276, 332 280, 293–295 Cutting tools Computer simulation, 48 bits, 308 Condensation, 170, 171 work material, 308 Confocal laser scanning microscopy, Cyanate esters (CE), 68, 70–72, 87, 129 273 Consumption, 157 bisphenols, 68 Index 533 phenolic novolaks, 68 DOPO, flame retardant, 42 trimerization, 68 Double vacuum bag (DVB) process, 281 Cyclohexanone, 13, 19 Downturn, 158 DPM. See Dihydroxy diphenyl methylene Dry blending, 165 D DSC. See Differential Scanning Calorimetry DEA. See Dielectric analysis DVB. See Double vacuum bag process Decorative laminates, 244, 247–259 Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), 62, Degussa, Evonik, 82 63, 123–125 Depressed center grinding wheels, 333 Developing regions, 158 E 2,4-DHMP. See 2,4-Dihdroxymethyl ECN. See Epoxy o-cresol novolak phenol Electrical applications, 404–406 Diacetone alcohol, 17 Electrical laminates, 69 Diamond grinding wheels, 336 Emissions, 457 Diazo naphtho quinone (DNQ), 364–365 Emulsifiers, 190, 200–202, 204 Dicumyl peroxide (DCP), 17, 18 Emulsion, 180 Dielectric analysis (DEA), 126 Emulsion polymer isocyanate (EPI), 168 Dielectric constant, 69 End of cure, 124 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Energy, 159, 180 49, 50, 63, 79, 121–123, 179 Environmental impact, 156 2,4-Dihdroxymethyl phenol (2,4-DHMP), formaldehyde, 511 45, 46, 170 hexamethylenetetramine, 511 9,10-Dihydro-9-oxa-10- phenol, 511 phosphaphenanthrene (DOPO) Enzyme DOPO-HB, 67 formaldehyde free, 65 DOPO-PN, 67 HRP, 65 ODOPB, 67 SBP, 65 Dihydroxy diphenyl methylene (DPM) EPA method 8315A, 97 o,p’, 46 EPI. See Emulsion polymer isocyanate p,p’, 46 Epoxide resins, 11, 22 Dimethylbenzyl alcohol, 16 Epoxies, 69, 71, 84 Dimethylol, 52 Epoxy o-cresol novolak (ECN), 67 Dimethylol phenol, 45 Esters 2,6-Dimethylol phenol (2,6-DMP), 53 dibasic, 483 Dinitrophenylhydrazine, 97 methyl, 487 Dioctyl adipate, 483 Ether, benzylic, 477 Diphenyl methylene diisocyanate (MDI), Evaporative light scattering detector, 105 160, 178, 179, 182 Exterior, 166 polymeric, 476 Extraction, 18, 19 Direct oxidation, 9, 11, 12 Extruder, 165 Dissipation factor, 69 Distillation, 9, 14, 16–19, 21, 22 DMA. See Dynamic mechanical analysis F 2,6-DMP. See 2,6-Dimethylol phenol F****, 162 3D network, 80 Fabrication processes, 269–303 DOPO. See 9,10-Dihydro-9-oxa-10- Factory Mutual Research protocol, 286 phosphaphenanthrene Fast cure systems 534 Index resorcinol, 3 Fire, smoke and toxicity (FST), 265–268, tannins, 3 271, 274, 276, 282, 287, 288, 290, 294 Faster curing, 272, 273 characteristics, 63 Fatigue, 403–404, 417, 418, 421, 435–437 properties, 275 Features of phenolic resins Fire testing, 205 fixed carbon, 510 Flexibility, 356–358 green body strength, 510 Floral foam, 192–193 hazardous properties, 510 Fluorescence microscopy, 129 size stability, 510 f-MWNT. See Functionalized multi-wall Ferriox, 58 carbon nanotubes Fiberglass, 269, 275, 289, 293, 296 Foam, 165 manufacturers, 268 resins, 201–203 phenolic compatible, 268 structure, 190–192 S-2 glass, 276 testing, 204–207 surface chemistry, 268 Foaming processes Fiber glass insulation batch, 197–198 formaldehyde free, 2 continuous, 198–200 Fiber reinforced plastics (FRP), 85 semi-continuous, 200 Fibers, 348,
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