VOL. XXV. NO. 89 The ObserverWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Clinton orders cuts in White House staff, pay WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ House staff will total 1,044, dent Clinton ordered cuts in the when fully effective on Oct. 1. White House staff, salaries and White House chief of staff privileges Tuesday, saying he Thomas McLarty said the cuts could not ask Americans to would save $10 million. Sixty make economic sacrifices un­ years ago, when Franklin Roo­ less government shares the sevelt was inaugurated, the pain. White has had fewer than 50 "The government must do staffers. more and make do with less," On Wednesday, Clinton is to Clinton said. announcing a re­ announce steps to reduce the duction of 350 full-time and size of the entire government. part-time workers and employ­ He has promised to cut 100,000 ees borrowed from other federal jobs through attrition agencies. Most of the cuts will and require federal agencies to be achieved without layoffs. trim administrative costs three Other steps announced by percent across-the board. Clinton: . Republicans dismissed Clin­ -Restricts the home-to-work ton's moves as a symbolic ges­ use of chauffeur-driven ture and said the real test will limousines to three officials: be w.hether the White House the chief of staff, national budget and staff grow over security adviser and his deputy. time. The Observer/arian McDonough Six people were eligible for "The real promise the Amer­ A day fit for exercise door-to-door limo service under ican people want President Clinton to keep is slashing in Two Notre Dame students run around St. Mary's Lake before the rain returned to South Bend President Bush. yesterday afternoon. -Transformation of the half the federal deficit in the White House mess. traditionally next four years." said Senate reserved for senior officials, to Republican Leader Bob Dole. a cafeteria open to all employ­ Clinton said the staff cuts ful­ Colloquy 2000 and its findings violate ees. As before, staffers will be filled his promise for a 25 per­ billed for their meals at the fa­ cent reduction. However, he at­ cility. tained the 25 percent figure by faculty representation, says senate -Salary reductions of 6 per­ exempting 800 employees in By THERESA ALEMAN Mario Borelli, mathematics average faculty compensation cent to 9 percent for senior of­ the budget and trade offices, News Writer professor, motioned that an fees and salaries listed by ficials. compared with what and by ignoring hundreds of amendment be made to the colleges. their predecessors were paid. military support personnel de­ Colloquy 2000 and its find­ resolution proposing that all -Cuts in White House sub­ tailed to the White House. Had ings are a violation of faculty Colloquy 2000 proposals, Roger Mullins addressed the scriptions to newspapers and he included them, he would representation, said Michael statements of policy and other senate with a report on health magazines. have had to cut many more Detlefson, philosophy professor initiatives be submitted for re­ insurance coverage stating that Clinton's announcement was people. and faculty senate member at a view, comment and approval by with a Preferred Provider Or­ part of the process of preparing Clinton also dropped his chal­ faculty senate meeting yester­ the faculty senate. ganization (PPO), faculty mem­ Americans to dig deeper into lenge for Congress to match the day. The amendment further pro­ bers and those covered by their their pockets for higher taxes 25 percent personnel cutback. Detlefson. motioned to submit posed that the senate report on insurance would be given a to shrink the huge federal "Economic renewal will re­ to the administration, a state­ this be reflected in the final Col­ greater freedom of choice re­ deficit and pay for highway and quire tough choices from every ment that all proposals and loquy 2000 report. garding doctors and medical bridge construction and other American," the president said. statements of policy be submit­ care. projects. Another warmup step "But we have to ask the most of ted to faculty senate for consid­ The amendment was passed With the PPO plan, those cov­ will be a televised town those who got the most and eration and approval. He fur­ after much debate and many ered would be significantly en­ meeting Wednesday in Detroit. gave the least during the last ther motioned that the faculty statements of discontent with couraged to use "in-network" The president will announce decade - those at the top of senate move to "reject as non­ the Colloquy. providers or a select group of his program Feb. 17 in an ad­ the ladder and those who have binding" any proposals or The senate also passed a mo­ doctors, but would not be dress to Congress. the levers of government. statements of policy not submit­ tion to send a formal request to severely. financially penalized The slimmed-down White see CLINTON I page 4 ted and approved. the university for a statement of for not doing so. Bianco fights Iceberg debat~s heads Weapon in CIA shootings to put an end into quarterfinal round identified; Suspect sought By JOHN CONNORTON and Alumni A, defeated their FAIRFAX, Ya. (AP) - Police Young said police got their to violence News Writer opposition. on Tuesday issued an arrest break on the basis of a missing "1 think the resoluti(ln was warrant charging a 28-year-old persons report filed by Kansi's By MOLLY KELSEY With the third round of the definitely slanted towards the man in the fatal shootings out­ roommate on Jan. 28. Officers News Writer Iceberg Debates drawing to a negative," said Stanford Hall side CIA headquarters and said got permission from the close last night, the quarterfi~ team member John Emery, an international search for him roommate to search the Since witnessing the beating nals are all but decided. At is~ who argued against the was under way. apartment on Monday night, death of her daughter at the sue was whether or not Notre resolution. The man was identified by and found an AK-47 assault ri­ hands of her ex-husband six Dame should recognize pro· Those arguing for the police as Mir Aimal Kansi. a fle that ballistics test indicated years ago, Millie Bianco has be­ choice student groups. resolution, that Notre Dame Pakistani national with legal was used in the attack. the come a sPlf-proelaimed educa­ With a victory over Sorin, should recognize pro~choice residency status in the United chief said. tor of the facts and possible Breen·Phillips is now seeded student groups. said that such States. His last known address The FBI was also obtaining a preventions of domestic vio­ number one going into the University recognition would was in Reston, Va .. a suburb of federal warrant charging Kansi lence. she said as she ad­ quarterfinals. Sorin dropped not be inconsistent with the Washington. with unlawful flight to avoid dressed the Saint Mary's to number two. and is fol­ school's mission. Dan O'Bryen Kansi was charged with capi­ prosecution, police said. chapter of "Circle K" Tuesday lowed by Zahm, St. Edwan\'s, of Morrissey said that the tal murder in the Jan. 25 "We have no reason to be­ night. Stanford and Badin Halls. upcoming Colloquy .:moo shooting deaths of two CIA see SHOOTING I page 4 "Spotlighting the absurdities Because of a four way tie for stresses the importance of employees. Police said they had in society is the first step in the remaining two spots be­ academic freedom and no motive for the pointblank eliminating them," Bianco tween Pangborn, Morrissey, diversity. He argued that Du shootings into cars waiting at a Runoffs today stated. Keenan and Alumni B. debate Lac represented an outdated stoplight to turn into the Bianco felt that domestic vio­ officials have decided to have and out of touch system of agency's headquarters in lence statistics could decrease one more round to decide who rules and obligations. McLean, Va. Run-offs for Notre Dame in two ways. One method she gets the remaining two posi­ O'Bryen's partner, Blaine "As far as we can determine, student body president and advocated is through the start tions. Shearon, stated that the Unj;. there is no definite link be­ vice president are today. The of a Violence Intervention Pro­ "In the spirit of the Iceberg versity would not be m~af~ tween the suspect and the Frank Flynn!Nikki Wellman gram that would operate on a Debates, since there were four fected by recognizing pro­ agency," said Fairfax Country local level. This organization ticket is running against the teams that tied for the last two choice groups if it had not Police Chief Michael Young. David Reinke/Lara Dickey would help female victims to spots, we're going to have an been so when. it gav~ the CIA spokesman Peter Earnest find both safety from their confirmed that the suspect was ticket. extra round for the quarterfi­ Laetare Medal of Honor, All students, including se­ abusers as well as emotional nals," said Amy Listerman, considered to be the highest not connected with the agency, help. niors, can vote in their dorms chair of the lceb~rg Debates. award given to American but he declined to offer The second solution Bianco St. Edward's and Siegfried Catholics, to Sen. [)aniel specifics "because the matter is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 suggested was to a pass a law was the only split decision last Patrick Moynihan {D~NY),. a • still under active investigation to 7 p.m.
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