University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clovis News, 1911-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-21-1921 Clovis News, 04-21-1921 The ewN s Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clovis_news Recommended Citation The eN ws Print. Co.. "Clovis News, 04-21-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clovis_news/416 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clovis News, 1911-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SECOND SECTION Oldest Established Paner in Curry County Official Paper of U. 8. Land Office NEWS, THURSDAY, 14, 1921. $2.00 PER YEAR VOL. 14, NUMBER 42. THE CLOVIS APRIL MRS. TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM Increasing In Popularity Both Incoming and Outgoing Car MIES BIG HIT T Number Las Than Last Year Sunlight Flour is increasing in popularity for the reason that During MWh of Fbruarjr. enthusiastic in its approval of the it is coming up to every expectation of the housewife. It has The Newt has gathered tome sta- entire cast. Curry County housewife to give this- - tistics showing something of the A great deal of the credit for the been our aim to have every freight shipments during the month of success of the play ia due to Mr. Sun- - February, 1021, as compared to the TRLENT F. P. McCall, who worked so faith flour a trial and we have felt sure that they would demand . i DISPLAIJID month of February, 1920. They show fully with the young people through- the that a total of 83 cars were shipped out the rehearsals. light not only because it is made at home but because it is J Plajr Keeps Audience in Uproar From from here last February as Compared Cluss Stunts. Start To Finiih. Freshmen Win to 108 during February of 1921. An interesting feature of the even- best. Honors in Class Stunts. I These shipments have been about as ing was the class stunts, which were follows: staged between acts by the junior, The senior class of the Clovis High '1920-192- - ! 1 sophomore, and freshman classes. t Hf o4- Vcc To TTcinnr .Qnnliorlir School made the hit of the year when l?rsirstA Kafir, maize and corn 70 42 Leonard Jernigan, in the role of a they presented "Mrs. Temple's Tele Wheat 6 8 Yiddish peddler, won the crowd in- gram" at the Lyceum Tuesday even Cattle 15 12 stantly, and carried off the honors ing. The play, a ripping farce, was Try Yourself Hogs 3 9 for the yearlings, The doll show by It a scream from beginning to end. Broom 0 2 the sophomores and the humorous Corn - Jack Temple, played, by Marion The rest of shipments were skit by the juniors were also good. the Elliott, and Frank Fuller, played by made up of other commodities, High shhool play. Clarence Hobdy, proved themselves 200 cars of merchandise and other to be without peer in spinning yarns. shipments received here ATTENTION ELKS We Want Your Grain were this Kuby Suman, playing the part of i February as compared to 378 cars the Jealous wife, Mrs. Temple, showed February year. load Friday night, April, 22nd, will be of last One car remarkuble talent in so trying a part, of autos shipped in during the last night of the card club for were that and Aileen Reed made an ideal little month of this yar as compared to this season. Further entertainments sister, Dorothy. will be worked out by the committee. Co. twenty last year. Captniil Cramer Mill and Elevators Wendell Foreman, aa Come out and let them know what you Shipping figures show that whole Shnrpe, fitted into the military char- want. Visiting brothers always wel- IT'S THE BEST IT'S SUNLIGHT sale houses have received about one- - acter very well, while Kent Hunt, IF come. , Committee. fourth more tonnage than last year as Wigson, with his "That's just Clovis, New Mexico i The News gives these figures which what I was going to do," kept the SCAVENGER NOTICE show that after all general business house in an uproar. conditions compare very favorably Lies multiplied and the plot con. The mayor has nppointed a new with the high period of a year ago. tinned to thicken with the entrance city scavenger and his phone number New Mexico The lack of shipment in grain has of Mr. and Mrs. Brown, played by i 20. No one has the right to haul j ids. The heaviest metal mining of folder which will bring boen caused to a great extent by the Miller Crouch and Zella Mae Tierce, dead except SANTA FE OFFICIAL late years has been in Grant County, Information The folder off animals or refuse low prices. and Mrs. Fuller,' played by Moye scavenger. Call 20 when you ' while Colfux and McKinley counties will be distributed in ull parts of the the city Myei. lead in coal. The coal supply in New United States and Canada." have work of this kind. He For hemstitching and picoting see The play progressed promptly, Mexico is large, a recent geological J. F. Jarrell and A. M. Hove, edit- Mrs. Knowles at Luikart's Dry Goods without a single pause or embar-assin- g News Classified Ads bring results. 'survey showing that the San Jua or and assistant editor, respectively, store. 2-- 1 "tfc moment, and the audience was Fhone us. No. 97. Chicago, April 15, 1021 "New baisin c.mtains 10,000,000,000 tons, of "The Eurth," the Santa Fu's Mexico is destined to become a (treat of coal. The only commercial mines, and industrial paper, are state," said Kdwnrd Chambers, Vice in this field are around Gallup. Thoj collecting material for the company's Com- mm 1'resident of the Atchison, Topeka Colfax County field covers more than j new folder, and Chambers, of 'iiihI Santa Ke Railway System, who 1.000,000 acres. Smaller coal fields merce have ben asked to fiirnwh n 7S liUely hits been on mi inspection trip ate to be found in Santa Fe, Socorro,! information. Distribution of over Santa Ke territory. Lincoln and other counties." 1 00,000 copies will be made. "It is a va.'t storehouse of natural Mr. Chambers called attention to Us HOLDS I?)1 GUN Finds CLbB Ready of CLOVIS Spring ivsouiccs for tlu' development the great f.irests of virgin pine and FIRST SHOOT OF SEASON which nn increaseil population anil other timber in the state. "About new capital will he required. These mjllion included in N'a- - ten acres are Members of the Clovis Gun Club must come largely through the efforts Forests," he said. "Consider- - tional cracked the birds right and left Sun- of the citizens of New Mexico. ' is also owned by the state able timber day afternoon in their first shoot of "The (treat agricultural assc's of and individuals. My information is Mew Juke Noble and I'aiu Here the season. The Styles Are rich valleys, broad plains and high a timber supply that New Mexico has Winstead tied for honors of he day, mesas are yet 'to be realized," Mr. the hundred years. sufficient for next each breaking 20. The club will hold Chambers continued. "Imitation may "As de from material resources, shoot? once a week from now on. lie much extended. More than fix ( New Mexico has many attractions for The Scores. million acre feet of water from the the tourist in beautiful mounlalr Zenver. 7. Hio (inutile, Pecos, San Juan, Gila, scenery, delightfully coM mountain Winstead, 20. Canadian and smaller streams are. of playgrounds, interesting ruins pre. Kennedy, 1 1 . available to reclaim an additional two historic peoples and the early Spanish Ilrown, 19. million acres of valley land. The 'settlers. The climate is healthful, Jollv. I I. a change. plains districts are especially adapted Men want They're beneficial to those suffering from tn the growing of the finest hard lung and throat troubles. Warm medi- - flick Noble, 4. tired of old styles; tired of wheat, corn and the sorghum (trains. the cal springs arc found in many sec. Jake Noble, 20. "The livestock industry will nlsa which 4. i tinns of the state, the waters of John Howard, the old woolens; tired of the old (trow an farming develops, farm have curative values." Zerwer, 8. r t grown feeds supplementinit the rich iir jjP In the opinion of Mr. Chambers, Nelson, 17. prices. were giving our native (trasses, I am pleased to note 0. New Mexico has such a variety of op Kennedy, 1 &jA the (trMtter interest in dairying and J i J V portunities to offer the investor, the anu C' a new , fSi hot growing. Kennedy, 0. patrons menus ucu settler, the tourist' and the health "The mountains arc full of miner- - Stallings, 13. seeker, that progress and growth Chapman, 0. in is km, should be rapid during the next few i Jolly, Hi. years. But to encourage develop IV 4 Regular Meeting 4 Jake Noble, 20. meat it will be necessary for all in- ClOVIS COMMANDERY KIRSCHBAUM terest, to cooperate closely. "The Will be held at Musonic Hall Zorwcr, 1 !. 1 Santa Fe liailway," Mr. Chambers Second and Fourth Friday Winstead, 20. "stands ready to nights of each month. Howard, 8. with New Mexico in directing the at- - at O'clock. Pick Noble, 10. CLOTHES 8:00 to the state, and ten'tion of investors Brown, 18.
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