Harrigian takes over AFCENT Top pilot assumes command of southwest Asian region BY JIM HILLEY also has a forward head- as assistant deputy com- toughest challenges and [email protected] quarters in Qatar. mander and assistant executed them masterful- AFCENT is the Air vice commander of AF- ly,” he said. Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Har- Force component of the CENT from August 2011 AFCENT has played a rigian took command of U.S. Central to January 2013. pivotal role in the current U.S. Air Forces Central Command, In officiating the cere- conflicts in Afghanistan Command from Lt. Gen. which is re- mony, Votel praised AF- and the Levant, Votel Charles Brown at a cere- sponsible for CENT for its perfor- said. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2016 75 CENTS mony Friday morning at a 20-nation mance under Brown. The Levant is a large SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 Shaw Air Force Base. The area in “The men and women area in southwest Asia ceremony was officiated southwest of this command have covering modern day HARRIGIAN Asia. performed outstandingly Syria, Lebanon, Jordan 3 SECTIONS, 22 PAGES | VOL. 121, NO. 235 by U.S. Army Gen. Jo- seph Votel, commander Harrigian well under difficult con- and Israel. of U.S. Central Com- was most re- ditions,” he said. “ISIL is preparing its SPECIAL SECTION mand. cently director of the F-35 Votel said Brown has followers for the collapse Shaw is the stateside Integration Office head- been a team builder and of its caliphate,” he said. headquarters of AF- quartered in the Penta- proven innovator. CENT. The command gon. He previously served “He has taken on the SEE AFCENT, PAGE A3 Getting the park ready for the state tourney Play ball! Today through Wednesday at Sumter’s Riley Park C1 INSIDE Photographic memorial honors fallen military members from S.C. A5 Pokémon no? Grown man A7 KEITH GEDAMKE / THE SUMTER ITEM tries to find the craze Earl Boone, a City of Sumter employee, sweeps out the team entry area at Riley Park on Friday afternoon in preparation for the American Legion State Tournament. The tournament begins this morning and runs potentially through Wednesday. DEATHS, B6 Tim H. Towery Ante’ L. Witherspoon Henry Murray Sr. Julius A. Thames Sr. Heat dome lurks over Great Plains Police searching Donald W. Young BY JIM HILLEY heat dome to the west of us over [email protected] the mountains to our north and for acquaintance WEATHER, A8 then down into our area,” he South Carolinians have suf- said of shooting victim HOT AND HUMID fered through ice storms, a polar As that air sinks, it compresses High heat-index today with storms possible vortex, a 1,000-year flood and two and heats up, he said. FROM STAFF REPORTS in the afternoon; tonight, humid and cloudy. presidential preference prima- “It’s kind of like when you pump ries. The latest catastrophe air into a bicycle tire; the pump A Sumter man remains in HIGH 95, LOW 73 threatening to bring moderate to gets hot,” Anderson said. critical condition after being severe discomfort to residents of Anderson said to expect highs shot at his home in the 400 the Palmetto State is called a from 99 to 101 through Monday. block of Miller Road on heat dome. “We are not going to see a cool Wednesday while INSIDE CONTACT US But relax; National Weather Ser- down until the end of the week,” officers continue Classifieds B8 Info: 774-1200 vice Meteorologist Doug Anderson he said. to search for in- Comics B7 Advertising: 774-1237 said the heat dome will remain For those who don't find those formation about Television A6-A7 Classifieds: 774-1234 west of the Appalachians, and our temperatures miserable enough, the shooting inci- Delivery: 774-1258 area will only have to cope with the heat index — a number de- dent. News and Sports: the edges of the mass of hot air. vised to inform people who are un- Sumter police 774-1226 For residents of the Mississippi aware the humidity and calm CHENNAULT were called about and Ohio Valleys, however, numer- winds will make it feel even hotter 6 p.m. on Wednes- ous excessive heat warnings will — will get as high as 108. day after Alphonso Mack, 36, be the norm. There is not much moisture in was brought to Palmetto VISIT US ONLINE AT the .com Anderson said that even as the the upper levels, Anderson said, so Health Tuomey by friends after high pressure dome moves slightly rain chances should diminish to he was found in his home with west, we are going to have flow out about 20 percent. multiple gunshot wounds. He of the northwest. “Areas to our north and south was later flown to a Columbia- “That is kind of downslope are probably more favored for pop- and brings that hot air from the -up thunderstorms,” he said. SEE VICTIM, PAGE A3 Clarendon law enforcement officers answer questions from public BY KONSTANTIN VENGEROWSKY racial profiling and what police offi- turn your windows down, turn on LAW ENFORCEMENT HAS BEEN [email protected] cers' honest feelings are about the re- your inside light and put your hands CRITICIZED A LOT LATELY; DO YOU cent shootings throughout the nation. on the 10 o’clock and two o’clock posi- FEEL MEDIA COVERAGE HAS Representatives from four law en- The four law enforcement officers tions. Narrate to the officers what FUELED IT? forcement agencies participated in a participating in the forum were: Man- you're going to do. For example, if Chief Blair Shaffer: There’s a lot out question-and-answer public forum on ning Police Department Chief Blair your license is in the back pocket of there that is painting negative light on Thursday at Manning High School. Shaffer, Clarendon County Sheriff's your pants, tell him or her you are law enforcement. When a police offi- The meeting was held in light of the Office Maj. Kipp Coker, South Caroli- going to reach for it. If you have a cer makes the decision to shoot some- recent shootings nationwide that have na Department of Natural Resources' driver's license and are 15 years or one, you often see the headline “White claimed the lives of both law enforce- Clarendon and Sumter counties super- older, you are responsible for buckling officer shoots black male." You don't ment officers and black males. visor 1st Sgt. Cary T. Robinson and up, even as a passenger in the vehicle. necessarily see that happening with The purpose of the event was for South Carolina Highway Patrol Troop You can be charged as a passenger for other officer-involved shootings. I'm law enforcement agencies to answer 7 Commander Captain Keith Grice. not buckling up. If you don’t have li- not saying there are no bad officers questions from the public and to fur- cense or beginner’s permit, the driver out there; there are, but they repre- ther foster positive community and WHAT IS THE NORMAL PROCEDURE is responsible for that passenger. An sent a small percentage that paint a law enforcement relationships, said FOR STOPPING A VEHICLE? AND officer does have a right to request a bad picture of law enforcement. Such Manning Mayor Julia A. Nelson, who WHAT IS NORMAL PROTOCOL FOR passenger's identification. If you are as the shooting of Walter Scott by a organized the event and served as PASSENGERS? stopped by Highway Patrol and don't North Charleston police officer last moderator. Captain Keith Grice: You should stop have your driver's license with you, year. Questions ranged from what the as quickly and safely as possible. If don’t be surprised if an officer asks normal procedure is at a traffic stop to you’re stopped by an officer at night, you to step out of your vehicle. SEE QUESTIONS, PAGE A3 A2 | SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2016 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] Fatherhood Sumter Rotary Club awards scholarships coalition to host event on Tuesday Public invited to open house FROM STAFF REPORTS The Midlands Fatherhood Coalition, in partnership with the South Caroli- na Department of Social Services, in- vites the public to the grand opening Tuesday of its new Sumter location at 687 N. Guignard Drive. After the offi- cial ribbon cutting at 11:30 a.m., the co- alition will host an open house. City and county officials along with staff from other local nonprofits, local busi- PHOTO PROVIDED ness leaders and other community or- Sumter Rotary Club recognizes its most recent scholarship recipients, Kiana Miller, Legend Buffalo, Jessica Griffin, Elizabeth ganizations and individuals have been Orban and Joy Gary. Seen with the recipients are scholarship chairman Johnny Hilton and Rotary President Shelly Lundburg. invited to participate in the event, and For the 2016–17 school year, Sumter Rotary will award a total of $7,250 in college scholarships. refreshments will be served. Midlands Fatherhood Coalition pro- vides resources, education and sup- port for fathers in Sumter and 14 other counties of the Midlands, helping non- custodial fathers become responsible fathers. MFC is part of a statewide Suspect in New Hampshire network of 15 fatherhood program centers serving 36 counties in South Carolina. The South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families in Columbia is the umbrella organization that pro- killing caught in Clarendon vides funding and support for the ex- pansion of services for fathers striving BY KONSTANTIN VENGEROWSKY gree murder and theft by unau- the vehicle. to become the dads their children need [email protected] thorized taking.
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