IPC APEX EXPO February 14-16, 2017 San Diego Convention Center_Halls ABCD San Diego, CA FDV FE FE FE LOADING DOCK LOADING DOCK SECURITY ESCALATOR FE FE FDV SHOW MGR. ABOVE FE ELEVATORS OFFICE B OFFICE C ABOVE FREIGHT SHOW MGR. ELEVATOR FDV FDV MEN MEN MEN FIRST FE SP FE FE FDV AID BAYSIDE LOBBY SHOW MGR. FE WOMEN OFFICE A FDV WOMEN WOMEN ABOVE FDV CONCESSION FE A A FE B1 14'-0" A 19'-6" 19'-6" B1 Global CONCESSION D CONCESSION C A SMT B1 CONCESSION B Seating Area IPC & A Packaging Nortec 30' x 30' Humidity Conveyor ASG, PDR Spectrum Cactus NSWC Show 739 B1 B Americas SMT Materials Atotech BTUA Division Crane Office International, Technologies 2753 2852 3553 3652 B1 of 939 Panasonic Cencorp Omron Sichuan Scoop USA Shenbei Inc. PROMATION A of Jergens Circuit Technica Conecsus Sanmina B Surclean Taiwan B Technology LLC Inc. B Printed D-TEK A American Amistar Americas Inc. Inspection Co., ACE Park Corporation B Technology 2351 2751 2850 Ltd. 3551 3651 Circuit IPC Sanford Keysight 2851 2951 Oxford Co., Factory Electrochemical USA Association 635 HakkoB Production Instruments Ltd. Automation, Technologies (TPCA) India SMTA LLC AOI Corp. Nujay 134 B1 Systems SCH Technologies B Products, NC Seating Technologies Systems KwikTic EIPC B H.B. Technologies Inc. SCHMID The BINDER 835 Ltd. DuPont 533 B Seating Area Inc. Inc. 1849 2249 2449 2749 2848 2849 2948 3349 3449 3549 3648 3749 European Solutions Inc. Seating Area 632 Fuller Electronic Electronics 331 Inc. 935 Dong Systems Orbotech B Guan Eternity 1034 Association130 430 1337 Song atg Materials JPCA-Japan Technology Unitron 733 B Yi Automation Area Inc. Electronics GE Corporation Ltd. B Technology 531 Company Co., Luther Packaging Oil 2647 2947Ltd. Austin 3047 630 B SPEA 3847 3947 & Inc. & B 1235 American & A 329 Weiss Technology Circuits Gas Circuit Schippers Dongguan 128 428 Wuzhu Assoc. America QxQ, Technology Technik & Maelzer Quantum Aster B1 Electronic-Tech B Center, Bowman Korea 228 of North Crew, Co., Silicones Technologies B Inc. Inc. Ltd. GmbH Printed A 2345 2745Inc. 2844 2845America 2944 2945 3345 3645 3745 3844 Circuit Real Universal Inovaxe Saturn 3044 i3 Assocation B1 Corporation Electronics Electronics (KPCA) Time Weller/Apex dlp FlexLink Kuper 126 VKS FUJIFILM B Sun A Scienscope America ZESTRON JetPCBWeb with...IPC - imaging Chemical China Dimatix Systems LLC. Technologies, Printed IPC Visual Tool 1131 ITC Corporation B1 Knowledge Instruments Americas Data Wuxi 1230 1542 2143 2242 2842 3343 3442 LLC 4045 4144 4143 Circuit Chip Marco International Solderstar ICAPE XACTPCB Share Inc. I/O Unicomp Association Production X-Treme Systemanalyse A Group Apollo LLC Intercircuit Shine, IPC Corporation On Technology Group Ltd. Solutions, PXI (CPCA)124 Series und Digitaltest Speedprint 1331 Site Inc. - Entwicklung B1 1029 ALMAX Computrol U.S. NA 123Inc. Auto Inc. 727 Maxpcb SMT Gas Pacific Inc. 222 Dry GmbH Technology 826 Seiko Systems Camtek Quantum X-ray 827 CorporationA 1129 223Cabinets InnoLas Tech UL Inc. Storage Imaging 1228 1941 2041 2240 North 2741 2840 2841 2940 Teradyne, 3440 3541 3741 3840 3941 Prototron 4140 322 1229 Juki Solutions B1 Circuits B Systems 323 ECD Feeder America, Inc. GmbH Global Dongguan USA Taiyo 118 422 I A BotFactory Nano MANEX System Finger EMS Pinsheng Super 423 IPC Validation Services/PCQR2 Source Electronic B PCQR2 - A Partnership between CAT, Inc. & IPC Dimension America Technical Count General by HK Co., 1127 B1 ERP Inc. Advanced Inc. PCB Plasma 523 IBL Conductive Automation Ltd. B Services, 1226 ATS Ltd. Inc. Ruggedized BPM On 1739 Technologies; 2139 2238 2338 2339 2939 Ascentech Mycronic 3339 3438 Mechatronics 3538 3639 3939 4039 4138 2581 Containers, Solutions Inc. A Exatron R&D Manncorp B 623 YINCAE Microsystems Tools, LLC Solutions, Showcase Siemens Meyer Vaportech Inc. Inc. 116 Advanced B1 Intrinsiq B 723 Materials, ScanCAD Optomec Inc. International ESDMAN Burger Microscan Metcal Materials, 822 LLC Systems PLM Pillarhouse Inc. B 823 TOPLINE 1125 Apex Q 922 CO., 1224 1536 1537 Heller 1737 1836 1837 1936 2237 Glenbrook 3136 Inc. 3437 3536 World Corporation/A 923 Technologies, Equipment B LTD. Software Chromaline ESSEMTEC Factory Division Engineered Inc. Technical 1022 Screen USA USA Source of 1023 Materials Print Industries Cincinnati Omni Automation Europlacer JTAG FCT Cable B Seica 117 Nance Stannol Systems, USA Via A Manufacturing216 Application Products Smart Sub-Zero Training Technologies Assembly Microcraft Insulectro B 1123 Inc. NTS Nutek GPD Isola TCT 217 Aqua USA, Quasys 1222 Inc. SHENMAO Sonic 1834 1835 IAC 2235 2334 3035 Cogiscan mta 3435 3534 Inc. Mechanics Excellon 4135 1223 America, Stencil Klean LLC AG B nScrypt Industries 317 AccuAssembly Americas Global, Inc. Mid Circuit Acroname Inc. Cleaning Americas automation Automation Systems 416 1323 Blackfox QA America (USA) B Systems Training INGUN Scheugenpflug Technology Taping Ucamco Ticer 115 B1 B1 Komax RPS Christian InsulFab Inc. Automation/Hentec Q1 Institute, Inc. Company, and Technologies 214 Corporation Inc. USA Inc. Supply A Industries, Koenen B LLC USA Inc. Reeling, 215 A TEXMAC Inc. Test 1532 1533 1632 1733 1832 1833 1932 1933 Inc. 2133 2233 2332 2333 2433 2633 2733 2933 3033 3132 3133 3333 3433Inc. 3532 3533 3633 3733 3833 3933 4033 4133 GmbH 314 617 JBC B Inc.716 Koki Spectrum B A Inc. Company 415 A Tools Assembly 514 Ltd. Inc. B 515 B1 817 USA, 916 V-TEK, VJ Practical Optimal A Inc. Components FKN Electronix, 1017 Plus 715 Inc.B1 Harwin 5N Systek Circuit 1116 Plus Ascentec DownStream B1 Technology Electrolube/HK Inc. Engineering Technologies - A Wentworth 1216 Micro America LLC Blue Kilews 915 B1 1217Powders Pemtron 613 Shenzhen B Advanced 311 Thunder West 1316 TDK-Lambda 410 712 KHJ AI Technology Test Konrad Technologies ASC JNJ Americas Fogco Technology A DfR VRS Technology, Brady Vision WISE B Equipment Technologies, SMT TEAM Wiring International, Industries, High Systems, 510 Harness Co., Solutions Marking Inc. Corporation Inc. Engineering Rentals Inc. 1115 B1 Control Inc. Power Inc. 209 Today A.T.E. Manufacturers Ltd. (AIT) Uyemura Eastman B Aoyue 1214 1627 1726 1827 2227 2727 2826 3027Division 3126 Electra 4027 srl4126 LENZ 308 productronica Association Jensen VisiConsult CheckSum, Micro MET PUREX Ellsworth Kulicke Rogers (Soldering USA, 611 SMT.Repair Polymers all4-PCB Burkle Kodak Maschinenbau 29'-6" B 2017 X-ray Asys Systems, Vitrox Corporation International Systems) Custer Global, Stencil Shenzhen SYNEO Ltd. Company Zhuhai GmbH SERVICE International Inc. Consulting Solutions Zymet, B1 LLC Tronex Inc. Yamaha Fluke Adhesives Integrated Kingroad Baiqiancheng 409 B 711 Inc. Indium Senju Simplimatic Hirox-USA, Technologies (North Corp. North 109 Limited Group 810 Americas Technology, Aegis INC. Process Process Electronic Electronic Everbiz 508 Novagard Mentor Inc. Inc. 1113 A Systems Co., Co., Corp. Inc. Instruments ELEVATORS Industrial 509 B Solutions Corporation Automation SDN NIX 1212 1725 1825 1924 2324 2625 2725 2824 2925 3324 & 3525 3624 America) 3725 America, 4024 4025Ltd. Ltd.4124 Co., 608 Graphics Mek Group SMTXTRA Creative HEPCO Industrial Viscom, 4125 Lee 609 OF Ltd. B Acculogic Electron Motor BHD SICK & Arc-Tronics, Comtek LTD. 406 708 Americas Inc. AMERICA Huizhou Inc. Inc. Hitachi Associates 1011 IBE Software M+B Micron zugo Commercial B Corp. Inc. CalcuQuote CeTaQ Liandajin High Reldan BosungEng Fuji Real StenTech Inc. SMT Plating Laser Tech Edsyn Metals Americas Inc. Electronic Victory Technologies Estate Co., 1111 Corporation Technology Co. 809 B LLC Americas Equipment Limited Corporation 205Services Soffa Racks Giant America Div. Shenzhen Ltd. 1210 M.G. Qualitek 304 1623 1722 1922 2123 2223 2322 - O.C. 2823 3023 3122 3422 3523 3622 3623 3823 3923 4022 4023 Technology 4123 AR Eunil Bluiris 909 1211 Chemicals PPG International, Metals, B (Huizhou) A Inc. Circuits Assembly LLC. Technology Ltd. Industries H.A. Printed Circuit Design & Fab 404 White Co., Sentry PresSure Co., B 1311 Crystal Semco Accu-Tech Ohmega B1 Photonics 707 America Almit C.A. Oak-Mitsui Ltd. Americas/Tamura Insurance Products Ltd. 806 Inc. Techspray Mark, Packaging Laser FABCON-OLEC Technologies Spectra, 504 Inc. Company Osai Akrometrix B Inventec & Inteligent iTAC Processing PICARD Inc. 203 A a Inc. (ANA H.A. Automation Yingtan 1621 1720 1821 Application1920 2521 2721 2820 3120 3121 3521 3620 3721 4021 302 Photonics Jiangnan Amerway LLC 1520 AIM DIS 4120 4121 Rossi B Syste Machinery, B1 Media System Copper Inc./Cobar Performance Trading Goal Software KIC Shenzhen Industry 704 The Giovanni Publication402 USA Solder Topscom Searchers Co., Vi B Corporation Zhongxinhua Inc. Spindle 101 Inc. & Corporation A Products Solder Corp., Bare Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd. Chemicals Machine AG Electronics Dynamics Associates, 502 TECHNOLOGY PARMI Co., Photo B Air Board 201 Ltd. B1 Koh Aven U.S.A.) De Co., Kinwong Taiwan LLC Ltd. Inc. Zhuhai Etch DDM Group 300 P. 1719 2619 2919 3019 & 3318 Ltd.3718 3719 3818 Union 4018 4119 Technology A Novastar, 301 PACE 603 ASM International Water Nora Electronic Technology 400 Worldwide Kay Inc. GSC USA HX B1 Division Corporation Circuit Young Inc. Tagarno Systems Co. 401 ZEISS YXLON Fancort InfraTec Metal, ZEISS Tech Shengyi Technology 500 Microscopy Industrial Infrared A USA Co., 501 Inc. Metrology Specialty Industries Dow Ltd. FeinFocus Inc. Agfa Technology Ltd. LLC 1817 1916 1917 2217 2317 AIR-VAC 3017 3116 3416 3617 Polar Ventec 3817 3917 RBP 4117 601 Technology B1 Materials Chemical Coating Electronic Instruments Co. 700 Assembly Easy USA Corporation Technology Tongling 701 A Engineering Ltd./Paramount Huake Systems Materials FASTechnologies Shin-Etsu Electronic 800 ERSA Corp. Silicones Material 801 B1 Laminates Inc. Braid Thermaltronics Co., Nordson Nordson Nordson 2115 2515 2715 2815 3515 3615 3714 3715 3814 3915 4014 4015 4115Ltd. FDV A USA, Heraeus Dongguan B1 North 1001 Systems Co. DAGE YESTECH ASYMTEK Inc. Daysun Electronic A FE Co., 1713 Test SAKI 3312 4113Ltd. 16'-4" SEHO America Seika 1300 Research North America Entrance WOMEN Machinery, Machine LPKF Pluritec Speedline Nano Dongguan America, CHANGE MEN FDV 1510 1511 1611 Inc.
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