THE LONDON GAZETTE, 29TH NOVEMBER. 1982 .15603 MARSHALL, Michael, of 29 Buckingham Street, Tinge- FORD, Michael David, of 10 Greenfield Road, Gillingham, wick, Buckinghamshire, Roof Tiler, lately residing at Ley- Kent, unemployed, previously SHOP MANAGER. Court land Farm Cottage, Gawcott, Buckinghamshire (described —MEDWAY. No. of Matter—39 of 1977. Date of in the Receiving Order as Marshall (male)). Court— Order—9th February 1978. Date of operation of Order AYLESBURY. No. of Matter—22 of 1976. Date of of Discharge—16th November 1982. Order—21st September 1982. Nature of Order made- Discharge refused. WARD, Barry John Paul (described in the Receiving Order as Mr. B. J. Ward) residing at, and trading in partnership MARSHALL, Thomas, of 7 Nightingale Corner, Little Chal- with another from 10 Alford Road, Erith, Kent, as a font, Buckinghamshire, lately carrying on business under PLUMBER and HEATING ENGINEER. Court—MED- the style of Marshalls the Greengrocers, from 7 Nightin- WAY. No. of Matter—36 of 1977. Date of Order— gale Corner, Little Chalfont, aforesaid, and formerly of . 12th October 1978. Date of operation of Order of Dis- 222 Gosforth Lane, South Oxhey, Watford, Hertford- charge— 15th November 1982. shire. Court—AYLESBURY. No. of Matter—70 of 1976. Date of Order—21st September 1982. Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. ORDERS MADE ON APPLICATION BY OFFICIAL NEWMAN, Ronald William, of 11 St. Francis, White Lion RECEIVER TO CONSIDER DISCHARGE OF BANK- Road, Amersham, Bucks, lately residing at and carrying RUPT. on business as a Builder under the style of R. W. New- man', Builder from 24 Willow Lane, Amersham, Bucks, PARKAR, Kama Abdul Qadir, of no present address, of and also lately carrying on business as a TOOL and no present occupation, lately residing and carrying on HARDWARE RETAILER, under the style of "Five business at 1 Whitchurch Lane, Edgware, Middlesex as Jays", from ".Five Jays", Rickmansworth Lane, Chal- a Shopkeeper, described in the Receiving Order as Mr. font St. Peter, Bucks, Quantity Surveyor. Court—AYLES- H. A. Q. Parkar. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, BURY. No. of Matter—32 of 1976. Date of Order—21st No. of Matter—2441 of 1976. Date of Order-^th October September 1982. Nature of Order made—Discharge re- 1982. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge sus- fused. pended for 3 months, and that he be discharged as from 6th January 1983. O'MAHONEY, Michael Augustine, of 37 Walton Drive, Totteridge, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, BRICK- TAYLOR, Jack, of no fixed address, of no occupation, LAYER. Court—AYLESBURY (by transfer from High lately residing at Flat B>, Palace Court, Bayswater, . Court of Justice). No. of Matter—67A of 1976. Date of London W.2, described in the Receiving Order as unem- Order-r21st September 1982. Nature 'of Order made— ployed and lately residing at Flat B, Palace Court, Discharge granted. ... Bayswater, London W.2. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—1893 of 1976. Date of Order, PATRICK, Kenneth Charles of 12 Cowper Road, Chesham, —6th October 1982. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's Buckinghamshire, SELF-EMPLOYED GROUNDWORK- discharge refused. ER. Court—AYLESBURY. No. of Matter—69 of 1976. Date of Order—21st September'1982. Nature of Order made—Discharge granted subject to consent to judgment THOMAIDES, Elias, also known as Elias Thomas, of for £520 plus £1-50. costs, payable at £20 a month from 195B Balham High Road, London S.W.19, of no occu- 1st October 1982. pation, formerly trading as E. Thomas Distributors at 84 Felbridge House, Pytchley Road, London S.E.22, as RILEY, Michael John, of 69 Radipole Road, Fulham, Lon- ' a GENERAL DEALER, described in the Receiving don S.W.6, Driver/Handyman', lately carrying 'on business Order as of 84 Felbridge House, Pytchley Road, London as a HAULAGE CONTRACTOR, under the style of S.E.22, General Dealer. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUS- Mick Riley Haulage Co. (a firm), from and residing 'at TICE. No. of Matter—2574 of 1976. Date of Order— 2 Neyland Drive, Meadowcroft, Aylesbury, Buckingham- 6th October 1982. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's shire. Court—AYLESBURY. No. of Matter—4 of 1976. discharge refused. Date of Order—21st September 1982. Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. TUCKWELL, Charles, of address unknown and lately residing at Cheyne Walk Club, Cheyne Walk, Northamp- SMITH, Karl Hugh, 64 Melbourne Road, High Wycombe ton in the county of Northampton, occupation unknown. -in the county of Buckinghamshire, unemployed, ROOF Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter— TILER. Court—AYLESBURY. No. of Matter—60 of 1230 of 1976. Date of Order-^eth October 1982. Nature 1976. Date of Order—21st September 1982. Nature of of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. Order made—Discharge refused. WINSLOW, Martin Edwin George, of 4 Bredon Court, ROACH, Charles William (described in the Receiving Stonegrove, Edgware, Middlesex, SUB CONTRACT Order as C. Roach (male)), Spinner, residing at 185 PAINTER. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. Park Avenue, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria and formerly of Matter—27 of 1977. Date of Order—8th October carrying on business as a NEWSAGENT from the afore- 1982. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge said address. Court—BARROW-IN-FURNESS AND refused. ULVERSTON. No. of Matter—8 of 1975. Date of Order—10th June 1982. Nature of Order made—Bank- WIGHTMAN, Frederick Victor, ROOF REPAIRER, of rupt discharged. 207A High Street North, East Ham, London E.6, des- cribed in the Receiving Order as a Roofing Sub-Contrac- SHUTTLEWORTH, Ian Wilfred, .unemployed, residing at tor. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Mat- 90 Torrisholme Road, Lancaster and lately residing and ter—2072 of 1976. Date of Order—8th October 1982. carrying on business as a PUBLISHER at Brookside, Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge suspended Arrad Foot, near Ulverston, Cumbria, and Sheriff House, for 6 months, and tha* he be discharged as from 8th Greenodd, near Ulverston aforesaid. Court—BARROW- April 1983. IN-FURNESS AND ULVERSTON. No. of Matter— 12 of 1976. Date of Order—9th September 1982. Nature CRESSWELL, George Albert, of 65 Mill Lane, Chinnor, of Order made—Discharge refused. Oxfordshire, trading as Cresswell Engineers (a firm), from Building 75, Soho Mills, Wooburn Green, High CATTLIN, Brian, unemployed, residing at 35 Stretton Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. Court—AYLESBURY. No. Road, Shirley, Solihull in the metropolitan county of of Matter—68 of 1976. Date of Order—21st September West Midlands, lately residing at 17 Oakley, Fen End, 1982. Nature of Order made—Discharge granted. near Kenilworth in the county of Warwick and lately carrying on. business on his own account under the FOX, Alexander Hall, of Old Nearton Farm, Swanboume, style of "Bus Stop Cafe" of 82 Stratford Road, Spark- Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, unemployed, formerly brook, Birmingham in the metropolitan county of West COMPANY DIRECTOR. Court—AYLESBURY. No. Midlands as a CAFE PROPRIETOR and formerly a of Matter—16 of 1976. Date of Order—21st September COMPANY DIRECTOR, previously carrying on business 1982. Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. on his own account under the style of Stoney Stanton C.
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